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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Peru

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  • The first meters appeared in 1927.
  • All stamps, with one exception, have “PERU” in the frank.
  • Around 1994 stamps began appearing with “Serpost” or “SERPOST” in the frank. Serpost (Services Postales del Peru) is a publically owned corporation that manages the Peruvian postal system. The stamps marked as such either have “PERU” very small or without the country name altogether.
  • Stamps with license numbers (“LICENSIA”, “LIC.” or “L.”) probably indicate private or business use, and recent issues with machine numbers (“M.”) may indicate Post Office use.
  • Meter stamps of Peru often have the mailer’s name rather than the town name in the town mark.
  • The stamps are grouped according to frank design:
A - Small upright frank with simulated-perforation outer frame line, values in each corner and center
B - Large upright frank with simulated-perforation outer frame line, PERU in curved panel at top, value boxed in the center
C – Horizontal frank without complete outer frame line
D – Upright frank with double straight-line outer frame line
E – Horizontal frank with simulated-perforation outer frame line
F – Upright frank with convex top, bottom and sides
G – Frank with value figures only, no frame
PO – Stamps generated only by Post Office meters

GROUP A: Small upright frank with simulated-perforation outer frame line and with values in each corner and center

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A1. Universal “Midget” (FV-3), 1927. [$15]

M# with “M” prefix below “CENTAVOS”.
Meters M1-M4 known.
Values: 2, 10, 15

NOTE: The illustration is of a pre-production proof.

GROUP B: Frank upright or square with simulated-perforation outer frame line, PERU in curved panel at top, and value box in the center

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NOTE: This design with “CORREOS” at bottom or blank at bottom indicates a Post Office stamp cataloged in Group PO.

SUB-GROUP BA “CENTAVOS” in bottom panel

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BA1. Universal "MultiValue" (MV), 1933.

With unbroken inner frame lines at the sides.
Value box in center has rounded corners.
M# with "U" prefix below “CENTAVOS”.
V/F: 000
a. Town mark and date inverted (Appears to be rare)

BA2. Universal "MultiValue" (MV), 1947.

As Type BA1 but with "PERMISO" stacked at left and number stacked at right.
M# with "U" prefix below “CENTAVOS”.
A. Stacked number at right with “No.” prefix [$20]
B. Two small Maltese crosses at sides of “PERU”. Stacked number at right with “N” prefix and suffix [$40]
V/F: 000 0o

BA3. Universal "MultiValue" (MV). [$30]

With “LIC” stacked at left and number stacked at right.
M# with “U” prefix below “CENTAVOS”.
V/F: 00oo 0oo 000 (A) 000oo (O)

BA4. Universal "MultiValue" (MV). [$20]

As Type BA3 but box around value figures has square corners.
Without M#, blank below “CENTAVOS”.
A. M# with “U” prefix at bottom center (not shown)
B. Blank at bottom center
C. “MV” (for “MultiValue”) at bottom center
V/F: 0oo 00oo 000oo
a. With “U” and unengraved block at bottom center
b. Printed in green
c. With “M.W” at bottom center

BA5. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$50]

As Type BA1 but wide spacing between TM and frank.
With or without 4-digit serial number.
A. M# “F-01” below bottom frame line (not shown)
B. M# “U.1” below “CENTAVOS”. (Although marketed by Universal, this is from a Francotyp meter.)
V/F: [[File:MeterCat 5 spaces.jpg|12px]0000 (A) ◆000 (O)

BA6. Francotyp "Cc" (MV), 1952.

Unbroken inner frame lines at the sides.
Value box has squared corners and is closed at the top.
Date with stops after M and before Y.
M# with “F” prefix.
A. Wide spacing between TM and frank, M# below frank
B. Narrow spacing between TM and frank, M# inside frank at bottom center (not shown)
C. Narrow spacing between TM and frank, blank at bottom center, without M# (not shown)
V/F: ◆0000 ◆00,oo
a. Without M#, unengraved bar below bottom frame line.
b. Surtax in two lines below TM

BA7. Francotyp "Cc" (MV). [$20]

Value box has squared corners and is closed at the top.
With “LIC” stacked at left and number stacked at right.
Blank below “CENTAVOS”.
M# with "F" prefix below bottom frame line.
TM: DC or nil
V/F: ◆0000
a With surtax appearing as a DC TM with date, either alone or at right of regular TM., The wording within the circles is "EDUCACION NAL. 3 CTS/ P.DESOCU-PADOS 2 CTS".

BA8. Hasler "F88" (MV), 1951.
Inner value box has squared corners and is complete except for a small opening at top center.
Date with stops after D and M.
Blank under CENTAVOS.
M# with "C.P." prefix / "Lic." # below bottom frame line.
A. Wide spacing, ~44 mm, between TM and frank [$10] (not shown)
B. Narrow spacing, ~10 mm
TM: DC or nil
V/F 6 mm tall: ◇0,oo ◇00,oo
V/F 4.5 mm tall: ◇000,oo 0000oo
a. With surtax appearing as a DC TM with date, either alone or at left of regular TM., The wording within the circles is "EDUCACION NAL. 3 CTS/ P.DESOCUPADOS 2 CTS" (pictured)
b. Printed in green
c. V/F ◇00,oo with solid block at left
NOTE: This stamp with “TIMBRE FISCAL” below frank is a revenue stamp.

BA9. Hasler "F88" (MV).

As Type BA9 but with “LIC” stacked at left and number stacked at right.
Blank below CENTAVOS.
M# with "C.P." prefix below bottom frame line.
TM: DC or nil
V/F 6 mm tall: ◇0,oo 00,oo
V/F 4.5 mm tall: ◇000,oo
a. With surtax appearing as a DC TM with date, either alone or at right of regular TM., The wording within the circles is "EDUCACION NAL. 3 CTS/ P.DESOCU-PADOS 2 CTS".
b. Date present without TM

BA10. Frama (MV). [$40]

Frank is 30 mm square.
The value figures are heavier than previous BA types.
Without M#, blank below “CENTAVOS”.
One seen with “CORREOS/ LIMA” below bottom frame line.
TM: Inner rim only, w/o outer rim.
V/F: ◆00,oo

SUB-GROUP BB: “SOLES” in bottom panel

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BB1. Pitney Bowes "Automax" (MV), 1963. [$5]

With unbroken inner frame lines at the sides.
"CORREOS" at top under "PERU".
"SOLES" in bottom panel above the meter number.
M# 500 up with "P.B." prefix.
TM: DC containing license number ("LICENCIA" or "LIC." or "L.")
V/F: =0.oo =00.oo

SUB-GROUP BC: “LIC” (for Licencia) in bottom panel

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BC1. Francotyp "Cc" (MV). [$10]
With unbroken inner frame lines at the sides.
M# with "F." prefix at bottom center.
V/F: ◆00,oo

BC2. Hasler "F88" (MV). [$5]
With unbroken inner frame lines at the sides.
M# with "C.P." prefix below bottom frame line.
TM: DC, SC or nil
V/F: ◇0.oo ◇00,oo ◇000,oo 0000,oo ◇0000,oo ◇00.oo
Note: The size and spacing of the value figures can vary in these machines.
a. Frank with inner side lines removed [$25]

BC3. Hasler “F88” (MV). [$20]
As Type BC2 but much larger.
V/F: 00000,oo

BC4. Hasler "F88" (MV). [$10]
As Type BC2 but with redundant “LIC” stacked at left and number stacked at right.
With M# with "C.P." prefix under bottom frame line.
V/F: ◇00,oo ◇000,oo ◇0000,oo

BC5. Pitney Bowes "Automax" (MV). [$10]
With unbroken inner frame lines at the sides.
"CORREOS" at top under "PERU".
M# with "P.B. prefix at bottom under LIC #.
V/F: =0.oo =00.oo

BC6. Pitney Bowes "Automax" (MV). [$20]
Similar to Type BC5 but inner lines removed from sides.
M# with "P.B." prefix below LIC # at bottom.
TM: DC with L# at bottom
V/F: =000.oo

SUB-GROUP BD: Town and/or branch name in bottom panel

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  • (SUC or SUCURSAL = branch)

BD1. Hasler "F88" (MV).

With unbroken inner frame lines at the sides.
“SUC” with town in bottom panel.
One seen, with Machine # with "M" prefix in TM.
V/F: ◇00,oo

BD2. Hasler "F88" (MV).

As Type BD1 but with “M” stacked at left and number stacked at right.
All seen have Machine # with "M" prefix in TM.
A. “SUC.” with number in bottom panel
B. “SUC.” with branch and/or town name in two lines breaking ornaments at bottom
C. As B but town name in one line, bottom ornaments intact
V/F: ◇00,oo ✳00,oo ◇000,oo

BD3. Hasler "F88" (MV). As Type BD2 but with town alone in bottom panel.

TM: DC with Machine # ("M" prefix).
A. Town name in one line
B. Town name in two lines breaking ornaments at bottom
C. As B but town name in one line, bottom ornaments are intact (not shown)
V/F: ◇00,oo

SUB-GROUP BE: Manufacturer’s meter number in bottom panel

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BE1. Hasler "F88" (MV).

With unbroken inner frame lines at the sides.
M# with "H" prefix.
A. License # with “LIC” prefix at bottom of TM
B. Post Office stamp. Machine number with "M" prefix at bottom of TM
V/F 6 mm tall: ◇00,oo ◇000oo
V/F 4.5 mm tall: ◇0000oo

BE2. Hasler "F88" (MV).

As Type BE1 but frank is much larger.
No line at bottom of inner value box.
M# with "H" prefix.
A. License # with “LIC." prefix at bottom of TM (one seen, LIC.740-79)
B. Post Office stamp. Machine number with "M" prefix at bottom of TM (one seen, M-043)
TM: SC (A), DC (B)
V/F: ✳00,oo ✳000,oo

BE3. Hasler "Mailmaster" (MV).

As Type BE1 but value figures are all the same size.
M# with “H” prefix.
License # with “LIC” prefix at bottom of TM.
V/F: 000,00

BE4. Hasler "Mailmaster" (MV).

As Type BE3 but frank has no inner frame lines at sides.
M# with "H" or “H.A” prefix.
License # with “LIC” prefix at bottom of TM.
V/F: 0000,oo

BE5. Francotyp “Cc" (MV).

As Type BE1 but M# with “F” prefix.
License # with “LIC” prefix at bottom of TM.
V/F: ◆00.oo

BE6. Pitney Bowes “Automax" (MV).

As Type BE1 but M# with “PB” prefix.
Zero at right of value figures breaks inner right frame lines.
License # with “LIC” prefix at bottom of TM.
V/F: =000oo

SUB-GROUP BF: “SERPOST S. A.” in bottom panel

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BF1. Hasler "F88" (MV). [$5]

With unbroken inner frame lines at the sides.
M# with "H" prefix below bottom frame line.
V/F: ◇00,oo

GROUP C: Horizontal frank without complete outer frame line

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SUB-GROUP CA: Llama design between TM and value figures

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CA1. Pitney Bowes “R” (MV), 1952.

Llama design between TM and value figures.
Row of small rectangles below value figures.
A. M# “PERM.No 1” (rimless TM)
B. M# with “P.B.” prefix
TM: SC, DC or rimless
V/F: 00 : 000

CA2. Pitney Bowes “5300” (MV).

Similar to Type CA1 but value figures in rectangle.
Value box is 18 mm wide.
M# with “PERM No” prefix.
V/F: 0.00

CA3. Pitney Bowes “5300” (MV).

Similar to Type CA2 but value box is wider, 22 mm wide.
M# with “P.B. PERM No” prefix.
A. With license number in TM
B. Post Office stamp. With “M” number in TM
TM: SC or DC
V/F: 00.00
a. Ornaments at sides of TM.
b. V/F: ≋0.000 (probably an error)

CA4. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).

Similar to Types CA2 and 3 but larger, with double circle TM that breaks the top frame lines.
Value box 18.5 mm wide.
M# with “P.B. PERM No” prefix.
V/F: 00.o 0.00

CA5. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).

As Type CA4 but value box is wider, 20-21 mm.
M# with “P.B. PERM No” prefix.
V/F: 0000 00.00 00.oo
a. Post Office stamp. With “M” number at bottom of TM.

CA6. Pitney Bowes “DM” (LV).

Small, compact design with mountains above value figures.
M# prefix “PB” at bottom left, and M# at bottom center.
V/F: 0.00

SUB-GROUP CB: Running man design between TM and value figures

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CB1. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV). [$30]

As Type CA5 but with running man (postal runner) as central design.
V/F: 00.00

SUB-GROUP CC: Running man design between TM and value figures

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CC1. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).

As Type CA5 with llama but with "SERPOST S.A." replacing the ornaments above "del PERU" at top.
V/F: 0000

GROUP D: Upright frank with straight, double-line outer frame line

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D1. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

With “SOLES” at bottom of frank.
Identification number and two parallel lines at left of frank.
A. Meter number with “H” prefix at left
B. PO box (“C.P.”) and license (“Lic.”) numbers at left
V/F: 0000 00000
a. Machine number, with “M” prefix, at bottom of TM

D2. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

As Type D1 but with “SERPOST S.A.” at bottom of frank.
Machine #, with “M” prefix, at bottom of TM.
M# with “H“ prefix.
V/F: 000.00

GROUP E: Horizontal frank with simulated-perforation outer frame line and running man (postal runner) ornament.

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  • Value figures inside inner box

E1. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV), 1996 or earlier.

Horizontal frank, 35-38 mm wide, with "CORREOS del PERU" at top.
Running man at left, value box at right.
At bottom, ornament at left, meter number at right.
M# with or without "H" prefix.
V/F: 000.00

E2. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

As Type E1 but with "SERPOST S.A. PERU" at top.
V/F: 000.00
a. Post Office stamp, Machine identification number, with "M" prefix, at bottom of TM (shown)

GROUP F: Upright frank with convex top, bottom and sides

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F1. Pitney Bowes-GB “MultiValue” (MV). [Appears to be scarce. Value uncertain]

Frank with double outer frame line.
Country name above L. no. at top, “CENTAVOS/ ESTAMPILLAS” above “M.V” at bottom.
One seen, L. 172.
TM: DC containing mail surcharge fee
V/F: 0oo

NOTE: This is possibly a fiscal stamp incorrectly or provisionally used as postage. The inscriptions imply fiscal use, but the one example seen was used as postage on a cover mailed by a bank.

GROUP G: Upright frank with convex top, bottom and sides

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G1. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV). [Appears to be scarce. Value uncertain]

Frank without frame, value figures only.
One seen, L. 234, used by Banco Nor-Peru in 1967.
V/F: =00.oo

GROUP PO: Stamps generated only by Post Office meters

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* For Post Office stamps not listed below, see Types BE1B, BE2B, CA3B, CA5a, and E1a.

SUB-GROUP PO-A: As Group B but with “CORREOS” in bottom panel

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PO-A1. Hasler "F88" (MV), 1954.
With unbroken inner frame lines at the sides.
Without M#.
A. “CORREOS” above town in bottom panel
B. “CORREOS” alone in bottom panel [$5]
C. “CORREOS” above ”SUC” in bottom panel with town name below bottom frame line
D. “CORREOS” above M# in bottom panel with town name below bottom frame line [$5]

TM: DC or nil
V/F, 6 mm tall: ◇0,oo ◇00,oo
V/F, 4.5 mm tall: ◇000,oo ◇◇◇00,oo 0000,oo
a. With surtax appearing as a DC TM with date, either alone or at right of regular TM., The wording within the circles is "EDUCACION NAL. 3 CTS/ P.DESOCUPADOS 2 CTS".
b. With "SUC" (branch) and PO Branch name below bottom frame line
c. Printed in green
d. Without TM

PO-A2. Hasler "F88" (MV).

As Type PO-A1 but with “M” at left and number stacked at right.
A. “CORREOS” above town in bottom panel [$5]
B. “CORREOS” alone in bottom panel [$20]
C. “CORREOS” above ”SUC” in bottom panel with town name below bottom frame line [$5]
D. "CORREOS" and town in one line in bottom panel [Appears to be scarce]
V/F 6 mm tall: ◇0,oo ◇00,oo 000,oo
V/F 4.5 mm tall: ◇000,oo ◇◇◇00,oo 0000,oo
a. Redundant M# with "M" prefix in TM
b. "CORREOS" and town on same line (shown at right)
c. TM blank at top, "M" number redundant at bottom

SUB-GROUP PO-B: As Group B but blank in bottom panel

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PO-B1. Hasler "F88" (MV). [$20]

With “M” at left and number stacked at right.
TM: DC with or without "M" number redundant at bottom
V/F: ◇00,oo

SUB-GROUP PO-C: Upright frank with convex top, bottom and sides

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PO-C1. Pitney Bowes “Automax” (MV). [$50]

Frank with double line outer frame line.
“PERU / CORREOS” at top, “SOLES” above meter number at bottom.
M# with “PB” prefix.
One seen with “M.050” at bottom of TM.
V/F: =000oo

SUB-GROUP PO-D: As Group D, blank below value figures

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PO-D1. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Frank with double outer frame line.
"M" and number at bottom of TM.
M# with “H“ prefix reading up left of frank.
V/F: 00000 000.00
a. V/F: 00.000 (shown, possibly an assembly error)
b. With "LIC." and number at bottom of TM. This meter may have been assigned to a private party either by mistake or after the postal service no longer needed it.

SUB-GROUP PO-E: As Group C, running man between TM and value figures

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PO-E1. Pitney Bowes “A/B900” (MV).

Straight frame lines at top and bottom with serpentine line at right.
Inscribed “CORREOS SERPOST S.A.” at top.
“P.B. PERM. NO” (number) at bottom.
Running man between TM and value figures.
Machine identification number with “M” prefix at bottom of TM.
Country name not present in stamp.
V/F: 00.00

SUB-GROUP PO-F: Frank without outer frame line, flying bird between TM and value figures

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PO-F1. Pitney Bowes “A900” (MV).

Serpost” above value figures.
Bird in flight design between value figures and TM.
Very small “SERVICIOS POSTALES DEL PERU S.A.” below bird and value figures.
M# with “P.B. PERM No” prefix.
TM: DC with machine identification number at bottom
V/F: 00.00

SUB-GROUP PO-G: Simple, text only digital frank without outer frame line

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PO-G1. Unidentified (digital).

White self-adhesive label with no underprint.
Data presented in three segments as follows:
  • Across the top is identification of the mail piece and post office name.
  • Through the center in boxed segments are the date and time, clerk ID, terminal ID, and a sequence number.
  • Across the bottom, also in boxed segments, are the weight and value figures.
The stamp does not identify the country.
V/F: (00)0.00
  • The stamp shown was purchased to mail a post card (TARJETA PROMOCION) to a destination within the Americas at the Cuzco airport post office (AEROPUERTO J.C.).
  • These stamps were also sold for use as traditional stamps, i.e. they could be taken away for use at a later date and place.

PO-G2. Unidentified (digital).

Similar to Type PO-G1 but with smaller text and without the boxes around the data.
V/F: (00)0

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