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The first meter was installed in 1925.
The postal service of LIECHTENSTEIN is administered by SWITZERLAND. The meter stamps are similar to those of SWITZERLAND but are inscribed LIECHTENSTEIN instead of HELVETICA. The early stamps are also numbered in the same series as SWITZERLAND.
The stamps are grouped by the shape of the frank as follows:
A – Oval
B – Horizontal frank without outer frame
C – Horizontal frank with complete outer frame
D – Horizontal frank with frame line at bottom only
E – Digital frank with 2D barcode
A1. Hasler “D106” (FV-8), 1925.
Oval frank with country name at top, meter number at bottom, and large "P"s at the sides.
Only two machines were used.
A . M# 386, first used in 1925. If present the town mark is printed in black while the frank is red.
Values: 10, 30 [$50]
B . M# 176, first used in 1950:
Values: 10, 20 [$5]
Values: 5, 40 [$10]
Values: 15, 90 [$15]
Values: 65, 1 Fr [$25]
NOTE : Meter 176 may have been capable of printing 30, 50 and 70 values but they have not been reported.
TM: DC, nil
NOTE : Although this machine could print eight values, users had the option to replace one or more values with a slogan. These slogans are the same size as the normal frank and are rarely found. Slogans may appear rotated 90 degrees, but this was caused by the envelope being rotated before printing.
Cross and post horns at top, “LIECHTENSTEIN” at bottom.
Line ornaments including crosses in each corner with the letter “P” between the ornaments at left and right.
Meter number below frank.
BA1. Hasler “F22” (MV), 1931. [$20]
One machine only, meter 4124.
TM: BIC, nil
V/F: 0000
BB1. Hasler “F88/F66” (MV), 1955. [ [$5]
Letters in “LIECHTENSTEIN” tall and narrow, 5 mm tall.
A . Value figures large, without comma
B . Value figures small, with comma
TM: BIC, nil
V/F: 000 0000 00,00 00000
BB2. Hasler “F88/F66” (MV), 1964. [$5]
Letters in “LIECHTENSTEIN” short, 3½ mm tall.
Value figures large.
TM: BIC, DC, nil
V/F: 000 0000
BB3. Frama (MV), 1964. [$20]
Nearly identical to Type BB2 but both the town mark and the value figures are larger.
M# 7006 only.
TM: BIC, DC, nil
V/F: 000 0000
BB4. Hasler “F88/F66” (MV), 1967. [$15]
Similar to Type BB2 with short letters in country name, but inscribed “F. LIECHTENSTEIN”, 3 mm tall.
A . Value figures large, without comma
B . Value figures small, with comma
TM: BIC, DC, nil
V/F: 0,00 0000 00,00
BB5. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV), 1967. [$10]
Very similar to Type BB4A but the value figures are more regular, less stylized.
Only one meter, 9192, known.
V/F: 00000
BB6. Frama (MV). [$20]
As Types BB4 and BB5 but value figures are quite thick.
TM: BIC, DC, nil
V/F: 000
“F. LIECHTENSTEIN” in top panel, large outline “P” in each side panel.
Post horns in bottom corners.
Meter number at bottom.
CA1. Pitney Bowes-GB “5300” series (MV). [$15]
Date figures are raised in relation to value figures.
M# breaks bottom frame line.
V/F: 00.00
CA2. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” series (MV). [$25]
As Type CA1 but date and value figures are on the same level.
M# above bottom frame line.
V/F: 00.00
Sub-group CB: Top panel extends all the way across eliminating the crosses in the corners [ edit | edit source ]
CB1. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV). [$30]
Country name larger than on CA types.
M# above bottom frame line.
V/F: 0000
GROUP D: Horizontal frank with outer frame line at bottom only [ edit | edit source ]
Post horns in lower corner blocks.
Coats of arms at sides.
D2. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
As Type D1B/C but value figures are more regular, less stylized.
TM: DC, nil
V/F: 0000
D3. Frama (MV).
Very similar to Type D2 but the value figures are thicker.
V/F: 000 0000
D4. Pitney Bowes-GB “5300” series (MV).
Date figures are raised in relation to value figures.
M# breaks bottom frame line.
V/F: 00.00
D5. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” series (MV).
As Type D4 but date and value figures are on the same level.
M# above bottom frame line.
V/F: 00.00
No outer frame line.
2D barcode between date/town at left and value field at right.
At right, value figures at top, class of mail in center, postal symbol at bottom.
At left, date at top, post office identification in center, security number at bottom.
E1. Frama “MailMax/EcoMail” (digital).
Value figures are narrow and jagged.
Class of mail is right justified.
Post code and town name centered under the date.
Security number is in two lines.
Printed in blue.
V/F: 000.00
E2. Pitney Bowes "DM800/900” (digital).
Value figures are much larger than with Type E1.
Class of mail is left justified under the value figures.
Post code and town name left justified under the date.
Security number is in one line.
Printed in blue.
V/F: 000.00
PO1. Unknown
Date and time above post office details at top left, value at top right and large 2D barcode in centre.
Printed on white label with "Liechtensteinische Post AG" logo at bottom right.
V/F: (00)0.00
a. "Pro clima" logo at bottom left.
PO2. Unknown
"DIE POST" at top left with date below.
Post code and post office details at top centre above time.
Value (in CHF) and weight (in kg) at right.
Printed on white label.
V/F: (00)0.00
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