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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Syria

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  • An independent state since 1946 Syria had been a French mandated territory during the years between the two world wars.
  • The first meter stamps appeared in the 1970s. Digital meter stamps first appeared in or near 2005.

1. Secap (MV).     [Scarce]
Upright frank with simulated perforation border.
“R.A. SYRIENNE” at bottom.
M# with “NA” prefix below bottom frame line.
V/F:      0000

2. Postalia "D3" (MV).
Wide frank with simulated perforation border.
“SYRIAN A.R.” at top below Arabic inscription.
M# with “PS” prefix at bottom center.
V/F:      0000 P

3. Neopost (digital), 2005.
Quite similar to Type 2 but the value figures are very small, no taller than the date figures.
Meter number with "SP" prefix.
V/F:      0000 LS
a. Blank at top of town mark, no town name in Arabic

4. Camp “PR” (MV).
Post Office stamp
Small upright frank with very narrow spacing.
“R.A. SYRIENNE” at bottom.
The hour figure is located in the narrow space between the TM and frank.
V/F:      0 0 0