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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Serbia

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  • Serbia was a province of Yugoslavia until the country unraveled in ethnic wars during the 1990s. In 2003 Serbia was recognized by the United Nations as an independent country. For issues before 2003, see YUGOSLAVIA.
  • The stamps are inscribed "СРБИJA" or "SRBIJA" except Type PO4 which does not show a country designation. Stamps inscribed "REPUBLIKA SRPSKA" or "РЕПУБЛИКА СРБСКА" are NOT Serbian stamps. See BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA for stamps with these inscriptions.
  • During World War Two the Serbian portion of Yugoslavia was occupied by Germany, and it had its own postal system. One meter type is known from the period of German occupation.
  • The stamps are grouped by usage as follows:
A - Used during German occupation during World War 2
B - General commercial usage
PO - Generated only by machines in Post Offices

Group A: Stamp used during German occupation during World War 2

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A1. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1941.

Frank with coat of arms in frame at right and value figures at left.
“SERBIEN” above value figures, "СРБИJA" below.
M# without prefix at lower right of coat of arms.
TRANSACTION COUNTER NUMBER high between TM and frank.
A. Value figures angular (A)
B. Value figures Gothic (G)     [$5]
V/F:     000 (A)     ◆000 (G)

Group B: General commercial usage stamps

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B1. Postalia (MV).

Rectangular frank with panels at top and bottom containing the country name in a Cyrillic font at top and a Latin font at bottom.
Tri-envelope logo in panel at left.
Without M#.
A. Country names small
B. Country names large filling the panels
TM: SC close to or even touching the frank
V/F: 000.00 0000.00

B2. Postalia (MV).

Very similar to Type B1 but the tri-envelope panel is at right rather than left.
The inscriptions in the top and bottom panels are larger than with B1, filling the panels.
Without M#.
A. Country names small
B. Country names large filling the panels
TM: SC close to the frank
V/F: 000.00

NOTE: The size of the tri-envelope panel and tri-envelope logo can vary.

B3. Hasler "Mailmaster" (MV).

Very similar to Type B1A but the frank is much taller, and the value figures are slightly larger.
Without M#.
TM: SC close to the frank
V/F: 000.00

Group PO: Stamps generated only by machines in Post Offices

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PO1. Olivetti (digital), 2003.
Wide self-adhesive label with preprinted frame in blue or black divided into segments.
The segment at right contains preprinted "СРБИJA" at top, and postal logo at bottom.
A. Stamp with two segments, town, weight, and date at left, and value figures at right
B. Wider stamp with third segment at left containing a large “R” and number for registered mail
Point-of-sale data is added digitally in black.
Differences in the font that prints the point-of-sale data exist. They probably indicate a model change. Three different fonts have been noted, most easily differentiated by the "1" (one) and "T" characters.
- Font A has 1's with horizontal foot and T's without serifs.
- Font B has 1's with serif at top only and T's without serifs.
- Font C has 1's with horizontal foot and T's with serifs at top and a horizontal foot.
V/F: *(000)0,00
a. Printed on inverted label

NOTE: Minor font differences in the pre-printed text exist.

PO2. Olivetti (digital).
As Type PO1 but the country name is in san-serif letters.
V/F: *00,00
a. Printed on inverted label

PO3. Olivetti (digital).
As Type PO2 but with Post Office name in capitals.
Printed on pre-printed labels:
"A". "SRBIJA" at top and "POSTA" at bottom.
"B". "SRBIJA" at top and "ПОШТА" at bottom. Label is taller than "A".
V/F: w(0)00,00
a. Printed on inverted label

PO4. Olivetti (digital).

This is a label that shows the post office name, date and time, weight, and postage value.
Plain, horizontal rectangular label with upright colored rectangle at lower left and barcode with service identification number across the bottom.
The barcode is 59-60mm wide.
At left are the post office identification, registration or other service number repeated, date and time.
The post office name is in both upper and lower case letters.
At right are the weight and postage value.
A. Rectangle at lower left is blue (for registration)
B. Rectangle at lower left is red (for insured mail?) (not shown)
V/F: *(00)0,00

PO5.1. Olivetti (digital).

Very similar to Type PO4 but the barcode is larger, 66-67mm wide, and the post office name is in upper case letters only.
A. Rectangle at lower left is blue, for registration
B. Rectangle at lower left is red, for insured mail
V/F: *(00)0,00

PO5.2. Olivetti (digital).

As Type PO5.1 but instead of a rectangle at lower left the stamp has a horizontal bar above the bar code.
A. Blue bar for registration
B. Red bar for insured mail
V/F: *(00)0,00

PO6. Olivetti (digital).

Similar to Type PO5 except printed at the top of a 6-part label, each part being peelable and removable.
The top part extends completely across the label. At left are two small vertical labels containing the registration or insurance number. To their right are three horizontal labels each containing the service barcode and having a colored bar at right.
The peelable labels are used for tracking; they are removed and affixed to postal tracking documents along the way.
A. Rectangle at right is blue (for registration)
B. Rectangle at right is red (for insured mail)
V/F: *(00)0,00