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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Ecuador

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The first meter was installed in 1951. All stamps have “ECUADOR” in the frank.

1. Pitney Bowes, model “R” (MV), 1951.

Post Office stamp.
Frank without outer frame line.
Large bird (condor) between TM and value box.
Empty panel above value figures.
M# with “P.B. METER” prefix.
Meters 0001, 0002 and 0011 seen.
V/F:      000      00 :

2. Francotyp “Cc” (MV), 1956.

Horizontal frank with double straight-line border.
Inscribed “CORREOS / DEL / ECUADOR” at upper left.
“FRANCOTYP No“ (number) / PERMISO No (number)” at bottom.
V/F:      000      0000
a. Without TM
b. Printed in black

3. Universal "Multi-Value” (MV), 1957.

Upright frank with simulated perforation border.
“ECUADOR” in curved panel at top.
“S | C” below value figures.
“CORREOS” in panel above M# at bottom.
M# with “U” prefix.
V/F:      00oo      000oo
a. Value figure only without frame

4. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV), 1966.

Similar to type 3, but smaller.
With “SUCRES” above “CORREOS”.
M# with “P.B.” prefix.
V/F:      00.oo      =00.oo

5. Hasler “F88” (MV).      [$10]

Horizontal frank with straight, single-line border enclosing the frank and TM.
Coat of arms between TM and value figures.
M# without prefix below coat of arms.
V/F:      00,oo

6. Postalia (MV).

Upright frank with single, straight-line border.
Coat of arms at lower right. “SUCRES” right of value figures.
M# with “POSTALIA” prefix outside frank at lower left and below TM.
A. “SUCRES” 10 mm wide.      V/F:   0000
B. “SUCRES” 9 mm wide.      V/F:   00000      000.00

7. National Cash Register (MV), 1968.      [$25]

Frank without outer frame printed on yellow adhesive label.
M# “Franqueador No. 0059” only.
With “Maquinas de Comercio S.A.” at bottom.
V/F:      –0,00

7.1. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000" (MV).

As Type 8, but “CORREOS” above value figures.
M# with “P.B.” prefix.
A. Ornamental columns on both sides of the frank (as pictured)
B. Ornamental column at right side only, “$” at left
V/F:      00 0      0.0 0

8. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” series (MV).

Horizontal frank with simulated perforation border.
“ECUADOR” in curved panel at top.
“SUCRES” above “CORREOS” at bottom.
M# with “P.B.” prefix breaks bottom frame line.
A. Ornamental columns on both sides of the frank (as pictured)
B. Ornamental column at left side only
V/F:      00.oo      000.oo
a. As A, with dollar sign imbedded in left column

9. Hasler “F88” (MV).      [$10]

Frameless, horizontal frank with “CORREOS DEL” at top,
“ECUADOR” at bottom, and fancy ornaments at the sides.
M# without prefix at bottom.
V/F:      0,oo

10. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Post Office stamp.
Frank with single, straight-line outer frame, “CORREOS DEL” at top,
“ECUADOR” at bottom, and ornaments at the sides.
M# with “H” prefix below right of frank.
V/F:      0000      00000

NOTE: Stamps of this design without value figures and with directional slugs ("AIRMAIL", "PRIORITAIR", "PORTE PAGADO" etc. exist.
These stamps even have a meter number. See the examples at right.

10.1. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Probably a Post Office stamp.
Frank very similar to Type 10 but with ornament at right side only.
Value figures preceded by "$".
M# with “H” prefix below right of frank.
V/F:      $00.00

11. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Probably a Post Office stamp.
Similar to Types 10 and 11 but with no side ornaments.
One poor example reported without readable meter number.
V/F:      0000,00

12. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Probably a Post Office stamp.
Similar to Type 11, but origami bird at right of value figures,
and “CORREOS DEL ECUADOR” in one line across top.
“DOLARES” above “GUAYAQUIL” and M# at bottom.
M# with “H” prefix.
V/F:      $0000      $00.00

13. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Post Office stamp.
Frank with ‘large hole’ simulated perforation outer frame line.
Origami bird at top left, M# with “H” prefix at top right.
“CORREOS DEL ECUADOR” in one line across bottom.
V/F:      $0000      00000

NOTE: These stamps are often printed on special labels. Several types exist. Two are shown at right.

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