Introduction to Information Literacy in the K12 Classroom/Chapter 1

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Introduction to Information Literacy in the K12 Classroom/Table of Contents

Introduction to Information Literacy in the K12 Classroom
 ← Table of Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 1.1 → 

Introduction to Information Literacy in the K12 Classroom

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This page will summarize what our book is about.

  • describe the purpose of the book
  • what the book is trying to teach
  • who the audience is
  • what the book's scope is
  • what topics each chapter in the book will cover and any other relevant information about the book

Importance in this Digital Age

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Information literacy has become an important skill for students to gain before they enter real world. Information literacy can be defined as being able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use it effectively . In the past there was one main way to get information and it was by going to a library and finding a published source. Technology has made more and more information readily available. The digital age has brought about new sources that in the past would never have been even thought of. The Internet provides us with a background on almost any topic imaginable. To be literate one must find the information in a reasonable amount time. Because there is so much information pinpointing what you need and what you don’t has become a necessary skill. Using the correct search engine and searching with the correct specifications could save you hours by locating the correct information. There is much more to being literate than finding information. You must be able to decipher between good and poor sources. Some websites have information that is inaccurate and has no basis. It is important that we are aware of where the information we gather originates. Each source must be evaluated before it is used. It is imperative that we model new ways of teaching and learning in today's society. We need to help our students be successful in the 21st century -- the world in which we now live is constantly changing. We need to help prepare our students for occupations that do not even exist today. We have transitioned from using desktop-based applications to new online tools, and ultimately we are able to work differently. The web is now highly interactive, not merely a one-way street where someone controls the content. We need to provide new tools to our students so that they are prepared for the new challenges our world will bring them.