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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Mexico

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  • The first meter was installed in 1929. All stamps (except Type E2) are inscribed “CORREOS MEXICO” or “MEXICO CORREOS”.
  • The stamps have a variety of numbers and prefixes: a meter number usually with “MAQ No” or “MAQ M” prefix, and a license or permit number, usually with “LIC No”, “PERM” or “PERM No” prefix. Often stamps show only one of these numbers rather than both a meter and a permit number.
  • The stamps are grouped according to appearance and use:
    A – Small upright rectangle with radiating lines at sides
    B – Upright rectangle with internal frame lines but no ornaments
    C – Open design with eagle between town mark and value box
    D – Rectangle with single or double straight-line non-ornamental border
    E – Open design without outer frame
    F – Rectangle with elaborate ornamental border
    G – Nearly square design with eagle and snake and cactus at right
    H – Nearly square design with eagle man at right and cactus at left
    I – Frank with simulated perforation border at top, bottom and left and with monument at right
    J – Digital frank, unframed, with eagle head motif and 2D bar code
    PO – Digital stamps generated by machines in Post Offices
  • For specialized information about the meter stamps of Mexico, see Mexico Postage Meter Stamp Catalog, by Douglas A. Kelsey, Mexico-Elmhurst Philatelic Society International, 1994.

GROUP A: Small upright rectangle with radiating lines at sides

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A1. Universal “Midget” (LV), 1929.

Inscribed “CORREOS / MEXICO” above value figures and “CENTAVOS” below value figures.
“LIC. No (#)” and “MAQA No (#)” in bottom panel.
TM: DC or none
Values:      1, 5, 10, 20, 25

GROUP B: Upright rectangle with internal frame lines but no ornaments

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B1. Universal (Francotyp “C”) (MV), 1932.

With two nested internal frames and panel at top of innermost frame.
“CENTAVOS” below value figures.
M# with “MAQ No” prefix above “PERM. No” and number at bottom.
Spacing between TM and frank very wide with S# high.
V/F:      000

B2. Universal “MultiValue” (MV).

As Type B1 but narrower setting.
A. With “MAQ. No” above “PERM. No”
B. With “MAQ. F.M.” above “PERM. No”
C. With “MAQ. No” only
D. With “MAQ. F.M.” only, bottom panel empty
E. With “MAQ. F.M.” only, bottom panel removed
V/F:      000 (A, O)      00 (A, O)      0000 (O)
a. Post Office stamp, slogan below frank “CORREOS / MEXICO D.F.”
b. Post Office stamp, slogan below frank “CORREOS / MEXICO D.F./ SEGUNDA CLASE”
c. Post Office stamp, slogan below frank “CORREOS Y TELEGRAFOS / MEXICO D.F.”
d. Government Official stamp, “OFICIAL” below frank
e. Value only without frank frame
f. With “PERM” number in bottom of TM

GROUP C: Open design with eagle between town mark and value box

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SUB-GROUP CA: Wide design, date figures raised in relation to value figures

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CA1. Pitney Bowes “R” series (LV), 1943.

“CORREOS” large, wider than “MEXICO”.
Eagle faces left. “CTS” stacked at right of value figures.
A. With “MAQ M-” (#) above “PERM. P.B.” (#)
B. With “MAQ M-” (#) only
C. With “PERM. P.B.” (#) only
V/F:      ★00      00      000
a. Post Office stamp, “P” AND “O” inside TM
b. Post Office stamp, “ADMON.” (#) inside TM
c. Post Office stamp, “CORREOS” or “CORREOS MEXICO” inside TM
d. Official stamp, “CORRESPONDENCIAS S.C.T. CORRES. OFICIAL” inside TM
e. “PERM” (#) in bottom of TM
f. “CTS” removed to make room for expanded value figures:      000

CA2. Pitney Bowes “5300” series (LV), 1964.

With small “CORREOS” above tall “MEXICO”.
Eagle has large wings and faces right.
With three cactus plants stacked at right.
A. “MAQ. M” (#) and “PERM P.B.”(#) in one line across bottom
B. “M” (#) and “P1-“ (#) across bottom
C. With “MAQ M-” (#) only
D. With “PERM. P.B.” (#) only
E. With “M” (#) only
TM: SC or partial outer rim
V/F:      00      000      0000      000oo
a. Post Office stamp, “CORREOS” inside TM
b. Official stamp, “CORREOS OFICIAL” inside TM
c. Official stamp, “CORRESPONDENCIAS S.C.T./ CORESP. OFICIAL” inside TM
d. “PERM” (#) in bottom of TM

CA3. Pitney Bowes “5300” series (MV).

Similar to Type CA2 but value figures boxed.
A. “MAQ. M” (#) / “PERM P.B.”(#) below eagle
B. “M” (#) and “P1-“ (#) below eagle
C. “PERM. P.B.” only
D. “$” at left of value figures
E. “N$” at left of value figures
TM: SC or rimless
V/F:      00.00
a. Post Office stamp, “CORREOS” inside TM
b. Post Office stamp, “ADMON.” (#)” inside TM
c. “PERM” number in bottom of TM

CA4. Pitney Bowes “6500” series (MV).

Similar to Type CA3 but value box is wider.
With “$” at left of value figures.
“P.B. METER” above M# at bottom.
V/F:      00.00

CA5. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” series (MV).

Very similar to Type CA3 but larger, especially in the town mark.
Date figures are taller.
A. “MAQ. M” (#) / “PERM P.B.”(#) below eagle
B. “M” (#) and “P1-“ (#) below eagle
C. “M” (#) and “1-“ (#) below eagle
D. “MAQ M” (#) alone
E. M# without prefix, P# with “1-“ prefix
F. “$” added between eagle and value box
G. "N$" added between eagle and value box, left line of value box removed
TM: SC, DC or rimless
V/F:      0.00      0000      00.oo      000.oo      000oo      0000.oo      0000oo

SUB-GROUP CB: Small, compact design

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CB1. Pitney Bowes “DM” (LV-21), 1951.

Small frank with “CORREOS” above the town mark and tall, narrow “MEXICO” above the value box.
“CENTAVOS” stacked at right.
M# with “P.B.” prefix below eagle.
Values as:      00 or 0.00
a. “PERM.” (#) at base of TM

CB2. Pitney Bowes “DM” (MV), 1954.

As Type CB1 but small “CORREOS” above “MEXICO” at top right.
A. “MAQ M-” above “PERM. P.B.” below TM
B. “MAQ. M.” only
TM: SC “MAQ. M. (#) / PERM. P.B. (#)” at bottom center.
Values as:      0.00
a. “PERM. (#)” at base of TM.

SUB-GROUP CC: Nearly square design

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CC1. Satas “Baby” (MV), 1957.

Without outer frame line.
Eagle at left side of frank. three small cactus groups stacked at right.
Solid bar at bottom
“PERM”. (#) below the date
V/F:      00.oo
a. “Sat.” and “Perm.” both below the date

SUB-GROUP CD: Wide design, date and value figures on same level

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CD1. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV), 1962.

Similar to Type CC1 but much larger.
“MAQ. P.B. (#)”below eagle at bottom center.
“PERM. (#)” at base of TM.
TM: rimless
V/F:      =000
a. “PERM. NO. (#) at base of TM

CD2. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” (MV), 1973.

Similar to Type CD1 but small “CORREOS” above eagle and “MEXICO” above value figures.
The identification number(s) are below the value figures rather than the eagle.
Several variations of identification numbers exist:
A. “MAQ. P.B. (#)”
B. “MAQ. M. (#)”
C. “M (#) / P1- (#)”
D. “M (#) / 1- (#)”
E. As C or D, “N$” at left of value figures
F. As C, “$” at left of value figures
G. "M (#)" only
TM: DC, SC, rimless, nil
V/F:      0.00      00.oo

CD3. Pitney Bowes-GB “A/B900” series (MV).

Very similar to Type CD2 but "CORREOS" is wider and the value figures are slightly larger.
M# with “M” prefix.
A. “N$” at left of value figures
B. “$” at left of value figures
V/F:      00.00

GROUP D: Rectangle with single or double straight-line non-ornamental border

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SUB-GROUP DA: Single line frame

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DA1. Hasler “F22” (MV), 1944.      [Exceptionally rare]

Large, upright frank with “CORREOS MEXICO” in arc above eagle at top.
Value figures boxed at center
“FRANQUEADORA / HASLER” below value box.
User’s name, “EL PALACIO DE HIERRO, S.A./ MEXICO D.F.”, in frank at bottom.
Permit number “PERM C-1” vertical at right.
One machine only.
V/F:      00,oo

DA2. Hasler “F22” (MV).

Horizontal frank with “CORREOS / MEXICO” at top.
A. “HASLER No“ (#)/ “PERMISO No“ (#) at bottom
B. “HASLER No“ (#) alone at bottom
V/F:      00,oo

DA3. Hasler “F22” (MV).

Very similar to Type DA2 but with “CORREOS / MEXICO” in one line.
A. “HASLER No“ (#)/ “PERMISO No“ (#) at bottom
B. “HASLER No“ (#) alone at bottom
C. “PERMISO No“ (#) / “HASLER No“ (#) at bottom
TM: DC, SC, nil
V/F:      00,oo      ◇0,oo      ◇◇,oo
a. With space below “HASLER No“ (#) where the permit number had been

DA4. Hasler F22” (MV).

Similar to Type DA3A but much taller frank.
With “HASLER No“ (#) / PERMISO No“ (#) at bottom.
V/F:      00,oo

SUB-GROUP DB: Double line frame

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DB1. Hasler “F22” (MV).

Similar to Type DA3 but with doubled frame lines.
Frank size variable.
A. “HASLER No.“ (#)/ “PERMISO No“ (#) at bottom
B. “HASLER No.“ (#) alone at bottom
TM: DC, SC, nil
V/F:      00,oo      ◇0,oo      ◇◇,oo

SUB-GROUP DC: Eagle and post horn ornament added

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DC1. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Inscribed “CORREOS” at top and “MEXICO” at bottom.
Eagle and post horn logo at left with “HASLER” /(#) at lower left.
V/F:      0000oo

DC2. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Inscribed “CORREOS” in top panel and “MEXICO” in bottom panel.
Eagle and post horn logo at upper left.
A. Frank 34 mm wide. “HASLER” /(#)/(#) at left
B. Frank 39 mm wide. “HASLER” /(#)/(#) at left
C. Frank 39 mm wide. “HASLER / N$”/(#) at left
V/F:      00.00      000.00      0000.00      0000oo

SUB-GROUP DD: Lined head of eagle ornament added

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DD1. Frama “EPS” (MV).

Simple horizontal rectangle with “CORREOS/ MEXICO” at top.
Meter number with “F” prefix at bottom.
Eagle head logo above M#.
V/F:      N$000.00

GROUP E: Open design without outer frame

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E1. Hasler “F22” (MV).      [Scarce]

“CORREOS/ MEXICO” above value figures.
“HASLER No“ (#)/ ”PERMISO No“ (#) below value figures.
One seen, M# 6754.
V/F:      00,oo

NOTE: This is Type DA2 with frame removed.

E2. National Cash Register (MV), 1951.      [Scarce]

Date above “Franqueadora National” at top.
"Envie sus Ba[--]os Postales / con Empaques Adecuados." below value figures.
Meter number “No. 4542173” at bottom.
Printed in purple on yellow label with value line added separately in colors ranging from red-violet to black.
Without town line or country name.
Printed on adhesive labels only.
V/F:      –0.00

E3. National Cash Register (MV), 1959.      [Extremely rare]

Stamp with value figures and date at top.
Short but wide horizontal frame at bottom with “CORREOS / MEXICO” at left, and “PERM. 1–NC 4549.173 / “Admon. 42 Méx-D.F” at right.
Printing in violet.
Only two covers known to exist.
The machine was located in and used only by NCR's representative in Mexico City.
V/F:      –0.00

GROUP F: Rectangle with elaborate ornamental border

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SUB-GROUP FA: Calendar of Montezuma at top center

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FA1. Hasler ”F88” (MV), 1951.

Tall frank with ornamental border along top and sides.
“PERM (#)” at base of TM.
A. “Hasler No“ (#)/ “PERMISO No“ (#) at bottom
B. “Hasler No“ (#) alone at bottom
C. Large “Hasler“ above “No“ (#)at bottom
V/F:      00,oo      000,oo
a. Post Office stamp, TM with “ADMINISTRACION” (#) at top

SUB-GROUP FB: Illustration of step pyramid above meter number at bottom

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FB1. Hasler “F88” (MV), 1952.

Frank with ornamental border at top and sides.
Value figures at top.
A. “Hasler No“ (#) / “PERMISO No“ (#) at bottom
B. “Hasler No“ (#) alone at bottom
C. Frank 27 mm wide. Large “Hasler“ above “No“ (#) at bottom
D. As C but frank 30 mm wide and much taller
TM: DC or SC
V/F:      00,oo      ◇0,oo      ◇◇,oo

GROUP G: Nearly square design with eagle, snake and cactus design at right

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G1. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1952.

“CORREOS/MEXICO” at top left.
“CTS at left of value figures.
Wide spacing between frank and TM.
Small, narrow “FRANCOTYP” (#) above “PERMISO” (#)”at bottom left.
V/F:      000      ◆000

G1.1. Francotyp “Cc/Cm” (MV.

As Type G1 but much narrower spacing between the town mark and frank.
A. “FRANCOTYP” (#) above “PERMISO” (#)” at bottom
B. “FR” (#) above “PERM.” (#)” at bottom
C. Numbers only, without prefixes at bottom
V/F:      000      ◆000

G2. Postalia (MV).

Similar to Type G1 but with “POSTALIA” prefixing the meter number at bottom left.
Frank variable in width.
M# in one or two lines.
A. Wide spacing, with “PERMISO” (#) below "POSTALIA" and M#      [Scarce]
B. Wide spacing, blank below "POSTALIA" and M#      [Scarce]
C. As B but narrow spacing
D. Meter number below "POSTALIA", narrow spacing
V/F:      000      0000      00000
a. Value figures boxed      [$35] (see illustration for B)

G3. Postalia (MV).

Similar to Type G2D, but with “$” instead of “CTS” preceding value figures.
A. "POSTALIA" above M#, “$” alone at left
B. Small indentation containing “N$” extends out from left side, "POSTALIA" left of M#
C. With indentation as with B but with "POSTALIA" above M# (as with A)
V/F: 0000      ≋0.00      000oo      0000oo
a. Without M#, “POSTALIA” alone at bottom left
b. With “PERMISO (#)” at base of TM

GROUP H: Nearly square design with eagle man at right and ornament at left

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SUB-GROUP HA: Montezuma’s calendar at left

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HA1. Universal “Simplex” (LV-13), 1952.

Value figures in window at center.
“CENTAVOS” centered at bottom above M#.
A. “MAQ. S.X. No“ (#) above “PERM. No S-“ (#) at bottom
(See illustration for "a" at right)
B. “MAQ. S.X. No“ (#) alone at bottom
V/F:      00      000
a. Defective mechanism that results in value figures as “00 0” or “100 0” (M# 2151)
b. “PERM. S” (#) at bottom of TM

SUB-GROUP HB: Cactus plants at left, eagle man with shield at right, snake below right of value figures

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HB1. Universal “MultiValue” (MV), 1952.

"CORREOS / MEXICO" in panel at top, "CENTAVOS" in panel at bottom.
A. Frank 28 mm wide. “MAQ. F.M. No.“ (#) above “PERM. No S-“ (#) at bottom
B. As A, “MAQ. F.M. No.“ (#) alone at bottom
C. As B but frank is wider at 32 mm
TM: DC, or rimless
V/F:      000      0000
a. Official stamp, with “S.C.T./ CORRESPONDENCIA OFICIAL” below TM.
b. Official stamp, with “S.C.o.P. CORRESPONDENCIA OFICIAL” below TM.
c. “PERM.” (#) at bottom of TM

GROUP I: Frank with simulated perforation border and with monument at right

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I1. Hasler “F88” (MV), 1956.

Simulated perforation outer border has straight inner line added along top, bottom and left.
“CORREOS/ MEXICO” in two lines at top.
“HASLER” (#) at bottom.
“PERM. (#)” at base of TM.
V/F:      ◇00      ◇000      00,oo      000,oo

I2. Hasler “F88” (MV).

As Type I1 but without border lines at top.
“CORREOS MEXICO” in one line at top.
“HASLER” (#) at bottom.
With or without permit number at base of TM.
V/F:      00,oo      ◇◇,oo      ◇◇◇,oo

I3. Hasler “F88” (MV).

As Type I2 but without straight inner frame line.
With or without permit number at base of TM.
V/F:      00,oo      ◇◇,oo      ◇◇◇,oo

GROUP J: Digital franks with bird motif

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Sub-group JA: Frameless frank with eagle head and 2D bar code

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JA1.1. Pitney Bowes (digital), 2009 or earlier.

At left, “Correos Mexico” above streamlined eagle's head and value figures.
Small 2D bar code at lower right.
Below the value figures are the meter number and date.
Meter number with PB 33 prefix
TM: Very small below the meter number ("06000MEXICO" in the illustration)
V/F:      $ 0.00

JA1.2. Pitney Bowes (digital), 2008 or earlier.

As Type JA1.1 but with large, square 2D bar code at left.
Meter number with PB 22 prefix
TM: Very small below the meter number
V/F:      $ 000.00

Sub-group JB: Frank with 2D barcode and bird carrying envelope in its beak

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JB1. Pitney Bowes (digital), 2012 or earlier.

The frank consists of a similified outline of a bird holding an envelope in its beak. The image is contained in a single line frame rounded off at left and squared off at right.
Reading up left of the frame is "CORREOS DE / MEXICO".
Across the bottom are the value figures above the meter number and date with the post office name and post code at the very bottom.
At far left is a horizontal 2D barcode.
Meter number with PB33 prefix.
TM: Straight line across the bottom of the frank
V/F:      $(00)0.00

GROUP PO: Stamps on labels generated by digital machines at post offices

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PO1. Local system developed by the Mexican postal service (digital), 2007.

Printed on horizontal self-adhesive label with light blue underprint consisting of "SERVICIO POSTAL MEXICANO" between lines of streamlined eagle heads.
In black are a horizontal frame with "MEXICO CORREOS" outside at top. Inside the frame are the date at upper left, the value figures at right, and the destination at bottom. In panels at the very bottom are the weight, "SEPOMEX", and an identification number.
Without town mark
V/F:      (00)0.00

PO2. Local system developed by the Mexican postal service (digital).

As Type PO1 but the label underprint is in pink with diagonal postal logo above "CORREOS / DE MEXICO".
Without town mark
V/F:      (00)0.00

NOTE: The registration label created by this system is shown at right.

PO3. Local system developed by the Mexican postal service (digital), 2013 or earlier.

Similar to Type PO2 but with "CORREOS DE MEXICO" at top.
Other differences exist, including the shape of the value figures which are slightly more rounded and have zeros without slashes. The label underprint is same as used with Type PO2 but is often very pale (as shown).
Without town mark
V/F:      (00)0.00
a. Label (underprint) inverted

NOTE: The registration label created by this system is shown at right.