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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Turkey

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  • Other than one meter used for a short time in 1937, postage meter use in Turkey began in 1954.
  • All franks contain “TÜRK POSTALARI” or “TÜRKIYE CUMHURIYETI”.
  • The stamps are grouped according to appearance:
A – Frank with scalloped single-line frame line
B – Frank with simulated-perforation outer frame line and straight inner frame line
C – Franks with straight frame lines along all sides
D – Frank without outer frame line and with town mark attached
E – Frank with frame lines at top and bottom only, top line always with indented semicircles
F – Frank with frame lines at top and bottom only, top line always straight
G – Frank with complete simulated-perforation outer frame line and no inner frame line

NOTE: For more detailed information about the meter stamps of Turkey, see Die Absender- und Postfreistempel der Türkei, by Otto Gleixner, self-published 1995, Seefeld, Germany.

GROUP A: Small upright frank with scalloped single-line outer border

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A1. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1937.      [$200]

Star and Crescent in circle at top, “TÜRK POSTALARI” at bottom.
Only about ten examples known.
V/F:      000

GROUP B: Double frame lines with simulated-perforation outer border and straight-line inner border

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SUB-GROUP BA: Star and crescent in field at right center

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BA1. Universal “MultiValue” (MV), 1954.

Nearly square frank inscribed “KURUS” above boxed “POSTALARI” at bottom.
Text in frank is sanserif.
Star and crescent face left towards the center of the frank.
A. Large crescent, 9 mm tall
B. Small crescent, 6.5 mm tall
V/F:      000(½)     000      0000      00000

BA2. Universal “MultiValue” (MV).

As Type BA1B but text in frank with serifs.
V/F:      000      0000
a. Printed in black

BA3. Universal “MultiValue” (MV).    [Scarce]

As Type BA1 but crescent faces right towards the outside of the frank.
V/F:      00000

BA4. Postalia (MV), 1955.

Frank smaller than Types BA1 and 2, and value figures small and narrow.
Star and crescent face left towards the center of the frank.
A. Wide spacing between TM and frank. Large crescent 9 mm tall. Right frame line stops at star and crescent field
B. Wide spacing between TM and frank. Small crescent 6 mm tall. Right frame line turns inward at star and crescent field
Ca. Narrow spacing between TM and frank, crescent field 11 x 10.5 mm with 13 lines
Cb. As "Ca", crescent field 9 x 10.5 mm with 13 lines
Cc. As "Ca" and "Cb", crescent field 9 x 9 mm with 10 or 11 lines
V/F:      000      0000

BA5. Postalia (MV).

As Type BA4Cc but the star and crescent face right.
V/F:      0000      00000

BA6. Postalia (MV).

As Type BA5 “LIRA” at lower left above “POSTALARI” unboxed.
Crescent faces right.
V/F:      0000

BA7. Postalia (MV).

Similar to Types BA5 and BA6 but with narrow field of dashes added left of the value figures.
“LIRA” is centered above boxed “POSTALARI”.
V/F:      0000

BA8. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV), 1966.

Square frank wider than previous BA types.
“KURUS” above boxed “POSTALARI” at bottom.
Crescent faces left.
M# with “P.B.” prefix below frank.
V/F:      =000      =0000

BA9. Francotyp “Cc” (MV), 1967.

“KURUS” above boxed “POSTALARI” at bottom.
Crescent faces center of frank.
A. Narrow frank, 24 x 30 mm
B. Wide frank, 28 x 30 mm
V/F:      000      ◆000      0000      00000

BA10. Francotyp “Cc” (MV).    [Scarce]

As Type BA9 but Crescent faces right.
“LIRA” centered above boxed “POSTALARI” at bottom.
V/F:      ◆000

SUB-GROUP BB: Star and crescent in field at left center

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BB1. Postalia (MV).

Tall, narrow frank
Small crescent faces right into center of frank.
A. Wide spacing between TM and frank   (Scarce, not shown)
B. Narrow spacing
V/F:      0000      00000

BB2. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV), 1986.

Large, square frank.
Crescent faces right into center of frank.
With “LIRA” above boxed “POSTALARI” at bottom.
V/F:      =000      =0000

SUB-GROUP BC: Star and crescent in field at top right

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BC1. Sima (MV), 1971.    [Scarce]

Frank 26 x 29 mm.
Wide spacing between TM and frank.
V/F:      000

BC2. Satas “Rotary” (MV), 1961.

Frank similar to Type BC1 but smaller.
Medium spacing between TM and frank.
Date figures tall or short.
A. Frank 23-24 x 25-26 mm
B. Frank 25 x 27 mm    [Scarce]
V/F:      ★00      ★000
a. With hour figure between TM and frank
b. With backwards “F” symbol left of value figures

BC3. Satas “Baby” (MV), 1965.

As Type BC2 but even smaller, 21 x 25 mm.
Date figures large.
V/F:      ★00

SUB-GROUP BD: Without star and crescent

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BD1. Francotyp-Postalia (MV), 1988.

“LIRA” in field at right center.
“POSTA” alone at bottom.
The size of the frank can vary from somewhat narrow (shown) to nearly square.
V/F:      000      0000

BD2. Francotyp-Postalia (MV), 1986.

Similar to Tytpe BD1 but narrow field at right containing only lines.
“LIRA” centered above “POSTA” at bottom.
V/F:      000000

GROUP C: Frank with straight frame lines at all sides

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C1. Postalia (MV).

Upright frank with large panels at top and bottom.
Country name in top panel, "POSTA" in bottom panel.
A. Fixed zero and “LIRA” centered in line field at right
B. Two fixed zeros above “LIRA” in line field at right
V/F:      00000      000000

C2. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Very wide frank.
"LIRA" imbedded in lines at right of value figures.
Without M#.
V/F:      0000+0

C3. Neopost “Electronic” (MV).

Square to slightly wide frank with panels at top and bottom.
Side frame lines open opposite top panel.
Country name at top, "POSTA" at bottom.
A. "LIRA" below one fixed zero at right
B. “LIRA” below three fixed zeros at right
C. “Kr” at right
Without M#.
V/F:      000 (+fixed zeros)

C4. Unidentified, probably Neopost (digital).
Frank wider than tall.
Value figures near bottom of frank with large "Kr" at right.
Found in both blue and red.
a. With time of day above the date inside the town mark.
V/F:      0000

C5. Frama "EPS3000" (MV).

Frank wider than tall with closely spaced horizontal line fields at the sides.
Value figures centered with "Kr" embedded in line field at right.
Without meter number but with "F" (for Frama?) at bottom left.
V/F:      0000

GROUP D: Town mark and frank joined, without outer border

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D1. Pitney Bowes “R” (MV), 1959 or earlier.    [Rare]

Town mark and value box joined by horizontal line field containing star and crescent.
“KURUS at bottom of value box.
One machine known, “P.B. 1".
V/F:      00 :

NOTE: Proofs are known from 1953. They are more common than postally used examples. The proofs have star and crescent facing right and have dashes at the sides of the meter number.

D2. Pitney Bowes “5300” (MV).    [Scarce]

Similar to Type D1 but slightly wider design with larger value box fully enclosed except for space at top containing "KURUS".
Country name is not as tall as with C1.
M# with “P.B. prefix below star and crescent.
V/F:      .00      00 :

GROUP E: Frank with frame lines at top and bottom only, top line always with indented semi-circles

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SUB-GROUP EA: Star and crescent at right

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EA1. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV), 1977.    [Scarce]

Value figures are lowered in relation to date figures.
Field of horizontal lines between TM and value box with “KURUS”/M# below.
Crescent faces left.
V/F:      000
a. Solid bar in place of M#

EA2. Pitney Bowes-GB “6500” (MV).

Value figures are at same level as date figures.
M# with “P.B.A” prefix.
“KURUS” below value figures.
Crescent faces left.
TM: DC, BIC, or SC with box surrounding date
V/F:      000

EA3. Pitney Bowes-GB “6500” (MV).

As Type EA2 but Crescent faces right.
“LIRA” below value figures.
TM: DC, or SC with box surrounding date
V/F:      000

SUB-GROUP EB Star and crescent at left

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EB1. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV), 1976.    [Scarce]

Star and crescent facing right between TM and value box.
"POSTALARI" below upper panel line.
Value figures are lowered in relation to date figures.
“KURUS”/M# below.
V/F:      000
a. Solid bar in place of M#

EB2. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).

As Type EB1 but “POSTALARI” breaks upper panel line.
“LIRA” alone at lower left.
Without M#.
V/F:      000

EB3. Pitney Bowes-GB “6500” (MV).

Value figures are at same level as date figures.
"POSTALARI" at lower right.
Crescent faces right.
M# with “P.B.A” prefix.
A. Line field at right intact, "KURUS" below value figures (not shown)
B. As A but with fixed zero imbedded in line field at right
C. As A but with "LIRA" below value figures
TM: DC, SC with box surrounding date
V/F:      000      0000

SUB-GROUP EC: Without star and crescent

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EC1. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).

Value figures lowered in relation to date figures.
Center space between the horizontal line fields is 17 mm wide “POSTA” above value figures.
“LIRA” inside line field at right.
Without M#.
A. Line field at right contains only “LIRA” A
B. Line field at right contains fixed zero and “LIRA”
C. As B, but “LIRA” lowered with fixed zero above it
V/F:      000      000+0

EC2. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).

As Type EC1 but center space between the horizontal line fields is wider at 22 mm, and line fields at sides are narrower.
Without M#.
A. Line field at right contains only “LIRA”
B. Line field at right contains two fixed zeroes above “LIRA”
C. Line field at left contains "POSTA". Line field at right contains two fixed zeroes. "LIRA" breaks lower frame lines
V/F:      000      000+00

EC3. Pitney Bowes-GB “6500” (MV).

Similar to Type EC2 but value figures at same level as date figures.
Seven horizontal lines at left below country name.
“POSTA” at bottom center.
“LIRA” inside line field at right.
Without M#.
A. “LIRA” alone in line field at right intact
B. Fixed zero next to “LIRA” in line field at right
C1. Two fixed zeros at right; “LIRA” below zeros with line above and below. No line above “POSTA”.
C2. As C1 but no line above “LIRA”. Complete line above “POSTA”.
TM: SC with box around date, DC
V/F:      000      000+0      000+00

EC3.1. Pitney Bowes-GB “6500” (MV).

Similar to Type EC3 but nine horizontal lines at left below country name.
Fixed zero and “LIRA” in line field at right.
TM: SC with box around date
V/F:      000+0

EC4. Pitney Bowes-GB “6600” (MV).

Large frank with widely spaced lines at the sides
“POSTA” embedded in line below value figures.
“LIRA” left of value figures.
Zero imbedded in line field at right.
V/F:      0000

EC5. Pitney Bowes-GB “A900” (MV), 1994.
Short frank with narrowly spaced lines at the sides.
A. “POSTALARI” below value figures, “LIRA” in line field at left.
B. “LIRA” below value figures, “POSTA” in line field at left, fixed zero in line field at right.
Value figures large.
Without M#.
V/F:      0000      00000

EC6. Pitney Bowes-GB “EasyMail” (digital).

Two columns of numbers at left of town mark.
“POSTA” left of value figures.
"LIRA" centered at bottom below value figures.
M# with "PB" prefix below "POSTA"
V/F:      000000

GROUP F: Frank with frame lines at top and bottom only, top line always straight

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SUB-GROUP FA: Star and crescent at left center

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FA1. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV), 1981.

Line field at right 5 mm wide.
“KURUS” below value figures.
ME with “H” prefix at lower left.
A. Line field at right intact
B. Fixed zero imbedded in line field at right (not shown)
V/F:      00000      00000+0

FA2. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Similar to Type FA1 but wider line field at right (9 mm) with narrower center opening.
“LIRA” below value figures.
M# with “H” prefix.
V/F:      0000      00000

SUB-GROUP FB: Without star and crescent

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FB1. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Straight lines both above and below “TURKIYE CUMHURIYETI” at top.
M# with “H” prefix in bottom panel with “POSTA” centered between prefix and number.
A. “LiRA” centered in line field at right
B. “00 LiRA” in line field at right
V/F:      0000
a. Unengraved block instead of meter number at lower right.

FB2. Pitney Bowes “6500” (MV).

This stamp is nearly identical to Type EC3A except that a straight frame line has been added across the top.
"POSTA" centered at bottom.
"LIRA" centered at right.
Without M#.
TM: SC with frame around date
V/F:      000

FB3. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

This stamp is nearly identical to Type FB2 (with both straight and 'semi-circled' frame lines at top) except that it was applied by a Hasler "Mailmaster" and not a Pitney Bowes machine.
Without M#.
V/F:      0000      00000

FB4. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Similar to Type C2 but without vertical frame lines at the sides.
The fields at the sides contain six relatively widely spaced lines.
With or without large “H” at bottom left.
A. “00/LiRA” imbedded at right
B. “YKr” imbedded at right
C. “Kr” imbedded at right
V/F:      0000 (+00) (A)      00000 (B & C)

FB5. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Similar to Type FB4 but fields at sides contain 14 lines (or 15 if lowest line is broken above “POSTA”).
"LIRA" below imbedded zeros at right.
“H” in lower left corner.
Without M#.
A. Single complete line separates top and bottom panels from the center
B. Two complete lines separate top and bottom panels from the center
V/F:      0000+000

FB5.1. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Similar to Type FB5A but "LiRA" alone centered at right.
"POSTA" alone in bottom panel.
Without M#.
V/F:      0000+0

FB6. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

As Type FB5 but wider center with narrower fields at the sides.
“H” at lower left, and M# at lower right with “POSTA” between.
A. “LIRA” is centered in line field at right
B. "LIRA" is low at right, below imbedded zero
V/F:      000000      000000+0

GROUP G: Frank with complete simulated-perforation outer frame line

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G1. Pitney Bowes-GB "6900” (MV), 2005 or earlier.

Horizontal frank with “TURKIYE CUMHURIYETI” at top and "YKr" at bottom.
Hash marks at left contain "POSTA" at center and "PB" at bottom.
Narrower hash marks are at right.
Without meter number.
V/F:      000

G2. Pitney Bowes (MV), 2010 or earlier.

Frank similar in design to Type G1 but with "Kr" at right of value figures and nothing below.
Single column of numbers at left of the TM.
Meter number with PB prefix at lower left.
TM: DC containing time above date
V/F:      00000

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