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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Lithuania

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  • Lithuania was an independent country until the German and Soviet Union occupations which began in 1941. No meter stamps distinctly identified to the German occupation are known. From 1941 until Lithuania regained its independence after the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, meter stamps of the Soviet Union (USSR) were used.
  • All stamps are inscribed “LIETUVA” or “LIETUVOS” or are without country inscription but have a Lithuanian town mark or other identifying feature.
  • The stamps are grouped according to political period:
A - Period of independence, 1933 to early in World War Two
B - Period of Soviet Union occupation, 1940 – 1991
C - Period of independence, 1991 to present

GROUP A: Period of independence, 1933 to World War Two

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Sub-group AA: Horizontal rectangle with rounded corners

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AA1. Francotyp “B” (MV), 1933. [$75]

“CENT.” at bottom of frank.
Distance between centers of date and value figures 74-76 mm.
Date figures with stops after D and M.
One machine only.
V/F: 000

AA2. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$50]

As Type AA1 but slightly wider, 77-79 mm between centers of date and value figures.
Date figures without stops.
V/F: 000 000

AA3. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$50]

As Type AA2 but with “CT” at bottom.
With or without 4-digit impression counter number high between TM and frank.
V/F: 000 (A,G) 000 ◆000
a. Entire stamp except impression counter number enclosed in a greater outer border with simulated perforations [$100]

AA4. Universal “MultiValue” (MV). [$50]

Narrow spacing between TM and frank.
“CENT” at bottom of frank.
One machine only.
V/F: 000

Sub-group AB: Upright rectangle with simulated-perforation border

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AB1. Neopost (LV-6), 1934. [$50]
With “CENT” below value figures.
Meter number with “N” prefix.
Values: 5, 15, 30, 50, 60 CENT, 1 litas
NOTE: Examples with “CT” or “LT” below value figures are essays.

GROUP B: Period of Soviet Union occupation, 1940–1991

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B1. Francotyp “B” (MV). [$100]

As USSR Type C1 with hammer & sickle logos at sides of value figures.
The USSR stamp has a small “K” under the hammer & sickles. The Lithuania stamp does not.
V/F: 000

NOTE: Type B1 is the only Soviet era meter stamp design that was used only in Lithuania. Many other meter stamps were used here during the Soviet occupation, but they are identical to stamps used in the rest of the USSR and can be identified only by a Lithuanian town name.

GROUP C: Issues since independence in 1991

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  • Normally printed in black but purple and brown are known.

Sub-group CA: Provisional issues without country identification

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CA1. Perm (MV).

Entire frank removed leaving only the value figures.
Value figures stacked, date figures vertical.
B. Date only without TM (can be identified by the slogan)
V/F: 000

CA2. Perm (MV).

Small rectangle containing stacked value figures.
Date vertical.
Can be identified by the slogan.
V/F: 000

CA3. Perm (MV).

Upright octagon with all inscriptions removed.
Value figures stacked, and date figures vertical.
TM: SC, empty, or unengraved
V/F: 000

CA4. Perm (MV).

As Type CA3 but date and value figures are horizontal.
V/F: 000

CA5. Perm (MV).

As Type CA4 but double outer frame lines.
V/F: 000

CA6. Perm (MV).

Horizontal alignment as with Types CA4 and 5 but value figures only without frank frame.
B. Date only without TM (can be identified by the slogan)
V/F: 000

Sub-group CB: Frank is upright octagon with inner box around value figures

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CB1. Perm (MV).

“LIETUVA” stacked at left and “PASTAS” stacked at right.
Blank at top and bottom.
Date vertical and value figures stacked.
V/F: 000
a. Printed in a color other than black (blue, purple, red-brown seen)

CB2. Perm (MV).

As Type CB1 but “LIETUVOS” (instead of “LIETUVA”) stacked at left.
Inscriptions italicized.
Date vertical and value figures stacked.
TM: SC, blank
V/F: 000

CB3. Perm (MV).

“LIETUVOS” stacked at left and “PASTAS” stacked at right.
Frame lines are extremely thick.
Date vertical and value figures stacked.
V/F: 000

CB4. Perm (MV).

As Type CB1 but the octagon is much narrower.
Date vertical and value figures stacked.
V/F: 000

CB5. Perm (MV).

The frank is as wide as it is tall.
Spacing between TM and frank very narrow.
Date vertical and value figures stacked.
V/F: 0000
a. Printed in a color other than black (blue seen)

CB6. Perm (MV).

Large frank with “LIETUVOS” in panel at top and “PASTAS” in panel at bottom.
Panels at sides contain vertical lines.
Spacing very narrow.
Date vertical and value figures stacked.
V/F: 0000

CB7. Perm (MV).

Wide spacing like Type CB4 but “LIETUVOS” at top and “PASTAS” at bottom with sides blank.
Date vertical and value figures stacked.
A. Inscriptions 3.5 mm tall
B. Small inscriptions 2 mm tall
C. As B, but narrow spacing between TM and frank
V/F: 000

CB8. Perm (MV).

Similar to Type CB1 but the outer frame line is doubled, and the date and value figures are horizontal.
Considerable variation in date and value figures is found, especially in later impressions.
A. Wide spacing between TM and frank
B. Intermediate spacing
C. Narrow spacing
V/F: 000

Sub-group CC: Frank is rectangle

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CC1. Perm (MV).

“LIETUVOS” at top, and “PASTAS” at bottom.
Value figures stacked and date figures vertical.
A. Wide spacing
B. Narrow spacing
V/F: 000
a. Without town mark

CC2. Perm (MV).

As Type CC1A but the date and value figures are horizontal.
V/F: 000

Sub-group CD: Upright frank with simulated-perforations at top and left, straight lines at right and bottom

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CD1. Perm (MV).

Tall frank with “LIETUVOS” stacked at left and “PASTAS” stacked at right.
Value figures stacked and date figures vertical.
V/F: 000

CD2. Perm (MV).

As Type CD1 but frank is not as tall.
Value figures stacked and date figures vertical.
V/F: 000

CD3. Perm (MV).

As Type CD2 but with “LIETUVA” (instead of “LIETUVOS”) at left.
Value figures stacked and date figures vertical.
V/F: 000

CD4. Perm (MV).

Frank without inscriptions, with small circles at top and bottom.
Value figures stacked and date figures vertical.
TM: SC unengraved.
Can be identified by the slogan.
V/F: 000

CD5. Perm (MV).

Large frank with “LIETUVOS” at top and “PASTAS” in frame at bottom.
“Li” in panel at left, and “ct” in panel at right.
Very narrow spacing between TM and frank.
Value figures stacked and date figures vertical.
TM: SC with date in frame
V/F: 0000

Sub-group CE: Frank is small horizontal octagon

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CE1. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” series (MV).

“LIETUVOS” at top and “PASTAS” at bottom.
Meter number with "26" and no letter prefix below frank.
V/F: 000

CE2. Pitney Bowes-GB “A900” series (MV).

Very similar to Type CE1 but the value figures are larger.
Meter number with "25" and no letter prefix below frank.
V/F: 0000

CE3. Francotyp-Postalia “T1000” (digital).

As Types CE1 and 2 but value figures are narrower and spaced closer together.
Meter number with “F 2” or “F 7” prefix below frank.
Printed in cherry red.
V/F: 0000
V/F: ≡ 000

CE4. Pitney Bowes-GB “EasyMail” (digital).

“LIETUVOS” is wider than on previous CE types.
Two columns of numbers left of the town mark.
Meter number with “PB9” prefix below frank.
V/F: 0000

CE5. Francotyp-Postalia (digital).

Quite similar to Type CE3 but the frank is slightly larger and the value figures are boxy.
The date figures are thick and have no stops.
Meter number with "F 5" prefix below the frank.
V/F: 0000

Sub-group CF: Frank is small with simulated perforations at left and right, and with five horizontal lines at far right

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CF1. (unknown) (MV).
“LIETUVOS” at top and “PASTAS” at bottom.
No meter number or town/date - this is possibly a handstamp rather than a meter.
Value figures stacked vertically.
TM: Nil
V/F: 000

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