International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Poland
[edit | edit source]- The first meter stamps appeared in 1927. All stamps are inscribed “POLSKA” alone or with “POCZTA”.
- Early, pre-WW2, meter stamps contained a meter number with prefix based on the meter model. Later the meter number was dropped and a license number with prefix based on the town replaced it.
- Poland had one native meter manufacturer, UKA, which produced a small number of machines right before WW2. Additionally Postalia produced the “Junior 100” and “Junior 200” models locally in the town of Mera-Elzab during the 1970s.
- Catalog values are not provided for many of the listed types because of insufficient data. Some of these could be quite rare.
- The stamps are grouped according to frank design, inscription, and use:
- A - round design with squares in corners
- B – frame with three vertical lines and triangular notches at each side
- C - single-line outer frame with inner frame around value figures
- D - horizontal frank with frame line across bottom only
- E - eight-sided frank
- F - upright rectangle with triangular notches in sides
- G - single-line outer frame, no inner frame
- H - frameless or unengraved designs
- PO - special purpose stamps, used only in post offices
- PV - stamp from public, self-service vending machine
- GO - German occupation issues, inscribed “GENERAL GOUVERNMENT” (A) and "DANZIG" (B)
NOTE: For specialized information about the meter stamps of Poland see Polskie Frankatury Mechaniczne by Tadeusz Hampel, Lodz, 1992. The listings in this chapter were heavily influenced by Mr. Hampel’s work. The illustrations of frank frames without value figures and town mark are taken from the Hampel catalog.
GROUP A; Round medallion with eagle in center and squares in corners
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A1. Universal “Midget” (FV-3 or 5), 1927.
- Inscribed “POCZTA” at top and “POLSKA” at bottom.
- Eagle tail feathers are closed.
- Values in small boxes at each corner.
- M#, with prefix “A”, “B” or “C”, at bottom of TM. Prefix "A" is the most common with "C" being scarce.
- TM: DC
- a. M# prefix inside frank in plain sanserif font rather than fancy italic as shown

A2. Universal “Midget” (FV-3 or 5), 1928.
- As Type A1 but eagle tail feathers are open.
- Meter number prefixes "A", "B", and "C" are fairly evenly distributed.
- Values:
5gr, 10, 15, 25, 30, 50, 60, 90, 1zt, 1.10.
- Values:
20gr, 35, 40, 55, 65, 75, 1,20 .
GROUP B: Rectangular frank with 3 vertical lines at each side and triangular notches at each side
[edit | edit source]Sub-group BA: With “POCZTA POLSKA” curved at top
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BA1. Universal “Midget” (FV-3 or 5), 1929.
- Small frank ~ 22 x 25 mm.
- M# and prefix in upper corners.
- “Denomination indicator “GR.” or “ZŁOTY” at bottom between value figures.
- TM: DC
- Values:
5gr, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 90, 1zŁ, 1.10
- Values:
20, 30, 45, 55, 60, 65, 1.20

BA2. Hasler “F22” (MV), 1930.
- Very large frank with ribbons in top corners, eagle boxed in center.
- 5-digit impression counter number high between TM and frank.
- M# with “H” prefix small at top between ribbons and in bottom of TM.
- Denomination indicator below value figures at bottom center.
- TM: DC, SC
- V/F:
- a. Official government use. Government office name appears above the town mark. The impression counter number is low rather than high between the TM and frank. (shown above right)

BA3. Hasler “F22” (MV), 1933.
- Similar to Type BA2 but smaller.
- 5-digit S# at top between TM and frank.
- Denomination indicator in bottom corners.
- TM: DC, SC
- V/F:

BA4. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1931.
- Straight line across top. Large outline eagle at bottom, with M# or L# in bottom corners.
- A. Eagle with crown (pre-war)
- B. Eagle w/o crown (post-war)
- C. Redrawn eagle, plainer with little interior detail
- Value figures above eagle, with denomination indicator at both sides of value figures:
i. GR GR ii. Gr Gr iii. gr gr [$5] iv. GR Blank [$10] v. Blank GR [$10] vi. ZŁ ZŁ vii. ZŁ GR [$10] viii. ZŁ gr [$10] ix. Blank Blank [$10]
- NOTE: Type BA4 is known printed in black, purple, and green as well as red. Black is relatively common. Purple and green are rare.

BA5. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1931.

BA6. Universal “Multi-Value” (MV), 1935.
- Very similar to Type BA4, but spacing between TM and frank
- approximately 20 mm, much narrower than on Type BA3.
- M# known with prefixes "D", "E", and "MV".
- A. Date and value figures on same level. Eagle with crown With “GR”
- B. TM lowered with 5-digit S# above. Eagle with crown. With “GR”
- C. Date and value figures on same level. Eagle without crown. With “GR”
- D. TM lowered with 5-digit S# above. Eagle without crown. With “GR”
- E. Date and value figures on same level. Eagle with crown. With “ZŁ”
- F. TM lowered with 5-digit S# above. Eagle with crown. With “ZŁ”
- G. Date and value figures on same level. Eagle without crown. With “Gr.”
- H. TM lowered with 5-digit S# above. Eagle without crown. With “Gr.”
- A. Date and value figures on same level. Eagle with crown With “GR”
- TM: DC, SC
- V/F:
00 (A)
000 (A)
000 (A)
- a. TM lowered but without S# above

BA8. Francotyp “B” (MV), 1948. [$10]
- Very similar to Type BA4 but spacing slightly narrower, and value figures are slightly taller, 6 mm vs. 5 mm for Type BA4.
- Date with stops after D and M.
- A. With “ZŁ”
- B. With “GR” (shown)
- TM: SC
- a. Date figures vertical reading up without stops, M# FC07. This appears to be from a hybrid machine cobbled together locally.

BA9. Francotyp “AN" ("D") (MV), 1948. [$15]
- Very similar to Types BA4 and BA8 but spacing narrower, approximately 67 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Wirth or without S#.
- Date without stops.
- A. With “ZŁ”
- B. With “GR”
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (G)
BA10. Francotyp “AN" ("D") (MV). [$25]
- As Type BA9 but eagle is much smaller.
- Wirth or without S#.
- Date without stops.
- A. With “ZŁ”
- B. With “ZŁ” at left, “GR” at right
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (G)

BA11. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1957. [$25]
- As Type BA4 but eagle is smaller, and frank is narrower.
- Wider spacing between centers of date and value figures, 74-77 mm.
- V/F:
000 (G)

BA12. Hasler “F88” (MV), 1956. [$35]

BA14. Satas “Rotary” (MV), 1966.

BA15. Postalia (MV), 1959.
- Narrow spacing, ~ 6-8 mm, between TM and frank.
- A. With “GR” at right
- B. With “ZŁ” at left
- C. Without denomination indicator
- D. As C but inner line at right shortened to make room for value digit
- TM: SC, DC
- a. Solid blocks in lower corners instead of L#

BA16. Postalia “Junior” (MV), 1974. [$35]
- Very similar to Type BA14 but spacing 10-12 mm.
- With “GR” inside vertical lines at right.
- One meter known.
- V/F:

BA17. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1956. [$25]
- Frank very tall, ~ 39-41 mm.
- With “GR” at sides.
- A. Frank 39 mm tall. Eagle as on Type BA3 (shown)
- B. Re-engraved. Frank 41 mm tall. Eagle narrower than on A
- TM: SC
- V/F:
Sub-group BB: Inscribed “POCZTA POLSKA” at bottom
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BB1. Postalia (MV), 1972.
Sub-group BC: Inscribed “POLSKA” at top
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BC1. Franctoyp “C” (MV), 1974.

BC2. Francotyp “C” (MV).

BC3. Postalia (MV), 1983.
Sub-group BD: Inscribed “POLSKA” at bottom
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BD1. Postalia (MV), 1969.
- Eagle at top center.
- A. “GR” breaks inner frame line at right
- B. “GR” breaks all three frame lines at right
- C. “ZŁ” at left and “GR” at right
- D. Blank at both sides
- E. Blank at both sides, but inner line at right shortened
- F. Blank at both sides, but all frame lines at right shortened
- TM: DC, SC, nil with date
- V/F:
- a. With license number above "POLSKA" as well as at bottom of TM: "Kt-kg9" and "Kt-kt-9" seen
- b. Circular TM within box, and with inner box around date

BD2. Postalia (MV), 1977.
- With “ZŁ” at top center.
- Panel line above “POLSKA” is complete.
- TM: SC
- A. Side lines complete
- B. Inner side lines at right shortened
- V/F:

BD3. Frama (MV), 1975.
- Small eagle at top center.
- Outer frame lines at sides unbroken.
- A. “GR” breaks inner lines at right
- B. Blank at both sides, but all frame lines at right broken
- V/F:

BD4. Satas “R” (MV).
GROUP C: Rectangular frank single line outer frame line and a partial or complete inner box around value figures
[edit | edit source]Sub-group CA: Inscribed “POCZTA POLSKA” at top
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CA1. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1946.
- Complete inner box around value figures.
- “ZŁ” at sides between outer frame lines and value box.
- V/F:
000 (A)

CA2. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1948.
Sub-group CB: Inscribed “POLSKA” at top
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CB1. Krag (MV), 1975.
- Complete inner box centered to left.
- A. “POLSKA” 24 mm wide. With “ZŁ GR”
- B. “POLSKA” 20 mm wide. With “ZŁ GR”
- C. “POLSKA” 20 mm wide. With “ZŁ.” centered
- D. “POLSKA” 17 mm wide. With “ZŁ.” centered
- E. With lower case “zŁ gr”
- TM: SC
- V/F:
- a. As 'D', with break in top line of inner box below "POLSKA"

CB2. Krag (MV).

CB3. Krag (MV).

CB4. Krag (MV).

CB5. Krag (MV).
- Frank with simulated perforation outer frame line.
- Chain-like ornaments along right side and bottom.
- “GR” at center right.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

CB6. Krag (MV).
- With straight parallel lines running up left side and across bottom.
- TM: SC
- A. Lines form right angles at lower right
- B. Pattern of dots at lower right
- V/F:

CB7. Satas “R” (MV).

CB8. Satas “R” (MV).
Sub-group CC: Inscribed “POLSKA” at bottom
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CC1. Krag (MV), 1976.

CC2. Krag (MV).

CC3. Krag (MV).
- Eagle at top.
- Two thick parallel lines across top and down right side broken by the eagle at top and “GR” at right.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

CC4. Satas “R” (MV).
GROUP D: Horizontal frank with outer frame line along bottom only
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D1. Pitney Bowes “5300” (MV), 1973.

D2. Pitney Bowes “6300” (MV).
GROUP E: Eight-sided frank
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E1. Frama (MV), 1973.
GROUP F: Upright single-lined rectangular frank with triangular notches at top and near the bottom of the sides
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F1. Hasler “F88” (MV), 1971.
- “POLSKA” and bottom panel tall.
- A. Frank 25 x 31 mm (shown)
- B. Frank 29 x 31 mm
- C. Frank 31 x 32 mm
- TM: DC
- V/F:

F2. Krag (MV).
GROUP G: Rectangular frank with single line frame. Without inner value box
[edit | edit source]Sub-group GA: Inscribed “POCZTA” at top and “POLSKA” at bottom
[edit | edit source]NOTE: Stamps similar in appearance to those of sub-group GA but with hour figure between the TM and the frank are Post Office Type PO1.

GA1. Satas (MV).

GA2. Satas “R” (MV).
- Frank with straight outer frame line open at right only.
- A. “G/R” stacked at left and at right
- B. “ZŁ. Gr” at bottom above “POLSKA”
- C. With no denomination indicator
- TM: SC
Sub-group GB: Inscribed “POCZTA POLSKA” at top
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GB1. Satas “R” (MV), 1961.

GB2. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1967.
GB3. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1971.
- Tall, narrow frank with ‘POCZTA” above “POLSKA” at top.
- Eagle at lower center.
- “GR” at right of value figures.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (A,G)
Sub-group GC: Inscribed “POCZTA POLSKA” at bottom
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GC1. Satas “R” (MV), 1975.
Sub-group GD: Inscribed “POLSKA” at top
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GD1. Universal “MultiValue” (MV), 1971.
- Frank nearly square, 29-30 x 30-31 mm.
- Outline eagle at bottom with “ZŁ” and “GR” flanking value figures.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

GD2. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1974.
- Similar to Type GD1 but larger, 31-32 x 36-37 mm.
- Eagle will inner lines at bottom.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (G)

GD3. Francotyp “C” (MV).

GD4. Francotyp “C” (MV).
- Plain frank with “ZŁ” at bottom.
- A. Frank small ~ 24-25 x 31-32 mm
- B. Frank medium ~ 26-27 x 33 mm
- C. Frank large ~ 29-30 x 35 mm
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (A,G)

GD5. Satas “R” (MV).

GD6. Satas “R” (MV).
- Small frank with break at right side.
- “ZŁ" at bottom.

GD7. Postalia “Junior” (MV).
- Plain rectangle with “ZŁ” above break in bottom frame line.
- Spacing ~12 mm between TM and frank.
- “POLSKA” large. Frank 23.5-24 x 30 mm.
- Date figures ~3 mm.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

GD8. Postalia “D2/D3” (MV).
- Very similar to Type GD7 but spacing between TM and frank narrower, ~8 mm.
- Frank size variable, 24-25 x 30-32.
- Date figures short, ~2 mm.
- TM: SC, DC
- V/F:

GD9. Postalia “D2/D3” (MV).
- Frame complete at bottom.
- Frank considerably variable in size from 15 to 28 mm wide, from 24 to 32 mm tall. “POLSKA” also variable in size.
- TM:
- a. TM is rectangle with rounded corners

GD10. Postalia (MV).
- Nearly square frank, 24-25 x 25 mm., complete at bottom below “ZŁ”.
- With “GR” at right of value figures.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

GD11. Krag (MV).

GD12. Krag (MV).
- Frank larger than for Type GD11, 26-28 x 32-33 mm.
- “POLSKA” variable, 18-24 mm wide
- Date figures with stops centered between Y, M and D.

GD12.1. Krag (MV).
- Frank as Type GD12B but with break at bottom center.
- "POLSKA" wide.
- Date figures widely spaced and without stops.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

GD13. Krag (MV).
- Similar to Type GD12 but “POLSKA” centered to left.
- A. “zŁ” at center right, blank at bottom
- B. “zŁ gr” at bottom
- TM: SC
- V/F:

GD14. Krag (MV).
- Very thick outer frame line broken at the bottom of the sides for “zŁ” at left and “gr” at right.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

GD15. Krag (MV).
- “POLSKA” in panel at top, and “ZŁ” in panel at bottom.
- A. With eagle at right of value figures
- B. Without eagle
- TM: SC
- V/F:

GD17. Pitney Bowes "6300" series (probably) (MV).
- Frank is small square with complete frame line at bottom.
- With “ZŁ” above bottom frame line.
- V/F:

GD18. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).
- Small frank slightly wider than tall.
- With “ZŁ” in break in center of bottom frame line.
- Date figures are raised in relation to value figures.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

GD19. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” (MV).
- Similar in size to Type GD18 but frame line complete at bottom, and date and value figures are on the same level.
- With “ZŁ” above bottom frame line.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

GD20. Pitney Bowes–GB “6300” (MV).
- Frank is very wide.
- Date and value figures are on the same level.
- With “ZŁ” above bottom frame line.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

GD21. Pitney Bowes-GB “6600” (MV).
- Frank is taller than wide, 24 x 30 mm, with “ZŁ” above break in bottom frame line.
- Date and value figures are on the same level.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

GD22. Pitney Bowes-GB “6900” (MV).
- Frank is very similar to Type GD21 but slightly narrow at 22-23 mm.
- With “ZŁ” above break in bottom frame line.
- Date and value figures are on the same level.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
NOTE: Examples with slogan in color different from that of the stamp are frequently found.

GD23. Pitney Bowes-GB “A900” (MV).
- Frank is small square with “ZŁ” above break in bottom frame line.
- Date and value figures are on the same level.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

GD24. Pitney Bowes “Paragon” (MV).
- Frank is 25 x 27 mm with “ZŁ” above break in bottom frame line.
- Date and value figures are on the same level.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

GD25. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
- Frank 25 x 30 mm, with “ZŁ” above break in bottom frame line.
- A. Frank 25 x 30 mm
- B. As A but with breaks in both upper corners
- C. Smaller frank, 25 x 26 mm
- TM: SC, DC
- V/F:
- a. Date without stops

GD26. Neopost “Electronic” (MV).
- Date widely spaced without stops.
- A. Frank 22-23 x 29-30 mm, break in bottom frame line
- B. Frank 26 mm square, bottom frame line complete
- TM: SC
- V/F:
Sub-group GE: Inscribed “POLSKA” at bottom
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GE1. Satas (MV), 1956.
- Frank 19-20 x 23-24 mm, with breaks at both sides.
- “ZŁ” + eagle + “Gr.” Across top, “POLSKA” centered at bottom flanked by identification prefix and number.
- TM: SL
- V/F:

GE2. Satas “R” (MV), 1956.
- As Type GE1 with “POLSKA” flanked by ID information.
- a. As A, stars instead of ID data at sides of “POLSKA”

GE3. Satas “Baby” (MV).
- Similar to Type GE2 but date figures are tall and value figures are all same size.
- Frank without breaks.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

GE4. Satas (MV).
- Frank as Type GE1 but “POLSKA” at bottom left with ID number at right.
- Frank with breaks in both sides.
- TM: SL
- V/F:

GE5. Satas “R” (MV).

GE6. Satas “R” , “Baby” (MV).
- Frank with large “POLSKA” alone at bottom without ID number.
- A. Frank with breaks in both sides (shown)
- B. Frank with break in right side (shown)
- C. Frank without breaks
- D. Frank with break in left side
- TM: DC, SC
- V/F:

GE7. Satas “Baby” (MV).
- Similar to Type GE6 but date figures are tall and value figures are all same size.
- Frank without breaks.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

GE8. Postalia “D2/D3” (MV), 1975.
- Large “POLSKA” alone at bottom without ID number.
- A. "POLSKA" 10 mm wide, L# at sides (shown)
- B. Larger "POLSKA" filling bottom of frank
- TM: SC, DC
- V/F:
GE9. Hasler “F88” (MV), 1961.

GE10. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1968.
- Wide spacing between TM and frank.
- “POLSKA” large at bottom.

GE11. Postalia (MV).

GE12. Krag (MV).
- Eagle at top flanked by “ZŁ” and “Gr”.
- A. Frank 28-29 x 32-33 mm, “POLSKA” 17 mm wide flanked by ID prefix and number
- B. Frank 26-28 x 32-34 mm. Larger “POLSKA” without ID number at bottom
- TM: SC
- V/F:

GE13. Francotyp “A9000” (MV).
- Frank similar to Type GE12 but smaller, 25 x 29-30 mm.
- Wide spacing between TM and frank.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

GE14. Postalia (MV).

GE15. Krag (MV).
- Similar to Type GE12 but eagle alone at the top.
- A. With "Gr" at right of value figures
- B. Without "Gr" (shown)
- C. Narrow frank, “ZŁ” outside frank at left (shown)
- TM: SC

GE16. Krag (MV).

GE17. Krag (MV).
- a. With line added at top above frank
GROUP H: Frameless or unengraved franks
[edit | edit source]- NOTE: Some impressions often show what appear to be portions of a frame. Types H6 and H12 below are good examples.

H1. Satas “R” (MV).

H2. Satas (MV).
- Frameless frank with “POCZTA/POLSKA” above value figures
- and ID prefix and number flanking “–*–“ below.
- TM: SL
- V/F:

H3. Krag (MV).

H4. Postalia (MV).

H5. Krag (MV).

H6. Krag (MV).
- Frameless frank with eagle at top, "POLSKA" at bottom.
- A. “ZŁ” at right
- B. “GR” at right, smaller “POLSKA”
- TM: SC
- V/F:

H8. Postalia (MV).

H9. Satas “R” (MV).

H10 Krag (MV).

H11. Krag (MV).

H12. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
GROUP PO: Special designs used only in post offices
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- Small frank with simulated-perforation border broken in center of both sides.
- Hour figure between TM and frank.
- Used between Oct 1974 and May 1975 at two Post Offices in Warsaw.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

The stamp at right, previously cataloged as Type PO2, is a variable rate vending machine stamp that can be used at any time like traditional postage stamps. It is not a meter stamp.
PO2. Unknown (digital), 1998 or earlier. [Possibly scarce, value unknown]
- A. Date as YY/MM/DD
- B. Date as DDMMYY
GROUP PV: Special design used only in public access self-service vending machine
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- Frank with plain single line frame, value figures at top and “ZŁ./OPŁACONO” at bottom.
- “R” (boxed) and vertical number between TM and frank.
- Used for registered mail only.
- TM: SC
- V/F: 0oo

PV2. Centurion Technologies, Mera Sustemy, and an unidentified company, "AutoPost" (digital/thermal), June 2012.
- Frank with rectangle, slightly wider than tall, at right and a horizontal 2D bar code at lower left. The rectangle contains a logo above "Poczta Polska" at top and the value figures and an ID number at bottom. At center are the location name at top and the mail class, date, time, and another ID number at bottom. What is probably a postal code is at top left.
- With or without mail class above the 2D barcode.
- A. Printed on small self-adhesive labels. Used for routine mail.
- B. Printed at top right of large postal address form with barcode or barcodes at bottom left. Used for registered or other tracked mail.
- C. Printed at bottom left of large postal address form with tall barcode at upper right. Used for parcel post.
- V/F: 0.00 zl 000.00 zl
NOTE. The stamps from the machines of the three companies are virtually identical in appearance.
GROUP GO: German occupation issues during World War 2
[edit | edit source]Sub-group GO-A: General issues for German-occupied Poland, inscribed “General-Gouvernement”
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GO-A1. Francotyp “AN” ("D") (MV), 1942. [$150]
- Frank with inner value box.
- Eagle above and “General-/Gouvernement” in oval letters below value box.
- Approximately 68 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Only three machines used this die.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

GO-A2. Francotyp “C” (MV).
- Spacing wider that for Type GO-A1, 77-78 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

GO-A3. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$250]
- As Type GO-A2 but “General-/Gouvernement” is in gothic letters.
- One machine only. All examples reported are printed in carmine-pink.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
Sub-Group GO-B: Special issues for the German-occupied city of Gdansk (Danzig) ”
[edit | edit source]- Stamps used in the Free City of Danzig before it was absorbed by Germany in 1939 and then into Poland in 1945. All stamps inscribed “FREIE STADT DANZIG”. For stamps between late 1939 and 1945, see GERMANY.

GO-B1. Francotyp “B” (MV), 1926. [$100]
- Frank convex at top/bottom, concave at sides.
- Spacing between centers of date and value figures ~74-75 mm.
- Large S# centered between TM and frank.
- Date with stops. Value figures large.
- One meter only.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

GO-B2. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1928. [$15]
- Spacing narrower, ~59-62 mm, between centers of date and value figures.
- S# either high or centered between TM and frank.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

GO-B3. Francotyp “C” (MV).
- Spacing ~77-79 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Width of frank variable between 34 and 36 mm.
- Date without stops. S# high or nil.
- Value figures smaller than with Type 1.

GO-B4. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1937. [$25]
- Upright rectangle, shield between lions at bottom.
- Spacing ~77-79 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- S# high or nil.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (A,G)

GO-B5. Francotyp “AN” (MV). [$25]