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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Meter Stamp Collecting Societies

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Meter Stamp Collecting Societies

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Several stamp societies have been formed for meter stamp collectors. The groups listed below are currently active:

  1. Meter Stamp Society (MSS, USA), publisher of the Quarterly Meter Stamp Society Bulletin. www.meterstampsociety.com
  2. Association des Collectionneurs D’Empreintes de Machines a Affranchir (ACEMA, France), publisher of the ACEMA Bulletin. Email: joeleroux@club-internet.fr
  3. Associazione Italiana Collezionisti di Affrancature Meccaniche (AICAM, Italy), publisher of Aicam News. Email: info@aicam.org, mdemin40@gmail.com www.aicam.org
  4. Forschungsgemeinschaft Post- und Absenderfreistempel e.V. (Germany). www.fg-freistempel.de
  5. Canadian Meter Stamp Study Group. hwww.meterstampsociety.com/CMSGNewsletter/CMSG.html
  6. United Kingdom Meter Franking, a web site maintained by Alistair Nixon, successor to the British Meter Stamp Study Group. Publisher of the online Meter News. http://www.meterfranking.co.uk/
  7. Meter Stamp Unit of the Japan Philatelic Society, Japan Philatelic Society, Foundation 4th floor, Philatelic Museum, Mejiro 1-4-23, Tokyo 171-0031, PHONE: +81-3-5951-3311 FAX: +81-3-5951-3315
  8. In The Netherlands a study group exists: www.frankeerstempel.nl
  9. In Belgium the study group “Werkgroep Mecanotelie” exists: http://www.evergem.be/vereniging/23/werkgroep-mecanotelie