International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/United States of America, Part 1
United States of America, Part 1
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A more detailed specialized catalog of the United States is currently being constructed online. Many parts of it are available now. Click the link below to access it. Once the specialized catalog is completed, the USA chapter of the International catalog will be replaced by the US specialized catalog.
- Part 1 and Part 2 cover all stamps generated by stand-alone mechanical and digital meters available to the public. Part 3 covers software-generated stamps (PC stamps), those from public vending machines, and those used only in post offices and restricted to use by the military and other government agencies. Click here to jump to Part 2: [1] and here to jump to Part 3: [2]
- The United States is the first country to use postage meter stamps on actual mail. In 1897 a small number of public access coin-operated postage franking machines were used experimentally for a few months in New York City. The machines were the product of an Italian inventor, Count Detalmo di Brazza.
- All stamps have “US POSTAGE” or “UNITED STATES POSTAGE” in the frank.
- U.S. meter manufacturers:
- 1. Pitney Postal Machine Company, 1902-1912
- 2. American Postage Meter Company (successor to 1), 1912 - 1920
- 3. Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Company (successor to 2), 1920 - present
- 4. Mail-O-Meter Company, 1922-1924
- 5. International Postal Supply Company, 1922-1959
- 6. Mack Postograph Company, 1922-1928
- 7. Continental Postage Meter Company, 1928-1931
- 8. Whitlock Metered Mail Company, 1929-1933
- 9. National Cash Register Company, 1930 – 1960s
- 10. United States Postal Meter Company, 1931-1944
- 11. Multipost, 1933-1942
- 12. National Postal Meter Company, 1933-1944
- 13. International Business Machine (IBM) Corporation, 1935-1945
- 14. Commercial Controls Corporation, 1944-1959
- 15. Friden/Singer/FME Corporation, 1963–1994
- 16. Design and Development, 1973
- 17. Intermec Corporation, 1985-1993
- 18. Strategic Financial Planning Systems, 1989-1990
- 19. MOS Corporation, 1992 – present
- 20. E-Stamp, 1998 to 2000
- 21. StampMaster,, 1999 – present
- 22. Envelope Manager Software, 1999 – present
- 23. Data-Pac, 2006 – present
- The stamps are grouped according to appearance and usage as follows:
- Found in Part 1:
- A - Early experimental stamps, 1897 - 1920
- B - Square frank with wavy lines at the sides
- C - Oval frank with wavy lines at the sides
- D - Square or nearly square frank with simulated perforation frame
- E - Frameless design containing text and arcs of various sizes
- F - Wide rectangular frank with flying eagle in center
- G - Wide rectangular frank with sitting eagle in center
- H - Small rectangular frank with simulated perforation frame and separate town mark
- Found in Part 2:
- I - Frameless design with large sitting eagle in center
- J - Square design with straight-line outer frame and separate town mark
- K - Frameless or partially frameless design with torch in hand motif
- L - Frank contains profile of complete eagle
- M - Digital stamps with unframed eagle or eagle wing ornament
- N - Digital stamps with torch-in-hand ornament
- P - Simple rectangle with star ornaments
- Q - Digital stamp with eagle head in oval ornament
- R - Digital stamps without ornament except for manufacturer's name or initials
- S - Digital stamps with flag ornament
- Found in Part 3:
- PC - Special designs generated by personal computer and printer
- PO - Special designs generated only by machines in Post Offices
- PV - Special designs generated only by self-service vending machines
- OO - Special designs for official government mail use only
- Found in Part 1:
- NOTES: 1) For specialized information about the meter stamps of the United States, see the United States Postage Meter Stamp Catalog, 2nd edition, 1994, and the 2001 Update by Joel Hawkins and Richard Stambaugh, privately published, Goodyear, Arizona.
- 2) The small green entries ("USPMSC: xxx") located above the Type number are the corresponding United States Postage Meter Stamp Catalog type numbers. If not present, the numbers are the same in both catalogs.
- 3) Most recently issued digital stamps (found in Groups M forward) include a 2-dimensional barcode in the design. In the United States three types have been used so far. They are the large rectangular "PDF417", square "Datamatrix", and small rectangular "IBI Lite" barcodes. The listings use these terms in the descriptions. The Datamatrix barcode can vary in size, and the PDF417 barcode can vary in both size and proportions.

- An additional barcode found as a printable option with many digital stamps is the Facer Identification Mark or "FIM".

- 4) This catalog does not include self-service, public vending machine stamps that do not show a date and town name. These stamps are portable, i.e. they can be carried away and used at any future time and from any location and thus function as traditional adhesive stamps rather than meter stamps. These include “Postal Buddy” and the “Postal Mailing Center” stamps (ECA-Gard, Unisys). See the specialized catalog referenced in Note 1 for information about these issues.
GROUP A: Early experimental stamps, 1897 – 1920
[edit | edit source]- These are stamps from meters used in government sponsored tests in actual mailings before meters were approved for general postal use.

A1. Di Brazza (FV), 1897. [extremely rare, estimated value $20,000-$30,000]
- Stamp from a self-service vending machine.
- This is the earliest meter stamp known used in the world.
- One postally used cover exists. A proof example is known in German postal archives.
- Frameless rectangular design without postage value.
- “NEW YORK N.Y.” at top, “REGISTERED” at bottom.
- Serial number vertical at left with date vertical at right.
- M# with “M” prefix at lower right.

A2. Pitney Postal Machine Company (FV), 1912. [$1000 as cut square, $2000 as unaddressed souvenir cover]
- Shield design with “1c. PAID” at top, “Washington, D. C./Permit No. 42” at bottom.
- With rectangle in center containing 5-digit serial number.
- Printed in black.
- Tested during the week of 9 May 1912 at the offices of the National Tribune newspaper.
- Eight impressions are known to exist, three unaddressed souvenir covers and five cut-outs.
- Value:
NOTE: Two-cent values exist but are proofs.

A3. American Postage Meter Company (FV), November 1913 to 28 May 1914. [$100 as cut square, $400 as unaddressed souvenir cover. Commercial covers are extremely rare with only five known. Value undetermined]
- Similar to Type A2 but without the rectangle around the serial number.
- Eight machines were trialed in Chicago, Illinois.
- The franks vary in size from 29 to 32 mm wide.
- Printed in black.
- 100 examples known. 24 are unaddressed souvenir covers and only five are commercial covers. The rest are cut-outs.
- Value:
- Value:
[Add $50]
- Fifty reprints in red were made in 1964 for the 50th anniversary of the test. They all have transaction numbers above 90000.
- Eleven proofs in red are known from 1913 and 1919. These have transaction numbers 14990 (1) and 28888 (10).
[Very rare, value undetermined]
GROUP B: Square frank with wavy lines at the sides, 1920
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USPMSC: BA1 B1. Pitney Bowes (FV), December 1920.
- “U.S.POSTAGE” at top, value in center.
- Permit number, with “P” prefix, at bottom of frank.
- The meter number, with "M." prefix, is vertical between the town mark and frank.

NOTE: Stamps very similar in appearance to Type B1 but do not have a meter number reading up between the town mark and frank are not meter stamps. They are from unmetered "permit" printers that were in use before meters came into use in December 1920 and continued to be used for several years thereafter. They are not as scarce as Type B1 meter stamps. For more on "permit" stamps see the United States First-Class Mail Permit Stamp Catalog Including Business Reply Mail by Richard Stambaugh, self-published, 1989.
GROUP C: Double oval design with wavy lines at sides.
[edit | edit source]- All stamps have double circle town mark or are occasionally without town mark.
- (Note that Group C has been completely rearranged from the original, paper version of this catalog. The previous three sub-groups have been consolidated into two in order to remove ambiguity.)
Sub-group CA: Central oval contains both “PERMIT” and “METER”
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CA1. Pitney Bowes "Model M" (FV), 1922.
- Bottom panel contains the complete postage value spelled out.
- Within the inner oval are "PERMIT"/(number or blank space)/"METER"/(number).
- a. As A, permit number inverted:
- b. As B, permit number with "P" prefix in bottom of town mark:
- c. Town mark inverted:
- d. "No." below "PERMIT" but without number
- e. Town mark smaller than normal, 24mm in diameter rather than normal 27mm (5732, 7663 and 8258 only). In error town mark dies from different meter models (see Type DB1) were fitted to these machines.

CA2 Pitney Bowes "Model M" (FV).
- As Type CA1 but the bottom panel contains "CENT PAID" or "CENTS PAID" only.
- With or without number below “PERMIT”.
- A. With "No. and number below "PERMIT" at top of central oval
- B. Without number below "PERMIT"

CA3. Pitney Bowes "Model M" (FV).
- As Types CA1 and CA2 but bottom panel contains "CENTS" only.
- With or without number below “PERMIT”.

CA4. Mail-O-Meter (FV), 1922.
- Similar to Type CA1 except with a line under the "o" of "METER/ No". All but a few also have a line under the "o" of "PERMIT/ No".
- Early Town marks have two dots at the sides between the circles.
- Generally speaking, Types CA4 (and CA6) have a cruder appearance than the Pitney Bowes types.

CA5. Mail-O-Meter (FV).
- As Type CA4 but with "CENTS PAID" in bottom panel.

CA6. Mail-O-Meter (FV). [$15]

CA7. Mack Postograph (FV), 1925. [$500]
- Very similar to Type CA1. It can most easily be identified by the meter number, 102.
- With "TWO CENTS PAID" in bottom panel.
- One meter only, M# 102 (Permit 49)
- Value:

CA8. Mack Postograph (FV), 1925. [$50 as cut square, $200 on cover]
- As Type CA7 but with “CENTS PAID” alone in bottom panel.
- One meter only, M# 103 (Permit 55)
- Value:

CA9. International Postal Supply (FV), 1925.
- Postage value spelled out in full in bottom panel. Closely resembles and often confused with Type CA1.
- If the town mark has wide spacing between the circles ("A" image), the stamp is Type CA9.
- CA9 dates can contain serifed or sanserif '1'. (Type CA1 dates never have a serifed '1'.)
- The meter number (below "METER") can be straight or curved. If it is straight it can only be Type CA9.
- Meter numbers 2, 1000-1133 and 7976.
- TM: DC

- Meter number 2 was used by International Postal Supply in a short trial from 28 May to 2 July 1925. The earliest known example is dated 5 June. The earliest known production stamp (nos. 1000 and up) is dated 20 August 1926.
- Meter stamps with 1¢ + 1¢ surcharge are philatelic fabrications.

CA10. International Postal Supply (FV). [$10]
- As Type CA9 but with "CENTS PAID" alone in bottom panel.
- Easily confused with Type CA2. The lettering in the town mark is generally more widely spaced than with Type CA2 and often has a comma after the town name.
- With or without number below “PERMIT”.
- Value:
NOTE: Proof examples of the 27¢ value were struck at a later date backdated to the 1930s. Collectors must assume any example found is the reprint [$5] unless on commercial cover with verifiable postmarks.

CA11. Whitlock Metered Mail (FV), 1929.
- Very similar to Type CA1 and can be identified positively only by the meter numbers, 82-243 and 310, which are not found on Pitney Bowes meters.
- The hour figures, when present, have very round zeros, unlike their Pitney Bowes counterparts.
- With complete value spelled out in bottom panel.

CA12. Whitlock Metered Mail (FV).

CA13. Continental Postage Meter (FV), 1930. [$150]
- The meter number has a "C" letter prefix which is closer to "No." than to the number.
- With complete value spelled out in bottom panel.
- Date in two lines.
- Value:

CA14. Continental Postage Meter (FV).
- As Type CA13 but “CENTS PAID” alone in bottom panel.
- Date in one line.
- Value:
- Value:

CA15. Continental Postage Meter (FV).
- The meter and permit numbers are centered with "No."s at far left.
- Date in one line.
- a. As B, with unengraved bar in place of permit number (P10028)

CA16. Continental Postage Meter (FV). [$100]
Sub-group CB: Central oval contains “METER” only, without "PERMIT"
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CB1. Whitlock Metered Mail (FV), 1929. [$150]
- As Type CA11 but without "PERMIT" and permit number. Top half of central oval is empty.
- One machine only, meter number 235.
- Value:

CB2. Whitlock Metered Mail (FV), 1930.
- Center oval contains curved “METER No.” above number.
- With "CENT PAID" or "CENTS PAID" in bottom panel.
- Values:
- Value:
- Value:
- Values:

CB3. US Postal Meter (FV), 1931.
- As Type CA15 but without “PERMIT” and permit number.
- Top half of inner oval blank. Bottom half has "METER"/"No.” and number.
- Bottom panel with value spelled out.

CB4. US Postal Meter (FV), 1932. [$15]
- Straight "METER/No.”/(number) is centered both horizontally and vertically in the inner oval.
- Meter numbers: 500 - 947.
- Values:

CB5. US Postal Meter (FV).
- As Type CB4 but with "CENTS PAID" in the bottom panel.
- Values:
- Value:
- Value:

CB6. US Postal Meter (FV).
- Central oval contains "METER No." at top above centered meter number .
- Bottom of central oval either blank or containing surcharge.
- With complete value spelled out in bottom panel.
- Meter numbers: 500 - 947
- Values:
- Value:
- Value:

CB7. US Postal Meter (FV).
- As Type CB6 but with "CENTS PAID" alone in bottom panel.
- Value:
- Values:
9¢ (602, 733, 919)
- Values:
17 (608),
18¢ (623)
- Values:
8 (570, 771, 896),
12¢ (787)

CB8. Multipost (FV), 1933.
- Central oval with “METER" curved at top above "No” in center with meter number at bottom.
- Meter numbers with "M-" prefix. Two machines only: M-2 [$350] , and M-3 [$5]
- "CENTS PAID" in bottom panel.
- Value:

CB9. Pitney Bowes modesl "A" and "B" (FV), 1933.
- Central oval contains a smaller oval with indented sides.
- "METER/ No."/ (number) at center.
- "CENTS PAID" in bottom panel.
- Values:
- Values:
3½ (9141, 9146, 9619),
4½ (9737),
9 (9348),
16¢ (9498)
GROUP D: Nearly square frank with central oval and simulated perforation frame
[edit | edit source]Sub-group DA: Value figure in small circles at sides of frank, frank curved at top and bottom
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DA1. Universal Postal Frankers "Midget" (LV-3), 1927.
- Frank with vertical sides and curved top and bottom.
- "METER NO.145" in bottom panel.
- One machine was used on a trial basis for a short time only.
- Only the 2¢ denomination is known used, but the machine could print a 5¢ value and another, unknown value.
- Value:
[$1000, two covers known]
Sub-group DB: As Sub-group DA but frank is horizontal at top and bottom
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DB1. Pitney Bowes "HC", "HF", "H3" (LV-3), 1929.
- With five wavy lines inside the central oval.
- "METER NO. (number)" in the bottom panel.
- The frame lines immediately within the outer border is thick or thin.
- Meter numbers in 10000, 50000 and 60000 series. Numbers in 10000 series are more common than those in 50000 and 60000 series.
- TM: DC with single line date

DB2. Pitney Bowes "Model M" modified (FV), 1929.
- Identical in appearance to Type DB1A but meter numbers are different, 9000-9006 only.
- These stamps were produced by converted Group C machines used on a contingency basis by Pitney Bowes.
- TM: DC with single or double line date

DB3. Pitney Bowes (LV-5).
- Similar to Type DB1B but "METER" without "NO." in the bottom panel.
- Meter numbers in 14000, 16000 and 60000 series. [Add at least $10 to values listed below for stamps in 60000 series which are scarce to very rare]
- TM: DC

DB4. Pitney Bowes (LV-5). [$350]
- Similar to Type DB1B but "P.B. METER (number)" in the bottom panel.
- One meter only, 12146.
- TM: DC
- Value:

DB5. National Postal Meter "Model M" (FV), 1932.
- Similar to Type DB1 with "METER NO. (number)" in bottom panel.
- Most easily identified by the low meter numbers, 42, 101, 225, 452-855, 870-872, 880-901, 1090, 1091, 7700. The date figures are also different.
- TM: DC or BIC
[The BIC town mark is scarce and worth a small premium]
NOTE: Type DB5A stamps printed on tape rather than directly to the mail piece can have very narrow spacing like DB5B. They can be identified by the meter number.

DB6. National Postal Meter (FV).
- As Type DB5A but with "N.P.METER (number)" in the bottom panel.
- Meter numbers: 526, 608, 857-869, 874-879, and 1092
- TM: DC
- Values:

DB7. National Postal Meter (LV-4).
- With "(number) N.P.M." in the bottom panel.
- With four wavy lines in central oval.
- Meter numbers: 101, 742, 902-1087, 1095-1176, 1500-1567
- TM: DC, BIC [add $5], or SC [add $150]
- B. Very narrow spacing between TM and frank. Made specially to frank Eastman-Kodak film mailing cartons. (See also Type DB5B.)
- Values:
1½¢ (972 ROCHESTER, 1030 CHICAGO),
12¢ (995, 1537 ROCHESTER, 1545 HOLLYWOOD, 1567 FLUSHING)
- Values:
- Values:
10 (1536 ROCHESTER),
16¢ (1531 ROCHESTER)
- Value:
24¢ (1568 HOLLYWOOD)
[extremely rare, one example known, value unknown]
- Values:
- B. Very narrow spacing between TM and frank. Made specially to frank Eastman-Kodak film mailing cartons. (See also Type DB5B.)

DB8. National Postal Meter (LV-4).
- As Type DB7 but with five wavy lines in central oval .
- Meter numbers in 5000 series.
- TM: DC, BIC or SC
- Values:
- Values:

DB9. International Postal Supply "Model 2" and "Model 5" (LV-5/6), 1932.
- "METER NO. (number)" in the bottom panel.
- Similar to Type DB2. Most easily identified by relatively wide spacing between the inner and outer circles of the town mark,
- and the lettering in the town mark which is widely spaced often with a period or comma after the town name.
- The spacing between the town mark and frank can vary.
- TM: DC with single-line date
Sub-group DC: Single value figure in center of frank
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DC1. Pitney Bowes "HT" and "HX" (LV-10), 1932.
- With "METER NO. (number)" in bottom panel.
- The oval and other lines within the frank can be thick or thin.
- Meter numbers in 80000 series.
- TM: DC with single-line date

DC2. Pitney Bowes (LV-10).
- As Type DC1 but "METER (number)", without "NO.", in bottom panel.
- Meter numbers in 80000 series.
- Values:
.01 ,
.01½ ,
.02 ,
.03 ,
.04 ,
.05 ,
.06 ,
.07 ,
.08 ,
.09 ,
.10 ,
.20 ,
.50 ,

DC3. Pitney Bowes (LV-10).
- As Types D11 and D12 but "P.B.METER (number)" in bottom panel.
- Meter numbers in 60000, 70000, and 80000 series plus replacement dies of Types DC1 and DC2.
- Values:
.01 ,
.01½ ,
.02 ,
.03 ,
.04 ,
.05 ,
.06 ,
.07 ,
.08 ,
.09 ,
.10 ,
.20 ,
.50 ,
- SURCHARGES (between TM and center of frank):

- -1. "AD'L ⅛¢ PD"
- -2. "AD'L ¼¢ PD"
- -3. "AD'L ½¢ PD"
- -4. "AD'L ¾¢ PD"
- -5. "AD'L ⅞¢ PD"
NOTE: A meter of this type, M# 87904, was used erroneously in Anniston, Alabama with the Philippines counterpart to this stamp. The frank reads "P.I. POSTAGE" instead of "U.S. POSTAGE" (see right).

DC4. Pitney Bowes model "CA", "CS", "MS" (FV). [$10]
- As Type DC1 but the TM is larger and date in two lines (or three if with hour figure).
- Spacing between TM and frank very narrow (5mm).
- "METER NO. (number)" in bottom panel.
- Meter numbers: 01001-01004 only
- Values:
.01 (01001) ,
.02 (01003) ,
.03 (01002, 01004)

DC5. Pitney Bowes (FV-1 and FV-6).
- As Type DC4 but "METER (number)", without "NO.", in bottom panel.
- A. (FV-1) Narrow spacing between TM and frank (5 mm). Meter numbers 01005-01549

DC6. Pitney Bowes models "CV" and "CVS" (FV-1 and FV-6).
- As Types DC4 and 5 but "P.B.METER (number)" in bottom panel.
- Frank 23½-24 mm square except for variety E which is 22-22½ mm square.
- Spacing between TM and frank narrow (5 mm), wide (23 mm), or medium (11-12 mm)
- Meter numbers: 01000, 05000, and 50000 series.
- C. (FV-1) Medium spacing between TM and frank (11-12 mm). Meter numbers 05001-05286
- Values:
.01 ,
.01¼ ,
.01½ ,
.02 ,
.02⅝ ,
.03 ,
.05 ,
.06 ,
- Values:
1½ ,
2½ ,
.03½ ,
.04 ,
4½ ,
.08 ,
.09 ,
.12 ,
.15 ,
.18 ,
.21 ,
.23 ,
.24 ,
.26 ,
.27 ,
.28 ,
.29 ,
.30 ,
.31 ,
- Values:
.014 ,
.016 ,
.017 ,
.02¾ ,
.04½ ,
8.4 ,
9 ,
- Values:
.4½ ,
.063 ,
.06½ ,
77 ,
10.4 ,
10.9 ,
.17 ,
.20 ,
- Values:
½ ,
.07½ ,
79 ,
.10 ,
.11 ,
12.5 ,
.19 ,
.22 ,
.34 ,
.35 ,
.42 ,
- Values:
- C. (FV-1) Medium spacing between TM and frank (11-12 mm). Meter numbers 05001-05286
- D. (FV-6) Medium spacing as with C, but the meter has six fixed values rather than only one. Meter numbers 54000-54156, 57000-59999, and replacement dies of C types
- E. As D, FV-6 meter with medium spacing, but the frank is 1 mm smaller, 22-22½ mm square. Meter numbers in 54000 series starting with 54157.
- -1. "AD'L ⅛¢ PD" in center of town mark:
A [$15]
C [$25]
E [$50]
- -2. "AD'L ¼¢ PD" in center of town mark:
E [$75]
- -3. "AD'L ⅜¢ PD" in center of town mark:
D [$20]
- -4. "AD'L ½¢ PD" in center of town mark:
C [$50]
D [$5]
E [$75]
- -5. "AD'L ¾¢ PD" in center of town mark:
D [$20]
- -6. "AD'L ⅞¢ PD" in center of town mark:
D [$5]
- -7. "AD'L 0.6¢ PD" in center of town mark:
D [$20]
- -8. "AD'L 1¢ PD" in center of town mark:
A [$5]
D [$35]
- -9. "AD'L 1¢ PD" below frank:
C [$5]
- -10. "Ad'l 1¢ Pd" in center of town mark (lower case):
- -1. "AD'L ⅛¢ PD" in center of town mark:

DC7. US Postal Meter (LV-6), 1937.
- "US METER (number)" in bottom panel.
- Spacing between TM and frank varies from very narrow 2 mm up to 28mm.
- Some lines within the frank can be thicker than others.
- Meter numbers 1000 through 1383.

DC8. International Postal Supply (LV-6), 1938.
- Double ovals within the frank, both with squared sides.
- One-line date.
- Variable spacing between TM and frank.
- Meter numbers 6000 to 6196.
GROUP E: Frameless design with large arcs at top and bottom and with groups of smaller arcs in each corner.
[edit | edit source]- Without separate town mark. Printed on imperforate adhesive labels 54 mm x 46/48mm, never directly to covers. Meter numbers: 775, 1000 to 3676, 4200, 4234 and 8049.
- All Group E stamps were produced by National Cash Register meter model P-1924(3-3)P-P, a multi-value machine, first used in 1931.
- Stamps are printed in two stages, top and bottom in one stage and center line in another.
- Most stamps have "Z. Wt." (postal zone of destination, weight) at left center with a line above but occasionally without the line below or missing. Most stamps have a zero above "Z. Wt." but occasionally you will find one with a single or double digit number or "L" (for Local zone) representing the zone or weight or both.
- Colors are usually the same in both stages but are often different. Some colors and color combinations are rare (red-violet, red-violet with red center, purple with blue center, purple with green center, and blue-green with red center).
- Several varieties of label paper were used with shades of brown and gray being very rare. Plain white is also rare.
- Examples without town names are used for registered mail.
- All these stamps are known with portions missing, probably from breakage. This includes the wavy lines in the corners and even the entire top or bottom portions.

E1. National Cash Register "P-1924(3-3)P-P" (MV), 1931. [$50 for loose tape. One example known on large cover-size piece, value undetermined]
- Five parallel wavy lines in lower corners.
- The line above the town name forms a deep arc.
- With 3- or 4-digit serial number at center right.
- "Z. Wt." at left center.
- M# with "NCR" prefix.
- Meter numbers: 1001-1015
- V/F:
- a. Without "Z. Wt."

USPMSC: EB1 through EB4
E2. National Cash Register "P-1924(3-3)P-P" (MV). [$5]
- Four horizontal curved lines in lower corners with the top one extending all the way across the design above the town name.
- The bottom line in each lower corner is longer that the two above it.
- 4-digit serial number at center right.
- With "Z. Wt." at center left.
- Meter numbers: 1016 and up, plus replacements of lower numbers.
- V/F:
.00 ,
0.00 (M# 1038 only)
- a. Without “Z.Wt.” (blank at left center)
- b. With "PM. AM." replacing "Z. Wt." (1117)

USPMSC: EC1 through EC9 plus PO-EC1
E3. National Cash Register "P-1924(3-3)P-P" (MV).
- As Type E2 but the three lines in the lower corners are all the same length.
- 4-digit serial number at center right.
- With "Z. Wt." at center left.
- Meter number with "NCR Meter" prefix (except for 'c' below).
- V/F:
.00 ,
0.00 ,
—.00 ,

E4. National Cash Register "P-1924(3-3)P-P" (MV). [$5 as loose tape, $20 on cover]
- Used for registered mail only.
- Bottom section has the two top lines extending completely across the stamp and does not have a town name.
- 4-digit serial no. at right center.
- Four meter numbers only: 1058, 1073, 1083, 1085
- V/F:
.00 ,

E5. National Cash Register "P-1924(3-3)P-P" (MV). [$5 as loose tape, $25 on cover]
- As Type E4 but the first and third lines extend across the lower part of the stamp.
- M# 1026 only
- V/F:

E6. National Cash Register "P-1924(3-3)P-P" (MV). [$25 on cover]
- Registered mail stamp as with Types E4 and E5 but with no lines at bottom center.
- Four arcs in lower corners. “Z.Wt.” at left (1653)
- 4-digit serial no. at center right.
- Without “Z.Wt.”
- Meter number 1359 only
- V/F:

USPMSC: EE1 through EE4 plus EE12
E7. National Cash Register "P-1924(3-3)P-P" (MV).
- Three short horizontal arcs in each lower corner at sides of town name.
- The line above the town does not extend across the design to the sides.
- "PAID" below value figures.
- V/F:
.00 ,
0.00 ,
—.00 ,

USPMSC: EE5, EE6, EE8/10, VM-B-EE8
E8. National Cash Register "P-1924(3-3)P-P" (MV).
- As Type E7 but with "PAID" removed and with mailer's identification added below the meter number.
- V/F:
.00 ,
0.00 ,
—.00 ,
- a. Without "Z. Wt." at left center
- b. Without mailer's identification, blank between meter number and town name
- c. Self-service vending machine stamp. 1971, "SELF-SERVICE METER" below meter number One machine only, M# "NCR Meter 0001"
[mint tape $75. Extremely rare on cover, value unknown]
- a. Without "Z. Wt." at left center

E9. National Cash Register "P-1924(3-3)P-P" (MV). [$15 on cover]
- As Type E6 but three arcs in lower corners instead of four.
- 4-digit serial no. at center right
- Meter numbers 1653 and 2915 only
- V/F:
0.00 (1653) ,
—0.00 (2915)
GROUP F: Wide rectangular frank with flying eagle in center and simulated perforation outer frame.
[edit | edit source]- All Group F stamps were produced by Pitney Bowes multi-value meters.
- Types F1, F2 and F3 are experimental designs.

F1. Pitney Bowes (MV), 1933. [$50 on loose tape. Extremely rare on cover, value unknown]
- "UNITED STATES" spelled out in full above flying eagle.
- Fancy oval frame around value figures.
- M# 90001 only
- V/F:
0 00 :

F2. Pitney Bowes (MV).
- Large "U.S.POSTAGE" in arc at top center.
[$25 on loose tape. Extremely rare on cover, value unknown]
- Without oval around value figures.
- Eagle without tail.
- Frank, 67 mm wide

F3. Pitney Bowes (MV). [$25 on loose tape. Extremely rare on cover, value unknown]
- As Type F2 but "U.S.POSTAGE" smaller in straight line.
- Eagle with tail visible

USPMSC: FB5 through 8, PO-FB6, PO-FB8
F4. Pitney Bowes (MV).
- Very similar to Type F3B but the frank is narrower, about 61 mm wide. Town name is curved, except for variety b below.
- A. "P.B.METER" and "AMOUNT/PAID" small, about 1 mm tall.
- B. "P.B.METER" and "AMOUNT/PAID" larger, about 2 mm tall.
- V/F:
. 00 :
0 00
- a. Post Office stamp. M# with "P.O." prefix.
- b. Post Office stamp. M# without prefix, used in the New York City Madison Square Station Post Office. Town and station name is horizontal rather than curved.
GROUP G: Wide rectangular frank with large sitting eagle in center
[edit | edit source]{{{1}}}
- Simulated perforation outer frame. Circular TM beneath left wing, and value box beneath right wing.
- All Group G stamps are from Pitney Bowes multi-value meters.

G1. Pitney Bowes (MV), 1936.

G2. Pitney Bowes (MV). [$20 on loose tape. Extremely rare on cover, value unknown]
- Eagle faces left. Three stars above eagle head.
- "PAID" below value figures. Horizontal line inside bottom frame line.
- TM circle closer to top than to bottom.
- Meter numbers: X1003 and X1004
- V/F:
0 00 :

G3. Pitney Bowes (MV). [$50 on loose tape. Extremely rare on cover, value unknown]
- Very similar to Type G2 but horizontal line inside frame line is at top rather than bottom.
- "U.S. POSTAGE" is taller, and "P.B. METER" is smaller.
- M#: X-1005 only
- V/F:
0 0 :

USPMSC: GB3, GB4, VM-A-GB3, VM-A-GB4 ;font-size:x-small;">{{{1}}}
G4. Pitney Bowes (MV). [$5 on cut-out, $25 on cover]
- Similar to Types G2 and G3 but the design in narrower and the value box is smaller.
- "U.S.POSTAGE" is in a scroll above the value figures with "PAID" is immediately below the scroll.
- No stars above eagle head.
- A. Value figures with serifs and of variable thickness. Meter numbers: 100000, 100003, 100006, 100011 [meter 100011 is much scarcer than the others]
- B. Value figures plain and thin. Meter numbers: 100012 and 100013
- V/F:
. 00 :
GROUP H: Frank without ornaments; text only inside simulated perforation rectangle
[edit | edit source]- Separate circular town mark. Group H stamps are from National Postal Meter Company multi-value machines and those of its successor, the Commercial Controls Corporation.

USPMSC: HA1 through HA3
H1. National Postal Meter (MV), 1938.
- Thick frame line with round indentations on outside, straight on inside.
- Frank size: 31 x 26 mm.
- "N.P.M. No (number)" at base of frank.
- Meter numbers: 6000-6060
- TM: DC or BIC

USPMSC: HA4 through HA7 plus various Post Office stamps
H2. National Postal Meter (MV).
- As Type H1 but with "N.P.M. — No (number)" at base of frank.
- Meter numbers: 6061-7093, 7106, 7152 plus replacement dies for 6000-6060.
- TM: DC or BIC
- V/F:
≋≋.00 ≋ (≋≋.00 ½)

H3. National Postal Meter (MV).
- As Types H1 and H2 but smaller frank (26 x 22/23 mm) with simple wavy frame line.
- "No (number) N.P.M." at bottom of frank.
- Meter numbers: 7094-10052, 10100, plus replacement dies for Types H1 and H2.
- -1. "AD'L ⅜¢ PD"
- -2. "AD'L .8¢ PD"

USPMSC: HC1 through HC4, HC6 through HC10
- H4. Commercial Controls Corp. (MV).
- As Type H3 but "U.S.POSTAGE" is straight at top, and M# has "CC –" prefix.
- Meter numbers 5000-10048 plus replacement dies.
- V/F:
≋.00 ≋
- V/F:
≋ 0 #/4 ≋ (printing in quarters and eighths of a cent)
- V/F:
≋ 0 #/10 ≋ (printing in tenths of a cent)
- V/F:
0.00≋ (M# 6203 only)
- -1. "AD'L ⅛¢ PD"
- -2. "AD'L ¼¢ PD"
- -3. "AD'L ¾¢ PD"
- -4. "AD'L 6/8¢ PD"
- -5. "AD'L ⅞¢ PD"
- -6. "AD'L 3/5¢ PD"
- -7. "AD'L 1/10¢ PD"
- -8. "AD'L 3/10¢ PD"
- -9. "AD'L 4/10¢ PD"
- -10. "AD'L 6/10¢ PD"
- -11. "AD'L 8/10¢ PD"
- -12. "AD'L 0.3¢ PD"
- -13. "AD'L .3¢ PD"
- -14. "AD'L 0.6¢ PD"
- -15. "AD'L 0.8¢ PD"
- -16. "Ad'l .8¢ Pd"

H5. Commercial Controls Corp. (MV). [$60]
- As Type H4 but with three short dashes outside of frank at right.
- With 5-bank value figures as on Type HC2B.
- Meter number: 51978 only
- V/F:
≋0.00 ≋