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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Croatia

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  • During the Italian and German occupation from 1941 to 1944, Croatia was called the Independent State of Croatia and issued its own meter stamp designs.
  • In 1991 Croatia achieved independence from Yugoslavia and again began issuing its own meter stamps.
  • All stamps are inscribed HRVATSKA except Type PO10 which is inscribed CROATIA.
  • For issues before 1942 and between 1945 and 1992, see Yugoslavia.
  • The stamps are grouped according to period of use and usage:
A - Period of Italian and German occupation during World War Two, called the Independent State of Croatia
B - Period of independence after the break-up of Yugoslavia, 1991 to present
PO - Special stamps generated only by machines in Post Offices

GROUP A: Issues during the "Independent State of Croatia", the period of Italian and German occupation during World War Two

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Horizontal frank with “NEZAVISNA DRŽAVA" in top panel, “HRVATSKA” in bottom panel. Shield at right with checkerboard pattern.
Franks have twisted cord ornaments at the sides. Three types exist: two single-stranded cords, two double-stranded cords, and two triple-stranded cords.

A1. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1941. [$20]

The dark squares in the shield are made up of vertical lines.
At each side is a column of two single-strand entwined cords.
Four-digit impression counter high between TM and frank.
Spacing between centers of date and value figures is 59-62 mm.
V/F: 000

A2. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$20]

As Type A1 but wider spacing, 77-79 mm between centers of date and value figures.
V/F: 000 000

A3. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$25]

As Type A2 but with entwined column of two double-stranded cords at the sides.
V/F: 000

A4. Francotyp “A” (MV). [$25]

As Type A1 but with entwined column of two triple-stranded cords at the sides.
The dark squares in the shield are solid.
V/F: 000

A5. Francotyp “C” (MV). [$25]

As Type A4 but wider spacing, 77-79 mm between centers of date and value figures.
V/F: 0000

GROUP B: Period of independence, 1991 to present

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  • The earliest meter stamp reported is dated 19 December 1991.

B1.1. Postalia "D3" (MV).

Horizontal frank with “REPUBLIKA” in top panel and “HRVATSKA” in bottom panel.
Central area split with value figures in left two-thirds and outline “HTP” above post horn in right third.
V/F: 0.00 0000 00.00 00000 000.00

B1.2. Postalia "MS5/WK4" (MV).

As B1.1 but with outline "HP" rather than “HTP” above the post horn.
Wider spacing between town mark and frank
V/F: 00.00 000.00

B1.3. Postalia "MS5/WK4" (MV).

Similar to B1.2 but larger frank with plain “HP” above wing-like ornament in panel at right.
V/F: 00.00

B2. Neopost “205” (MV).

Square frank with “REPUBLIKA/ HRVATSKA” at top and outline “HTP” at bottom.
Date figures tall.
V/F: 000

B3. Neopost “405/505” (MV).

Similar to Type B2 but wider frank.
Date figures low and wide.
V/F: 0000

B4.1. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” series (MV).

“REPUBLIKA” in top panel, and “HRVATSKA” in panel immediately below it.
Outline “HTP” above post horn in panel at right.
Seven horizontal lines at left.
Date figures raised in relation to value figures.
V/F: 000 0.00

B4.2. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” series (MV).

“REPUBLIKA / HRVATSKA” in bold letters in top panel.
“HP” over wing-like ornament in panel at left.
Seven horizontal lines at right.
Date figures raised in relation to value figures.
V/F: 0.00

B5. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” series (MV).

Similar to Type B4 but panel containing “HRVATSKA” moved to bottom of frank.
Date and value figures on same level.
V/F: 000 0.00

B6. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

“REPUBLIKA” in top panel, and “HRVATSKA” in panel at bottom.
Central area without split.
Outline “HTP” above post horn at left of value figures.
V/F: 0000

The stamp previously cataloged as Type B7 has been moved to B1.3.

B8. Postalia "MS5/WK4 (MV).

As Type B7 but panel with “HP” over wing-like ornament at left.
V/F: 000.00

B9.1. Pitney Bowe-GB "6600" series (MV).

Similar to Type B8 but wider frank with hash marks along the right side.
Panel at left contains outline “HTP” above post horn.
V/F: 00.00

B9.2. Pitney Bowe-GB "6600" series (MV).

As Type B9.1 but with "HP" above wing-like ornament.
V/F: 00.00

B9.3. Pitney Bowe-GB "6600" series (MV).

As Type B9.2 but “HRVATSKA” is smaller with a meter number added above.
M# with "PB" prefix.
V/F: 00.00

B10. Pitney Bowes-GB "6900" series (MV).

As Type B5 but with logo panel at right and hash marks at left, the logo is “HP” over wing-like ornament instead of "HPT" over post horn.
V/F: 00.00

B11. Pitney Bowes "EasyMail (digital).

Similar to Type B9.3 but with two columns of numbers stacked at left of the town mark.
M# with "PB" prefix.
V/F: 00.00

GROUP PO: Special stamps generated only by meters and franking machines used in Post Offices

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PO1. Camp (MV).
Small upright frank with simulated perforation border open at center of the sides.
“HRVATSKA” at top, “HPT” at bottom.
Hour figures between TM and frank.
Printed only on adhesive labels, never directly to the mail piece.
V/F: 0000 000 00.00

PO1.1. Camp (MV).
As Type PO1 but with "HP" at bottom.
V/F: 000

PO2. Unidentified (digital).
Upright frank with a coarse digital dotted or simulated-perforation frame.
The town mark is square with solid border at top and bottom and dashed border at the sides.
“HRVATSKA” at the top, “HPT” and machine number at bottom.
The machine number can be without prefix or with single- or multi-letter prefix.
Printed on labels with a light blue or blue-green moiré pattern.
Normally printed in shades of red.
V/F: 0,00 00,00 000,00
a. TM with double frame lines at top only or top and bottom
b. Printed in shade of blue from light to purple

PO2.1. Unidentified (digital).
As Type PO2 but frank is smaller with straight frame lines at top and bottom, as is the town mark.
With "HP" at bottom of frank.
Printed in black on labels withlight blue moiré pattern.
V/F: (00)0,00

PO2.2. Unidentified (digital).
Similar to Type PO2.1 but frank is wider with straight frame lines all around.
Frank blank at top, "HP Hrvatska" at bottom.
Below the TM and frank are the weight at left and ID number at right.
Printed in black on labels withlight blue moiré pattern.
V/F: (00)0,00
a. Printed in purple rather than black

PO3. Unidentified (digital).
Frank frame with “HRVATSKA” at top and “HPT” at bottom and square TM frame preprinted in red on self-adhesive labels.
Point of sale data added digitally in black.
A. “HTP” 3 mm tall
B. Larger “HTP”, 4½ mm tall
V/F: 0,00
a. With registration data added at left

PO4. Unidentified (digital).
As Type PO3 but with “HPT/ Hrvatska” at bottom of frank, blank at top.
A. “HPT/ Hrvatska” simple red on white
B. “HPT/ Hrvatska” with silver background used to obliterate Yugoslavia inscription beneath.
C. As A but “HPT/ Hrvatska” not italicized
V/F: 0,00 00,00 000,00
a. With registration data added at left

PO4.1. Unidentified (digital).
Label and frame design identical to Type PO4A but the point-of-sale data applied via a more primitive dot-matrix technology.
V/F: 0.00

PO5. Unidentified (digital).
As Types PO4A but pre-printed portion printed in blue.
“Republika/ HRVATSKA” at top, “HPT” at bottom.
A. Frank nearly square, side frame lines have a small break
B. As A but the frank is wider than tall
C. As A but larger, and the side frame lines are complete
V/F:      0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

PO5.1. Unidentified (digital).
Similar to type PO5 but with "REPUBLIKA / HRVATSKA" all capitals and "HTP" solid.
Printed in black.
V/F: 0,00 0,00 0,00

PO6. Unidentified (digital).
Preprinted portion printed in red.
Wing-shaped logo left of “HP” above “Hrvatska” at bottom.
Blank at top.
Weight, when present, is outside the frame at left.
The hour appears above the date.
V/F: 0,00 00,00 000,00
a. With registration data added at left

PO6.1. Unidentified (digital).
Similar red and white label as with Type PO6, but the logo and "HP" are more to the left rather than centered above "Hrvatska".
The point-of-sale data is printed in a slightly different font.
Instead of an hour figure the complete time of day, down to the second, appears below the date.
V/F: 0,00 00,00 000,00

PO6.2. Unidentified (digital).
As Type PO6.1 but with postal logo and "Hrvatska posta" in one line at bottom.
V/F: 0,00 00,00 000,00

PO6.3. Unidentified (digital).
As Type PO5A but with postal logo and outline "HP" at bottom.
Date figure with stops rather than dashes.
V/F: 0,00 seen

PO7. Unidentified (digital).
Wide, low rectangle preprinted in black, blue or red on self-adhesive label.
“HRVATSKA” at top and “HPT” at bottom of right one-third portion.
Point of sale data added in black, blue or red.
A. Black on plain white label
B. As A but right third of stamp with silver background used to obliterate Yugoslavia markings beneath
C. Blue stamp with registration tab at left containing large R and number
D. Red stamp with insurance tab at left containing large "V" and number
V/F: 0,00 0,00 0,00

PO8. Tera Printer (digital).
Rectangle printed in black with double lines at sides.
"HP Hrvatska" at bottom right.
The center is broken with double lined stubs at top and bottom of the break.
The weight and other data is outside the frame at left.
V/F:    (0)(0)0,00    (0)(0)0.00

PO9. Unidentified (digital).
Frank used for Registered Mail printed on plain white self-adhesive label with rounded corners.
No country name is shown, only the postal code and name of origin post office.
The text shows the weight at top left above a line containing an ID number, the date and time, and the value figures. The bottom half shows a large "R" at left with post code and post office name above the registration number and bar code.
A. With horizontal line below the second line of text. The R is tall.
B. Without horizontal line. The R is short.
V/F:    KR 0.00   (slashed zeros with A, plain zeros with B)
V/F:    0.00 (without "KR" prefix)

PO10. Unidentified (digital), 1992.    [Very rare]
This is a provisional issue with overprint containing "CROATIA" above a bar blocking "Jugoslavija" immediately below. The stamp without overprint is similar to Jugoslavia Type PO-B3.
The stamp is printed in blue with the point-of-sale data added digitally in black.
With "PTT" rather than HP or HPT at bottom.
V/F: 0,00

NOTE that this stamp type is the only one with English country name CROATIA rather than the Slavic HRVATSKA.

PO11. Unidentified (digital), 1992.    [Very rare]
As with PO10 this stamp is a Jugoslav design overprinted to show use early in the Croatian Republic. The overprint reads "REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA" over "Jugoslavija" at top and "HTP" over "PTT" at bottom, the overprint in purple.
V/F: 0,00