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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Indonesia

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  • Meter stamps were first used during the Dutch colonial period when it was known as the Dutch or Netherlands East Indies. The colony was occupied by the Japanese during World War Two. After the war a native uprising against the Dutch ended with independence in December 1949 except for the province of Irian Jaya (West New Guinea) which remained in Dutch control until 1963.
  • The stamps are grouped according to political inscription and usage:
A – Dutch East Indies, inscribed “NED-INDIE” or “NED.INDIE”, 1929
B – Japanese Occupation, inscribed “DAI NIPPON TEIKOKU YUBIN” or without country name, 1942
C – Pre-independence Indonesia, inscribed “INDONESIA”, 1945
D – Republic of Indonesia, inscribed “REPUBLIK INDONESIA”, 1949
E – Dutch controlled Irian Jaya, inscribed “NEDERLANDS NIEUW-GUINEA”, 1950–1963
PO – Franks generated only by Post Office meters

NOTE: Group D has been extensively revised from the printed version of this catalog. Apologies offered to those inconvenienced by the changes.

GROUP A: Dutch colonial period, stamps inscribed “NED-INDIE” or “ned.indie”

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A1. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1929.

Horizontal shield-shaped frank with concave sides superimposed by smaller shields containing “Ct”.
“NED-INDIE” at top, post horn at bottom.
With or without 4-digit impression counter number high between TM and frank.
The meter number appears in the bottom of the town mark. Meter numbers 1–91.
A. "NED-INDIE" serifed [$10]
B. "NED-INDIE" sanserif, meters 1 and 8 only [$40]
V/F: 0(½) (A, meters 20 and 38)
V/F: 0(½) (A, meters 28 and 29)
V/F: 00(½) (A,O)
V/F: 000(½) (A,O)
V/F: 000■ (A, meter 15)
V/F: 00— (A, meter 7)
a. Post Office stamp. Town mark contains "P.T.T". Without meter number [$100]
b. Value figures rectangular
c. Frank only, without TM
d. Post Office stamp, as a, but very narrow spacing between town mark and frank [$150]


  • Meter no. 1 was re-engraved at some point. It is known both with "NED-INDIE" serifed and sanserif.
  • The Post Office meters, varieties a and d, were used to frank postal cards picturing film stars in promotions for Lux Soap. All seen are franked by 3½ cent stamps which paid the post card rate domestically and to the Netherlands. See below.

A2. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1929.

Very similar to Type A1 but spacing between TM and frank is narrower.
Four-digit impression counter number high between TM and frank.
Meter numbers 200-206, and 210.
A. "NED-INDIE" serifed [$20]
B. "NED-INDIE" sanserif (meters 205 and 206) [$40]
V/F: 00(½) (O, meter 210) 000(½) (O, meters 200-206)

A3. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1938. [$35]

Rectangular design with frameless “ned.indie” at top.
With or without impression counter number high between TM and frank.
Meter numbers 1–91, and 105.
V/F: 0(½) (A,O) 0(½) (A, meters 333 and 336 only) 00(½) (O) 000(½) (A,O)

A4. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1938. [$100]

Very similar to Type A3 but spacing between TM and frank is narrower.
Four-digit impression counter number high between TM and frank.
Meter numbers 200-206, and 210.
V/F: 00(½) (O) 000(½) (O)

GROUP B: Stamps issued during the Japanese occupation of World War Two

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  • Stamps inscribed “DAI NIPPON TEIKOKU YUBIN” or with country inscription excised.

B1. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$350]

As Type A1 but with country name removed from top of frank.
Three meters known: Semarang #1, Soerabaja #27 and Djakarta #48.
Four-digit impression counter number between frank and TM.
TM: BIC with Japanese Year date ("█2", "03" and "█4" seen) instead of western year in the date.
V/F: 00(½) 000(½) 0(½)

B2. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1942. [$500]

Japanese character at top and “DAI NIPPON TEIKOKU YUBIN” at bottom.
“S” for Sen in shields at sides.
One meter known, #82.
Four-digit impression counter number between frank and TM.
V/F: 00(½)

GROUP C: Pre-independence Indonesia, stamps have “INDONESIA” alone

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C1. Francotyp ”C” (MV). [$10]

As Type A3 but inscribed “INDONESIA”.
With or without impression counter number.
M# 1–91, 99, 301 up, 401 up.
V/F: 00(½)

NOTE: It is possible a Francotyp model "B" meter with Group C frank was used. If so the stamp would differ from Type C1 by having stops in the date and slightly narrower spacing between the town mark and frank.

C2. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1949. [$35]

As Type A4 but inscribed “INDONESIA”.
M# without prefix at bottom of TM. M# 200-206, 210.
V/F: 00(½)

GROUP D: Issues of the Republic, stamps inscribed “REPUBLIK INDONESIA”

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Sub-Group DA: “REPUBLIK INDONESIA” unframed at top

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  • Frank with straight vertical line ornaments at left and horizontal line ornaments at right

DA1. Francotyp "C” (MV), in use May to November 1946.

Provisional stamp printed in brown, black, or red with country name removed from the top of the frank, applied to postal stationery.
With boxed “REPOEBLIK/ INDONESIA” or "REPOEBLIK/ INDONESIA PTT" in red or violet added by handstamp.
Used by the postal service to pre-frank postal cards and other stationery sold over the counter.
A. Frank only
B. With 4-digit impression counter number at top left of the frank
V/F:    000   Six postage values are known to have been used:
* 003, 005, 007, 010    [$25 unused, $75 used]
* 025    [$150 used]
* 100 (Express mail service)    [Extremely rare, value unknown]
a. On envelope instead of postal card [Very rare, value unknown]
b. On wrapper instead of postal card [Very rare, value unknown]
c. On private post card rather than government issued postal card [Value unknown]

DA2. Francotyp “C” (MV).

As Type C1 but with changed inscription.
With or without impression counter number high between TM and frank.
Meter numbers 1-99, 301 up, 401 up.
A. Values in “Sen”
B. Values in “Rp” [$20]
V/F: 0(½) 00(½) 000 0000 0000

NOTE: It is possible a Francotyp model "B" meter with Sub-group DA frank was used. If so the stamp would differ from Type DA2 by having stops in the date and slightly narrower spacing between the town mark and frank.

DA3. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1951. [$20]

As Type C2 but with changed inscription.
Value in “Sen”. M# 200-206, and 210.
V/F: 00(½)

DA3.1. Francotyp "Cc/Ccm" (MV).

Similar to Types D2 and D3 but spacing much narrower, about 11mm between TM and frank.
Without impression counter number.
Values in "Sen".
V/F: 000

DA4. Francotyp “Cm 7000/10000” (MV).

Very similar to Type D3.1 but spacing slightly narrower, about 8mm between TM and frank.
The value figures are narrower and more regular than with DA3.1.
Without impression counter number.
A. Values in “Sen"
a. Line in right hand panel of frame replaced by a solid box.
B. Values in “Rp” [$20]
V/F: 000 000 0000 ◆0000

DA5. Neopost “405/505” (MV). [$10]

Frank as previous DA types.
Date figures are smaller, and value figures and widely spaced.
Value in “Rp.”.
Without meter number.
V/F: 0000

DA6. Universal “MultiValue” (MV). [$10]

Frank as previous DA types.
Meter number with “A” prefix at bottom of TM.
Value figures of variable thickness.
Values in “Sen”.
V/F: 0000

DA7. Pitney Bowes “Automax” (MV). [$10]

As Type DA6 but value figures are of even thickness.
Meter number with “P.B.” prefix at bottom of TM.
Values in “Rp.”.
V/F: =0.000

DA8. Pitney Bowes “Automax” (MV). [$10]

Without box in lower right corner for currency indicator.
Left side of frank is wider that previous DA types.
“Rp” added at left of value figures.
V/F: 00oo

Sub-group DB: Rectangular frank with single-line, simulated-perforation border

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DB1. Satas “Rotary RT” (MV).

Country inscription in one line at top with “POS & GIRO” below it.
Pentagon logo with rays at bottom.
A small star appears at left side.
Value figures centered in frank.
Date figures short.
Without meter number.
V/F: ★000

DB2. Satas “Rotary RF” (MV).

Nearly identical to Type DB1, but the date figures are much taller.
Without meter number.
V/F: ★00

DB3. Satas “Rotary RF” (MV).

Country inscription in two lines at top without “POS & GIRO”.
No logo at bottom.
“Rp.” at lower right.
Without meter number.
V/F: ★00

DB4. Frama “M/E” (MV).

Country inscription in one line at top.
Without postal logo.
“Rp” centered at bottom.
Value figures thick.
V/F: 000

DB5. Neopost “Electronic” (MV).

Horizontal frank with "REPUBLIK INDONESIA" in one line at the top.
“Meter number below the bottom frame line.
A. “Meter number with “R” prefix
B. “Meter number with “RA” prefix
V/F: 000 0000

DB6. Krag (MV), 1976. [Appears to be quite scarce]

Upright frank with extended corners.
“Rp” at bottom right.
Without meter number.
V/F: 0000

Sub-group DC: Frank with double-line border, simulated-perforations on the outside and straight on the inside

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DC1. Pitney Bowes “5000” (MV). [$5]
“REPUBLIK INDONESIA” at top, “Rp” in lower right corner.
Date figures raised in relation to value figures.
Horizontal rectangle with simulated perforation outer border and straight-line inner border.
A. Frank 29 x 22mm.
V/F: 0000
B. Frank 26 x 24mm.
V/F: 000
a. With solid unengraved block low between the town mark and frank

DC2. Pitney Bowes “6300” (MV).

As Type DD1 but frank is not as tall, and date and value figures are on the same level.
Frank width is variable.
A. Frank 29mm wide
B. Frank 32mm wide
TM: DC or SC
V/F: 000 00000
a. Model number “P.B. 6300” below frank
b. Meter number below frank
c. Unengraved block below frank
d. Block of wavy lines below frank
e. Blank below frank
f. Inner frame line complete at bottom center

DC3. Postalia “PS 4/5” (MV).

Frank slightly wider than Types DD1 and 2.
M# below frank with “POSTALIA” or “POST.” prefix.
V/F: 000 00000
a. Model number instead of meter number below frank, “POSTALIA PS 4/5”

DC4. Pitney Bowes-GB “A/B900” (MV).

Frank as with Types DC1 and DC2 but the frank and value figures are a bit larger.
“Rp” to right of value figures rather than in lower right corner.
Without meter number.
V/F: 0000

DC5. Postalia "D3" (MV).

Frank is upright rather than horizontal.
“REPUBLIK/ INDONESIA” in two lines at the top.
“Rp” at bottom right.
Frank variable in width from 24 to 26mm.
Spacing between TM and frank 7mm.
V/F: 0000

DC6. Postalia "MS5/WK4" (MV).

As Type DC5 but spacing is wider with 13mm between TM and frank.
The frank is slightly larger at 27mm wide.
V/F: 00000

Sub-group DD: Horizontal frank with straight-line outer border

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DD1. Frama “M/E” (MV).

Frank with fields of horizontal lines at left and right with “Rp” indented at left of the value figures.
Value figures thick.
Meter number with “FM” prefix at bottom.
V/F: 00000

DD2. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Frank with vertical lines at left and horizontal lines at right.
No continuous line below "REPUBLIK INDONESIA".
Without meter number.
V/F: 0000

DD3. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

As Type DD2 but smaller and without horizontal line field at right.
With or without meter number at bottom.
A. Frank 33mm wide
B. Wider frank (35mm), and larger TM
V/F: 0000 00000

GROUP E: Stamp used only in province of Irian Jaya during Dutch occupation, 1950–1962/3

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E1. Francotyp “Cc” (MV). [proof or cut-out $10, used on cover $250 (meter F2 only known)]

Horizontal design with frameless country designation at top.
Town name in arc above date
Meter number with “F” prefix in small box below country name.
A. Inscribed "NEDERLANDS / NIEUW-GUINEA" (meter F1)
B. Inscribed "NEDERLANDS- / NIEUW-GUINEA" with dash after NEDERLANDS (meters F2 and F3)
V/F: ◆000

GROUP PO: Designs generated only by Post Office meters

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  • See also Type A1a for a Post Office stamp.

Sub-group PO-A: Designs generated by mechanical meters

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PO-A1. Satas “Rotary RF” (MV).

Nearly identical to Type DB2, but with hour figure between the town mark and frank.
With or without meter number. If present it is found at the bottom of the town mark.
V/F: ★000

PO-A2. Satas “Rotary RF” (MV).

As Type PO1 but the pentagon logo at bottom does not have rays.
Also the small star at left side of frank is removed.
Without meter number.
V/F: ★000

PO-A3. Satas “Rotary RF” (MV).

Globe and bird logo without pentagon at bottom.
Meter number at bottom of the town mark.
V/F: ★000

Sub-group PO-B: Designs generated by digital imprinters

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PO-B1. Matsushita Electric Company (digital).

Vertical label without outer frame line.
“REPUBLIK INDONESIA" boxed at top above the value figures.
Boxed pentagon containing globe and bird logo at center with "POS DAN GIRO" below.
At bottom is the date in two forms, local year above Western year.
V/F: ★0000

PO-B2. Matsushita Electric Company (digital).

Vertical label without outer frame line.
“REPUBLIK INDONESIA" boxed at top above the value figures.
Globe and bird logo at center with "POS INDONESIA” and town name below.
At bottom is the date in two forms, local year above Western year.
V/F: ★0000

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