International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Peru
[edit | edit source]- The first meters appeared in 1927.
- All stamps, with one exception, have “PERU” in the frank.
- Around 1994 stamps began appearing with “Serpost” or “SERPOST” in the frank. Serpost (Services Postales del Peru) is a publically owned corporation that manages the Peruvian postal system. The stamps marked as such either have “PERU” very small or without the country name altogether.
- Stamps with license numbers (“LICENSIA”, “LIC.” or “L.”) probably indicate private or business use, and recent issues with machine numbers (“M.”) may indicate Post Office use.
- Meter stamps of Peru often have the mailer’s name rather than the town name in the town mark.
- The stamps are grouped according to frank design:
- A - Small upright frank with simulated-perforation outer frame line, values in each corner and center
- B - Large upright frank with simulated-perforation outer frame line, PERU in curved panel at top, value boxed in the center
- C – Horizontal frank without complete outer frame line
- D – Upright frank with double straight-line outer frame line
- E – Horizontal frank with simulated-perforation outer frame line
- F – Upright frank with convex top, bottom and sides
- G – Frank with value figures only, no frame
- PO – Stamps generated only by Post Office meters
GROUP A: Small upright frank with simulated-perforation outer frame line and with values in each corner and center
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A1. Universal “Midget” (FV-3), 1927. [$15]
NOTE: The illustration is of a pre-production proof.
GROUP B: Frank upright or square with simulated-perforation outer frame line, PERU in curved panel at top, and value box in the center
[edit | edit source]NOTE: This design with “CORREOS” at bottom or blank at bottom indicates a Post Office stamp cataloged in Group PO.
SUB-GROUP BA “CENTAVOS” in bottom panel
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BA1. Universal "MultiValue" (MV), 1933.
- With unbroken inner frame lines at the sides.
- Value box in center has rounded corners.
- M# with "U" prefix below “CENTAVOS”.
- V/F:

BA2. Universal "MultiValue" (MV), 1947.
- As Type BA1 but with "PERMISO" stacked at left and number stacked at right.
- M# with "U" prefix below “CENTAVOS”.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

BA3. Universal "MultiValue" (MV). [$30]
- With “LIC” stacked at left and number stacked at right.
- M# with “U” prefix below “CENTAVOS”.
- V/F:
000 (A)
000oo (O)

BA4. Universal "MultiValue" (MV). [$20]
- As Type BA3 but box around value figures has square corners.
- Without M#, blank below “CENTAVOS”.
- A. M# with “U” prefix at bottom center (not shown)
- B. Blank at bottom center
- C. “MV” (for “MultiValue”) at bottom center
- TM: DC
- V/F:
- a. With “U” and unengraved block at bottom center
- b. Printed in green
- c. With “M.W” at bottom center

BA5. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$50]
- As Type BA1 but wide spacing between TM and frank.
- With or without 4-digit serial number.
- A. M# “F-01” below bottom frame line (not shown)
- B. M# “U.1” below “CENTAVOS”. (Although marketed by Universal, this is from a Francotyp meter.)
- V/F: [[File:MeterCat 5 spaces.jpg|12px]0000 (A)
◆000 (O)

BA6. Francotyp "Cc" (MV), 1952.
- Unbroken inner frame lines at the sides.
- Value box has squared corners and is closed at the top.
- Date with stops after M and before Y.
- M# with “F” prefix.
- a. Without M#, unengraved bar below bottom frame line.
- b. Surtax in two lines below TM

BA7. Francotyp "Cc" (MV). [$20]
- Value box has squared corners and is closed at the top.
- With “LIC” stacked at left and number stacked at right.
- Blank below “CENTAVOS”.
- M# with "F" prefix below bottom frame line.
- TM: DC or nil
- V/F:
- a With surtax appearing as a DC TM with date, either alone or at right of regular TM., The wording within the circles is "EDUCACION NAL. 3 CTS/ P.DESOCU-PADOS 2 CTS".

- BA8. Hasler "F88" (MV), 1951.
- Inner value box has squared corners and is complete except for a small opening at top center.
- Date with stops after D and M.
- Blank under CENTAVOS.
- M# with "C.P." prefix / "Lic." # below bottom frame line.
- TM: DC or nil
- V/F 6 mm tall:
- V/F 4.5 mm tall:
- a. With surtax appearing as a DC TM with date, either alone or at left of regular TM., The wording within the circles is "EDUCACION NAL. 3 CTS/ P.DESOCUPADOS 2 CTS" (pictured)
- b. Printed in green
- c. V/F ◇00,oo with solid block at left
- NOTE: This stamp with “TIMBRE FISCAL” below frank is a revenue stamp.

BA9. Hasler "F88" (MV).
- As Type BA9 but with “LIC” stacked at left and number stacked at right.
- Blank below CENTAVOS.
- M# with "C.P." prefix below bottom frame line.
- TM: DC or nil
- V/F 6 mm tall:
- V/F 4.5 mm tall:
- a. With surtax appearing as a DC TM with date, either alone or at right of regular TM., The wording within the circles is "EDUCACION NAL. 3 CTS/ P.DESOCU-PADOS 2 CTS".
- b. Date present without TM

- Frank is 30 mm square.
- The value figures are heavier than previous BA types.
- Without M#, blank below “CENTAVOS”.
- One seen with “CORREOS/ LIMA” below bottom frame line.
- TM: Inner rim only, w/o outer rim.
- V/F:
SUB-GROUP BB: “SOLES” in bottom panel
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BB1. Pitney Bowes "Automax" (MV), 1963. [$5]
- With unbroken inner frame lines at the sides.
- "CORREOS" at top under "PERU".
- "SOLES" in bottom panel above the meter number.
- M# 500 up with "P.B." prefix.
- TM: DC containing license number ("LICENCIA" or "LIC." or "L.")
- V/F:
SUB-GROUP BC: “LIC” (for Licencia) in bottom panel
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SUB-GROUP BD: Town and/or branch name in bottom panel
[edit | edit source]- (SUC or SUCURSAL = branch)

BD1. Hasler "F88" (MV).
- With unbroken inner frame lines at the sides.
- “SUC” with town in bottom panel.
- One seen, with Machine # with "M" prefix in TM.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

BD2. Hasler "F88" (MV).
- As Type BD1 but with “M” stacked at left and number stacked at right.
- All seen have Machine # with "M" prefix in TM.
- A. “SUC.” with number in bottom panel
- B. “SUC.” with branch and/or town name in two lines breaking ornaments at bottom
- C. As B but town name in one line, bottom ornaments intact
- TM: DC
- V/F:

BD3. Hasler "F88" (MV). As Type BD2 but with town alone in bottom panel.
- TM: DC with Machine # ("M" prefix).
- A. Town name in one line
- B. Town name in two lines breaking ornaments at bottom
- C. As B but town name in one line, bottom ornaments are intact (not shown)
- V/F:
SUB-GROUP BE: Manufacturer’s meter number in bottom panel
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BE1. Hasler "F88" (MV).
- With unbroken inner frame lines at the sides.
- M# with "H" prefix.
- A. License # with “LIC” prefix at bottom of TM
- B. Post Office stamp. Machine number with "M" prefix at bottom of TM
- TM: DC
- V/F 6 mm tall:
- V/F 4.5 mm tall:

BE2. Hasler "F88" (MV).
- As Type BE1 but frank is much larger.
- No line at bottom of inner value box.
- M# with "H" prefix.

BE3. Hasler "Mailmaster" (MV).
- As Type BE1 but value figures are all the same size.
- M# with “H” prefix.
- License # with “LIC” prefix at bottom of TM.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

BE4. Hasler "Mailmaster" (MV).
- As Type BE3 but frank has no inner frame lines at sides.
- M# with "H" or “H.A” prefix.
- License # with “LIC” prefix at bottom of TM.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

BE5. Francotyp “Cc" (MV).

BE6. Pitney Bowes “Automax" (MV).
- As Type BE1 but M# with “PB” prefix.
- Zero at right of value figures breaks inner right frame lines.
- License # with “LIC” prefix at bottom of TM.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
SUB-GROUP BF: “SERPOST S. A.” in bottom panel
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- With unbroken inner frame lines at the sides.
- M# with "H" prefix below bottom frame line.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
GROUP C: Horizontal frank without complete outer frame line
[edit | edit source]SUB-GROUP CA: Llama design between TM and value figures
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CA1. Pitney Bowes “R” (MV), 1952.
- Llama design between TM and value figures.
- Row of small rectangles below value figures.
- A. M# “PERM.No 1” (rimless TM)
- B. M# with “P.B.” prefix
- TM: SC, DC or rimless
- V/F:
00 :

CA2. Pitney Bowes “5300” (MV).
- Similar to Type CA1 but value figures in rectangle.
- Value box is 18 mm wide.
- M# with “PERM No” prefix.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

CA3. Pitney Bowes “5300” (MV).
- Similar to Type CA2 but value box is wider, 22 mm wide.
- M# with “P.B. PERM No” prefix.
- A. With license number in TM
- B. Post Office stamp. With “M” number in TM
- TM: SC or DC
- V/F:

CA4. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).
- Similar to Types CA2 and 3 but larger, with double circle TM that breaks the top frame lines.
- Value box 18.5 mm wide.
- M# with “P.B. PERM No” prefix.
- V/F:

CA5. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).
- As Type CA4 but value box is wider, 20-21 mm.
- M# with “P.B. PERM No” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
- a. Post Office stamp. With “M” number at bottom of TM.

CA6. Pitney Bowes “DM” (LV).
- Small, compact design with mountains above value figures.
- M# prefix “PB” at bottom left, and M# at bottom center.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
SUB-GROUP CB: Running man design between TM and value figures
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CB1. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV). [$30]
SUB-GROUP CC: Running man design between TM and value figures
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CC1. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).
- As Type CA5 with llama but with "SERPOST S.A." replacing the ornaments above "del PERU" at top.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
GROUP D: Upright frank with straight, double-line outer frame line
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D1. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
- With “SOLES” at bottom of frank.
- Identification number and two parallel lines at left of frank.
- A. Meter number with “H” prefix at left
- B. PO box (“C.P.”) and license (“Lic.”) numbers at left
- TM: DC
- V/F:
- a. Machine number, with “M” prefix, at bottom of TM

D2. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
- As Type D1 but with “SERPOST S.A.” at bottom of frank.
- Machine #, with “M” prefix, at bottom of TM.
- M# with “H“ prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
GROUP E: Horizontal frank with simulated-perforation outer frame line and running man (postal runner) ornament.
[edit | edit source]- Value figures inside inner box

E1. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV), 1996 or earlier.
- Horizontal frank, 35-38 mm wide, with "CORREOS del PERU" at top.
- Running man at left, value box at right.
- At bottom, ornament at left, meter number at right.
- M# with or without "H" prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

E2. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
- a. Post Office stamp, Machine identification number, with "M" prefix, at bottom of TM (shown)
GROUP F: Upright frank with convex top, bottom and sides
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F1. Pitney Bowes-GB “MultiValue” (MV). [Appears to be scarce. Value uncertain]
- Frank with double outer frame line.
- Country name above L. no. at top, “CENTAVOS/ ESTAMPILLAS” above “M.V” at bottom.
- One seen, L. 172.
- TM: DC containing mail surcharge fee
- V/F:
NOTE: This is possibly a fiscal stamp incorrectly or provisionally used as postage. The inscriptions imply fiscal use, but the one example seen was used as postage on a cover mailed by a bank.
GROUP G: Upright frank with convex top, bottom and sides
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G1. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV). [Appears to be scarce. Value uncertain]
- Frank without frame, value figures only.
- One seen, L. 234, used by Banco Nor-Peru in 1967.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
GROUP PO: Stamps generated only by Post Office meters
[edit | edit source]* For Post Office stamps not listed below, see Types BE1B, BE2B, CA3B, CA5a, and E1a.
SUB-GROUP PO-A: As Group B but with “CORREOS” in bottom panel
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- PO-A1. Hasler "F88" (MV), 1954.
- With unbroken inner frame lines at the sides.
- Without M#.
- a. With surtax appearing as a DC TM with date, either alone or at right of regular TM., The wording within the circles is "EDUCACION NAL. 3 CTS/ P.DESOCUPADOS 2 CTS".
- b. With "SUC" (branch) and PO Branch name below bottom frame line
- c. Printed in green
- d. Without TM

PO-A2. Hasler "F88" (MV).
- As Type PO-A1 but with “M” at left and number stacked at right.
- TM: DC
- V/F 6 mm tall:
- V/F 4.5 mm tall:
- a. Redundant M# with "M" prefix in TM
- b. "CORREOS" and town on same line (shown at right)
- c. TM blank at top, "M" number redundant at bottom
SUB-GROUP PO-B: As Group B but blank in bottom panel
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PO-B1. Hasler "F88" (MV). [$20]
- With “M” at left and number stacked at right.
- TM: DC with or without "M" number redundant at bottom
- V/F:
SUB-GROUP PO-C: Upright frank with convex top, bottom and sides
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PO-C1. Pitney Bowes “Automax” (MV). [$50]
- Frank with double line outer frame line.
- “PERU / CORREOS” at top, “SOLES” above meter number at bottom.
- M# with “PB” prefix.
- One seen with “M.050” at bottom of TM.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
SUB-GROUP PO-D: As Group D, blank below value figures
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PO-D1. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
- Frank with double outer frame line.
- "M" and number at bottom of TM.
- M# with “H“ prefix reading up left of frank.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
SUB-GROUP PO-E: As Group C, running man between TM and value figures
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PO-E1. Pitney Bowes “A/B900” (MV).
- Straight frame lines at top and bottom with serpentine line at right.
- Inscribed “CORREOS SERPOST S.A.” at top.
- “P.B. PERM. NO” (number) at bottom.
- Running man between TM and value figures.
- Machine identification number with “M” prefix at bottom of TM.
- Country name not present in stamp.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
SUB-GROUP PO-F: Frank without outer frame line, flying bird between TM and value figures
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PO-F1. Pitney Bowes “A900” (MV).
- “Serpost” above value figures.
- Bird in flight design between value figures and TM.
- Very small “SERVICIOS POSTALES DEL PERU S.A.” below bird and value figures.
- M# with “P.B. PERM No” prefix.
- TM: DC with machine identification number at bottom
- V/F:
SUB-GROUP PO-G: Simple, text only digital frank without outer frame line
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PO-G1. Unidentified (digital).
- White self-adhesive label with no underprint.
- Data presented in three segments as follows:
- Across the top is identification of the mail piece and post office name.
- Through the center in boxed segments are the date and time, clerk ID, terminal ID, and a sequence number.
- Across the bottom, also in boxed segments, are the weight and value figures.
- The stamp does not identify the country.
- V/F:
- The stamp shown was purchased to mail a post card (TARJETA PROMOCION) to a destination within the Americas at the Cuzco airport post office (AEROPUERTO J.C.).
- These stamps were also sold for use as traditional stamps, i.e. they could be taken away for use at a later date and place.

PO-G2. Unidentified (digital).