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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Cape Verde

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Cape Verde

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The earliest meter stamp seen is from 1973. All stamps include “CABO VERDE” in the frank.

GROUP A: Commercial stamps

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A1. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV). [$10]

Frank inscribed “CORREOS DE” in arc above straight “CABO VERDE” at top.
A cross of five small outline shields is between the TM and frank.
“ESC” and “CTVS” are vertical at the sides of the value figures.
M# at lower right with “P.B.” prefix at bottom between the TM and frank.
V/F: 00.o0

A2. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV). [$15]

Similar to Type 1 but with a solid star replacing the cross of shields. "CABO VERDE" is curved.
With “ESC.CV” and “CTVS” vertical at sides of the value figures.
With solid blocks in place of M# and prefix.
V/F: 00.o0

A3. Pitney Bowes "5000" (MV). [$10]

As Type A2 but with Roman numeral “XIV” at bottom between TM and frank
and with meter number in lower right corner.
A. Without denomination indicator
B. With "ESC" vertical left of value figures
V/F: 000o0 000.00

A4. Secap (MV). [$20]

Small upright frank with single simulated-perforation outer border line open in centers of the sides.
M# with “N” prefix at bottom left.
Hour figure outside TM at left.
V/F: 0000

A5. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV). [$5]

Frank is horizontal rectangle with single straight-line border.
Inscribed “H CORREIOS DE” at top and M# “ CABO VERDE” at bottom.
V/F: 0000.0

A6. Satas ? (MV).

Small upright frank as Type A4 with single simulated-perforation outer border but complete at the sides.
Inscribed "Republica / de / Cabo Verde" at top and "Correios" at bottom.
Without meter number.
V/F: 0000

GROUP PO: Stamps generated by Post Office machines

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Group PO impressions are printed on self-adhesive labels which are then attached to the mail item. A number of official labels have been used, as listed below.

Label A
Six circled "X" logos in red.

Label B
Single "X" logo with "CORREOIS DE" / "CABO VERDE" below.

Label C
Single "X" logo with "CORREOIS" / "DE CABO VERDE" / "POR SI VAMOS LONGE" to the right.

PO1. Unidentified (digital).
Used with labels "A" and "B".
"Correio Internac" at top left with PO name below. Value figures at top right.
At bottom: stamp identification number at left, machine identification number at center, date at right.
V/F: (0000)0$

PO2. Unidentified (digital).
Used with labels "B" and "C".
"Correio Internac" at top left with service type below.
2D barcode with identification number at bottom.
A. Machine identification number at top centre, post office name (or code) below, with date on the third line.
B. As "A", but third line contains date and time.
V/F: (0000)0$