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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Guernsey

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  • A dependency of Great Britain, Guernsey’s own meter stamps did not appear until 1969. Before that date British stamps with “GUERNSEY/ CHANNEL ISLANDS” (or “CI”) in the town mark were used.
  • All franks contain “Guernsey” and a map of the Channel Islands.


Guernsey, along with the rest of the UK, converted to decimal currency on 15th February 1971. This required existing machines (which registered in £sd) to be converted, a process which commenced in June 1968. Although existing models prior to 1971 used £sd, new models designed for decimalisation had the value shown in pence only (without the "D" suffix). Examples with the value in pence but dated prior to 15th February 1971 would fall into this "transitional" category, with values shown in "old pence" prior to that date and "new pence" thereafter. Examples in pre-decimal currency (£sd) are much scarcer than decimal stamps.

GROUP A: Stamps from machines used by private businesses

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A1. Neopost “105” (LV-6,-8).
Frank 29 x 24mm.
Spacing ~15-16 mm.
Values seen: 2, 2½, 3½, 5

A2. Neopost “205/2205” (MV).
Frank 24-25 mm square.
Narrow spacing ~5-6mm.
Date figures tall for model 205. Date figures short for model 2205.
V/F: 0(½)00(½)

A3. Neopost “305” (MV).
Large frank 32-33 x 28-29 mm.
Spacing ~19-20mm.
V/F: 00(½)

A4. Neopost “405/505” (MV).
Frank 30 x 23-24 mm.
Spacing ~12mm.
V/F: 0(½)00(½)

A5. Neopost “Electronic” (MV).
Frank 29-30 x 25-26 mm.
Spacing ~12mm.
V/F: ≋00–

A6. Pitney Bowes “Simplex” (LV-21).
Frank very similar in appearance to Neopost stamps but frame line doubled, and M# with “P.B.S” prefix.
Wide spacing 27 mm.
Values seen: 2, 2½, 3½, 4, 6

A7. Pitney Bowes “5000” (MV).
Wide frank with double outer frame lines.
Date figures are raised in relation to value figures.
Spacing very narrow 1-2 mm.
M# with “P.B.H”, “P.B.M” or “P.B.T” prefix.
V/F: 0(½)00(½)000(½)≋000

A8. Pitney Bowes “6300” (MV).
Similar to Type A7 but narrower.
Date and value figures on same level.
M# breaks frame line at bottom.
M# with “P.B.”, “P.B.D” or “P.B.L” prefix.
“Postage Paid” below value figures.
V/F: 0(½)00(½)000(½)≋000

A8.1. Pitney Bowes “6900” (MV).
As Type A8 but larger.
M# with "P.B.G" prefix.
V/F: ≋000

A9. Pitney Bowes “A900” (MV).
Wide value box as with Type A7 but date and value figures are on the same level.
Large value figures.
M# with “PB9” or “PBC” prefix.
V/F: ≋000

A10. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
Frank similar in size to Type A3 but spacing is narrower and value figures are different.
M# with “HF” prefix.
V/F: ≋00≋

A11. Pitney Bowes (digital).
Stamp with two columns of numbers at left of town mark.
M# and “Postage Paid” break bottom frame line nearly all the way across.
M# with “PB7” prefix.
V/F: ≋000

A12. Pitney Bowes (digital).
As Type A11 but smaller and with more space between the TM and frank.
M# with “PB8” prefix.
V/F: 0000

GROUP PO: Stamps from machines used in Post Offices

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PO1.1. Unidentified (digital).
Post Office machine stamp.
Printed on self adhesive label with square corners.
"A" Printed on a label with a red, yellow and blue checkerboard design across the top and the "GUERNSEYPOST" logo at lower right.
The point-of-sale data is applied in black and reads from top town:
- Date and time
- ID number
- (optional) Postal class in one or two lines
- destination
- Weight
- Payment made by customer
- Amount of postage (if any) pre-affixed to the mail piece
- Total paid
With a line of dashes below "Weight" and below "Affix" and a double line of dashes below "Total".
V/F: £0.00

PO1.2. Unidentified (digital), 2010 or earlier.
Similar layout to Type PO1.1 but with differences in the font, e.g. the number "0" has a central dot.
Printed on various labels bearing the "GUERNSEYPOST" logo at top left. The labels are printed tête-bêche and show portions of the designs of commemorative stamps at bottom right:
"2010A" The Adventures of Penny the Postie
"2011A" Alderney Hawkmoths
"2011B" Penny and the Dragon
"2012A" Endangered Species - Tiger
"2012B" The War of 1812 - Sir Isaac Brock
"2013A" Endangered Species - Panda
"2013B" Guernsey Marine Life
"2014A" Alderney Ladybirds
"2014B" The Year of the Horse
"2015A" Stories from the Great War - Poppy
"2015B" The Year of the Goat
"2016A" Guernsey Cow
"2016B" Toilers of the Sea
"2016C" The Year of the Monkey
Dates above are based on the date of issue of the associated commemorative stamps.
More designs are likely to exist.
V/F: £0.00