International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Germany
Germany, Part 1
[edit | edit source]- Part 1 covers the private, business, general-use meter stamp types. Part 2 covers special use stamps, Post Office, Parcel Post, PC/internet, Public self-service, Official, and Saar before incorporation into Germany.
- Germany was an early user of metered mail with experimental franking of live mail occurring in January 1923.
- Meter companies headquartered in Germany:
Anker, Bafra, Frankit, Francotyp, Francotyp-Postalia, Komusina, Melex, Postalia, StampIt, Telefrank
- The stamps are grouped according to design and function:
- A – Early experimentals
- B – Convex at top, concave at sides
- C – Horizontal rectangle
- D – Vertical rectangle with swastika
- E – Flat at top/bottom, double oval at sides
- F – Vertical rectangle with eagle
- G – Large eagle
- H – Provisionals with parts removed or obliterated
- I – Provisionals made from re-cast dies
- J – DEUTSCHE above, POST below inner box
- K – Mercury
- L – Deutsche Post with post horn below
- M – Large post horn
- N – DEUTSCHE BUNDESPOST, old post horn↖↖
- P – DEUTSCHE BUNDESPOST, new post horn
- Q – DEUTSCHE POST AG, post horn below
- R – DEUTSCHE POST and post horn at top
- See Part 2 () for:
- PC – Internet/PC stamps
- PO – Post Office stamps
- PP – Special stamps for Parcel Post
- PV – Public self-service automat meter stamps
- OO – Special stamps for Official Mail
- SR – Stamps used in the SAAR before incorporation into Germany
- The stamps used in the allied occupied zones created after the 2nd World War and in East Germany (DDR) are not cataloged separately but are identified as such in the descriptions.
- For specialized information about the meter stamps of Germany, see Die deutschen Post- und Absenderfreistempel, by Heiner Dürst and Gerd Eich, 1996, published by the German meter stamp collectors society, Forschungsgemeinschaft Post- und Absenderfreistempel e.V.
GROUP A: Early experimental designs
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A1. Uhrenfabrik Furtwängler (FV-5), February 1923.
- The stamp consists of upper and lower sections separated by the post office name.
- The upper section is the frank with DEUTSCHES REICH above a frame.
- The lower section is a rectangular frame with piano key-like projections at right and a serial number reading down. Inside the frame is the mailer's identification and/or the meter number.
- Meter numbers all have “A” prefix. Meters known are A1, A3-11, A15-16, A18-19, A23, A25-27, A30, and A32.
- The stamps were printed through a ribbon and are almost universally very weak. Most are in red but a very few are known in purple.
- Removed from service in November 1923.
- Values seen:
- Fifteen different frank styles were available although not all are known used. See the chart at right.
- Postage values per frame die (known):
NOTE: Strong clear impressions are extremely rare and worth perhaps double or more of the catalog values stated above.

A2. Bafra, Anker-Werke (MV)1923.
- Horizontal rectangular die with “Deutsches Reich” in panel at top and two parallel lines in panels at bottom and sides.
- Two machines, both used by the state Finance Ministry.
- A. Bafra (MV). Below the frank is the mailer's identification, meter number "B1", and a large impression counter number. In use 17 March to 19 April 1923.
- B. Anker-Werke (MV). Below the frank is an impression counter number, the mailer's identification (boxed), and meter number “C1”. In use February to August 1923.

A3. Bafra, Francotyp (MV), June 1923.
- Octagonal frank with "DEUTSCHES REICH" at top and parallel lines at bottom.
- The post Office identification and mailer's identification are below the frank.
- In July 1923 Bafra, Anker and Furtwängler merged into a new company called Francotyp which produced meters under that name starting in 1924.
- Proofs similar to Type A3C exist from before the merger when the manufacturer was still identified as Anker. The stamp differs from A3C by having meter number "C1" below the mailer's identification. The stamp (shown at right) was never used on actual mail in this format.
[$350 for the proof]

A4. Komusina (MV), December 1923. [$300]
- Octagonal frank as with A3 but the mailer identification is at left with 6-digit impression counter vertical at far left.
- Meter number below frank, meters “D.1” and “D.2” only.
- In use to April 1924.
- V/F: 0000 (oval)

A5. Francotyp (MV), 7 April 1925. [$5]
- As Type A3 but with single circle town mark below frank.
- Mailer's identification between frank and TM.
- Twenty-two different town mark / mailer identification combinations exist.
- V/F: 0000 (angular)

A6. Francotyp (MV), 1924.
- Frank as Type A5 but with single circle TM at left with 4-digit impression counter between it and the frank.
- User’s ID below frank.
- A. Date with month in letters and no stops. Impression counter medium in size. One machine in use from August 1924 to July 1925.
- B. Wide date figures with numeric month and no stops. Small impression counter. Nine machines in use from June to August 1925.
- C. Narrow date figures with numeric month and stops. Large impression counter, numbers of variable thickness with serifs. One machine in use from December 1924 to at least May 1925.
- V/F: 000
- D. Large impression counter as with C but the numbers are of uniform thickness and sanserif. Two machines in use from May 1925 to March 1926.
- V/F: 000
- A. Date with month in letters and no stops. Impression counter medium in size. One machine in use from August 1924 to July 1925.
- TM: SC

A7. Francotyp (MV), 1926.
- Distinctive frank arched outward at top and bottom and inward at sides, with inner frame line of the same shape.
- Between the inner and outer frames are “DEUTSCHES REICH” across top and two parallel lines at bottom and sides.
- Impression counter between TM and frank.
- TM: SC
- V/F: 000 (A)
- NOTE: Types A7A and B are quite similar in appearance to production meter stamp types B1, B2 and B3. Type A7A has nearly the same spacing as Type B1 and can be most easily identified by the large impression counter numbers. Type A7B is wider than any of the production stamps.

A8. Komusina (MV), 1927. [$250]
- Frank shape as with Type A7.
- The town mark is extremely close to the frank.
- With 5- or 6-digit impression counter vertical at far left.
- Value figures oval.
- In use from 31 August 1927 to April 1928.
- TM: SC
- NOTE: Type A8 is very similar in appearance to production meter stamp Type B5. Type B5 has shorter date figures and smaller value figures.

In early 1923 Erich Komusin prepared a range of postage meters for testing. These were the first multi-value (MV) meters, i.e. they could print any postage value from 0001 to 9999. These machines were not officially sanctioned or approved by the German postal authorities and so are considered essays. However during the test period, which ran from January to at least October 1923, some franked mail, probably with the cooperation of the Hamburg postmaster, was posted by Komusin's manufacturer Guhl & Co. to themselves. At least two mailed covers are known to survive. The stamp from one of the mailed covers is shown at right and is postmarked 15 January 1923. The other was mailed on 10 September 1923. The stamps are versions B and J respectively. Other versions may also have been used unofficially on actual mail.
The stamps are similar to Type A4 with octagonal die inscribed “DEUTSCHES REICH” at top but instead of parallel lines they have a currency indicator at the bottom. The meter number is either below the frank or vertical at right, and the (proposed?) mailer's identity is at left with a six-digit impression counter number reading down at far left. Instead of a mailer's identification sub-variety B has wavy lines at both left and right and may have been a continuous design.
The value of a proof is perhaps $250-300. The value of one of the mailed covers is uncertain.
- A. Currency indicator "MARK". Meter number "Apparat No. 257", mailer identification "Minimax"
- B. Currency indicator "MARK". Meter number "Apparat No. 257", wavy lines at left
- C. Currency indicator "MARK". Meter number "No. 223", "Guhl & Co. / Schreibschrift-s"
- D. Currency indicator "MARK". Meter number "No. 223", "Guhl & Co. / Antiqua"
- E. Currency indicator "MARK". Meter number "Komusina 75", "Minimax"
- F. Currency indicator "MARK". Meter number "Komusina 1", "Reichs-Kredit, Berlin"
- G. Currency indicator "MARK". Meter number "Komusina 1", "Handelskammer Hamburg"
- H. Currency indicator "MARK". Meter number "Komusina 2", "Handelskammer Hamburg"
- I. Currency indicator "TAUSEND MARK". Meter number "D. 1", "Reichs-Kredit, Berlin"
- J. Currency indicator "HUNDERTTAUSEND MARK". Meter number "D. 1", "Reichs-Kredit, Berlin"
- K. Currency indicator "HUNDERTTAUSEND MARK". Meter number "D. 2", "Handelskammer Hamburg"
- L. Currency indicator "MILLIONEN". Meter number "D. 1", "Reichs-Kredit, Berlin"
- M. Currency indicator "MILLIONEN". Meter number "D. 2", "Rahmen"
- V/F:
GROUP B: Horizontal frank convex at top and bottom, concave at sides
[edit | edit source]- This is the first production stamp design. Inscribed “DEUTSCHES REICH”.
- NOTE: The spacing of Francotyp stamps are measured from the center of the date figures to the center of the value figures. This is the tradition in Germany. The spacing of all other stamps are measured from the right edge of the town mark circle to the left edge of the frank.
- Francotyp Model “A” - 59-62 mm
- Francotyp Model “B” - 74-75 mm
- Francotyp Model “C” - 77-79 mm
- Francotyp Model “AN” ("D") - 66-68 mm

B1. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1925.
- Francotyp model “A” spacing.
- Date figures without stops.
- With or without 4-digit impression counter number between TM and frank. If present it is either high or centered.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (A)

B2. Francotyp “B” (MV).
- Francotyp model “B” spacing.
- Date figures with stops between D, M and Y and sometimes after Y.
- With or without 4-digit impression counter number between TM and frank. If present it is either high in small figures or centered in large figures.
- TM: SC
- Value figures 6 mm or large 7mm tall.
- V/F:
000 (A)

B3. Francotyp “C” (MV).
- Francotyp model “C” spacing, slightly wider than "B" spacing.
- Date figures without stops.
- With or without 4-digit impression counter number. If present it is either high or centered between TM and frank.
- TM: DC, SC
- Value figures 5½ or 6mm tall.
- V/F:
000 (A,G)
- Very similar to Type B1 but line under “DEUTSCHES REICH” extends to the ends of the ornamental lines at the sides.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (A)
000 (A)

B5. Komusina (MV), 1929.
- Very similar to experimental Type A8.
- The TM is about 3 mm distant from the frank, and the date figures are widely spaced.
- With 6-digit impression counter vertical at left.
- TM: SC
- V/F: 000 (O)
GROUP C: Horizontal rectangle with horizontal lines in side panels
[edit | edit source]- “DEUTSCHES” in top panel, “REICH” in bottom panel.

C1. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1930.
- Francotyp model “A” spacing.
- With impression counter either high or in middle between TM and frank, or without S#.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (A)
000 (A)

C2. Francotyp “B” (MV).
- Francotyp model “B” spacing.
- Date with stops.
- With impression counter either high or in middle between TM and frank, or without S#.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (A)

C3. Francotyp “C” (MV).
- Francotyp model “C” spacing. With or without impression counter between TM and frank.
- Date without stops.
- TM: DC, SC
- V/F: 000 (A,G)

- Francotyp model “D” spacing, approximately 67mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Without S#.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (G)

C5. Komusina (MV), 1931. [$50]
- With 6-digit impression counter vertical at left.
- TM: SC
- V/F: 000 (O)
GROUP D: Vertical rectangle with swastika in top panel
[edit | edit source]- “Deutsches/ Reich” in bottom panel.

D1. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1934.
- Francotyp model “A” spacing.
- With impression counter either high or in middle (large or small) between TM and frank, or without S#.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (A)
000 (A)
000 (G)

- Francotyp model “B” spacing.
- With impression counter either high or in middle (large or small) between TM and frank, or without S#.
- TM: SC
- V/F: 000 (A)
D3. Francotyp “C” (MV).
- Francotyp model “C” spacing.
- With or without impression counter between TM and frank.
- TM: DC, SC.
- V/F:
000 (A,G)

GROUP E: Horizontal frank with two round projections at each side
[edit | edit source]- Flat at top and bottom, “Deutsches“ at top, “Reich” at bottom.

E1. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1935. [$30]
- Francotyp model “A” spacing.
- With impression counter either high or in middle between TM and frank, or without S#.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (A)
- Francotyp model “B” spacing.
- With impression counter either high or in middle between TM and frank, or without S#.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (A)
E3. Francotyp “C” (MV).
- Francotyp model “C” spacing.
- With or without impression counter between TM and frank.
- TM: DC, SC.
- V/F:
000 (A)
GROUP F: Vertical rectangle with eagle at top
[edit | edit source]- “Deutsche/ Reichpost” or “DEUTSCHE/ REICHSPOST” at bottom
- Inner box around value figures
F1. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1936.
- Francotyp model “A” spacing.
- With impression counter either high or in middle between TM and frank, or without S#.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (A)
000 (A)
000 (A,G)

F2. Francotyp “B” (MV).
- Francotyp model “B” spacing.
- With impression counter either high or in middle between TM and frank, or without S#.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (A,G)

F3. Francotyp “C” (MV).
- Francotyp model “C” spacing (except sub-variety a).
- With or without impression counter between TM and frank.
- TM: DC, SC.
- V/F:
000 (A,G)

F4. Francotyp “D” (MV).

F5. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1936. [$40]
- As Type F1 but country inscription is in sanserif capital letters.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (A)
000 (A)
000 (G)

GROUP G: Vertical rectangle with eagle facing left
[edit | edit source]- “Deutsche Reichpost” across the top, value figures between eagle head and wing

G1. Postalia (MV), 1939. [$50]
- Postalia is the successor to Komusina.
- “Deutsche Reichpost” in Gothic font, and value figures are angular.
- Date and value figures narrow.
- Wide spacing between TM and frank.
- Without S#
- TM: DC
- V/F:
000 (A)

- As Type G1 but “Deutsche Reichpost” in sanserif font, and value figures are oval.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
000 (O)
GROUP H: Post-war provisional stamps made from obliterating or removing parts of the original frank dies
[edit | edit source]- NOTE: Many post-war stamps were modified by the mailer simply inking over the offending parts. Such pen & ink modifications are not cataloged.
Sub-group HA: Alterations to Group B stamps
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HA1. Alterations to Type B1 (Francotyp A):
HA2. Alterations to Type B2 (Francotyp B):
- A. Frame completely solid.
- B. Top panel blank.
- C. Lines in top panel, bottom panel blank.
- D. Top panel blank, top line of inner frame removed.
- E. Top panel blank, ends removed.
- F. Top panel completely removed.
- G. Top panel completely removed except for top line of inner panel.
- H. Inner frame lines only.
- A. Frame completely solid.
HA3. Alterations to Type B3 (Francotyp C):
HA4. Alteration to Type B5 (Komusina): Top panel blank. [$75]
Sub-group HB: Alterations to Group C stamps
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HB1. Alterations to Type C1 (Francotyp A):
HB2. Alterations to Type C2 (Francotyp B):
HB3. Alterations to Type C3 (Francotyp C):
- A. Top and bottom panels solid.
- B. Vertical wavy lines in top and bottom panels.
- C. “ES” removed from top panel, bottom panel blank.
- D. Top and bottom panels, including ends, removed
- E. Top panel blank, bottom panel removed except for bottom line.
- F. Top and bottom panels completely removed.
- G. Top panel completely removed, bottom panel blank.
- H. Only side panels present.
- J. Top and bottom panels blank.
- A. Top and bottom panels solid.
Sub-group HC: Alterations to Group D stamps
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HC1. Alterations to Type D1 (Francotyp A):
- A. Swastika removed
- B. Top panel blank.
- C. Top panel completely removed.
- D. Top panel, including top of inner frame completely removed.
- E. Swastika removed and bottom panel blank.
- F. Top panel blank, “Deutsch” alone in bottom panel.
- G. Top and bottom panels blank.
- H. Top and bottom panels completely removed.
- I. Top and bottom panels blank, side ornaments removed.
HC2. Alterations to Type D2 (Francotyp B):
- A. Swastika removed.
- B. Top panel blank
- C. Swastika removed and bottom panel blank.
- D. Top panel blank, “Deutsche” alone in bottom panel.
- E. Top and bottom panels blank.
- F. Top and bottom panels completely removed.
- G. Swastika and side ornaments removed.
- H. Top and bottom panels blank, side ornaments removed.
- A. Swastika removed.
HC3. Alterations to Type D3 (Francotyp C):
- A. Swastika obliterated.
- B. Swastika obliterated and bottom panel solid.
- C. Top and side panels solid.
- D. Swastika removed
- E. Swastika with frame lines above and below removed.
- F. Single horizontal line in top panel.
- G. Swastika and side ornaments removed.
- H. Top panel blank
- I. Top panel blank, side lines removed.
- J. top panel completely removed.
- K. Swastika removed, “Reich” removed at bottom.
- L. Swastika removed, bottom panel blank
- M. Swastika and complete bottom panel removed.
- N. Top and bottom panels blank.
- P. Top panel blank, bottom panel completely removed.
- Q. Top panel completely removed, bottom panel blank.
- R. Top and bottom panels completely removed.
- S. Top and bottom panels, except for top and bottom lines, completely removed.
- T. As R but bottom line also removed.
- U. Top panel blank, side ornaments removed.
- V. Top and bottom panels blank, side ornaments removed.
- W. Inner box only.
- A. Swastika obliterated.
HC4. Alteration to Type D4 (Francotyp D):
Sub-group HD: Alterations to Group F stamps
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HD1. Alterations to Type F1 (Francotyp A):
- A. Eagle solid
- B. Eagle removed.
- C. Eagle and top line of inner box removed
- D. Eagle and top line of inner box with sides of top panel also removed.
- E. Top panel completely removed.
- F. Top panel blank, “Reichs” removed.
- G. Top panel removed, “Reichs” removed at bottom.
- H. Top panel blank, top of inner box removed, “Deutsche” removed from bottom.
- I. Top and bottom panels blank.
- J. Inner box only.
- K. Eagle and bottom line of inner box removed
HD2. Alterations to Type F2 (Francotyp B):
- A. Eagle removed.
- B. Eagle and top line of inner box removed
- C. Top panel blank, top and bottom lines of inner box removed.
- D. Top panel completely removed.
- E. Top panel blank, “Reichs” removed.
- F. Top panel removed, “Reichs” removed at bottom.
- G. Top panel blank, “Deutsche” removed.
- H. Bottom panel blank.
- I. Top and bottom panels blank
- J. Top and bottom panels blank, top line of inner box removed.
- K. Top and bottom panels blank, bottom line of inner box removed.
- L. Top and bottom panels blank, top and bottom lines of inner box removed.
- M. Top and bottom panels completely removed.
- N. Inner box only.
- P. Top panel and bottom of inner panel removed.
- A. Eagle removed.
HD3. Alterations to Type F3 (Francotyp C):
- A. Eagle solid.
- B. Eagle partially removed.
- C. Eagle removed
- D. Eagle and top line of inner box removed.
- E. Top panel except for small portion at left completely removed.
- F. As D, sides of top panel also removed.
- G. Top panel blank, and top line removed.
- H. Top panel completely removed
- I. As H, top of inner box also removed.
- J. “Reiches” removed.
- K. Eagle partially removed, and “Reiche” or “Reiches” removed.
- L. Top panel blank, “Reiches” removed
- M. Top panel and “Reiches” removed.
- N. “Deutsche” removed.
- P. Top panel blank, “Deutsche” removed
- Q. Top panel and “Deutsche” removed.
- R. Top panel blank, “Post” alone at bottom.
- S. bottom panel blank.
- T. Top and bottom panels blank
- U. Top and bottom panels blank, top line of inner box removed.
- V. Top and bottom panels blank, bottom line of inner box removed.
- W. Top and bottom panels blank, top and bottom lines of inner box removed.
- X. Top panel blank, bottom panel completely removed.
- Y. Bottom panel blank, top panel completely removed.
- Z. Top and bottom panels blank, with side lines removed.
- ZA. Top panel removed, bottom panel blank with side lines removed.
- ZB. Top and bottom panels completely removed.
- ZC. Inner box only.
- A. Eagle solid.
HD4. Alterations to Type F4 (Francotyp D):
- A. Eagle removed
- B. Eagle and top line of inner box removed.
- C. Top panel blank, top and bottom lines of inner box removed.
- D. Top panel completely removed.
- E. Top panel completely removed, top of inner box also removed.
- F. Top panel completely removed, bottom line of inner box also removed.
- G. Top panel blank, “Reich” removed.
- H. Top panel blank, “Deutsche” removed.
- I. Top panel blank, top of inner box removed, “Deutsche” removed.
- J. Top panel blank, top and bottom of inner box removed, “Deutsche” removed.
- K. Top panel blank, “Deutsche” alone at bottom.
- L. Bottom panel blank.
- M. Top and bottom panels blank
- N. Top and bottom panels blank, top line of inner box removed.
- P. Top and bottom panels blank, both top and bottom lines of inner box removed.
- Q. Bottom panel blank, top panel completely removed
- R. Top panel removed, bottom panel blank with side lines removed.
- S. Top and bottom panels completely removed.
- T. Inner box only.
HD5. Alterations to Type F5 (Francotyp A):
HD6. Alterations to Type F6 (Francotyp D):
- A. Eagle partially removed.
- B. Top panel blank.
- C. Top panel blank, top line of inner box removed.
- D. Two thirds of frank below top line completely removed.
- E. Top panel completely removed.
- F. Top panel blank or partially obliterated, “DEUTSCHE” removed.
- G. Top panel blank, “REICH” removed.
- H. Top panel blank, “POST” alone at bottom.
- A. Eagle partially removed.
HD7. Francotyp “B” meters were prepared with Group F dies but were not issued. A few saw post-war use with alterations:
HD8. Francotyp “C” meters were prepared with Group F dies but were not issued. A few saw post-war use with alterations:
Sub-group HE: Alterations to Group G stamps
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HE1. Alterations to Type G1 (Postalia):
- A. Eagle’s head removed.
- B. Most of eagle removed except outline of wing and inside of head.
- C. Eagle completely removed.
- D. Eagle’s head and “Reichs” removed.
- E. Outline of eagle only, “Reichs” removed.
- F. Eagle and “Reichs” removed.
- G. Outline of eagle only, “Deutsche Reich” removed. “post” alone at top right
[Extremely rare, possibly a misprint of E]
- H. Top third of frank completely removed, bottom quarter blank.
- I. Outline of eagle only, top quarter of frank removed.
- J. Outer frame line only.
- A. Eagle’s head removed.
Sub-group HF: Frank frame completely removed
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HF1. Francotyp “A” (MV).
- Value figures only.
- With or without impression counter number. If present it is either high or centered between TM and V/F.
- V/F:
000 (A)

HF2. Francotyp “B” (MV).

HF3. Francotyp “C” (MV).

HF4. Francotyp “D” (MV). [$12.50]
- NOTE: This provisional stamp was also used in 1957 during the transition from Saar to German franking.

GROUP I: Post-war provisional stamps made from replacing parts of the original frank dies with new components
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Sub-group IA: Designs based on Group B dies
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IA1. Francotyp “B” (MV). [$50]

IA2. Francotyp “B” (MV). [$40]

IA3. Francotyp “C” (MV).

IA5. Francotyp “C” (MV). [Extremely rare, one example known, value undetermined]
- As Type B3 but without inner frame lines.
- “Deutsche Post” at top, post horn at bottom.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
Sub-group IB: Design based on Group C die
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IB1. Francotyp “B” (MV). [$30]
Sub-group IC: Designs based on Group D dies
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IC1. Francotyp “A” (MV). [$65]

IC2. Francotyp “A” (MV). [$50]

IC3. Francotyp “A” (MV). [$20]
- As IC3.
- V/F: 000 (A)

IC6. Francotyp “C” (MV).
Sub-group ID: Designs based on Group F dies
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ID1. Francotyp “B” (MV). [$15]

ID4. Franctoyp “B” (MV). [$20]

ID6. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$40]

ID7. Francotyp “C” (MV).
- “DEUTSCHE” at top, “POST” at bottom.

ID8. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$40]

ID9. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$40]
Sub-group IE: Designs based on Group G dies
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GROUP J: Vertical rectangle with straight double outer frame lines and double line inner value box
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J1. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1946.
- “DEUTSCHE” in panel above the box and “POST” in panel below.
- With or without impression counter number.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (A)
000 (A)
000 (A,G)

- As Types J1 and 2 except for spacing.
- With or without impression counter number.
- TM: SC, DC
- V/F:
000 (A,G)
000 (G)
- 00 (A)

J4. Francotyp “D” (MV).
- As Types J1-3 except for spacing.
- With or without impression counter number.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (G)
000 (G)

- “DEUTSCHE” in panel above the box and “POST” in panel below.
- 6-digit impression counter vertical at left.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (O)
- “DEUTSCHE POST” in top panel, post horn in bottom panel.
- 6-digit impression counter vertical at left.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (O)
GROUP K: Vertical rectangle with head of Mercury at left
[edit | edit source]- Staff in hand at right, “DEUTSCHE POST” at top

K1. Postalia (MV), 1946.
GROUP L: Rectangle with single straight-line border, “Deutsche Post” at top, post horn with lightening bolts at bottom
[edit | edit source]- Stamps from this Group were used in both West and East Germany.
- Considerable variation exists in the style of “Deutsche Post and the size of the post horn even within the same stamp type.
- Double circle town marks with inner circle flat on top were used only in East Germany. Stamps with inner circle completely round and single circle town marks were used in both the East and West Germany.
- Stamps were commonly printed in shades of blue in East Germany, never in West Germany.

L1. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1946.
- Distance of “Deutsche Post” from top frame line variable.
- Font for “Deutsche Post” variable.
- With or without impression counter number.
- Used in both West and East Germany.
- TM: SC
- a. Date only without town mark

L2. Francotyp “B” (MV).
- As Type L1 except for spacing.
- With or without impression counter number.
- Used in both West and East Germany.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (A,G,O)
- NOTE: Two examples shown to demonstrate variations in inscription style.

L3. Francotyp “C” (MV).
- As Types L1 and 2 except for spacing.
- With or without impression counter number.
- TM: SC, DC
- V/F:
000 (A,G,O)
- Used in both West and East Germany.
L4. Francotyp “D” (MV).
- As Types L1-3 except for spacing.
- With or without impression counter number.
- TM: SC
- Used in both West and East Germany.
- V/F:
000 (A,G,O)
- a. Without town mark or date
- b. With date only but without town mark

L5. Komusina (MV), 1947.

L6. Postalia (MV), 1947.
- Wide spacing. Without impression counter number.
- Value figures narrow.
- Used in both West and East Germany.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

L7. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1947. [$400]
- Frank wider than tall with post horns in both lower corners.
- One meter only, used in the post war Soviet Zone.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
000 (A)

L8. Francotyp “Cc/Cm/Ccm” (MV), 1960.
- As Type L3 but date with stops.
- Used in East Germany only.
- TM: DC
- a. Small post horn

L9. Postalia “D2/D3” (MV), 1960.
- Spacing is narrow, 5-7 mm between TM and frank.
- Post horn variable in size.
- Used in East Germany only.
- TM: DC with inner circle flat at top, round on bottom
- V/F:
- a. TM with round inner circle

L10. Pitney Bowes “6300” (MV), 1965.
- With exception of variety C, frank is square.
- Used in East Germany only.
- TM: DC with inner circle flat on top
- V/F:
000 (A only)
≋000 (A, B and C)

L11. Satas “Baby” (MV), 1969. [$5]
- Smaller frank with “DEUTSCHE/ POST” in two lines and all capitals at top.
- Date figures tall.
- Used in East Germany only.
- TM: DC with inner circle flat on top
- V/F:

L12. Frama (MV), 1969.
- “Deutsche Post” short and wide or taller and thin.
- Value figures heavy.
- Used in East Germany only.
- TM: DC with inner circle flat on top
- V/F:

L13. Francotyp “Cm7000/Cm10000” (MV), 1972. [$5]
- Similar to Type L8 but value figures are tall and thin, and the date figures are closer together.
- Used in East Germany only.
- TM: DC with inner circle flat on both top and bottom
- V/F:
000 (O)
000 (O)

L14. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV), 1978.
- Spacing between TM and frank 12-13 mm.
- Value figures 5 mm tall.
- Used in East Germany only.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
- a. Small post horn.

L15. Francotyp-Postalia “Curier/PS4” (MV), 1989.
- Spacing 35-36 mm between center of date and value figures.
- Used in East Germany only.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

L16. Francotyp-Postalia “MS5 WK/WK4” (MV), 1990. [$5]
- Spacing 36-37 mm between center of date and value figures.
- Used in East Germany only.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

L17. Francotyp-Postalia “EFS3000/NEF300” (MV), 1990. [$5]
- Spacing 39-40 mm between center of date and value figures.
- Date figures widely spaced.
- Used in East Germany only.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

L18. Pitney Bowes “6300” (MV).
- Frank 23-24 mm square.
- Post horn flanked by license number with “E” prefix.
- Used in East Germany only.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
GROUP M: Upright rectangle containing large post horn and rays
[edit | edit source]- “DEUTSCHE POST” at top
- This design was used in the French zone only.

M1. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1947.

M2. Francotyp “B” (MV). [$7.50]
- As Type M1 except for spacing.
- With or without impression counter number.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (A)
000 (G)
M3. Francotyp “C” (MV).
- As Types M1 and 2 except for spacing.
- With or without impression counter number.
- TM: SC, DC
- V/F:
000 (A,G)

M4. Francotyp “D” (MV).

M6. Postalia (MV).
GROUP N: Similar to Group L except “DEUTSCHE/ BUNDESPOST”, “Deutsche Bundespost”or "Bundespost" at top
[edit | edit source]Sub-group NA: “DEUTSCHE/ BUNDESPOST”, “Deutsche Bundespost”or "Bundespost" alone
[edit | edit source]

NA1. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1951.

NA2. Francotyp “B” (MV).
- As Type NA1 except for spacing.
- With or without impression counter number.
- TM: SC, DC
- V/F:
000 (A,G,O)

NA3. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$7.50]
- As Types NA1 and 2 except for spacing.
- With or without impression counter number.
- TM: SC, DC
- V/F:
000 (A,G,O)
0000 (O)
000 (G)
000 (O)
000 (A)

NA4. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$100]
- As Type NA3 except “Deutsche Bundespost” in small letters in one line.
- One meter only.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (G)

NA5. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$80]
- As Type NA3 except “Bundespost” alone at top without “Deutsche”.
- One meter only, used in DDR.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
000 (G)

NA6. Francotyp “D” (MV).
- As Types NA1-3 except for spacing.
- With or without impression counter number.
- Date with or without stops.
- TM: SC, DC
- V/F:
000 (G,O)
000 (A,O)

NA7. Komusina (MV).
- 6-digit impression counter vertical at left.
- TM: SC

NA8. Postalia (MV).

NA10. Francotyp “Cc/Ccm/Cm” (MV), 1959.
- Date with stops after D and before Y.
- TM: DC, SC
- A. Wide spacing between TM and frank
- B. Narrow spacing between TM and frank
- V/F:

NA11. Francotyp “A9000” (MV), 1961.
- Spacing between centers of date and value figures 35-36 mm.
- Date figures more widely spaced than with Type NA10, with stops after D and after M.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

NA12 . Francotyp “Cm7000/Cm10000” (MV), 1972.
- Very similar to Type NA10 but value figures are much thinner.
- Date with stops after D and before Y.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

NA13. Postalia “D2/D3” (MV), 1958.
- Spacing between TM and frank 6-8 mm.
- Date figures can be either 3 or 2.5 mm tall.
- Value figures narrow, 4.5 mm tall.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

NA15. Hasler (MV), 1959. [$30]
- Spacing between TM and frank 16-19 mm.
- Value figures 4.5-5 mm tall but not thin.
- Three known: ST. INGBERT 667,
- V/F:
000 (St. Ingbert, Saarbrücken),
0000 (Volklingen)

NA16. Hasler “F66” (MV), 1968.
- Type NA16 is very similar in appearance to Type NA10B. The stop in the date between the month and year is closer to the month on NA16. On NA10 it is closer to the year.
- See also Type NA20.

NA17. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV), 1978.
- Spacing between TM and frank 12-13 mm.
- Value figures 5 mm tall.
- TM: DC
- V/F: 0000

NA18. Pitney Bowes “6300 series” (MV), 1965.

NA19. Pitney Bowes “RF” (MV), 1979.
- “DEUTSCHE” above post horn at top, “BUNDESPOST” at bottom.
- Small date. Value figures lower than date figures.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

NA20. Frama (MV), 1969.
- Type NA20 is very similar in appearance to Type NA16. The date figures are lighter on NA20 than on NA16. The value figures, although thick as with NA16, are narrower (most noticeable in the zeros).
- The pictured stamp is a Specimen.

NA21. Satas “Baby” (MV), 1965.
- Spacing between TM and frank 10-11 mm.
- Date figures tall and thin like the value figures.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
NOTE: The pictured stamp is a Specimen.

NA22. Neopost “Frankmaster 505” (MV), 1973.
- Frank 23 to 24 mm square.
- Spacing between TM and frank 16-17 mm.
- Date figures short, 2.5 - 3 mm.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

NA23. Neopost “205/2205” (MV), 1976.
- Resembles Type NA21 but for spacing.
- Frank 24.5 x 26 mm.
- Spacing between TM and frank 6 mm.
- Value figures thin.
- Date figures can be tall or short.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

- Frank 24 x 32-33 mm.
- Spacing between TM and frank 11-12 mm.
- Value figures large and widely spaced.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
[edit | edit source]

NB1. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1956. [$5]
- Francotyp "A" spacing as with Type NA1, “BERLIN” below “BUNDESPOST”.
- With impression counter number.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
000 (G)

NB2. Francotyp “B” (MV).
- Francotyp "B" spacing as with Type, “BERLIN” below “BUNDESPOST”.
- With or without impression counter number.
- TM: SC or DC
- V/F:
000 (A,G,O)

NB3. Francotyp “C” (MV).
- Francotyp "C" spacing as with Type NA3, “BERLIN” below “BUNDESPOST”.
- With or without impression counter number.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
000 (A,G) .
000 (O)
000 (O)
0000 (O)

NB4. Francotyp “D” (MV).
- Francotyp "D" spacing as with Type NA6, “BERLIN” below “BUNDESPOST”.
- With or without impression counter number.
- TM: SC, DC
- V/F:
000 (G,O)

NB6. Postalia (MV).

NB7. Francotyp “Cc”/”Ccm” (MV).
- Very similar to Type NB3 but date figures have stops after Day and before Year.

NB9. Francotyp “A9000” (MV).
- As Type NA11 but with “BERLIN” below “BUNDESPOST”.
- Spacing between centers of date and value figures 35-36 mm.
- Date figures very widely spaced.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

NB10. Francotyp “Cm7000/10000” (MV).
- Very similar to Type NB7B, but value figures are thinner and slightly more widely spaced.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

NB11. Postalia “D2/D3” (MV).
- As Type NA13 but with “BERLIN” below “BUNDESPOST”.
- TM: DC
- A. Frank 27½ mm wide
- B. Frank 25½ mm wide
- V/F:

NB12. Hasler “F66” (MV). [$12.50]
- As Type NA16 but with “BERLIN” vertical at right.
- Spacing between TM and frank 9-12 mm.
- Date figures tightly spaced.
- Value figures 6 mm tall.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

NB13. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
- As Type NA17 but with “BERLIN” vertical at right.
- Spacing between TM and frank 12-13 mm.
- Value figures 5 mm tall.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

NB14. Pitney Bowes “6300” (MV).

NB15. Pitney Bowes “5000” (MV).
- As Type NA19 but with “BERLIN” vertical at right.
- “DEUTSCHE” above post horn at top, “BUNDESPOST” at bottom.
- Small date. Value figures lower than date figures.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

NB16. Frama (MV).
- As Type NA20 but with “BERLIN” vertical at right.
- Spacing between TM and frank 8-12 mm.
- Value figures 6 mm tall and heavy.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

NB17. Satas “Baby” (MV).
- As Type NA21 but with “BERLIN” vertical at right.
- Spacing between TM and frank 10-11 mm.
- Date figures tall and thin like the value figures.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

NB18. Neopost “Frankmaster 505” (MV).
- As Type NA22 but with “BERLIN” below “BUNDESPOST”.
- Frank 23 to 24 mm square.
- Spacing between TM and frank 16-17 mm.
- Date figures short, 2.5 - 3 mm.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

NB19. Neopost “205/2205” (MV).
- As Type NA23 but with “BERLIN” vertical at right.
- Resembles Type NB17 but for spacing.
- Frank 24.5 x 26 mm.
- Spacing between TM and frank 6 mm.
- Value figures thin.
- Date figures can be tall (model "205") or short (model "2205", shown).
[edit | edit source]NOTE: For earlier stamps used in the Saar, see Group SR.

NC1. Francotyp “B” (MV), 1957. [$5]

NC2. Francotyp “C” (MV).

NC3. Francotyp “D” (MV). [$7.50]

NC3.1. Francotyp “Cc/Ccm” (MV).

NC4. Postalia (MV).

NC5. Satas (MV).

GROUP P: As Group N but with redrawn post horn, more abstract and flanked by the meter number
[edit | edit source]Sub-group PA: “DEUTSCHE BUNDESPOST” alone
[edit | edit source]

PA1. Francotyp “Cc/Ccm” (MV).
- M# with “B” prefix.
- Spacing narrow, ~30-32 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Date with stops after day and before year.
- Value figures thick, 6 mm tall.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

PA2. Postalia “D2/D3” (MV).
- Spacing narrow, ~31-32 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Value figures thin and narrow, 4.5 mm tall.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

PA3. Francotyp-Postalia “MS4/MS5” (MV).
- Frank variable 23-24 x 28-30 mm.
- Spacing ~36-37 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Value figures thin and narrow, 4.5 mm tall.
- TM: DC or SC
- A. M# with “B” prefix
- B. M# with “F” prefix
- V/F:
- a. Small frank 23-24 x 28-29

PA4. Francotyp “A9000” (MV).

PA5. Francotyp-Postalia “EFS3000/NEF300” (MV).
- M# with “B” prefix. Spacing, ~39 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Value figures thin and narrow, 4.5 mm tall.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

PA6. Pitney Bowes “RT” (MV).
- Small nearly square frank, ~22 x 23 mm.
- Post horn and M# at top below “DEUTSCHE”. “BUNDESPOST” at bottom.
- Date figures small.
- M# with “E” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

PA7. Pitney Bowes “6300” series (MV).

PA8. Pitney Bowes “6600” (MV).
- Frank taller than wide.
- Date figures small.
- Value figures widely spaced.
- M# with “E” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

PA9. Pitney Bowes “6900” (MV).
- Similar to Type PA8 but value figures smaller and more narrowly spaced.
- M# with “E” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

PA10. Pitney Bowes “Paragon” (MV).

PA11. Frama “M/E” (MV).
NOTE: Shown is a specimen stamp.

PA12. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

- M# with “D” prefix.
- Value figures large and widely spaced.
- Date figures with stops centered before date and year.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
- NOTE: Fewer than ten meters were in use.

PA14. Neopost “2205” (MV).

PA15. Neopost “Frankmaster 505” (MV).
- Frank nearly square 24-25 mm.
- M# with “H” prefix.
- Spacing between TM and frank ~11 mm.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

PA16. Neopost “Electronic (Portoprinter)” (MV).
- M# with “H” prefix.
- Spacing between TM and frank , ~13-15 mm.
- TM: DC
- A. Frank 23-24 mm wide.
- B. Frank 25-26 mm wide
- V/F:
≋ 0 0 0

PA17. TeleFrank “Standard Model” (digital).

PA18. Francotyp-Postalia “T1000” (digital).

PA19. Pitney Bowes-GB “A/B900” (MV).
- Design similar to Type PA7 but frank is slightly wider than tall and value figures are larger.
- M# with “E” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
[edit | edit source]

PB1. Postalia “D2/D3” (MV).
- As Type PA2 but with “BERLIN” below “BUNDESPOST”.
- M# with “F” prefix.
- Spacing narrow, ~31-33 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Value figures thin and narrow, 4.5 mm tall.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

PB2. Francotyp-Postalia “EFS3000/NEF300” (MV).
- As Type PA5 but with “BERLIN” below “BUNDESPOST”.
- M# with “B” prefix. Spacing, ~40 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Value figures thin and narrow, 4.5 mm tall.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

PB3. Pitney Bowes “6300” series (MV).
- As Type PA7A but with “BERLIN” vertical at right.
- Small nearly square frank, ~23 x 24 mm.
- M# with “E” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

PB4. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
- As Type PA12 but with “BERLIN” vertical at right.
- M# with “C” prefix.
- Spacing between TM and frank ~11-12 mm.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
NOTE: A Frama meter is reported to have been used with this frank format.
[edit | edit source]- Post horn either outlined or solid

- M# with “F” prefix.
- Wide spacing.
- Value figures thick, 5-5½ mm tall.
- TM: DC
- A. Outline post horn
- B. Solid post horn
- V/F:
000 (O)

Q2. Francotyp “Cc/Ccm” (MV).
- M# with “F” prefix. Spacing narrow, ~30-32 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Date with stops after day and before year.
- Value figures thick, 6 mm tall.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

Q3. Postalia “D2/D3” (MV).
- M# with “F” prefix.
- Spacing narrow, ~31-32 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Value figures thin and narrow, 4.5 mm tall.
- TM: DC
- A. Outline post horn
- B. Solid post horn
- V/F:

Q4. Francotyp-Postalia “MS5” (MV).
- M# with “F” prefix.
- Spacing ~36-37 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Value figures thin and narrow.
- Solid post horn.
- TM: DC

Q5. Francotyp “Cm10000/Cm7000” (MV).
- M# with “F” prefix.
- Spacing narrow, ~37-38 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Value figures thin and tall (6 mm).
- Post horn solid.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

Q6. Francotyp-Postalia “EFS3000/NEF300” (MV).
- Spacing, ~39 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Value figures thin and narrow, 4.5 mm tall.
- M# with "B" or “F” prefix.
- TM: DC
- A. Post horn solid
- B. Post horn outlined
- V/F:

Q7. Pitney Bowes “6300” series (MV).
- Small nearly square frank, ~22 x 23 mm.
- M# with “E” prefix.
- Post horn outlined.
- TM: DC

Q8. Pitney Bowes “6900” (MV).
- Similar to Type PA8 but value figures smaller and more narrowly spaced.
- M# with “E” prefix.
- Post horn outlined.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

Q9. Pitney Bowes “Paragon” (MV).
- Frank large and nearly square, ~27-28 x 29-30 mm.
- M# with “E” prefix.
- Post horn outlined.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

Q10. Pitney Bowes “A931, Portophon” (MV).
- Frank wider than tall, ~25-26 x 23 mm.
- M# with “E” prefix.
- Value figures large and widely spaced.
- Post horn outlined.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

Q11. Frama “M/E” (MV).

Q12. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
- M# with “C” prefix.
- Spacing between TM and frank ~11-12 mm.
- Post horn outlined.
- TM: DC.
- V/F:

Q13. Neopost “Electronic (Portoprinter)” (MV).
- M# with “H” prefix.
- Spacing between TM and frank , ~14-16 mm.
- Frank 22-23 x 27-28 mm.
- Post horn outlined.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
≋ 0 0 0

Q13.1. Neopost “SM75/75” (MV).
- M# with “H” prefix.
- Spacing between TM and frank , ~11-12 mm.
- Post horn outlined.
- Frank 22-23 x 29-30 mm.
- TM: DC. Date with dashes between D, M and Y.
- V/F:
≋ 0 0 0

Q14. TeleFrank “Standard Model” (digital).
- Date and value figures digital.
- M# with “K” prefix.
- TM: DC
- A. Outline post horn
- B. Solid post horn
- V/F:

Q15. Francotyp-Postalia “T1000” (digital).
- Spacing very narrow ~3-5mm.
- Value figures very narrow.
- TM: DC
- A. M# with “B” prefix. Outline post horn
- B. M# with “F” prefix. Outline post horn
- C. M# with “F” prefix. Solid post horn
- V/F:

Q16. Frama “EPS” (MV).
- Spacing 35-36 mm.
- M# with “A” prefix.
- Very similar to Type Q12 but with wider spacing in date.
- TM: DC
- A. Outline post horn
- B. Solid post horn
- V/F:

Q17. Francotyp-Postalia “JetMail” (digital).

Q18. Pitney Bowes “Easy Mail” (digital).
- Frameless horizontal frank with large solid post horn at top center flanked by “DEUTSCHE” and “POST AG”.
- M# with “E95/96” prefix.
- TM: SL
- V/F:
- a. M# with “OE” prefix
- b. M# with “95” or “96” prefix without the “E”.

Q19. Pitney Bowes “PersonalPost” (digital).
- Very similar to Type Q18 but printed by ink jet process yielding thin horizontal lines in the design most easily seen in the value figures.
- M# with “E67” prefix.
- TM: SL
- V/F:

Q20. Neopost “SM26” (digital).
- Frank nearly square.
- M# with “H” prefix.
- Spacing narrow, ~4.5mm.
- Value figures very narrow.
- Solid post horn.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
GROUP R: "DEUTSCHE/ POST" with small post horn at top
[edit | edit source]- Large meter number at bottom
Sub-group RA: Denominated in Marks
[edit | edit source]- Blank between “DEUTSCHE/ POST” and value figures

RA1. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$10]

RA2. Francotyp “Cc/Ccm” (MV).
- M# with “F” prefix.
- Spacing narrow, ~30-32 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Date with stops after day and before year.
- Value figures thick, 6 mm tall.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

RA3. Postalia “D2/D3” (MV). [$5]
- Spacing narrow, ~31-32 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Value figures thin and narrow, 4.5 mm tall.
- TM: DC
- A. M# with “F” prefix
- B. M# with “B” prefix
- V/F:

RA4. Francotyp-Postalia “EFS3000/NEF300” (MV).
- M# with “F” prefix.
- Spacing, ~39 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Value figures thin and narrow, 4.5 mm tall.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

RA5. Francotyp-Postalia “T1000” (digital).

RA6. Francotyp-Postalia “JetMail” (digital).

RA7. Frama “M/E” (MV).

RA8. Frama “EPS” (MV).
- M# with “A” prefix.
- Spacing 11-13 mm between TM and frank.
- Date widely spaced with stops after D and M.
- Value figures 5 mm tall.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

RA9. Frama “Sensonic” (MV).
- M# with “A” prefix.
- Spacing very narrow, 2.5 mm.
- Date with stops midway between D and M, and M and Y.
- Tall 6 mm value figures.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

RA10. Pitney Bowes “EasyMail” (digital).

RA11. Pitney Bowes “PersonalPost” (digital).
- Short frank applied by ink jet process which leaves telltale horizontal bands in the printing, especially noticeable in the date, value figures and meter number.
- M# with “E” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
Sub-group RB: Denominated in Euros
[edit | edit source]- “EURO CENT” above value figures
- Early examples printed in red with blue becoming the norm starting in 2001
NOTE': Several RB stamp types appear virtually identical and differ only by the meter number prefix.

RB1. Francotyp “Cc” (MV).

RB2. Francotyp “Cm10000/Cm7000” (MV).

RB3. Postalia “D2/D3” (MV).

RB4. Francotyp-Postalia “MS5/MS4” (MV).

RB5. Francotyp-Postalia “EFS3000/NEF300” (MV).

RB6. Francotyp-Postalia “T1000” (digital).
- Frank variable in width from 23 to 27 mm.
- M# with “F” prefix.
- Spacing very narrow ~3-5 mm.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

RB7. Francotyp-Postalia “JetMail” (digital).

RB8. Francotyp-Postalia "MyMail" (digital).
- Small square frank.
- Date figures raised in relation to value figures.
- M# with“F” prefix.
- Spacing ~7-10 mm.
- V/F:
00000 (narrow)

RB9. Frama “M/E” (MV).

RB10. Frama “EPS” (MV).

RB11. Frama “Sensonic” (MV).

RB12. Frama “MailSpirit” (MV).
- Frank slightly wider than tall.
- Date figures small, slightly raised in relation to value figures.
- Those seen so far have 'A 700” prefix.
- Spacing narrow, ~2.5 mm.
- V/F:

RB13. Ascom Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

RB14. Ascom Hasler “Smile” (MV).

RB15. Ascom Hasler “InteliPost” (digital).

RB16. Pitney Bowes “6500” (MV).
- Square frank about the same size as Type RB15.
- "DEUTSCHE POST" in one line.
- M# with “E” prefix.
- V/F:

RB17. Pitney Bowes “Paragon” (MV).

RB18. Pitney Bowes “A931 Portphon” (MV).
- Frank wider than tall, 25-26 x 24 mm.
- "DEUTSCHE POST" in one line.
- Value figures tall, narrow.
- Spacing ~11-12 mm between TM and frank.
- M# with “E” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

RB19. Pitney Bowes “EasyMail” (digital).
- Frank wider than tall, 26-27 x 24 mm.
- Spacing ~8-9 mm between TM and frank.
- M# with “E” prefix.

RB20. Pitney Bowes “Personal Post” (digital).

RB21. Neopost “Electronic (Portoprinter)” (MV).

RB22. Neopost “SM24/26” (digital).
- Frank nearly square.
- M# with “H” prefix.
- Spacing narrow, ~4.5 mm.
- Value figures very narrow.
- V/F:

RB23. Neopost “SM75/85” (MV).
- Frank with thick outer frame line.
- M# with “H” prefix.
- Spacing ~11-12 mm.
- Value figures narrow.
- Date has dashes centered between D, M and Y.
- V/F:

RB24. Neopost “IJ25/IJ65” (digital).
- Small square frank.
- Those seen so far have M# with 'H 500' prefix.
- Date has dashes centered between D, M and Y.
- V/F:

RB25. TeleFrank “Standard Model” (digital).
- Digital date and value figures, frame not digital.
- Spacing narrow, ~10-11 mm.
- Value figures 4 mm tall.
- M# with “K” prefix.
- TM: DC

RB26. TeleFrank “Vario” (digital).
- Similar to Type RB25 but spacing narrower, ~3 mm.
- Value figures 5 mm tall.
- M# with “K” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

RB27. Melex (digital), 1999.

RB28. Frama “Mailmax” (digital).
- Design with serial number vertical left of the town mark, otherwise very similar to Type RB24 except the value figures are closer together.
- M# with “A9” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
- a. With impression counter vertical left of the TM

RB29.Neopost/Hasler “IJ65/85/95” (digital).
- Design, including values, figures virtually identical to Type RB12.
- M# with “C9” prefix.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

RB30. Pitney Bowes (digital).
- Design, including value figures, virtually identical to Type RB29.
- Very slight differences in the date figures exist.
- M# with “E” prefix.
- Known models are DM200 (E1), DM300 (E4) and DB400-1000 (E7).
- TM: DC
- V/F:

RB31. Neopost (digital).
- Design virtually identical to Types RB30 and RB31.
- Very slight differences in the date figures exist.
- M# with “H” prefix.
- Known models are “Portostar” (H3) and “Portoprinter” (H4).
- TM: DC
- V/F:
GROUP S: Private use stamps with square 2D barcode at left, “FRANKIT” below “Deutsche Post” and post horn
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- Introduced in 2004. Normally printed in blue.
- All Group S stamp types are identical in appearance except for the Identification number and prefix.
S1. Neopost (digital).
- a. With impression counter at lower left of 2D barcode
S2. Frama (digital).
S3. Francotyp-Postalia (digital).
- a. With impression counter vertical at left

S4. Pitney Bowes (digital).
- a. Used for registered mail with wide 1D barcode at left. Printed in pink.
S5. Telefrank (digital).
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