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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/China (mainland), Republic to 1949, PRC since 1949

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China (mainland), Republic to 1949, PRC since 1949

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The first postage meter was placed into use in 1936.
The stamps are grouped according to appearance of the frank:
A - frank with columns at sides
B - large frank with faux-perforation outer frame
C - frameless horizontal design with flying goose
D - vertical design with flying goose above value box
E - horizontal frank with straight line outer frame incorporating town mark
F - small frank with faux-perforation outer frame
G - upright frank with straight line outer frame
H - horizontal frank with straight line outer frame, with separate circular town mark
I - octagonal frank
J - frank of horizontal lines only
PO - Digital stamps from Post Office counter (window) machines, printed on self-adhesive labels
PV - Digital stamps from self-service vending machines, printed on self-adhesive labels
NOTE: Dates on Chinese meter stamps can be confusing. The founding of the Republic of China in 1911 was officially designated Year One in political and business affairs. About half the meter stamps found from 1947 through 1949 show the year of the Republic (36, 37, or 38) instead of a western year date. Since no stamp except Type A1 was issued in the 1930s, any year date starting with a 3 can be assumed safely to be a year of the Republic. Use of the Year of the Republic in meter stamps was abandoned after the ascendancy of the Peoples Republic of China in late 1949.

For specialized information about the meter stamps of China, see The Postage Meter and Postpaid Machine Stamps of China, by Richard Stambaugh, China Stamp Society, USA, 2001.

GROUP A: Early experimental meter stamps with columns at sides

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  • All franks have frames with columns at the sides and a sun emblem at top center. This frame design resembles the Martyrs issue adhesive stamps of 1932-1934.

A1. Universal "Multi-Value" (MV), June 1936. [$5000]

Upright frank. Value figures within inner frame line.
M# U1 only used for about one month in a post office in Shanghai.
V/F: 00(½)

NOTE: This stamp was sometimes used with a "USE PARCEL POST" slogan.

A2. Universal "Multi-Value" (MV), September 1947. [$3000]

Similar to Type A1 but the frank is wider.
No inner frame line around the value figures.
A small double lined box containing two Chinese characters is below and to the right of the value figures.
A. Characters in small box: 元 百
B. Characters in small box: 元 仠
C. Characters in small box: 元 萬
V/F: 0000

A3. Universal "Teltax" (MV), 1947. [Extremely rare, value unknown]

Similar to Type A2 but with dollar sign instead of small box below the value figures.
A fixed zero is incised into the frame at right.
Meter number T1 with "T" at lower left and "1" at lower right.
TM: BIC lowered with 4-digit serial number above
Angular V/F: 0000+0


  • See explanation of Year of the Republic dates in the introduction above.
  • The town mark in the illustration is a tracing over a weak original.

GROUP B: Large horizontal frank with faux-perforation outer border and single straight-line inner border

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  • Stamps before 1950 have flying goose logo. Starting in mid-1950 the goose is removed.

Sub-group BA: Republic of China inscription at top left: 政 郵 華 中

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BA1. Universal "Multi-Value" (MV), July 1948. [$2000]

Meter number with "U" prefix reading up at lower left.
Machine ID number (assigned starting from 1 in each city) horizontal at lower left with "NO." prefix.
Two machines known: Nanking 6 (U10) and Shanghai 4 (U2).
V/F: $000+00

NOTE: The leftmost digit of the four variable digits in the center of the value figures prints an asterisk () when in the "zero" position. This is not part of the prefix and can print the numbers 1 through 9 when required. This applies to all Group B stamps.

BA2. Universal "Multi-Value" (MV), November 1948.

Similar to Type BA1 but without meter number.
Machine number is present but in Chinese characters only in parenthesis in lower left corner.
A. V/F: 000 + 分 (fen, or cent character, gold currency) [$1250]
B. V/F: 000 +圓 (yuan, or dollar sign) [$1250]
C. V/F: 000 + 0圓 [$1750]
D. V/F: 000 + 00 /圓 [$750]
E. V/F: $ 000 + 00 [$1500]
F. V/F: 000 + 仠/圓 [$1750]
G. V/F: $ 000 + 000 [$1750]
H. V/F: 000 + 萬/圓 [$600]
I. V/F: $ 000 + 0000 [$1500]
J. V/F: 000 + 分/ (fen with dot below, silver currency) [$500]
K. V/F: 000 + 分 (small fen character, silver currency) [$500]
L. V/F: 000 + 厘 (large li character, 1/10 cent) [$1500]
M. V/F: 000 + 厘 (small li) [$1500]

a. As B but with overprint showing the characters for silver and fen above and below the yuan character [$1750]
b. As B but with fen character overprinted on top of the yuan character [$2000]

NOTE: During a short period when traditional adhesive stamps were not available in Canton post offices meter stamps were sold over the counter to fill the shortage. These stamps have no date in the town mark. Varieties K, L and M are known used this way. (See images K and L above.)

BA3. Universal "Teltax" (MV), 1949. [Extremely rare, value unknown]

As type BA2 but with Gothic value figures and with lowered town mark.
One machine only, Shanghai 5 (五)
A. V/F: $ 000 (angular) + 圓
B. V/F: $ 000 (angular) + 仠/ 圓
C. V/F: $ 000 (angular) + 萬/ 圓

Sub-group BB: East China inscription at top left: 政 郵 東 華

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BB1. Universal "Multi-Value" (MV), July 1949.

As Type BA2 but with East China inscription.
A. V/F: 000+ 元 [$600]
B. V/F: 000+ 0元 [$800]
C. V/F: 000+ 00 / 元 [$600]
D. V/F: 000+ 00 / 圓 [$1000]

Sub-group BC: Peoples Postal Service (4 characters) or Chinese Peoples Postal Service (6 characters) inscription at top: 政 郵 民 人 ,政 郵 民 人 國 中 , or 中 國 人 民 郵 政

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BC1. Universal "Multi-Value" (MV), 1950.

With 4 character inscription (Peoples Postal Service) at top left, flying goose at upper right.
A. V/F: 000+00 / 圓 [$1500]
B. V/F: 000+00 / 元 [$1000]

BC2. Universal "Multi-Value" (MV), 1950. [$800]

As Type BC1 but with 6 character inscription (政 郵 民 人 國 中) (Chinese Peoples Postal Service) at top left.
With flying goose at upper right.
V/F: 000+00 / 圓

BC3. Universal "Multi-Value" (MV), 1950.

As Type BC2 but flying goose removed, and Chinese inscription enlarged across top.
A. V/F: 000+00 / 元 [$250]
B. V/F: 000+百 元 [$1000]
C. V/F: 000+00 / 圓 [$300]
D. V/F: 000+ 分 [$1000]
E. V/F: $000+00 [$500]

a. Portion of goose’s wing remains in upper right corner (shown at right) [$350]
b. TM inverted. One seen, as A, dated 24.1.51 [Extremely rare, value unknown]

BC4. Universal "Teltax" (MV), 1951. [$1000]

As Type BC3 but the town mark is lowered, and the date figures are smaller.
V/F: 000 + 00 / 元

BC5. Universal "Multi-Value" (MV), 1951.

As Type BC3 but with star added at upper right.
A. Solid star. V/F: 000 + 00 / 圓 [$200]
B. Hollow star. V/F: 000 + 分 [$700]
C. Hollow star. V/F: 000 (no suffix) [$500]

BC6. Universal "Multi-Value" (MV), 1955.

Similar to Type BC3 but frank has characters for Postage Paid (郵 資 已 付 ) stacked at right rather than horizontal at bottom.
The characters across the top are reversed with “中” at left rather than right.
At bottom are the characters for dollar and cent (元 分 ).
A. Hollow star at left [$100]
B. Without star. Character for 10¢ piece (角) inserted between 元 and 分 at bottom [$150]
V/F: 000

BC7. Universal "Teltax" (MV). [$50]

Similar to Type BC6 but the town mark is lowered and the value figures are angular.
Solid star at left of the value figures.
V/F: 000 (angular)

BC8. Universal "Multi-Value" (MV), 1960. [Very rare, value unknown]

As Type BC6 but top inscription reversed with “中” at right rather than left.
Asterisk at left of value figures.
V/F: 000

BC9. Universal "Multi-Value" (MV).

Similar to Type BC6 but with full or partial inner box added around value figures and 元 and 分 characters at bottom.
A. With star in left margin [$400]
B. With asterisk in left margin [$200]
V/F: 000

Sub-group BD: Characters for DOMESTIC POSTAGE PAID at top: 国 内 邮 资 已 付

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BD1. Universal "Multi-Value" (MV), 1958. [Extremely rare, value unknown]

Characters for REGISTERED, 挂 / 号, at left of V/F.
Characters for Wu Han region at bottom: 武 汉 营 申 .
One cover known.
V/F: 000

GROUP C: Frameless horizontal design with flying goose between town mark and value

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Sub-group CA: Republic of China inscription across top: 政 郵 華 中

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CA1. Pitney Bowes "R" (MV), March 1949. [$1200]

Value figures have a dollar sign prefix and the characters for gold yuan as a suffix.
M# "No. 1" only.
V/F: $000+ 金 / 圓

CA2. Pitney Bowes "R" (MV), April 1949. [$500]

Very similar to Type CA1 but the value figures have an asterisk prefix and the characters for 100 yuan as a suffix.
M# "No. 3" only.
A. Value figures with large asterisk prefix. Meter number '3' has flat top.
B. Value figures with small asterisk prefix. Meter number '3' has round top. (pictured)
V/F: 000+ 百 / 圓

CA3. Pitney Bowes "R" (MV). [$300]

As Type CA2 but the meter number and prefix are in Chinese characters.
A. V/F: 000+ 百 / 圓
B. V/F: 000+ 萬 / 圓

Sub-group CB: East China inscription across top: 政 郵 東 華

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CB1. Pitney Bowes "R" (MV), June 1949. [$300]

Value figures with asterisk prefix and informal yuan character as suffix.
M# in Chinese.
V/F: 000+ 元

CB2. Pitney Bowes "R" (MV), September 1949.

Similar to Type CB1 but zero over informal yuan suffix.
A. M# "No. 3" [$400]
B. M# in Chinese [$200]
V/F: 000+0 / 元

CB3. Pitney Bowes "R" (MV), March 1950. [$250]

As Type CB1 but suffix is characters for 100 over informal yuan.
V/F: 000 + 百 / 元

Sub-group CC: Chinese Peoples Postal Service (6 characters) inscription at top: 政 郵 民 人 國 中 or 中 國 人 民 郵 政

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CC1. Pitney Bowes "R" (MV), April 1950.

The ”中” character is at top right.
Suffix is characters for 100 over informal yuan.
A. M# in Chinese [$300]
B. M# “No. 3” [$400]
V/F: 000+ 百 / 元

CC2. Pitney Bowes "R" (MV), July 1954. [$500]

As Type CC1 but ”中” is at left (between the goose’s wings).
V/F: 000+ 百 / 元
a. TM with Chinese text only

GROUP D: Vertical design with large flying goose above framed value box

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Single circle town mark at left.

Sub-group DA: Republic of China inscription across top: 政 郵 華 中

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DA1. Hasler "F88" (MV), 1948 or 1949. [Extremely rare, value unknown]

One meter installed in late 1948 or early 1949.
One example known. M# "NO. 6" at right of goose.
V/F: $0.000.000

NOTE: At least four (and possibly five) proofs are known to exist. One dated 30 July 1948 has a Roman numeral month in the date. The others are dated 30 August 1948 and have a Western numeral month as does the one postally used example (18.2.38 = 18 February 1949).

Sub-group DB: East China inscription across top: 政 郵 東 華

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DB1. Hasler "F88" (MV). [Extremely rare, value unknown]

As Type DA1 except for inscription.
Known from proof only. Examples used on mail remain to be found.
V/F: $0.000.000

Sub-group DC: Chinese Peoples Postal Service (6 characters) inscription at top: 政 郵 民 人 國 中

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DC1. Hasler "F88" (MV), 1950. [$1000]

As Type DA1 except for inscription.


V/F: $0.000.000

DC2. Hasler "F88" (MV), 1951. [$1000]

As Type DC1 but M# in Chinese.
With yuan symbol (¥) replacing dollar sign prefix.
V/F: ¥0.000.000

DC3. Hasler "F88" (MV), 1957. [$1000]

Similar to Type DC2 but single straight frame line around value box.
Characters for ‘dollar' | 'dime cent’ (元 | 角 分) added above value box at right.
V/F: ¥00000.00

GROUP E: Horizontal frank with straight line outer border incorporating the town mark

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E1. Pitney Bowes "R" (MV), 1955. [$100]

Four machines in Shanghai printed these stamps.
V/F: 0 00

GROUP F: Small horizontal frank with faux-perforation outer border and separate circular town mark

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F1. Pitney Bowes "R" (MV), 1957. [$200]

One meter used in the Beijing International Post Office printed these stamps.

V/F: 000

GROUP G: Upright to nearly square frank with straight line outer frame

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G1. Hasler "F88" (MV), 1961.

Two machines in Shanghai produced these stamps.
A. Frank 29 x 31 mm. Inner frame around value figures is complete [$125]
B. Frank 27 x 31 mm. Inner frame around value figures is open at the sides [$175]
V/F: 000.00

G2. Neopost "205" (MV). [Extremely rare, value unknown]

Small square frank with 6-character inscription at top and 4-character inscription at bottom.
Tall date figures.
V/F: ·000

NOTE: This stamp is known only by a single example on cover mailed from Shanghai to Singapore in December 1980.

GROUP H: Horizontal frank with straight-line outer border and separate town mark

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Sub-group HA: 6-character inscription across top, and 4-character inscription across bottom: 中 国 人 民 邮 政 / 邮 资 已 付

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HA1. Hasler "Mailmaster" (MV), 1978.

Frank 30 mm wide with panels at top and bottom.
Yuan symbol, ¥, left of value figures.
A. Frank 26-27 mm tall
B. Frank 28-29 mm tall
C. With ID number at right of value figures, with or without town character above
D. With solid block at right of value figures
E. Empty at right of value figures
V/F: 00.00 000.00
a. With large “2” in heavy frame at right of value figures
b. Yuan symbol (¥) very large, two character town name at right without ID number
c. With slogan
d. Value figures and TM only, no frame. All seen have V/F all zeros and were applied to adhesive stamped mail. Purpose unknown.


Examples of these stamps are known without value figures, some with town mark at right.
Starting in 1988 China Post issued commemorative covers for special occasions franked with Type HA1 stamps on illustrated tape.

HA2. Hasler "Mailmaster" (MV).

As Type H1A but frank is wider, 33 x 27 mm.
V/F: 000.00

HA3. Hasler "Mailmaster" (MV). [$25]

Similar to Type HA1 but with inner frame line around value figures.
Yuan symbol between outer and inner frame lines at left.
V/F: 00.00

HA4. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV). [$50]

Large frank without with inner box but without panels at top and bottom.
V/F: 00.00

HA5. 1984, Pitney Bowes-GB "5300" (MV). [$25]

Frank 30 x 23 mm. Panel at top only. Characters for POST PAID vertical at right.
Meter ID number between frank and TM. Value figures lower than date figures.
V/F: 0.00

HA6. Pitney Bowes-GB "5300" (MV).

Wide frank 36 x 26 mm. Value figures are lower than the date figures.
Panels at both top and bottom, bottom panel thin with small characters.
V/F: 0.00

HA7. Pitney Bowes-GB "6300” (MV).

Similar to Type HA1 but shorter frank, 29-31 x 23-24 mm.
A. With meter ID number with or without town character above at right of value figures
B. With solid block at right of value figures
C. Blank at right of value figures
V/F: 0.00 0.00 0.00

HA8. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” (MV). [$25]

Small frank at 28 x 23/24 mm, slightly smaller than Type H8.
Without panels at top or bottom. With inner frame line around value figures.
TM: SC with box around date figures.
V/F: 0.00

HA9. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” (MV).

Very wide frank, 37-38 x 23-24 mm.
V/F: 0.00

HA10. Pitney Bowes-GB “A900” (MV), 1996.

Value figures large.
V/F: 00.00

HA11. Neopost "Electronic" (MV).

Frank 29 x 26 mm, similar is size to Type HA1 but TM very large and date figures narrower.
V/F: 0.000

HA12. Francotyp-Postalia “T1000" (digital).

Distinctive shiny red mylar imprint. Date figures as: ‘YYYY.MM.DD.HH’.
V/F: 000.00

HA13. Neopost “SM78/94” (MV).

Small frank, only 27 mm wide, with value figures closer to right side than to left.
V/F: ≋00.00

HB1. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Frank 30 x 27 mm. “¥” at left, location code at right.
V/F: 000.00
a. Characters at top close together
b. Value figures close to left side of frank

HB2. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

As Type HB1B but frank wider at 32 mm.
V/F: 000.00

HB3. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” (MV). [$20]

Very wide frank at 38 mm. With “¥”at left and “中” at right of the value figures.
V/F: 0.00

HB4. Pitney Bowes-GB “6900” (MV).

Frank 30-31 x 23 mm, much narrower than Type HB3.
V/F: 0.00

HB5. Pitney Bowes “Paragon” (MV).

Frank 31 x 24 mm. Panels at top and bottom thin with small characters.
Value figures with “¥” at left and location code at right.
TM: SC, nil
V/F: 000.00

HB6. Pitney Bowes-GB “A900” (MV).

Similar in size to Type HB5.
Top and bottom panels not as thin, and characters in panels are larger.
Value figures are large with “¥” at left and location code at right.
V/F: 00.00

HB7. Neopost “Electronic” (MV).

Very similar to Type HB1 but with large “¥” at left and without location code.
Date figures are widely spread.
A. Empty at right of value figures
B. With notched unengraved block at right
V/F: ≋0.00 00.00

HB8. Neopost “SM78/94” (MV).

Small frank 26-27 x 23-24 mm.
Date figures have stops centered between D and M and after M. “¥” at left, location code at right.
V/F: 0.00 00.0+0

HB9. Guilin Putian Telecommunication Equipment Factory "YG02” (digital).

Printed in cherry-red color through a mylar ribbon.
Date figures include hour as ‘YYYY.MM.DD.HH’.
V/F: 000.00

HB10. Institute of Postal Science, Hangzhou (MV).

Date figures very small as ‘YY.M/MM.DD’. Stops low between Y and M and M and D.
V/F: 0000

HB11. Unidentified (MV).

Very large date figures, larger than value figures.
V/F: 0.00

HB12. Unidentified (MV).

Both date and value figures large and somewhat narrow.
Top and bottom panels tall with relatively narrow center panel.
With “¥” character at left and single location character at right.
V/F: 0.00

HB13. Unidentified (MV).

Large value figures of variable thickness.
Date figures small as ‘YY.M(MM).DD’.
V/F: 0.00

HB14. Unidentified (MV).

Thin value figures close to the yuan (¥) character.
TM: DC with date vertical in panel
V/F: 000.00

HB15. Unidentified (MV).

Panels at top and sides with four characters for Postage Paid vertical at right above town identification character (within parenthesis at bottom right).
“¥” in left panel. Date figures slightly higher in relation to value figures.
V/F: 0.00

HB16. Unidentified (MV).

Same format as Type HB15 but frank is wider and value figures are italicized.
Date figures slightly taller and thinner.
V/F: 0.00

Sub-group HC: 4-character inscription across top, location code at bottom: 中 国 邮 政 (China Post)

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HC1. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

Nearly square frank 29-30 x 27 mm. “¥” at left, blank at right.
V/F: 000.00
a. With date field as yyyy.mm.dd.hh (The identity of this stamp is not certain. Possibly it is not a Hasler "Mailmaster" stamp.)

HC2. Pitney Bowes “Paragon” (MV).

Frank 31-32 x 24-26 mm. “¥” at left of value figures, blank at right.
V/F: 00.00

HC3. Pitney Bowes “A900” (MV).

Frank 29-30 x 24 mm. Value figures large and widely spaced.
“¥” at left, blank at right.
A. Frank 29-30 mm wide
B. Frank 32-33 mm wide
V/F: 00.00

HC4. Neopost “SM78/94” (MV).

Small frank, 26-27 x 23-24 mm.
Date figures with stops centered.
“¥” at left, blank at right.
V/F: 00.00

HC5. Shanghai Institute, National Post Bureau "YSZ301" (MV).

Small frank, 27 x 22-23 mm. “¥” at left, blank at right.
Date with hour as ‘YYY.MM.DD.HH’.
V/F: 000.00

HC6. Hunan Post-Telecommunication Equipment Factory "YZ03" (MV).

Frank 31-32 x 24-25 mm. “¥” at left, blank at right.
Date as ‘YY YY. MM. DD’.
All seen are crude impressions printed in black.
A. Black impression, TM at left
B. Black impression, TM at right
C. Red impression, TM at left
D. Red impression, TM at right
V/F: 000.00
a. TM sideways with date vertical
b. As B, used as surcharge on postal cards
c. Hour figure at right of date

HC7. Shanghai Institute, National Post Bureau "YSZ301" (MV).

Frank 30 x 27 mm. Value figures widely spaced.
“¥” at left, blank at right. Date as ‘YY.MM.DD’.
All seen are crude impressions printed in red.
V/F: 0 0. 0 0

HC8. Francotyp-Postalia “EFS3000” (digital).

Value figures narrow. Yuan (¥) character thick.
V/F: 000.00

HC9. Francotyp-Postalia “JetMail” (digital).

With 8-digit number vertical between TM and frank.
Date as ‘YYYY.MM.DD.HH’.
V/F: 000.00

HC10. Pitney Bowes “DM300” (digital).

With three columns of numbers stacked between TM and frank.
Date as ‘YYYY.MM.DD’.
A. Line above ID number at bottom
B. Without line above ID number at bottom
V/F: 00.00

HC11. Neopost “Electronic” (MV).

Frank very similar to Type HC1 but date figures are widely
spaced especially between month and year figures.
V/F: ≋0.00 ≋00.00

HC12. Neopost “IJ75” (digital).

Inscription in top panel is large nearly touching the frame and panel lines.
Value figures lowered, not centered, closer to the bottom panel line.
V/F: 000.00

HC13. Pitney Bowes “DM100” (digital).

Narrow spacing between TM and frank.
Inscriptions in lower panel quite large.
V/F: 000.00

HC14. Pitney Bowes “DM800” and any other DM product 500 and above (digital).

Frank nearly identical to Type HC13.
Differs only in the value figures which are more
tightly spaced and appear heavier and the province
and alphanumeric font are also different.
V/F: 000.00

HC15. Francotyp-Postalia “EFS3000” (MV).

Frank does not have bottom panel.
The ID number is below the frank.
One seen with ID number without prefix.
V/F: 000.00

HC16. Unidentified (digital).

Printed thermally onto self-adhesive labels.
The lower panel is taller than the top panel.
Very narrow spacing, about 1 mm, between TM and frank.
Yuan sign (¥) is much smaller than the value figures.
V/F: 000.00

HC17. Unidentified (MV).

This stamp has characteristics found with both Neopost and Hasler non-digital models. It may be from a Chinese-built machine.
Value figures as with type HC1.
Date figures as yyyy.mm.dd.hhmm
V/F: 00.00

HD1. Hasler “F88” (MV). [$10]

As Type HA1 but inscriptions in French instead of Chinese.
“TAXPERCUE” in top panel, and town name “CHENGDU” in bottom panel.
With "¥" at left and a large "2" at right of the value figures.
V/F: 00.00

HD2. Hasler “F88” (MV), 1995. [Appears to scarce. Value uncertain]

Sometime between 23 April and 21 July 1995 the die on this machine was altered.
Pieces of the frank at the sides of the value figures (yen sign and large "2" plus frame line) were removed.
V/F: 00.00

Sub-group HE: 4-character inscription across top: 中 国 邮 政 (China Post), 5-character inscription at bottom

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HE1. Hasler "F88" (MV).

As Type HB1 but with 5-character inscription at bottom.
V/F: 000.00

GROUP I: Octagonal frank with straight-line outer border

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I1. Hasler "Mailmaster" (MV), 1988. [$100]

Found used only in the town of Chang Chun.
Two machines are known to have used this stamp.
V/F: 00.00

GROUP J: Frank made up of horizontal lines only

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J1. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300" (MV). [Extremely rare, value unknown]

Apparently this was a test die that somehow found its way onto a live meter.
One example seen.
V/F: 0.00

GROUP PO: Digital stamps from Post Office counter (window) machines, printed on self-adhesive labels

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PO1. 1999, Sino Science and Technology (digital). [$10]

TM at right with postage and other data at left.
Printed in black on plain white labels with rounded corners.
V/F: ¥0000.00
a. Printed in on label with pre-printed green Postal logo (error)

PO2. Sino Science and Technology (digital).

As Type PO1 but the sides of the die cut label spell out “CHINA POST”.
V/F: ¥0000.00
a. Postal logo applied in black on top of pre-printed green logo (error, shown at right)

PO3. Sino Science and Technology (digital).

As Type PO2 but the postal logo and "CHINA POST" are pre-printed on the label and are not part of the stamp as printed at point-of-sale.
V/F: ¥0000.00

NOTE: The label for PO3 has a nearly invisible underprint that can be seen under certain conditions. An example with this underprint exaggerated is shown at right.

NOTE: Stamps with the appearance of Types PO2-3 exist without value figures (shown below). A guess is these might be used only for bulk mail processing.

GROUP PV: Digital stamps from self-service vending machines, printed on self-adhesive labels

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PV1. Beijing Institute of Postal Science “YJY-99” (digital), 1997.

Very similar in appearance to Type PO1 but the corners of the label are square, not rounded.
Printed in black on plain white labels.
Other small differences exist.
A. Stamp for routine mail [$20]
B. Stamp for registered mail, with bar code and data added at bottom [$50]
V/F: ¥000.00

NOTE: The stamps shown below appear to be press-printed rather than applied by a postage meter. Several stamps like these have been used for special commemorative purposes.