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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Cyprus

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The earliest meter stamp seen is from 1961. All stamps have “ΚΥΠΡΟΣ”, ”CYPRUS” or “KIBRIS” somewhere in the frank. Both Roman and Arabic numerals are found more or less indiscriminately as month indicators in the date.
The stamps are grouped according to function:
A - stamps issued for general business use
PO - stamps used only in Post Offices

GROUP A: Stamps for general business use

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A1. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV), 1961.

Upright rectangle with simulated-perforation outer border and circle of petals around the value figures in the center.
“ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-KIBRIS” in top panel, With the letter “M” above map of country at bottom center flanked by the M# and prefix in boxes.
V/F: =000

A2. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV). [$5]

As Type A1 but with “CENTS” replacing “M” and map at bottom.
Top panel contains “ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-CYPRUS” with small “KIBRIS” below.
M# with “U” prefix.
V/F: =00 000 =000

A3. Neopost "Frankmaster" / "305" (MV).

Very similar to Type A1 but the petals at sides form an oval rather than a circle.
The M# and prefix are not in boxes.
M# with “RN” prefix.
V/F: 000

A4. Satas (MV). [$5]

Similar to Type A3 but with “SR” prefix, and TM is closer to the frank.
The date figures are tall.
V/F: 00

A5. Neopost “205” (MV).

Similar to Type A4 but the frank is smaller, and the TM is even closer to the frank.
A. With “ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-CYPRUS” above small “KIBRIS” in top panel. M# with “RN” prefix
B. With “ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-KIBRIS” in top panel. M# with “NE” prefix, “M” above map
C. With “ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-KIBRIS” in top panel. M# with “NE” prefix, “CENTS” above map
D. With “ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-KIBRIS” in top panel. M# with “RN” prefix, “CENTS” above map
E. With “ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-KIBRIS” in top panel. M# with “RN” prefix, “M” above map
V/F: 000

A6. Neopost “405/505” (MV).

As Type A5 but frank is much wider.
M# with “RN” prefix.
A. With “ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-CYPRUS” above small “KIBRIS” in top panel
B. With “ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-KIBRIS” in top panel
V/F: 0000

A7. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).

Horizontal frank with inner box around value figures and petal pattern at sides.
“ΚΥΠΡΟΣ – KIBRIS” at top above map.
Value figures are lowered in relation to date figures.
M# with “PB” prefix at lower left.
A. “MILS” at lower right
B. “CENTS” at lower right
V/F: 000 0.00

A8. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).

As Type A7 but with “ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-CYPRUS” above small “KIBRIS” at top.
Without map. “CENTS” at lower right.
V/F: 00 0.00

A9. Pitney Bowes “6300” (MV).

Similar to Types A7 and 8 but value and date figures are on the same level.
Inscribed “ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-CYPRUS” above small “KIBRIS” at top.
With curly ornaments at bottom.
M# with “P.B.” prefix.
A. “MILS” at bottom center
B. “CENTS” at bottom center
V/F: 00 000

A10. Pitney Bowes-GB “A900” (MV).

Frank with single simulated-perforation outer frame line and no inner frame lines.
Value figures are fairly large and widespread.
M# with “PB” prefix.
A. With “ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-CYPRUS” above small “KIBRIS” at top, “CENTS” above M# at bottom
B. With “ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-CYPRUS” at top, “KIBRIS” above M# at bottom
V/F: 0000

A11. Pitney Bowes-GB “6600” (MV).

Large frank with single simulated-perforation outer frame line and inner frame around value figures.
“ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-CYPRUS” above small “KIBRIS” at top, “CENTS” above ornaments at bottom.
M# with “PB” prefix in lower corners.
TM: small DC
V/F: 00

A12. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
Similar to Type A11 but M# with “H” prefix, and TM is larger.
A. “CENTS” at bottom center
B. “POUNDS” at bottom center
V/F: 00.00

A13. Neopost “Electronic” (MV).

Rectangle with single simulated-perforation outer border line and no inner frame lines.
“ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-CYPRUS” above small “KIBRIS” at top, “CENTS” above map at bottom.
M# with “RN” prefix flank the map.
V/F: 0.00

A14. Pitney Bowes (digital).

Similar to Type A10 but with two columns of numbers stacked at left.
“ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-CYPRUS” above small “KIBRIS” at top, “CENTS” above M# at bottom.
M# with “PB0” prefix.
V/F: 0000

A15. Pitney Bowes (digital), 2015.

Very similar to Type A14 but the date is much narrower and the value figures are slightly wider.
With "CENT" instead of "CENTS” above the meter number.
M# with “PB2” prefix.
V/F: 0000

GROUP PO: Stamps generated only by machines in Post Offices

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PO1. Francotyp “Taxograph” (MV).
Square frank with simulated-perforation outer border and straight line inner box around value figures broken at top by country name.
M# is outside frank at left as “01”, “03” etc, with or without a letter below.
With or without a large “R” and registration number between the TM and the M#.
A. With “ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-CYPRUS” above small “KIBRIS” at top, “MILS” below value figures
B. With “ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-KIBRIS” above “CYPRUS” at top, “MILS” below value figures
C. With “ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-KIBRIS” above “CYPRUS” at top, “CENTS” below value figures
V/F: 0.000 0 000


PO2. Pitney Bowes "Monarch" (digital).
Frank similar to Type A10A, with single simulated-perforation outer border line and no inner frame lines.
“ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-CYPRUS” above “KIBRIS” at top.
Frank size 32 x 23 mm. Frame line broken at bottom by M#.
“ΚΥΠΡΟΣ-CYPRUS” above “KIBRIS” at top.
M# with “R” prefix. Value figures heavy, thick.
TM: SL with large bar code field at its left.
The frank frame and inscriptions are red while the value, TM and bar code are black.
V/F: £00,00

PO3. Unidentified, but probably Paxar Americas "Monarch" system (Paxar Americas bought Monarch from Pitney Bowes in 1995.) (digital).
Very similar to Type PO2 but frank is smaller, 28 x 20 mm,
and the value figures are tall and very narrow.
M# with “R” prefix.
V/F: £00,00

PO4. Unidentified (digital).
As Types PO2 and PO3 but frank has no ornaments.
Town mark and date above the bar code.
M# with “R” prefix.
A. Date centered above barcode. Value figures thin, in Cypriot pounds:    £0.00
B. Date at right above barcode. Value figures thick, in Euro:    €0.00

PO5. Unidentified (digital).
Frank as PO4 without ornaments but shorter, and in red.
Post office name right of registration data below barcode.
Date between barcode and frank.
A. Value figures small preceded by " £ ".
B. Value figures small preceded by "Euro".
M# with “R” prefix.
V/F: (0)0.00

PO6. Unidentified (digital).
Barcode at top with registration number below.
Boxed value at right above “ΚΥΠΡΟΣ" with "CYPRUS KIBRIS” below.
Three lines of text at lower left:
Line 1: Weight (g) and Prepaid amount (€)
Line 2: Mail type
Line 3: Date, PO Number and PO name
V/F: €0.00