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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Latvia

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  • Latvia was an independent country until the German occupation of 1941 – 1945 and the Soviet Union occupation which began in 1945. Latvia regained its independence after the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991.
  • The stamps are inscribed “LATVIJA”, “LATVIJAS”, or are without country inscription but have a Latvian town mark.
  • The stamps are grouped according to political period:
A - Period of independence, 1928 – 1942
B - First period of Soviet Union occupation, 1940 - 1941
C - Period of German occupation, 1942 – 1945
D - Second period of Soviet Union occupation, 1945 - 1991
E - Period of independence, 1991 to present

GROUP A: Period of independence, 1928 to World War Two

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Sub-group AA: Upright frank with rounded corners

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AA1. Universal “Midget” (FV-3/-5), 1928. [$35]

Four-line border around value figure in center.
Country name at top, “SANT” at bottom.
Without M#.
Only two machine were placed into use.
TM: BIC with horizontal bar
Values: 2, 6, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30, 35

Sub-group AB: Square frank

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AB1. Francotyp “B” (MV), 1928. [$15]

Country name in banner at top.
Flowering plant ornaments at sides.
“SANTIMI” in panel at bottom.
TM: BIC with horizontal bar
V/F: 00
a. Used without TM on business reply card. [Add $50]

Sub-group AC: Horizontal oval frank

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AC1. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1928. [$20]

Large horizontal oval inscribed “LATVIJA” at top and “SANT” at bottom.
Spacing between centers of date and value figures around 60 mm.
Four-digit impression counter number high between TM and frank.
V/F: 0000 (A) 000 (A) ◆000 (G)

AC2. Francotyp “B” (MV).

As Type AC1 but distance between centers of date and value figures 74-75 mm.
Four-digit impression counter number high between TM and frank.
Date with stops after D and M.
A. Frank is curved at top and bottom, "SANT." is curved [$25]
B. Frank is flat at top and bottom, "SANT." is straight [$15]
V/F: 000 (A) 00 (A)
a. Without TM

AC3. Francotyp “C” (MV).

As Type AC2 but spacing between centers of date and value figures is slightly wider at 77-79 mm.
With or without 4-digit impression counter number high between TM and frank.
Date without stops.
A. Frank is 34-35 mm wide and curved at top and bottom [$15]
B. Frank is 38-39 mm wide and flat at top and bottom [$10]
V/F: 000 (A,G)

AC4. Hasler “F22” (MV), 1931.

Frank is always flat at top and bottom and always has 5-digit impression counter number.
A. Wide spacing with impression counter number and slogan between TM and frank [$25]
B. Narrow spacing with impression counter number and slogan to the left of the town mark [$75]
V/F: ★00

AC5. Neopost (LV-6), 1931. [$25]

Without impression counter number.
Value figures only 1- or 2-digit.
Values: 2, 6, 15, 20, 30

AC6. Safag (MV), 1939. [$75]

Large frank with relatively thin border design.
Spacing between TM and frank narrow.
V/F: 000

NOTE: Zero cent proofs are more common than postally used examples. Value of a proof is about half that of a postally used example.

GROUP B: First period of Soviet Union occupation, 1940-1941

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B1. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1941. [$50]

Provisional stamp.
As Type AC3 but country inscription removed from the top of frank, “KAP.” at bottom.
TM: DC, inner circle flattened and blank at top, “RIGA” at bottom right
V/F: 000

B2. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1941. [$35]

Provisional stamp.
As Type B1 but with “КОП.” at bottom.
TM: DC, inner circle flattened and blank at top, “RIGA” at bottom right
V/F: 000

B3. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$50]

As Type B1 but inscribed “LATVIJAS PSR” at top.
TM: DC, inner circle flattened and with “CCCP” and star at top, bilingual town name at bottom
V/F: 000

B4. Francotyp “A” (MV). [$50]

As Type AC1 but inscribed “ПОЧТА ☆ CCCP” at top and “КОП” at bottom.
TM: DC, inner circle flattened and with “CCCP” and star at top, bilingual town name at bottom
V/F: probably 0000 or 000

B5. Francotyp “B” (MV). [$50]

As Type AC2B but inscribed “ПОЧТА ☆ CCCP” at top and “КОП” at bottom.
TM: DC, inner circle flattened and with “CCCP” and star at top, bilingual town name at bottom
V/F: probably 000 or 00

B6. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$50]

As Type AC3B but inscribed “ПОЧТА ☆ CCCP” at top and “КОП.” at bottom.
Hammer & sickle at both sides of value figures.
TM: DC, inner circle flattened and with “CCCP” and star at top, bilingual town name at bottom
V/F: 000 (A,G)

B7. Neopost (LV6). [Exceptionally rare]

As Type AC5 but inscribed “ПОЧТА ☆ CCCP” at top and “КОП.” at bottom.
Hammer & sickle at both sides of value figures.
TM: DC, inner circle flattened and with “CCCP” and star at top, bilingual town name at bottom
Values: 15 seen but 2, 6, 20 and 30 may exist

NOTE: Types B4 through B7 have inscriptions identical to those of the USSR. They are cataloged under Latvia because stamps of this oval design were used only in Latvia and not elsewhere in the Soviet Union.

GROUP C: Period of German occupation, 1941-1945

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Sub-group CA: Oval frank

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CA1. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1942. [$20]

Provisional stamp.
As Type AC1 but “SANT” either removed from bottom or partly or fully obliterated.
V/F: 000 (A) ◆000 (G)
a. With just “S” (of ‘SANT’) at bottom

CA2. Francotyp “B” (MV). [$20]

Provisional stamp.
As Type CA1 but with wider spacing, 74-76mm between centers of date and value figures.
Frank is narrower than with CA1.
V/F: 000

CA3. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$35]

Provisional stamp.
As Types CA1 and CA2 but even wider spacing, 77-79mm between centers of date and value figures.
Frank is wide as with CA1.
V/F: 000 (A,G)

CA4. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$20]

Provisional stamp.
As Types B1 and B2 but blank at bottom as well as top.
TM: DC with inner circle flattened at top
V/F: 000

CA5. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1942. [$20]

Provisional stamp.
Blank at top, “Rpf” at bottom.
TM: SC with boxed date
V/F: 0000

CA6. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$20]

Provisional stamp.
As Type CA5 but with wider spacing, 77-79mm between centers of date and value figures.
V/F: 000

CA7. Francotyp “B” (MV). [$35]

Provisional stamp.
As Type CA6 but with “RM” at bottom.
TM: DC, inner circle flattened and blank at top, “RIGA” at bottom right
V/F: 000

CA8. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1943. [$10]

Frank with “LATVIJA” at top, “Rpf” at bottom.
V/F: 000

CA9. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$35]

Frank with “LATVIJA” at top left, blank at top right and bottom.
TM: DC with inner circle flattened at top
V/F: 000

CA10. Hasler “F22” (MV), 1942. [$35]

As Type AC4B, but with “Rpf” at bottom.
Five-digit impression counter number high left of TM.
V/F: ✳00

Sub-group CB: Rectangular frank

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CB1. Francotyp “A” (MV). [$50]

This is Germany Type F1 but with town mark “RIGA / OSTLAND”.
V/F: 0000

CB2. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$75]

This is Germany Type F3 but with town mark “RIGA”.
V/F: 000 (A,G)

D1. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$50]

Identical to Type B6 except for dates of use.
A. Inscription at top 3.5 mm tall
B. Smaller inscription at top, 3 mm tall
TM: DC or DC with inner circle flattened at top
V/F: 000 (A,G)

D2. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$50]

As Type D1 but country inscription at top is straight across.
TM: DC with inner circle flattened at top.
V/F: 000 (A,G)

NOTE: Many other meter stamp types were used in Latvia during the period of Soviet occupation, however, except for the town name, they are indistinguishable from types used throughout the USSR. See UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS for these stamps.

GROUP E: Issues since independence in 1991

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Sub-group EA: Provisional issues without identification

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EA1. Perm (MV).

Frank is small, upright rectangle containing only the value figures.
Date at far left without town mark.
Printed in red.
All examples seen have a purple circular hand stamp between the date and value box identifying the mailer.
V/F: 000

EA2. Perm (MV).

Value figures only at left with date at right.
Slogan at center identifies the mailer.
Printed in black.
V/F: 000

EB1. Perm (MV).

Frank has small envelope logo at top and “LATVIJAS / PASTS” at bottom.
TM: DC, inner circle flattened at top and bottom
V/F: 000

EB2. Perm (MV). [$5]

Frank has three flowers along each side.
“LATVIJAS” at top, and “PASTS” at bottom.
TM: DC with inner circle flattened at top and bottom
V/F: 000

Sub-group EC: Frank is upright octagon, town mark, date and value figures vertical

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EC1. Perm (MV).

“LATVIJA” stacked at left and “PASTS” stacked at right.
Blank at top and bottom.
TM: DC, inner circle flat at top (left) and bottom (right)
Known printed in red as well as black.
V/F: 000

EC2. Perm (MV).

As Type EB2 with flowers at sides, but with vertical orientation to date and value figures.
TM: DC, inner circle flat at top (left) and bottom (right)
V/F: 000

EC3. Perm (MV). [$5]

“LATVIJA” reading up at left and “PASTS” reading down at right.
“SANT.” at bottom.
TM: DC with inner circle flat at top (left) and bottom (right), or SC
V/F: 000
a. Printed in a color other than black. Blue known. (shown)

EC4. Perm (MV). [$5]

“LATVIJA” stacked at left, “PASTS” stacked at right.
TM: DC, inner circle flat at top (left) and bottom (right)
V/F: 000
a. Printed in a color other than black. Purple known. (shown)

EC5. Perm (MV). [$5]

Similar to Type EC4 but with small circles centered at top and bottom.
TM: DC, inner circle flat at top (left) and bottom (right)
V/F: 000

Sub-group ED: Upright rectangular frank

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ED1. Perm (MV).

“LATVIJA” stacked at left and “PASTS” stacked at right.
Blank at top and bottom.
TM, date and value figures vertical.
V/F: 000

ED2. Perm (MV).

Inscribed “LATVIJAS” at top and “PASTS” at bottom.
Blank at sides.
TM, date and value figures vertical.
A. Frank 25 mm wide
B. Narrow frank 22-23 mm wide
V/F: 000

NOTE: The frame lines occasionally appear to be doubled but they are actually a single die line under-inked at the center.

ED3. Francotyp-Postalia “T-1000” (digital).

Envelope logo at bottom center.
M# with "F" or "A" prefix at left of the envelope logo, with the meter number at right (F57, F71, F77, F79, F910 and A17 prefixes seen, with F75 and F76 also being reported).
V/F: 00.00
x. "LATVIJA" missing from TM.

ED4. Francotyp-Postalia (digital).

Very similar to Type ED3 but the meter number is below the envelope logo rather than at the sides.
The value figures are marginally different from Type ED3, most easily noticed in the zeros which have straighter sides.
The spacing between the TM and frank is slightly narrower than with ED3, and the date figures are more closely spaced.
Meter number with "F" prefix below the envelope logo.
V/F: 000.00

Sub-group EE: Horizontal octagonal frank with single-line border

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EE1. Pitney Bowes-GB "5300" series (MV).

"LATVIɈAS" at top.
"PASTS" breaks bottom frame line.
Date figures are raised in relation to value figures.
V/F: ≋000
a. M# with "22-" prefix low between TM and frank.
b. Without M# but with "LV-" number in TM (PO meter).

EE2. Pitney Bowes-GB "6300" series (MV).

"LATVIɈAS" at top.
"PASTS" at bottom above bottom frame line.
Date and value figures are on the same level.
A. Large frank, 34 mm wide
B. Frank 29-30 mm wide
V/F: ≋000
a. M# with "26" prefix below frank.
x. "LATVIJA" missing from TM.
b. Without M# but with "LV-" number in TM (PO meter).

EE3. Pitney Bowes-GB "6300" series (MV).

Envelope logo at top, "LATVIJAS PASTS" at bottom.
Date and value figures are on the same level.
V/F: ≋000
a. M# with "22" or "26" prefix below frank.
b. Without M# but with "LV-" number in TM (PO meter).
Note: Some PO machines displayed a M#, known examples being as follows:
M# 220029 RĪGA-11, LV-1011
M# 220038 RĪGA-50, LV-1050
x. With raised TM.

EE4. Pitney Bowes "A900" / "B900" (MV).

As Type EE3 but with larger value figures.
V/F: ≋0000
a. M# with "25" prefix below frank.

{{font|color=blue|Sub-group EF: Horizontal rectangular frank

EF1. Hasler "Mailmaster" (MV).

Panel at top contains envelope logo.
"LATVIJAS" stacked in left panel and "PASTS" stacked at right.
A. Large frank, 34 mm wide
B. Frank 30-31 mm wide
V/F: 0000
a. M# below frank.
M# 101xxx Mailmaster System 101
M# 202xxx Mailmaster System 202
M# 204xxx Mailmaster System 204
b. Without M# but with "LV-" number in TM (PO meter).
Note: Some PO machines displayed a M#, known examples being as follows:
M# 101031 RĪGA-13, LV-1013
M# 202001 RĪGA-10, LV-1010
M# 202011 RĪGA-85, LV-1085
M# 204002 RĪGA-50, LV-1050
M# 204003 RĪGA-50, LV-1050
M# 204003 RĪGA-51, LV-1051