International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Croatia
[edit | edit source]- During the Italian and German occupation from 1941 to 1944, Croatia was called the Independent State of Croatia and issued its own meter stamp designs.
- In 1991 Croatia achieved independence from Yugoslavia and again began issuing its own meter stamps.
- All stamps are inscribed HRVATSKA except Type PO10 which is inscribed CROATIA.
- For issues before 1942 and between 1945 and 1992, see Yugoslavia.
- The stamps are grouped according to period of use and usage:
- A - Period of Italian and German occupation during World War Two, called the Independent State of Croatia
- B - Period of independence after the break-up of Yugoslavia, 1991 to present
- PO - Special stamps generated only by machines in Post Offices
GROUP A: Issues during the "Independent State of Croatia", the period of Italian and German occupation during World War Two
[edit | edit source]- Horizontal frank with “NEZAVISNA DRŽAVA" in top panel, “HRVATSKA” in bottom panel. Shield at right with checkerboard pattern.
- Franks have twisted cord ornaments at the sides. Three types exist: two single-stranded cords, two double-stranded cords, and two triple-stranded cords.

A1. Francotyp “A” (MV), 1941. [$20]
- The dark squares in the shield are made up of vertical lines.
- At each side is a column of two single-strand entwined cords.
- Four-digit impression counter high between TM and frank.
- Spacing between centers of date and value figures is 59-62 mm.
- V/F:

- As Type A1 but wider spacing, 77-79 mm between centers of date and value figures.
- TM: DC
- V/F:

- As Type A1 but with entwined column of two triple-stranded cords at the sides.
- The dark squares in the shield are solid.
- V/F:

GROUP B: Period of independence, 1991 to present
[edit | edit source]- The earliest meter stamp reported is dated 19 December 1991.

B1.1. Postalia "D3" (MV).
- Horizontal frank with “REPUBLIKA” in top panel and “HRVATSKA” in bottom panel.
- Central area split with value figures in left two-thirds and outline “HTP” above post horn in right third.
- TM: SC, DC
- V/F:

B1.2. Postalia "MS5/WK4" (MV).
- As B1.1 but with outline "HP" rather than “HTP” above the post horn.
- Wider spacing between town mark and frank
- TM: SC, DC
- V/F:

B1.3. Postalia "MS5/WK4" (MV).
- Similar to B1.2 but larger frank with plain “HP” above wing-like ornament in panel at right.
- TM: DC, SC
- V/F:

B2. Neopost “205” (MV).
- Square frank with “REPUBLIKA/ HRVATSKA” at top and outline “HTP” at bottom.
- Date figures tall.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

B3. Neopost “405/505” (MV).

B4.1. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” series (MV).
- “REPUBLIKA” in top panel, and “HRVATSKA” in panel immediately below it.
- Outline “HTP” above post horn in panel at right.
- Seven horizontal lines at left.
- Date figures raised in relation to value figures.
- TM: SC

B4.2. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” series (MV).
- “REPUBLIKA / HRVATSKA” in bold letters in top panel.
- “HP” over wing-like ornament in panel at left.
- Seven horizontal lines at right.
- Date figures raised in relation to value figures.
- TM: SC

B5. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” series (MV).
- Similar to Type B4 but panel containing “HRVATSKA” moved to bottom of frank.
- Date and value figures on same level.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

B6. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).
- “REPUBLIKA” in top panel, and “HRVATSKA” in panel at bottom.
- Central area without split.
- Outline “HTP” above post horn at left of value figures.
- TM: DC, SC
- V/F:

B8. Postalia "MS5/WK4 (MV).

B9.1. Pitney Bowe-GB "6600" series (MV).
- Similar to Type B8 but wider frank with hash marks along the right side.
- Panel at left contains outline “HTP” above post horn.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

B9.2. Pitney Bowe-GB "6600" series (MV).

B9.3. Pitney Bowe-GB "6600" series (MV).
- As Type B9.2 but “HRVATSKA” is smaller with a meter number added above.
- M# with "PB" prefix.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

B10. Pitney Bowes-GB "6900" series (MV).
- As Type B5 but with logo panel at right and hash marks at left, the logo is “HP” over wing-like ornament instead of "HPT" over post horn.
- TM: SC
- V/F:

B11. Pitney Bowes "EasyMail (digital).
- Similar to Type B9.3 but with two columns of numbers stacked at left of the town mark.
- M# with "PB" prefix.
- TM: SC
- V/F:
GROUP PO: Special stamps generated only by meters and franking machines used in Post Offices
[edit | edit source]

- PO2. Unidentified (digital).
- Upright frank with a coarse digital dotted or simulated-perforation frame.
- The town mark is square with solid border at top and bottom and dashed border at the sides.
- “HRVATSKA” at the top, “HPT” and machine number at bottom.
- The machine number can be without prefix or with single- or multi-letter prefix.
- Printed on labels with a light blue or blue-green moiré pattern.
- Normally printed in shades of red.
- V/F:
- a. TM with double frame lines at top only or top and bottom
- b. Printed in shade of blue from light to purple

- a. Printed in purple rather than black

- a. With registration data added at left

- a. With registration data added at left

- PO5. Unidentified (digital).
- As Types PO4A but pre-printed portion printed in blue.
- “Republika/ HRVATSKA” at top, “HPT” at bottom.
- A. Frank nearly square, side frame lines have a small break
- B. As A but the frank is wider than tall
- C. As A but larger, and the side frame lines are complete
- V/F:

- a. With registration data added at left

- PO6.1. Unidentified (digital).
- Similar red and white label as with Type PO6, but the logo and "HP" are more to the left rather than centered above "Hrvatska".
- The point-of-sale data is printed in a slightly different font.
- Instead of an hour figure the complete time of day, down to the second, appears below the date.
- V/F:

- PO7. Unidentified (digital).
- Wide, low rectangle preprinted in black, blue or red on self-adhesive label.
- “HRVATSKA” at top and “HPT” at bottom of right one-third portion.
- Point of sale data added in black, blue or red.
- A. Black on plain white label
- B. As A but right third of stamp with silver background used to obliterate Yugoslavia markings beneath
- C. Blue stamp with registration tab at left containing large R and number
- D. Red stamp with insurance tab at left containing large "V" and number
- V/F:

- PO8. Tera Printer (digital).
- Rectangle printed in black with double lines at sides.
- "HP Hrvatska" at bottom right.
- The center is broken with double lined stubs at top and bottom of the break.
- The weight and other data is outside the frame at left.
- V/F: (0)(0)0,00 (0)(0)0.00

- PO9. Unidentified (digital).
- Frank used for Registered Mail printed on plain white self-adhesive label with rounded corners.
- No country name is shown, only the postal code and name of origin post office.
- The text shows the weight at top left above a line containing an ID number, the date and time, and the value figures. The bottom half shows a large "R" at left with post code and post office name above the registration number and bar code.
- A. With horizontal line below the second line of text. The R is tall.
- B. Without horizontal line. The R is short.
- V/F: KR 0.00 (slashed zeros with A, plain zeros with B)
- V/F: 0.00 (without "KR" prefix)

- PO10. Unidentified (digital), 1992. [Very rare]
- This is a provisional issue with overprint containing "CROATIA" above a bar blocking "Jugoslavija" immediately below. The stamp without overprint is similar to Jugoslavia Type PO-B3.
- The stamp is printed in blue with the point-of-sale data added digitally in black.
- With "PTT" rather than HP or HPT at bottom.
- V/F:
- NOTE that this stamp type is the only one with English country name CROATIA rather than the Slavic HRVATSKA.