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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Morocco

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* The first meter was used in 1929 during period of French control.

  • The stamps are grouped according to political inscription and use:
A – French Protectorate, inscribed “PROTECTORAT DU MAROC”
B – French administered territory, inscribed “MAROC”
C – Independent Morocco, first inscription: “MAROC” and (or variation )
D – Independent Morocco, second inscription: “MAROC” and (or variation , , or )
PO – Franks generated only from Post Office machines

GROUP A: Stamps of the French Protectorate, inscribed PROTECTORAT DU MAROC

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A1. Havas “Tiranty” (FV-1),

1929. M# with “A” prefix.
Values:      50¢, 65¢, 90¢, 1F, 1F50, 2F, 4F50, 6F, 10F, 15F      [Very scarce]
Value:       3F      [Very rare]
a: Post Office stamp: meters A003 and A015 were used in post offices. Other numbers also were possibly used in post offices.      [Rare]

NOTE: Proof impressions of Type A1 (and also Type BA1) appear to be relatively common. They are worth less than examples on full cover that went through the post.

GROUP B: Stamps of the French administered territory, inscribed MAROC

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SUB-GROUP BA : “MAROC” at top, “POSTES” above M# at bottom

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BA0.1. Havas "Tiranty" (FV-1), 1952.      [Very rare]
M# with "A" prefix. Meter number A.0006 seen.
Value seen:      15F
NOTE: This stamp turned up in later 2018. Two covers are known.

BA1. Havas “Grandjean” (FV-5), 1929.
M# with “B” prefix.
Values:      25¢, 40¢, 50¢, 1F00, 1F20, 1F50, 2F, 3F, 5F, 6F, 10F, 15F, 20F, 25F, 30F     [Uncommon]
Values:      65¢, 75¢, 80¢, 90¢, 1F     [Scarce]
a. Post Office stamps: Meters B0001 through B0005 were used in post offices. B0001, B0004 and B0005 were used in Casablanca. B0002 was used in Rabat, and B0003 was used in Oudjda. Meter B0004 was used with a slogan (in French), "For your correspondence, use airmail". Meter B0005 was used with a town mark until at least 1937 and without a town mark starting in 1944 or earlier. Examples of B0002 and B0005 are more often found than the other numbers.      [Scarce to Rare]

BA2. Havas “C” (MV).
“MAROC” variable in size.
A. M# with "C" prefix.     
B. M# with "CW" prefix.      [Scarce]
C. M# with "CG" prefix.     
V/F:      ★00F      ★0oo      ★000F
a. 1953, frank blank at top, without “MAROC” (CG1073 and 4238 known)      [Very scarce]
b. Post Office stamp: Meter C0004 was used in a post office. Other low meter numbers may also have been used in post offices.      [Scarce]

BA3. Havas "G" (MV).     
M# with "G" prefix.
V/F:      ★00 F      ★000      ★0.oo      ★00.oo

BA4. Havas "K" (MV).
A. M# with "K" prefix     
B. M# with "KG" prefix     
C. M# with "M" prefix (error)      [Very scarce]
TM: SL stacked at left
V/F:           ★00      ★00.      ★0.oo

BA5. Havas "M" (MV).     
Wide frank.
“MAROC” variable in size and style.
A. M# with "M" prefix
B. M# with "MG" prefix
V/F:      ★000      ★000F

BA6. Satas "SC" (MV).
A. M# with "SC" prefix      [Uncommon]
B. M# with "SCW" prefix      [Scarce]
V/F:      ★000F      ★0.oo      ★00.oo
NOTE: For a stamp that is nearly identical to Type BA6 but has meter number prefix "SB", see PO1.

BA7. Satas "SD" (MV).      [Uncommon]
M# SD 0101 seen.
V/F:      ★00.oo      ★000F

BA8. Satas "E" (MV).      [Very scarce]
M# with “SE” prefix.
V/F:      ★000F
a. Date only without town name

SUB-GROUP BB: Winged letter design

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BB1. Havas "G" (MV), 1953.      [Rare]

Meters “G 3486" and "G 3492” known.
V/F:      ★0.oo

GROUP C: Stamps of Independent Morocco inscribed “MAROC” and (or variation )

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C1. Havas “C” (MV), 1957.

A. M# with "C" prefix      [Uncommon]
B. M# with "CW" prefix      [Very scarce]
C. M# with "CG" prefix     
V/F:      ★00F      ★000F

C2. Havas “K” (MV).     

M# with “K” prefix.
TM: SL stacked at left
V/F:      ★00.     00.oo

C3. Havas “M” (MV).

Wide frank.
A. M# with "M" prefix
B. M# with "MG" prefix
V/F:      ★000      ★000F

C4. Satas “SC” (MV).

M# with “SC” prefix.
V/F:      ★000     [Very scarce]
V/F:      ★000F     [Uncommon]

C5. Satas “SD” (MV).

M# with “SD” prefix.
V/F:      ★000F      ★0.oo

C6. Satas “SE” (MV).      [Very scarce]

M# with “SE” prefix.
V/F:      ★000      ★000F

C7. Satas “Rotary” (MV).      [Rare]

M# “S.001” and S.002” known.
V/F:      ★000

GROUP D: Stamps of Independent Morocco inscribed “MAROC” and (or variation , , or )

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D1. Havas “M” (MV), 1959.

Wide frank.
A. M# with "M" prefix     
B. M# with "MW" prefix      [Scarce]
C. M# with "H" prefix     
V/F:      ★000      ★000F      ★0.00
a. Post Office stamp, M# with “R” suffix      [Very scarce]
b. Town above date, slogan between town/date and frank
c. V/F: ★o.00      (M# H-275 only)      [Uncommon]

D2. Havas “M” (MV).

Similar to Type D1 but frank larger and with single line simulated-perforation border.
M# with “H” prefix.
V/F:      ★000      ★0.00

D2.1. Havas "C" (MV), 1962.

As Type C1A but with revised inscription.
A. M# with "C" prefix
B. M# with "CG" prefix
V/F:      ★00F

D3. Havas “K” (MV).

A. M# with "K" prefix      [Very scarce]
B. M# with "KG" prefix      [Uncommon]
C. M# with "H" prefix
TM: SL stacked at left
V/F:      ★00      ★00.      ★0.oo

a. With wide wavy line field left of the town mark

D4. Satas “R” (MV).

Very tall frank with large “perforation holes” in frame.
A. Bottom line with “POSTES” left of the meter number with “S” prefix      [Scarce]
B. Bottom line contains meter number only, with “SR” prefix      [Uncommon]
V/F:      ★0.00      ★0.oo      ★000

D5. Satas “J” (MV).

Small frank with large simulated perforations.
Date figures tall.
M# with “S” prefix.
V/F:      000      0,00      00,00

D6. Havas “P” ? (MV).

Frank similar to Type D3 but with Arabic text above "POSTES" and meter number at bottom.
M# with "H" prefix.
A. Thick value figures
B. Thinner value figures with cents figures smaller
TM: SC: V/F:     000      ★0.00
a. Large meter number displacing the lower frame line

D7. Hasler? (MV).

Upright frank with simulated perforation outer border and straight line inner border.
“POSTES” above the meter number in lower left corner.
M# with “J” prefix.
V/F:      0,oo

D8. Secap? (MV).

Frank as Type D3 but Arabic text above “POSTES J” at bottom left.
V/F:      00,00

D9. Postalia (MV).

Upright frank with single straight-line outer border.
Value figures with “DH” at left.
M# with “P” or “PO” prefix at bottom center.
V/F:      000

D10. Postalia (MV).

Frank similar to Type D7 with simulated perforation outer border and straight line inner border but larger.
Frame lines broken at centers of sides.
“POSTES” centered at bottom above M# with “P” prefix.
A. Meter number is above the bottom frame line (as shown)
B. Meter number breaks the bottom frame lines
V/F:      00,00

D10.1. Postalia (MV).

As Type D10 but with inner box added around the value figures.
M# with "P" prefix breaks bottom frame line.
V/F:      00.00

D10.2. Francotyp-Postalia "EFS3000/NEF300" (MV).

As Type D10 but smaller frank with inscriptions in wider letters.
At bottom "POSTES" is above the Arabic inscription.
M# with "PO" prefix.
V/F:      0000

D11. Frama (MV), 1980.

As Type D10 but “POSTES” and M# at lower left.
Frame lines complete.
M# with “F” prefix.
V/F:      0,00 (thick figures)

D12. Hasler “F88” (MV).

As Type D11 but “POSTES” and Arabic text on same line above M# at bottom.
M# with “R” prefix.
V/F:      0,oo      ✳0,oo

D13. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

As Type D12 but frank is wider than tall.
“MAROC” is left of Arabic inscription.
M# with “R” prefix at lower right.
V/F:      00.00

D14. Frama "M/E4" (MV).

Upright frank very similar to Type D12.
M# with "V" prefix at bottom.
V/F:      00,00

D15. Pitney Bowes "Paragon" (MV).

Similar to Type D13 but taller.
M# with "PBP" prefix low between TM and frank, with prefix above the meter number.

V/F:      00,00

D16. Neopost (digital).

Frank is similar to Type D15 but not as large.
The value figures are much larger and raised above the level of the date.
The date figures are smaller and lower than the value figures.
M# with "NP" prefix is below "POSTES".

V/F:      000.00

D17. Pitney Bowes-GB "A/B900" series (MV).

Very similar to Type D13 but slightly smaller and with value figures that are more widely spaced.
M# with "T" prefix.

V/F:      00000      00.00

D18. Secap "Vega" (MV).

Upright frank very similar to Types D12 and D14.
M# with "J" prefix at bottom.
V/F:      0000

D19. Secap, model unidentified (MV).

This stamp is a Post Office stamp.
Very similar to Type D18 but with a solid block instead of a meter number below "POSTES".
V/F:      00,00

D20. Hasler "Mailmaster" (MV).

Similar to Type D12 but slightly larger.
Meter number with "V" prefix centered at bottom.
V/F:      00.00

D21. unidentified, possibly Neopost (digital), 2020.

Similar to Type D16 but with identification number at bottom right rather than bottom center.
Three examples reported with identification number prefixes "IM03", "IB02", and "1001".
Each stamp has a 12-digit number above a large “N” at left of the town mark.
It is possible this is a Post Office meter stamp design.
V/F:      0.00

GROUP PO: Stamps generated only by Post Office machines

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NOTE: For other Post Office stamps see Types A1a, BA1a, BA2b, and D19.

PO1.1. Satas "SB" (FV-1).      [Very rare]

Very similar to Type BA6 but meter number with "SB" prefix.
Value seen:      15.oo

PO1.2. Havas "C" (MV), 1965 or earlier.

Very similar to Type D2.1 but meter number with "H" prefix and "R" suffix.
Meter number H_006R seen.
V/F:      ★000F

PO2. Camp “PR” (MV).

Small upright frank with very narrow spacing.
The hour figure is located in the narrow spacing between the TM and frank.
M# with “PR” prefix.
Printed in red or in black.
V/F:      0 0 0

PO3.0. Sercem “MIVA” (digital), 1993.     [Rare]

Small rectangular frank, taller than wide with simulated perforation border open at the sides.
“ROYAUME / DU MAROC” at upper left, the same in Arabic letters at upper right.
At bottom of the frank are "POSTE" in Western and Arabic letters above the identification number.
Square town mark at left also open at the sides.
In a single line running through the centers of the town mark and frank are the date, time in hours, and value figures.
One example seen with town mark "RABAT NATIONS UNIES" and identification number 00000000764.
V/F:      0000,00

PO3.1. Guichet “Micro Ordinateur” (digital).

Small square frank with simulated perforation border printed on plain white self-adhesive label.
“ROYAUME / DU MAROC” at upper left.
M# without prefix above “POSTE” at bottom.
Date and value figures centered.
Square TM with town and PO branch name in French at left and Arabic at right.
Date as DD-M(MM)-YYYY over time as H:MM.
 V/F:      00,00      00.00
a. With registration data at left

PO3.2. Guichet “Micro Ordinateur” (digital).

Nearly identical to Type PO3.1 but the value figures and meter number are right justified, and date and time are left justified.
Date as DD/MM/YYYY over time as HH:MM:SS
A. Town mark with Arabic text at top in small characters
B. Town mark with Arabic text at top in large characters
V/F:      00,00      00.00
a. With registration data at left
b. Without frank and town mark frames

PO3.3. Guichet “Micro Ordinateur” (digital).

As Types PO3.1 and PO3.2 but the value figures are very large.
The font used for the date and time shows the numbers with variably thick lines.
Date as DD-MM-YYYY
V/F:      0.00
a. With registration data at left

PO3.4. Guichet “Micro Ordinateur” (digital).

Very similar to Type PO3.3 but the postal code is centered below the value figures.
Date with slashes rather than dashes as separators: DD/MM/YYYY
V/F:      00.00
a. With registration data at left

PO4.1. Unidentified (digital).

Similar to PO3 types but "ROYAUME DU MOROC" is larger and "POSTE" appears above the identification number.
The date and time figures are also larger, and the value figures are large and thin.
Date as DD-MM-YY over time as ##H##
V/F:      00,00
a. With registration data at left

PO4.2. Unidentified (digital).

Very similar to Type PO4.1 but the value figures are much thicker.
The date and time figures are tall, narrow and thick and on the same line rather than in two lines.
“POSTE” is above an 11-digit identification number.
Date and time as DD-MM-YY ##H
V/F:      0000,00

PO5. Unidentified (digital).

This stamp is different from the previous digital Post Office stamps due to its wider frank and thick, straight-line frame lines. The country name in French appears twice in the frank, both at top and after "Poste" at bottom.
The illustration shows a full label with off-centered impression missing the bottom and identification number.
Date and time high in town mark rather than centered.
V/F:      (000)0.00

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