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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Faroe Islands

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Faeroe Islands

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Before 1975 all meters used in the Faeroe Islands had Danish franks (Denmark Types A7, B1, B2, B6, C3 and possibly others). Faeroe use of these stamps can be identified only by the town mark. Examples are worth a premium over the same stamps with Denmark town names. Starting in 1975, meters with distinct Faeroe Islands franks came into use although some meters remained unchanged for several years. The stamps are grouped according to Danish or Faeroe inscription:

A - Inscribed “DANMARK”
B - Inscribed “FØROYAR”

GROUP A: DENMARK frank with “FÆRØERNE” in the town name

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Although the frank is inscribed “DANMARK” and is similar in appearance to Denmark Group A stamp types, the design is unique and was used only in the Faeroes and only with this one machine. The meter was brought to the Faroe Islands by British occupation forces and installed at the Thorshavn Post Office in May of 1943. It was removed from service in June of the following year when the British forces evacuated from the Islands. After the war the machine was sold to FØROYA BANKI.

A1. Neopost (LV-6), May 1943. [$750]

Upright frank with crown at top and simulated-perforation outer border.
“DANMARK” reads up at left, and “KGL POST” reads down at right.
The letter “D” is found in small boxes in each corner.
Meter number “N446” at bottom center.
Value figures above “ØRE” at center.
Values: 005, 010, 020, 030, 050

GROUP B: Franks inscribed “FØROYAR”

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B1. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1975. [$5]

Upright frank with straight, single line border indented at bottom with M# below.
M# with “D” prefix.
A. Wide spacing between TM and frank. Transaction counter number above slogan in center
B. Narrow spacing without transaction counter number
V/F: 000 000

B2. Hasler “F88” (MV). [$5]

Similar to Type B1B with narrow spacing, but frank is narrower, and the M# has “B” prefix.
With 5-digit transaction counter number high left of TM.
V/F: 000 00 000
a. Without transaction counter number
b. With transaction counter number (and slogan) in different color

B3. Frama (MV). [$5]

Frank similar to Type B2 but value figures are much thicker.
M# with “G” prefix.
A. Frank 23mm wide
B. Frank 26mm wide
V/F: 0000

B4. Pitney Bowes “6300” (MV).

Horizontal frank with frame lines at right and bottom only.
M# with “P.B.” prefix above bottom frame line at left.
V/F: ≋000

B5. Postalia (MV).

Frank very similar to Type B4 but meter number with “TN” prefix below bottom frame line.
V/F: 0000

B6. Satas “Federal” (MV), 1977. [$5]

Frank variable in size. M# with “SJ” prefix.
A. Frank 21-22 x 23-24 mm
B. Frank 21-22 x 28-29 mm
C. Frank 19-20 x 23 mm
TM: SC with star at bottom
V/F: 000 00oo 0oo

B7. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Frank wider than tall.
M# with “B” prefix.
V/F: 0000 00000

B8. Frama “M/E” (MV).

As Type B7 but value figures heavier.
M# with “G” prefix.
V/F: 0000

B9. Krag (MV).

Upright frank similar to Types B1-B3, but with value figures filling the space between the stacked "OYRU" at the sides.
The zeroes in the value figures are fully oval with curved sides.
M# with “K” prefix.
V/F: 0000

B10. Neopost “Electronic” (MV).

Horizontal frank similar to types B7 and B8 but the value figures are smaller.
The date figures are widely spaced especially between the month and year figures.
M# with “N” prefix.
V/F: ≋000

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