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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Jordan

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  • The first meter stamps appeared in 1974.
  • All stamps include “THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN” or 'JORDAN POST" in the frank.
  • The stamps are grouped according to usage:
A – Stamps used by private businesses
PO – Stamps generated only by machines in post offices

GROUP A: Stamps used by private businesses

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A1. Pitney Bowes “5000” series (MV).

Horizontal frank with scalloped border, country name in Arabic over English at top, “THE HASHEMITE KINGDOM OF JORDAN”.
Date figures raised in relation to value figures.
“Postage Paid” above M# at lower left.
M# with “P” prefix.
V/F: 000

A2. Pitney Bowes “6300” series (MV). [$10]

Similar to Type 1 but date and value figures are on the same level.
Country name in Arabic at top and in English at bottom above M# and “Postage Paid”.
Crown at left of value figures.
M# with “P” prefix.
V/F: 000

A3. Pitney Bowes “6300” series (MV).

As Type 2 but without crown.
M# with “P” prefix.
V/F: 000

A4. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Large frank with simulated perforation border.
Country name in Arabic at top and in English at bottom above M#.
Crown at left, “POSTAGE PAID” reading up at right.
M# with “H” prefix breaks bottom frame line.
V/F: 0.000

A5. Satas “Baby” (MV). [$10]

Frank similar to Type 3 but taller and not as wide.
M# with “S” prefix at lower left.
No crown.
Date figures tall.
V/F: 000

A6. Unknown (digital?). [$10]

Frank similar to Type 1 with both Arabic and English country names at top.
Without crown.
“Postage Paid” above M# at lower left.
M# “T 101 001” seen.
TM: SC with panel around date.
V/F: 00000

A7. Pitney Bowes-GB “6600” (MV).

Large frank with low gauge simulated perforation outer border.
“Postage/Paid” at left of value figures.
M# with “P” prefix breaks bottom frame line.
V/F: 000

A8. Neopost "Electronic” (MV).

Frank with straight line outer border and panels at top and bottom.
The meter number reads up vertically at right.
M# with "NE" prefix
V/F: 0.000

A9.1. Neopost "IJ40” (digital), 2012 or earlier.

Frank similar to Type A3 but wider and with the value figures closer to the top than the bottom.
The date figures are below the level of the value figures.
M# with "IJ4" prefix.
V/F: 00.000

A9.2. Neopost "IJ80” (digital), 2015 or earlier.

Nearly identical to Type A9.1 but the value figures are larger.
M# with "IJ8" prefix.
V/F: 00.000

A10. Postalia (digital), 1989 or earlier. [Probably rare]

Frank slightly wider than tall with simulated perforation border.
Arabic and English country names both at top.
"FILS" above "POST" at left side.
M# with "PJ" prefix at bottom center.
V/F: 0000

NOTE: The one example seen has a solid block instead of a meter number.

GROUP PO: Stamps generated only by Post Office machines

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PO1.1. Unknown (digital).

Horizontal stamp on self-adhesive label with "Jordan Post" logo in silver at right.
Post office identification at top, upper left or upper right.
Value figures above left of center.
Weight, date, and time across bottom, the date appearing as DD/MM/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD.
A. Without bar code
B. Used for registered mail with bar code
V/F: 0.000 J.D. (Jordanian Dinar)

PO1.2. Unknown (digital).

Similar to Type PO1.1 but with "jordan post" at upper left and Arabic text at upper right.
Arabic text also below the value figures.
Date, time and weight are across bottom, the date appearing as YYYY/MM/DD.
A version of this stamp with bar code probably exists .
V/F: 0 JD 0.0 JD (Jordanian Dinar)

PO2. Unknown (digital).

Similar to Type PO1.1 but printed on label with multi-color "Jordan Post" logo at right.
A. Without bar code
B. Used for registered mail with bar code (not shown)
V/F: 0.000 J.D.

PO3. Unknown (digital).

Similar to Type PO2 but the value figures are taller and use zeros with diagonal slashes.
Found denominated in "FILS" as well as "J.D." (Jordanian Dinar).
A. Without bar code
B. Used for registered mail with bar code. "JORDAN POST" and post office name added at upper left.
V/F: 000 FILS
V/F: 0.000 J.D.

PO4. Unknown (digital), 2018.

Self-adhesive label as with previous PO types but with new postal service logo and new format.
Only a label for registered mail has reported so the stamp for regular mail may be different.
jordan post and its Arabian counterpart appears at top above a bar code.
Below the bar code are the value figures or CREDIT above the date, time, and weight.
At center right is the new postal service logo inscribed JO POST.
A. With value figures: 0.0 JD (Jordanian Dinar)
B. Instead of value figures inscribed "CREDIT" and the name of the mailer (in Arabic) indicating that the postage is pre-paid on account.