International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Czechoslovakia
[edit | edit source]- The first meter appeared in 1926. All stamps except some provisional issues show “CESKOSLOVENSKO” or variation in the frank. In 1993 Czechoslovakia broke into two new countries, The Czech Republic and Slovakia. For issues since 1992/93 see CZECH REPUBLIC and SLOVAKIA.
- During World War 2 the country was overrun by Germany and was broken into different administrative areas. The meters in some areas were fitted with German frank dies. These stamps are cataloged under GERMANY and are most easily identified by the distinctive oval value figures and the town names. Bohemia and Moravia used its own franks that were inscribed “BOHMEN UND MAHREN” (Group BM below). Slovakia meter stamps were inscribed “SLOVENSKO”. See SLOVAKIA for these issues.
- The stamps are grouped according to appearance and usage:
- A - Frank with diagonal indents at sides and semi-circular projections at top and bottom
- B - Horizontal rectangle with simulated-perforation outer border
- C - Upright rectangle with simulated-perforation outer border
- D - Rectangle with straight outer border
- PO - Stamps used only in Post Offices
- PP - Stamps used to frank Parcel Post forwarding cards
- PV - Stamps generated by public access, self-service vending machines
- BM - World War 2 German occupation issues for western Czechoslovakia (Bohemia & Moravia), inscribed “BOHMEN UND MAHREN”
GROUP A: Frank with diagonal indents at sides and semi-circular projections at top and bottom (the "butterfly" frank)
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A1. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1926.
- Inscribed “CESKOSLOVENSKO” at top, with semi-circle at bottom center with triangles at the lower sides.
- With 59-62 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- With or without impression counter number.
- If present, impression counter number raised or centered between TM and frank.
- Date figures without stops.
- V/F:

A2. Francotyp “B” (MV), 1926. [Very scarce]
- As Type A1 but wider spacing, 74-75 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Impression counter number raised or centered between TM and frank.
- Date with or without stops.

- a. Post-WW2 use, i.e. 1945 or later, with Gothic value figures: •000 [Very scarce]

A3. Francotyp “C” and "Cc" (MV), 1927.
- As Type A2 but spacing wider, 77-79 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- With or without impression counter number. If present, S# raised between TM and frank.
- Date without stops ("C" model).
- TM: SC, DC
- V/F: 0oo (O,G) 000 (G)
000 (G) •000 (G)
- a. “CESKO–SLOVENSKO” with hyphen [Rare]
- b. Date with stops, post-WW2 use, i.e. 1945 or later ("Cc" model) [Scarce]
- c. Date without stops, post-WW2 use ("C" model) [Very scarce]

A4. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1938. [Rare]
- Provisional stamp used during initial period of German occupation.
- Frank with country name removed.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

A4.1. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1945. [Rare]
- Provisional stamp used after the period of German occupation.
- Frank without country name and ornaments.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

A5. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1945. [Scarce]

A6. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1945.
- As Type A3 but with change in bottom ornaments.
- A. Semi-circle removed [Scarce]
- B. Semi-circle and triangles removed (shown) [Very scarce]
- TM: SC
- V/F:
GROUP B: Frank is horizontal rectangle with simulated-perforation outer border
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B1. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1945.
- Border perforations often solid and heavy but in some cases with outline only.
- “CESKOSLOVENSKO” variable is size.
- With or without impression counter number between TM and frank.
- TM: SC, DC
- V/F:
0oo (O)
000 (O)
000 (G)
0oo0 (O)
0000 (O)

- b. Right-most value figures (either one or two figures) are outlined rather than solid
- c. Narrow spacing between TM and frank
- b

B2. Francotyp “B” (MV), 1945. [Scarce]
- As type B1 but wider spacing, 74-75 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Date with or without stops.
- TM: SC, DC
- V/F: 000 (O)
00 (G)
0oo (O)
000 (O)

B3. Francotyp “C” (MV).
- As Type B2 but slightly wider, 77-79 mm between centers of date and V/F.
- With or without impression counter number between TM and frank.
- Date without stops.
- TM: SC, DC

- V/F:
- a. Narrow setting, 30 mm between centers of date and value figures
- b. No line below “CESKOSLOVENSKO”
- c. Value figures at right are outlined rather than solid
- d. Frank is value figures only without frame

B4. Hasler “F22” (MV), 1948.
- Date figures have a stop centered after the year.
- Without impression counter number.
- A. TM raised in relation to frank
- B. TM same level as frank
- TM: SC, DC
- V/F:

B5. Universal “MultiValue” (MV), 1949.
- TM and date figures consistent is size and shape, as illustrated.
- Date with roman numeral month.
- A. Frank without meter number
- B. M# with “U” prefix in lower corners
- TM: DC
- V/F:
0oo (O)
00o (O)
00oo (A)
0oo0 (O)

B6. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV). [Scarce]
- TM and date figures similar to Type B5 but frank is smaller and the outer frame line is thinner.
- TM: DC
- V/F: =0oo

B7. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).
- Frank nearly identical to Type B6 but date figures narrower and thicker and spacing narrower.
- Date figures are raised in relation to value figures.
- A. Inner frame line broken at bottom
- B. Inner frame line at bottom is complete
- TM: DC
- V/F: ≋0.00

B8. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” (MV).
- Single, heavy frame line open at sides of “CESKOSLOVENSKO”.
- Date and value figures on same level.
- TM: DC
- V/F: ≋0.00

B9. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” (MV). [Scarce]
- Frank larger than on Type B9.
- With double frame line.
- No line under “CESKOSLOVENSKO”.
- One machine only.
- TM: DC
- V/F: 0000

B10. Hasler "F88" (MV). [Appears to be scarce]
- Similar in appearance to B4B but the date figures do not have a stop centered at right of the year.
- TM: DC
- V/F: ◇0000
NOTE: The stamp previously cataloged as Type B10 is now Type PO 0.1.
GROUP C: Frank is square or upright rectangle with simulated-perforation outer border
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C1. Postalia "Junior" (MV), 1966.
- With double frame line that often appears as one thick line because of ink buildup.
- Value figures think and narrow.
- A. Frank 27-28 x 30-31 mm
- B. Small frank 22-25 x 27-28 mm
- V/F: 00 0 00.0 0000 00,00 00.00
- a. Rectangular TM (NITRA 1/ 94923)

C2. Hasler “F88” (MV). [Scarce]
- Panel at bottom containing “CSSR”.
- A. Large frank, wide spacing
- B. Smaller frank with narrow spacing
- TM: DC
- V/F:

C3. Krag (MV). [Scarce]
- Large, square frank, 29 mm.
- Value figures widely spaced.
- Two machines only.
- TM: DC
- V/F: 0000
- a. Stamp in red with slogan in purple

C4. Perm (MV). [Scarce]
- Value figures stacked, date figures vertical.
- Frank frame has 'filled' perforations and no separate inner frame line.
- TM: DC
- V/F: 000

C5. Pitney Bowes “RF” (MV). [Very scarce]
- Small, upright frank with small TM.
- One machine only.
- TM: SC
- V/F: ≋0.00

C6. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
- Similar to Type C1 but simulated-perforations in the frame are more distinct.
- Value figures are larger.
- A. Frank 24-25 mm wide
- B. Frank 26 mm wide
- TM: DC
- V/F: 00,00 000,00 0000,00

C7. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV). [Appears to be scarce]
- Upright frank similar to Type C6.
- Dave figures without stops.
- TM: DC
- V/F: =0.oo
GROUP D: Frank is rectangle with straight outer border
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D1. Frama “M/E” (MV).
- Frank with double straight-line frame.
- Inscribed “CESKO–SLOVENSKO” with a hyphen at top, “Kčs” at bottom.
- TM: DC
- V/F: 000,00
GROUP PO: Stamps generated only by machines in Post Offices
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PO 0.1. Hasler “F22” (MV), 1946. [Very scarce]
- Frank shape as with Group A.
- Narrow spacing between TM and frank.
- Without impression counter number.
- Date with centered stop after the year figures.
- Two machines only, used in the main post offices of Prague and Brno.
- Dates of use for the Prague machine are November 1946 to March 1948.
- Dates of use for the Brno machine are unknown.
- TM: SC
- V/F: 00,oo
- a. With boxed "R" and registration number at left (Prague) or below the town mark (Brno)
NOTE: This stamp was originally cataloged as Type A7.

PO 0.2. Satas (MV). [Very scarce]
- Frank shape as with Group B.
- Hour figure between TM and frank.
- Date figures tall.
- M# with “V” prefix in lower corners.
- TM: DC
- V/F:
NOTE: This stamp was originally cataloged as Type B10.

PO1. Pitney Bowes “6300” (MV), 1972. [Scarce]
- Frank consists of straight horizontal lines and the value figures only.
- This was apparently a trial die that was appropriated for use in at least two post offices, Olomouc 2 and Mlada Buleslav 3.
- For several months the meter at Olomouc 2 printed impressions that included an advertisement for Pitney Bowes.
- TM: DC
- V/F: ≋0.00

PO2. Francotyp “Taxograph” (MV), 1979. [Scarce]
- Nearly square frank with simulated-perforation outer border.
- “CESKOSLOVENSKO” at top without line underneath, “Kčs” at bottom.
- Left frame line is broken in middle for service indicator letter ("A" for insured, "R" for registered, etc.)
- TM is rectangle with rounded corners.
- With or without registration number between TM and frank.
- V/F:
- NOTE: Similar stamps without frank frame and with “POTVRZENI” below value figures are receipts.

PO3. Frama (MV), 1980. [Very scarce]
- Horizontal rectangle with straight-line border, panels at top and bottom.
- “Kčs” at right of value figures. Printed on labels, not directly to the mail piece.
- One machine used for a few months only starting in August 1980.
- TM: unframed SL with “POSTA” at top, date-hour in the middle, and post office ID at bottom.
- V/F: 00.00
GROUP PP: Stamps from meters use to frank Parcel Post forwarding cards
[edit | edit source]Other Parcel Post stamp types are likely to exist but only the ones shown have been reported so far.

PP1. Universal “Multi-Value” (MV). [Very scarce]
- Stamp is identical to Type B5A except for the presence of an additional town mark at far left.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

PP2. Pitney Bowes-GB "Automax” (MV). [Appears scarce]
- Stamp is identical to Type B6 except for the presence of an additional town mark at far left.
- Can be differentiated from Type PP1 by the different value figures.
- TM: DC
- V/F: =0.oo
GROUP PV: Stamps generated only by public access vending machines
[edit | edit source]All examples known of this Group were prepared by collectors. Non-philatelic commercial covers are virtually unknown.

PV1. Výzkumný ústav spojů (VÚS) (Research Institute of Communications, Prague), 1973. [Very rare]
- Value figures in tall, narrow straight-line frame.
- “Kčs” below value figures.
- Very narrow spacing between TM and frank.
- Used for registered mail only. Printed through a purple ribbon.
- All seen have rectangle at left with large “R” at left and R# at right.
NOTE: This machine was invented by the Pavel Knotek team of VÚS. It was in trial use at the Prague 6 post office from 5 April to 29 August 1973. Only 598 stamps were vended, mostly by stamp collectors.

PV2. Výzkumný ústav spojů (VÚS) (Research Institute of Communications, Prague), 1981. [Rare]
- Used for self-service registered mail.
- Frank is horizontal rectangle containing R# with post office name above, value figure below, large “R” at left, and TM at right.
- M# at bottom of TM.
- The PV2 machines were invented by the Richard Měrka team of VÚS. They were not in service long with the last one removed in January 1982.
- The number of stamps vended are: A1 (464), A2 (312), A3 (314), and “S” (unknown)
- Receipt stamps are identical to the postage stamp and can be identified only by their presence on a receipt rather than a mailpiece.
- A receipt exists dated "22 22 90"(!) with town mark on the left rather than the right. The meter number is A1 but the town is "BYTCA 1" rather than ZILINA 1. Penciled on the receipt is the statement "essay - never used in town Boytica". (shown at right)
GROUP BM: Issues for German occupied western Czechoslovakia, Bohemia & Moravia during World War 2, inscribed “BÖHMEN UND MÄHREN”
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BM1. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1940.
- Inscribed “BÖHMEN UND MÄHREN” at top and “ČECHY A MORAVA” at bottom.
- With 59-62 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- With or without impression counter number.
- If present, impression counter number raised or centered between TM and frank.
- Date figures with or without stops.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
- a. Printed in blue, used only for printed matter (bulk mail)

BM2. Francotyp “B” (MV). [Very scarce]
- As Type BM1 but wider spacing, 74-75 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Impression counter number raised or centered between TM and frank.
- Date with or without stops.
- TM: SC
- V/F: 0oo

BM3. Francotyp “C” (MV).
- As Type BM2 but spacing slightly wider, 77-79 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- Impression counter number raised between TM and frank.
- Date without stops.
- TM: SC
- V/F: 0oo
- a. Printed in blue, used only for printed matter (bulk mail)