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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Bosnia & Herzegovina

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Bosnia & Herzegovina

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  • The nation emerged from the disintegration of Yugoslavia in 1991, but its standing as an independent country was not officially recognized by the international community until December 1995.
  • The nation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is more a partnership than it is a typical country. It consists of two largely independent entities, the "Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina" and the Serb Republic ("Republika Srpska"). Both have their own postal systems and differently inscribed stamps. (The Serb Republic is different from the country of Serbia.)
  • The earliest meter stamp reported so far is from 1999. Earlier examples presumably exist.
  • The stamps are grouped as follows:
    A – Stamps of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, inscribed “BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA”
    B – Stamps of the Serb Republic, inscribed "REPUBLIKA SRPSKA"
    PO – Stamps used only in post offices

Group A – Stamps issued by the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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A1. Frama “M/E” (MV).

Horizontal rectangle with “BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA” in top panel.
Panel at right contains rhomboid shaped postal logo.
A. “BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA” in bottom panel as well as top
B. "POSTAGE PAID" in bottom panel
Value figures thick.
V/F:      00.00
a. Used for registered mail, with boxed number (vertical) and large "R" at left

A2. Frama “M/E” (MV).

As Type A1 but with different, triangular, postal logo.
“BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA” in top panel, "БОСНА И ХЕРЦЕГОВИНА" (Cyrillic) in bottom panel.
V/F:      00.00

Group B – Stamps issued by the Serb Republic

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B1. Francotyp Postalia (MV).

Horizontal rectangle with panels at top and bottom.
"REPUBLIKA SRPSKA" in top panel, "РЕПУБЛИКА СРПСКА" in bottom panel.
Circular double chevron logo in panel at right.
"KM" at left of value figures.
TM: SC spaced 5-6 mm from the frank
V/F:      0.00

B2. Hasler "Mailmaster" (MV).

Similar to Type B1 but circular logo at left.
TM: SC about 2 mm from the frank
V/F:      00.00

Group PO – Stamps used only in post offices

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Sub-group PO-A – Stamps used only in Post Offices in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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PO-A1.1. Olivetti (digital).

Self-adhesive label with pre-printed wide rectangular blue frame with separator dashes right of centre.
At right, pre-printed "Bosna i Hercegovina" at top and "HR Herceg-Bosna" at bottom.
Point-of-sale data, added in gray-black, as follows:
At left: post office identification / date and time / transaction identification number
Value figures at right.
“BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA” in top panel, "ВОСНА И ХЕРЦЕГОВИНА" (Cyrillic) in bottom panel.
V/F:      *(000)0,00
NOTE: Stamps of similar design used in other Eastern European countries (e.g. Yugoslavia) have the option of adding a segment at left for registration data. Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina stamps such as this probably exist but have not yet been seen or reported.

PO-A1.2. Olivetti (digital)

Similar to Type PO-A1.1 but pre-printed frame is much shorter and separated into two equal sections, printed in red.
Preprinted at bottom right is "HP d.o.o. Mostar / BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA"
Point-of-sale data, added in black, as follows:
In left segment, town name / date and time / postal code
In right segment, the value figures.
At far left outside the frank, weight / transaction code
V/F:      0.00

PO-A2. Unidentified (digital)

Plain white self-adhesive label with black horizontal rectangular frank with rounded corners.
The frank has three horizontal panels, the top panel with country identification JP BH POSTA d.o.o.
The middle and bottom panels are split vertically in the centre. At left are the weight above the postal code, and at right are the value figures above the date.
At left outside the frank frame are two lines of code above the time.
V/F:      00,00 KM
NOTE: The system also produces registration labels.

Sub-group PO-B – Stamps used only in Post Offices in the Serb Republic

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PO-B1.1. Olivetti (digital).

Wide self-adhesive label with preprinted frame in blue divided into two or three sections.
Right section contains preprinted "REPUBLIKA / SRPSKA" at top and "PTT" at bottom.
Point-of-sale data added in gray-black as follows:
  • town, date and time, and weight plus unidentified number in centre section
  • value figures in right section
A. Used for routine mail, stamp with two sections
B. Used for registered mail, stamp with three sections: left section with preprinted "R" and registration number (shown)
C. As B but used for insured mail, left section with preprinted "V" and insurance ID number
Left and centre sections divided by a vertical line, and centre and right sections divided by tabs at top and bottom.
V/F:      *0,00
     Stamps for other special mail services may exist.

PO-B1.2. Olivetti (digital).

Similar to Type PO-B1.1 but the preprinted frame but the right section has simulated perforation frame lines.
Right section contains preprinted "REPUBLIKA SRPSKA" in black at top and a chevron shaped logo in black, red and yellow above black "POSTE SRPSKA" at bottom.
Point-of-sale data added in gray-black as follows:
  • date and time, post office identification, two unidentified numbers, and weight in centre section
  • value figures in right section
A. Used for routine mail, two sections only, frame in black (shown)
B. Used for registered mail, three sections, frame in red, left section containing preprinted "R" and registration number
C. Used for insured mail, three sections, frame in red, left section with preprinted "V" and insurance ID number (shown)
V/F:      *0,00
     Stamps for other special mail services may exist.

PO-B2.1. Olivetti (digital).

As Type PO-B1.2 but inscribed in Cyrillic characters only, "PEПУБЛИKA CPПCKA" at top, chevron logo and "ПOШTE CPПCKE" at bottom.
Printed in black.
Shown is the stamp for routine mail. Stamps in three sections for registered and insured mail presumably exist, possibly in other colors.
V/F:      *0,00

PO-B2.2. Olivetti (digital).

As PO-B2.1 but with "P. CPПCKA" at top and "CPПCKE ПOШTE" at bottom.
Straight line frame with tabs at top and bottom separating left and right sections.
Point-of-sale data:
  • Left section: post office identification, date and time, weight and unidentified number
  • Right section: value figures
Printed in black
V/F:      *0.00

PO-B2.3. Olivetti (digital).

Inscribed in Cyrillic only, "PEПУБЛИKA / CPПCKA" at top, and "ПTT" at bottom.
Straight line frame with full line separating left and centre sections and tabs at top and bottom separating centre and right sections.
Printed in black.
  • Left section: large preprinted "П"
  • Centre section: post office identification, date and time, weight and unidentified number
  • Right section: value figures
V/F:      *0.00
a. Printed on inverted label (shown)