International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Portugal
[edit | edit source]- All stamps are inscribed “PORTUGAL”.
- The first meter was installed in 1950.
- The stamps are grouped according to appearance and function as follows:
- A - Circular frank
- B - Semi-circular frank, flat on bottom
- C - Rectangular frank, with or without complete outer border
- D - Barrel shaped frank
- E – Digital frank without outer border
- PO - Franks generated by meters in Post Offices
- PV - Publicly vended variable-rate automat stamps
- OO - Stamps used only for Official government mail
- The manufacturer and sometimes the meter model are identified in the stamp by a Roman numeral prefix to the meter number. This practice was faithfully applied in the early years of me-ter use but was partially displaced in later years when prefixes with the manufacturer's initials (U for Universal, P.B. for Pitney Bowes, K for Krag, etc) also appear.
- Many stamps are missing from this catalog. Information is lacking for those with prefixes V, VIII, X, XII, XV, XVI, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XXXI, XXXII, XXXIII, XXXV, XXXVI, XXXVII, XL, XLI, XLII, XLIII, and XLIV. Some of these may have been assigned to meter models considered but not released into the marketplace. Stamps with prefixes higher than XLV may also exist. Prefix X was reportedly used on four machines only, Satas or possibly Neopost.
GROUP A: Circular frank and town mark
[edit | edit source](See also Group PO for stamps of similar appearance.)
- a. Without “$” in value figures
- b. Extremely wide spacing, 77 mm between TM and frank (I 008, I 038, I 084)
- c. Medium wide spacing (I 095)
A2. Postalia (MV), 1950.
- Meter number and prefix below and outside frank circle.
- Meter number with “II” prefix.
- TM: DC
A3. Universal “Multi-Value” (MV), 1950.
- As Type A1 but meter number with “III” prefix.
- Value figures generally thicker at sides than at tops and bottoms.
- A. Value figures wide
- B. Value figures narrow
- TM: DC
- V/F: 00$00 00$oo 00$0o 000$00 000$oo
NOTE: Variations in the size of the "III" and the meter number exist.
A4. Universal “Automax” (MV). [$25]
- Very similar to Type A3 but value figures are of uniform thickness.
- Meter number also with “III” prefix. (Possibly an error – see Type A8.)
- TM: DC
- V/F: =00.oo
A5. Roneo Neopost “205” (MV).
- Small frank only 24 mm in diameter, and TM slightly larger.
- Narrow spacing. “CORREIO DE PORTUGAL” across the top.
- Meter number and prefix below and outside frank circle.
A6. Francotyp “Cc” (MV), 1950. [$10]
- Very similar to Type A2 but meter number with “VI” or “VII” prefix.
Type A7: NO STAMP. Types A6 and A7A in the original catalog were the same stamp.
- Large frank without five-shield logo at bottom.
- M# with “K” prefix at lower left and right outside frank.
- TM: SC
- V/F: 000.00 000.oo
A9. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV).
- As Type A4 but the meter number and prefix appear below the frank.
- M# with “IX” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F: =00.oo
A10. Frama (MV).
- Similar to Type A9 with medium spacing but TM is larger.
- M# wth “XI” prefix.
- Value figures large and thick with small, narrow “$”.
- A. Frank ~28 mm in diameter.
- B. Large frank ~32 mm in diameter
- TM: DC
- V/F: 00$00 000$00
- a. Value figures without “$”: 00000
- As Type A1 but value figures different, and M# below and outside frank.
- M# with “XIII” prefix.
- A. Spacing very wide
- B. Spacing medium
- TM: DC
- V/F: ◇000 ◇0,oo
A12. Postalia (MV).
GROUP B: Semi-circular frank, flat on bottom
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B1. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).
- CORREIOS DE/PORTUGAL” in arc across top.
- Value figures lower than date figures.
- With inner box around value figures open at top.
- M# and prefix low between TM and frank.
B2. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV), 1983.
- Similar to Type B1 but box around value figures closed at top and open at right.
- With “CTVS” vertical at right of value figures.
- M# at lower right of frank with prefix between TM and frank.
- A. M# with “PB” or “P.B.” prefix
- B. M# with “XIV” prefix
- TM: DC
- V/F: 00.oo
B3. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV), 1983. [$5]
- Very similar to Type B2 but without “CTVS” vertical at right.
- M# with “XIV” prefix
- TM: DC
- V/F: 000oo 000.00
GROUP C: Rectangular frank
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SUB-GROUP CA: Franks with complete outer border
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CA1. Neopost “205” (MV).
- Square frank with “CORREIO DE/ PORTUGAL” at top.
- M# with “IV” prefix at lower right.
- TM: DC
- V/F: 00.00
CA2. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
- Frank 34 x 28 mm. “CORREIO DE” at top, and “PORTUGAL” at bottom.
- M# prefix at top left and M# at bottom left.
- TM: DC
- V/F: 000.00 0000.0
CA3. Neopost “405/505” (MV). [$5]
- Frank 30 x 23-24 mm.
- M# with “XXI” prefix at bottom.
- TM: DC
- V/F: 000·00
CA4. Neopost “Electronic” (MV).
- Similar to Type CA3 but slightly taller and narrower at 28-29 x 25 mm.
- The date figures have more space between month and year than with Type CA3.
- A. M# prefix “XVII”
- B. M# prefix “XXIII”
- C. M# prefix “XXIV”
- D. M# prefix “XXIX”
- E. M# prefix “XXX”
- TM: DC
- V/F: 000.00
CA5. Frama “EPS” (MV), 2003.
- “Portugal” reads up at right.
- Post rider in upper left corner left of “CTT/CORREIOS”.
- Denominated in Euros.
- M# with “XI” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F: €00,00
CA6. Hasler "Mailmaster" (MV).
- As Type CA5 but the post rider is above "CTT"
- The frank is square.
- M# with “XVIII” or "H" prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F: € 00,00
CA7. Pitney Bowes "A/B900" (MV).
- Similar to Type CA6 but the frank is wider than tall and has larger value figures.
- M# with “XXXVIII” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F: € 0.00
CA8. Uncertain, possibly Francotyp-Postalia "EFS 3000/ NEF 300" (MV).
- Square frank like Type CA6 but the value figures are more oval (most noticeable in the zeros).
- M# with “XXXIX” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F: € 00,00
CA9. Frama "Sensonic" (digital).
- As Types CA6-8 but with town mark much closer to the frank.
- The value figures are quite large.
- M# with “XLV” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F: € 00,00
- a. Post Office stamp. TM contains "CTT"
- NOTE: Variety CA10a was previously cataloged as Type PO-C1.
SUB-GROUP CB: Franks without outer border
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CB1. Pitney Bowes “6300” (MV).
- Frank made of mostly of horizontal lines except for the inscriptions and logo in upper left.
- M# with “XXV” prefix breaks bottom two lines.
- TM: DC
CB2. Pitney Bowes “A900" or "B900” (MV).
- Similar to Type CB1A but frank is much wider with hash marks at left of Esc. under the four-shield logo.
- Spacing between the town mark and frank is quite narrow.
- Horizontal frame dashes at right complete.
- M# with “XXXVIII” prefix breaks bottom two lines.
- V/F: 000.00
- TM: DC
GROUP D: Barrel-shaped frank
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- Barrel shape frank round at top and bottom and flat on the sides.
- M# with “XIX” prefix in lower corners outside frame.
- TM: SC
- V/F: 000.oo
GROUP E: Digital frank without outer border
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E1. Pitney Bowes (digital).
- Post rider above "ctt" at top left next to country name above post code.
- Value figures at top right.
- 2D bar-code at bottom left.
- At bottom right are the date, "CTT" and transaction number, the meter number with "PB" prefix.
- With or without mail class appearing at top center left.
- Printed in blue.
- V/F: €000.00
GROUP PO: Special stamps used only in Post Offices
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SUB-GROUP PO-A: Stamps with circular franks
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PO-A1. Universal “Multi-Value” (MV), 1950. [$5]
- Circular frank and TM enclosed within greater rectangular border.
- Town mark reads “ENCOMENDAS/ POSTAIS/ LISBOA” with 4-digit transaction counter number above and the date below.
- Without M# but with “III” in center of column of dashes between TM and frank.
- One meter known, but in use for decades.
- V/F: 000$oo
PO-A1.1. Universal “Automax” (MV). [$20]
- Similar to Type PO-A1, but with different arrangement of text at left and center.
- “POSTAIS/ PORTO” at bottom center below a solid block and three lines.
- The town/date box at left does not have a separate inner frame line.
- The transaction counter number has 5 digits.
- With “ESC” and “CTVS” at sides of logo at bottom.
- V/F: =00.oo
PO-A2. Satas (MV), 1960.
- Small circular frank similar to Type A4, but “CORREIO DE” at top and “PORTUGAL” at bottom.
- M# inside frank below value figures.
- Hour figure between frank and TM.
- M# 001 up without prefix.
PO-A3. Francotyp “Taxograph” (MV), 1964.
- Circular frank with small identification number at immediate left, often found with a small circle above or below.
- Value figures very narrow.
- Printed only on labels, never directly to the mail piece.
- A. Blank between TM and frank except for ID number
- B. With boxed “R” and “REGISTRADO” between TM and frank
- TM: DC
- V/F: ◆00$00
- a. With “AVIÃO” below TM (for air mail).
- b. With “EXPRESSO” below TM (for express mail).
- c. With "C.T.T." instead of post office name at top of TM
- Other directional slugs besides those identified at a and b probably exist.
- Stamps of this type without the circular frame around the frank are receipts.
SUB-GROUP PO-B: Franks imprinted on self-adhesive labels with underprint
[edit | edit source]- The Postal service is identified in the pre-printed label design and is not included in the point-of-sale data.
- Ten different underprint designs have been seen. The labels all have slit perforations down the center. On some the perforations run completely through the stamp while on others they appear only at the top and bottom. The basic labels are as follows:
- A - Post rider in oval and “CORREIOS E TELECOMUNICACOES DE PORTUGAL” in echelon (5 lines) (1990)
- B - Lines of post riders alternating with lines of “CORREIOS DE PORTUGAL” (7 or 8 lines) (1991)
- C - Post rider (not in oval) and “CORREIOS DE PORTUGAL” in echelon (4 lines) (1992). Known in tan and in pink.
- D - One line at top: post rider and “CORREIOS DE PORTUGAL. (1995)
- E1 - One line at top: post rider and “CTT CORREIOS”. (1995). Found in pink and in red-brown.
- E2 – As E1 but "cttcorreios", lower case, no space.
- F – As E2 but "ctt" alone without "CORREOS"
- G – As F but larger "ctt" at right of post rider
- H – Bright yellow label with postal logo and "CORREIOS E TELECOMUNICACOES DE PORTUGAL" across top. Segment labels and separations in red, and vertical bar in black at left. This label is the earliest one used (and apparently quite rare since it was only recently discovered).
- I – As G but larger "ctt", and post rider removed
- Regarding the stamp data added at point-of-sale, all have a service indicator at top left. Most frequently seen is “FRANQUIA” but “R” and number (for registered mail) is common. Other service indicators such as “CORREIO AZUL INT” are less common.
- Another service indicator often appears reading up at left. “PRIORITY” and “ECONOMY” have been seen.
- It appears six different brands or models of machines have been used. Since we have not yet learned their names they are identified here as machines X, A, B, C, D, and E.
PO-B6. Machine C (digital), 1993. |
PO-B7. Machine C (digital), 2000.
PO-B8. Machine C (digital), 1995.
PO-B11. Machine E (digital). |
SUB-GROUP PO-C Stamps with rectangular franks
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NOTE: The stamp previously cataloged as Type PO-C1 is now cataloged as Type CA10, variety "a", because the design is known used with private commercial meters, not just with post office meters.
PO-C2. Neopost? (digital).
- Frank with post rider and “CTT CORREIOS” at top center, “PORTUGAL” reading up at right.
- ID number with “N” prefix reads up at left.
- “EMP” and number across bottom.
- V/F: € 00,00
GROUP PV: Variable-rate stamps from public-access vending machines
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PV1. Olivetti ABAS “Automatic Postal Terminal” (digital ink jet), 1993. [Quite scarce. Value uncertain]
- Rectangular frank and circular TM with seven horizontal lines connecting them and also extruding at each end.
- At the top of the frank are the machine number prefix “XVI” and "CORREIO DE".
- At the bottom are the machine number "154" and "PORTUGAL".
- The top and bottom of the town mark is blank with “CTT” in a semicircle above the date.
- The date and value figures run through the center and possibly are applied separately from the rest of the stamp.
- TM: SC with inner semicircles
- Printed in black.
- The stamps are applied to labels that vary according to the service purchased:
- A. Express mail label with “EMS” at upper left
- B. Registered mail label with “R” and number in box at left
- C. Parcel Post option existed but we have not seen the stamp
- V/F: ØØØ. Ø
- a. Demonstration stamps exist (see the notes below). The do not have "XVI" and a machine number.
- A single machine was used in late 1993 at an unknown location (possibly only as a demonstration). It was later installed at a Postal Mechanism exhibition from 27 January to 29 March 1995 and was then placed into public service in September at the Restauradores Post Office in Lisbon (see PV2). At some later date (unknown) it was moved to the Communications Museum where it may still reside.
- While in Restauradores it may have been used only for franking Express and Registered mail plus parcel post. In the museum it was modified to print variable rate postage of any sort, both on labels and directly to covers.
- More information is needed about this stamp.
PV2. Olivetti ABAS “Automatic Postal Terminal” (digital ink jet), 1995. [Scarce. Value uncertain]
- Similar to PV1 but large "PORTUGAL" alone at top and smaller at bottom.
- The date figures have slashes (/) rather than dashes (–).
- No machine number is present.
- V/F: ØØØ$
GROUP OO: Stamps used only for Official government mail
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OO1. Francotyp “Cc” (MV), 1964 or earlier. [RRRR]
- Used for Military Official mail.
- Circular frank inscribed “SERVICO POSTAL MILITAR”.
- Town mark has "CORREIOS" at top and “E.P.M.” plus number at bottom.
- Only two examples reported from meters E.P.M. 14 and E.P.M. 24.
- TM: DC
- V/F: ◆00$00