International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Luxembourg
[edit | edit source]- The first meter was installed in 1925.
- All stamps are inscribed “LUXEMBOURG” or, during German occupation in 1940s, “LUXEMBURG”.
- The stamps are grouped by appearance and function:
- A - horizontal rectangle with truncated corners
- B - rectangle with simulated perforation outer frame
- C - rectangle with ornamental, Greek style outer border
- D - rectangle with straight outer frame
- E - open, horizontal frank, without outer frame
- PO - special stamps generated only by post office machines
- OO - special stamps generated only for official government mail
GROUP A: Horizontal rectangle with truncated corners
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Sub-group AA: Inscribed “LUXEMBOURG”
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AA1. Hasler “D106” (FV-8), 1925.
- Frank with inner box around value figures.
- Value figures large, outlined.
- M#s 101-107.
- TM: nil
- Values: 5c, 10, 25, 35, 50, 75, 1 fr, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2, 3, 5 [$10]
- Values: 20c, 30, 40, 60, 70, 4 fr, 10 [$20]
AA2. Timbrographe (LV-9), 1929.
- Nearly identical to Type AA1 but M# 201 only.
- TM: nil
- Values: 40c, 50, 70, 75, 1 fr [$100]
- Values: 5c, 10, 20, 30, 1.25 fr, 1.75, 2, 3 [$200]
AA3. Hasler “F22” (MV), 1928.
- Frank is wider than Types AA1 and 2, and the inner box around the value figures is not as tall.
- M#s 101 up.
- With “fr.” at left and “c.” at right of value figures.
- TM: DC, SC or nil
- V/F: 0oo oo 0oo
AA4. Hasler “F22” (MV).
- Frank is large like Type AA3 but corners are rounded rather than diagonal.
- With “FRS” at left and “CTS.” at right of value figures.
- M# 113 seen.
- TM: nil with date only
- V/F: 0oo oo
- As Type AA3 but without inner box around value figures.
- Frank variable in size.
- Spacing variable between TM and frank from very wide to very narrow.
- A. “fr.” at left and “c.” at right of value figures
- B. “Fr.” at left and “c” at right of value figures
- TM: DC, SC, or nil
- V/F: ✳0oo ✳00oo ◇0oo (121)
- a. Meter number at left of TM as well as at bottom of frank (137)
- Very similar to Type AA5 but the value figures are not as tall, 4.5 to 5 mm compared to 6 mm.
- M#s 139 and 140 seen.
- TM: DC
- V/F: ✳00oo
AA7. Francotyp "A" (MV), 1933 or earlier. [Quite scarce, value unknown]
- Similar to Type AA3 but meter number in 300 series.
- The value figures are angular.
- One seen, M# 301, without town mark.
- V/F: 000 (or possibly 00)
Sub-group AB: Inscribed “LUXEMBURG” (German occupation stamps)
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AB1. Hasler “D106” (FV-6), 1941. [$25]
- Provisional design.
- As Type AA1, but country name modified by insertion of large “U” in place of “OU”.
- M# 101 only.
- TM: nil
- Values: 1, 3, 8, 10, 12, 25
AB2. Hasler “D106” (FV-6).
- Value figures with large “RM.” suffix inside large rectangle.
- TM: nil
- Values: 0,02,0,03,0,04,0,06,0,08,0,12,0,25
- Value 0,20 may also have been used but this is not verified.
- Meter 106 exists but is known only as a proof. Values: 0,05, 0,06, 0,08, 0,24, 0,30, 0,40
NOTE: Meter Type AA2 (Timbrographe M# 201) was modified for use under German occupation and equipped with values 0,03, 0,06, 0,08, 0,12, 0,15, 0,25, 0,30, and 0,40, No examples have been reported, and the exact appearance of the stamp is uncertain.
AB3. Hasler “F22” (MV), 1928. [$25]
- As Type AA3.
- M#s 106, 108-113 reported.
- A. “Rm” at left and “Pf.” at right of value figures
- B. “RM.” at left and “Rpf.” at right of value figures
- TM: nil
- V/F: oo 0oo
- a. With date but not town mark at far left (113)
AB4. Hasler “F88” (MV).
- As Type AA4.
GROUP B: Rectangle with simulated perforation outer frame
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Sub-group BA: Frank with crown and coat of arms in center
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BA1. Hasler F22” (MV), 1925. [$150]
- Nearly square frank with crown and coat of arms inside oval with “LUXEMBOURG” curved around them.
- Value figures at bottom between “Fr.” and “Cts”.
- M# 113 below frank.
- V/F: 00
Sub-group BB: Horizontal frank with inner box, inscribed “LUXEMBOURG”
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BB1. Francotyp “C” (MV).
- Horizontal frank with large inner box around value figures and straight ornamental lines at sides and bottom between outer frame and inner box.
- With or without S# high between TM and frank.
- M# 301 up, with or without “F” prefix, breaks ornamental lines at bottom center.
- TM: SC, DC, nil
- V/F: 00 (O) 000 (A,G) 000 (A) ◆000 (G) ◆0.00 (G)
- a. Date boxed
- b. Meter number boxed
BB2. Francotyp “Cc/Ccm” (MV).
- Similar to Type BB1 but narrow to very narrow spacing between TM and frank.
- Date figures with stops after D and before Y.
- M# with or without “F” prefix.
- A. M# unboxed
- B. M# boxed
- TM: SC
- V/F: ◆0.00 ◆00.00
BB3. Francotyp “A9000” (MV).
- Very similar to Type BB2 but date figures widely spaced with stops after D and M.
- M# with “F” prefix or without prefix, unboxed.
- V/F: ◆0.00 ◆0,00 ◆00.00 ◆000.00 (M# 370 only)
Sub-group BC: Horizontal frank with inner box, inscribed “LUXEMBURG”
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BC1. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$50]
- As Type BB1 but with "LUXEMBURG".
- With or without impression counter number high between TM and frank.
- M#s 301-312.
- TM: SC, DC, nil
- V/F: 00 (O) 000 (A,G) 000 (A) ◆000 (G)
Sub-group BD: Country name in curved ribbon at top
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BD1. Universal “MultiValue" (MV), 1952. [$25]
- Upright frank with doubled straight inner frame lines.
- M# 501 with “U” prefix in box at bottom center.
- “FR | CTS” below value figures.
- TM: DC
- V/F: 0oo
BD2. Universal “Automax” (MV), 1963? [$20]
- As Type BD1 but with “FRANCS” below value figures.
- M# 500 up without prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F: =00.oo =00o o
Sub-group BE: Country name straight at top
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BE1. Frama “M/E” (MV).
- Square frank with straight inner frame line and large box around value figures.
- M# 200 up at bottom.
- Value figures thick.
- TM: DC
- V/F: 00.00 000.00
BE2. Frama “M/E” (MV).
- Horizontal frank without inner box around value figures.
- M#s in 200 and 2000 series.
- TM: DC
- V/F: 000.00
BE3. Frama “EPS3000” (MV).
BE4. Frama “Sensonic” (digital).
- Similar to Type BE2 but the value figures are taller, not as thick, and more closely spaced.
- TM: DC
- V/F: 00000
GROUP C: Rectangle with ornamental, Greek style outer border
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C1. Postalia (MV), 1952.
- Country name unframed at top, Greek-style border along sides and bottom with inner box around value figures.
- Frank width variable from 26 to 27+ mm.
- M# in 400 and 1400 series below frank.
- Value figures narrow.
- A. Wide spacing between TM and frank
- B. Narrow spacing between TM and frank
- C. As B but the meter number is above the bottom frame line rather than below
- TM: DC
- V/F: 000 000.– 0000 00.00 00,00 0000.– 00000 000.00 000,00
- a. Value figures with “FR” prefix
C2. Francotyp-Postalia “EFS” (MV).
- Very similar to Type C1 but M# breaks bottom frame line, and value figures are slightly taller and more widely spaced.
- Spacing between TM and frank ~15-16 mm.
- TM: DC
- V/F: 0000 0000.–
C2.1. Francotyp-Postalia “MS5/WK4” (MV).
C3. Satas “Rotary” (MV).
- Frank smaller than Types C1 and C2 with M# above lower border inside value box.
- Date figures tall or short.
- M# in 700 up.
- TM; SC
- V/F: 00.oo ★0.oo ★00.oo
C4. Francotyp-Postalia “T1000” (digital).
- Frank quite similar to Type C2 but with narrower spacing and digital value figures.
- M# in 40000 series.
- TM: DC
- V/F: 0000 0000.–
C5. Neopost “Electronic” (MV).
C6. Neopost “SM24/SM26” (digital).
- Very similar to Type C5 but spacing between TM and frank is much narrower.
- The value figures are more closely spaced, and the date figures are shorter.
- M# in 80000 series.
- Meter number small.
- TM: DC
- V/F: ≋0000
C7. Neopost "IJ" series? (digital).
- As Type C6 but the date and value figures are closer to the top rather than centered.
- The meter number is large.
- M# in 81000 and 84000 series seen.
- TM: DC
- V/F: 00000
- a. Date figures lowered, closer to the bottom of the TM rather than the top
C8. Neopost unidentified model (digital).
- As Types C6 and C7 but the date and value figures are close to the bottom.
- The value figures are more rounded than with Types C6 and C7.
- M# in 87000 series.
- TM: DC
- V/F: 00000
C9. Neopost unidentified model, possibly SM-26 (digital).
C10. Neopost unidentified model, possibly IJ-25, IJ-65 (digital).
NOTE that the lower portion of this image is distorted and not typical.
GROUP D: Rectangle with straight outer frame
[edit | edit source]Sub-group DA: Frank completely contained within the frame
[edit | edit source]- Country identification "LUXEMBOURG"
- a. Without "F" preceding the value figures
Sub-group DB: Country identification above and outside the frame
[edit | edit source]- Country identification "POSTLUXEMBOURG"
GROUP E: Open, horizontal frank, without outer frame
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E1. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” series (MV).
- Country name across top.
- “POSTES” above value box.
- Crown and coat of arms between TM and value box.
- Date figures raised in relation to value figures.
- Curled ornament at left and top right of TM.
- M# with “PB” or “P.B.” prefix below coat of arms.
- A. Coat of arms capped with wide crown
- B. Smaller coat of arms capped with simpler crown narrow at bottom
- TM: DC
- V/F: ≋00 ■ ≋00 o ≋00o■ ≋00.o■ ≋00.oo
E2. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).
- As Type E1 but without crown and coat of arms.
- M# with “P.B.” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F: ≋00 o 00.oo ≋00.oo
E2.1. Pitney Bowes “RF” or "RT" (MV). [probably very rare]
- Similar to Types E1 and E2 but much smaller, with inner frame lines at top, left and bottom.
- Crown at left of LUXEMBOURG.
- M# with “P.B.” prefix breaks bottom frame line.
- Single circle town mark very close to frank.
- V/F: ≋00.oo
E3. Pitney Bowes-GB “6900” (MV).
- Very similar to Type E2.1 but the date and value figures are on the same level.
- “Fr.” is closer to the left frame line than with Type E2.1.
- M# with “P.B.” prefix.
- A. Low crown
- B. Taller crown narrow at bottom
- Double circle town mark 10 to 12mm away from frank.
- V/F: ≋00 ≋0.o0
- a. Value figures without "Fr" prefix.
E4. Pitney Bowes-GB “6600” (MV).
- Similar to Type E3B but taller crown with larger frank.
- Large “F” breaks left frame line.
- M# with “PB” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F: 000 ≋00.00
E5. Pitney Bowes-GB “6900” (MV).
- Frank similar to Type E1 but date and value figures on same level, and the value box is much larger.
- “–POSTES–” below value box.
- M# with “PBE” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F: ≋00.0 0
E6. Pitney Bowes-GB “6900” (MV).
- Similar to Type E5 but without inner frame lines around value figures.
- The crown and coat of arms are larger, and the TM does not have curled ornaments.
- A frame line has been added across the bottom, and a line (from the edge of the die?) sometimes appears along the top.
- M# with “PB” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F: ≋00.0
E7. Pitney Bowes “A/B900” (MV).
- Similar to Type E5 but lower and wider.
- M# with “PB” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F: ≋00 ≋0000 ≋000.0 o
E7.1. Pitney Bowes “Paragon” (MV).
- Similar to Type E4 but larger frank with smaller value figures.
- Narrower spacing that with Type E4.
- Without "F" preceding the value figures.
- M# in 50000 series with "PB" prefix breaks the bottom frame lines.
- TM: DC
- V/F: ≋0000
E8. Pitney Bowes “EasyMail” (digital).
- “POSTES” centered below country name at top.
- Large crown over value figures at left.
- M# with “PB” prefix and date at right.
- Various numbers at far left below curled ornaments.
- TM: Linear across bottom
- V/F: ≋0000
E9. Pitney Bowes (digital), 2008.
- Similar to Tye E8 but without crown and ornaments at upper left.
- Below the value figures are a 7-digit code and the town name.
- M# with "PB" prefix.
- TM: SL
- V/F: 00000
GROUP PO: Special stamps generated only by post office machines
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- Small upright frank with single line, simulated perforation border broken at center of sides.
- Spacing between TM and frank ~15 mm.
- Identification letter at bottoms of TM and frank.
- Hour figure between TM and frank.
- TM: SC
- V/F: ★000
- Frank very similar to Type PO1 but with “POSTES” over identification number at bottom.
- Narrow spacing between TM and frank.
- TM: SC with ID letter at bottom
- V/F: 000oo
PO3. Frama (digital).
- Horizontal frank with simulated perforation border around the right half and straight line border at top and bottom of the left half.
- At left are the town and postal codes in panels at top and bottom.
- At right are the country name and identification number at top and bottom.
- Identification number with "P" prefix.
- Date and value figures across center.
- V/F: 000.00
PO4. Escher Group "Riposte" (digital), 2005.
- Rectangular value box containing "PORT PAYE" at the top.
- Value box with country name above the box and "POSTES" below.
- Large single circle TM contains two lines of text through the center, the upper line a series of number codes and the lower line the date and time.
- a. With underprint vertical, reading up, rather than horizontal
PO5.1. probably Escher Group (digital), 2014 or earlier.
- Similar to Type PO4 but the letters in the country name and "PORT PAYE" are heavier.
- The post office name is straight rather than curved at the top.
- Printed in black on self-adhesive label with underprint of yellow "LUXEMBOURG POSTES" in four lines reading up along the right side. The right-most line has "POSTES" in blue-green.
- V/F very small: ■ ■ ■ 0.00 €
PO5.2. probably Escher Group (digital).
- Similar to Type PO5.1 but the value box, town mark circle, and inscriptions are all much smaller.
- Printed in black on self-adhesive label.
GROUP PD: Stamp used for collecting Postage Due
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PD1. Postalia (MV).
- Simple horizontal rectangle broken at top right by "LUXEMBOURG".
- At center is a large "T" filled with hatch lines.
- The date is at left, and the value figures are at right.
- Without town mark.
- V/F: 000
GROUP OO: Special stamps generated only for official government mail
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OO1. Safag (MV), 1947.
- Horizontal frank without complete outer border.
- Country name underlined at top, Greek style border at bottom, crown and coat of arms at both sides.
- M# and department name below frank.
NOTE: During the German occupation of WW2 at least one meter with stamp of unaltered German design was used in Luxembourg.
It can be identified only by "LUXEMBURG" in the town mark. Examples seem to be quite rare.