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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Belgium

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The first meter appeared in 1925. All stamps are inscribed with the country name in two languages, usually in French (BELGIQUE) and Dutch (BELGIE) but a few are known with German (BELGIEN). The order of the country names in the franks alternates with "BELGIE-BELGIQUE" used mostly in Flanders and "BELGIQUE-BELGIE" used mostly in Wallonia. Those with "BELGIEN" are probably used in the East near the border with Germany.
Between 1978 and the switch to the Euro in 1999 all meter franks were required to include "F" or Fr" (for franc) next to the value figures.
Stamps without date/town mark are used on pre-paid business reply mail.

The stamps are grouped according to appearance and function as follows:
A - Small, horizontal octagon
B - Small, upright rectangle with simulated perforation border
C - Large crown at top, standing lions in lower corners
D - Crown at top and curtains at sides
E - Country names in wavy panel at top
F - Horizontal frank without outer frame. Large lion rampant in centre
G - Simple rectangle with inner rectangle around value figures. Post horn at bottom
H - Wide crown in field of horizontal lines at top
I - Abstracted post horns defining top frame line, without crown
J - Lions rampant indented at top left and right
K - Country names vertical and horizontal starting with common “B” in upper left corner. Euro sign at right
PO - Designs used in Post Offices only
PD - Designs used for Postage Due only
PP - Designs used for Railway Parcel Post only

NOTE: More information about the meter stamps of Belgium can be found at these locations:

GROUP A: Frank is small, horizontal octagon

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NOTE: Stamps that look like Group A stamps but have a "P" prefix identification number are from non-metered Post Office bulk mail franking machines (often referred to as "Fliers"). They are not covered in the catalog.

A1. Universal Postal Frankers “Universal 5” (FV-5), 1925.    [$250]

With large, outlined value figures Inscribed “BELGIQUE-BELGIE” at top.
M#s A101-106 only. Usually without TM.
Values:      5c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c, 50c, 75c, 1Fr, 1F25, 1F50, 1F75
a. With SC TM    [$350]
b. Slogan at left, on A101    [$300]
NOTE: Proofs on card are more common than used covers. (The image shown at left is a proof with unissued number A115.)      [$10]

A2. Hasler “D106” (FV-8), 1925.

As Type A1 but M#s B101 up.
Without TM.
Values:      3c, 4c, 5c, 6c, 10c, 15c, 0.15, 20c, 25c, 0.25, 30c, 35c, 40c, 45c
Values:      50c, 0.50, 60c, 65c, 0F65, 70c, 75c, 80c, 90c, 0.90, 0F90
Values:      1Fr, 1F20, 1F25, 1F35, 1F40, 1F50, 1F60, 1F75, 1F80
Values:      2Fr, 2F10, 2F25, 2F40, 2F45, 2F50, 2F55, 2F70, 2F75
Values:      3Fr, 3F15, 3F25, 3F50, 3F75, 4Fr, 4F50
Values:      5Fr, 5F15, 5F20, 5F50, 5F75, 6Fr, 6F30, 6F50
Values:      7Fr, 7F20, 8Fr, 9F, 10Fr, 13F50, 20Fr
a. Post Office stamp. M# B001 up
NOTE: Although this machine could print eight values, users had the option to replace one or more values with a slogan. These slogans are the same size as the normal frank and are rarely found.

A3. Franco (FV-5), 1925.    [$50]

As Types A1 and A2 but M#s C101-109.
Without TM or slogan.
Values:      5c, 10c, 30c, 35c, 50c, 60c, 75c, 80c, 1Fr, 1F25, 1F50, 1F75

A4. Timbrographe (LV-9), 1926.

As Types A1-A3 but M#s E101 up.
Size of frank varies. Color of frank often magenta.
TM: SC or nil
Values:      3c, 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c
Values:      50c, 60c, 65c, 70c, 75c, 80c, 90c
Values:      1Fr, 1F05, 1F20, 1F25, 1F30, 1F35, 1F40, 1F50, 1F60, 1F75
Values:      2Fr, 2F10, 2F20, 2F25, 2F40, 2F45, 2F50, 2F75
Values:      3Fr, 3F15, 3F25, 3F50, 4Fr, 4F05, 4F30, 4F50, 4F90
Values:      5Fr, 5F20, 5F25, 5F75, 5F85, 6Fr, 6F30, 6F50, 7Fr, 7F75
Values:      8Fr, 8F50, 9Fr, 10Fr, 10F50, 12Fr, 13F50, 15F, 17F50, 20Fr
a. Post Office stamp. M# E001 up
NOTE: Type A4 often has a slogan at left or below the frank.

A5. Timbrographe (LV-9).

As Type A4 but inscribed “BELGIE-BELGIQUE” at top.
M# E101 up.
Values:      10c, 15c, 20c, 50c, 80c, 90c, 1Fr, 1Fr35, 1Fr75, 1Fr50, 2Fr, 2Fr50, 2Fr70, 3F, 4F, 4Fr50, 5Fr

A6. Hasler “F22” (MV), 1930.

Similar to Type A2 but with simple, single-line value figures.
With or without 5-digit S# between TM and frank.
M# B101-569, B932.
TM: SC, DC or nil
V/F:      Fr oo      Fr 0oo      Fr 00oo     
V/F:      0oo (No "Fr" prefix)
V/F:      Fr 000      Fr 0000 (B932 only, shown at left)
a. Post Office stamp. M# B004
NOTE: A proof (B336) exists inscribed “BELGIE-BELGIQUE” but is not known used.

A7. Francotyp “C” (MV).

Similar to Type A6 but M# F101 up. Normally with “Fr” before value figures.
With or without 4-digit S# between TM and frank.
TM: SC or nil
V/F:      oo      0oo      0oo      00oo      0.00
a. Gothic      000      0.00

A8. Francotyp “C” (MV).    [$50]

As Type A7 but inscribed “BELGIE-BELGIQUE”.
M# F289 only seen.
TM: nil
V/F:      Fr 000 (Gothic)

A9. Timbrographe (MV).    [$200]

As Types A6-A8 but M# with “E” prefix.
M#s E211 and E500 only known.
TM: nil
V/F:      Fr 0oo

A10. Francotyp “Cc” or “Ccm”” (MV).

As Type A7 but with narrow spacing.
M# with “F” prefix.
TM: SC, nil
V/F:      ◆00.00

GROUP B: Frank is small, upright rectangle with simulated perforation border

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Sub-group BA: Country name in scroll at top

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BA1. Neopost (LV-6), 1930.

Inscribed “BELGIQUE-BELGIE”. Post horn under scroll at top.
M# with “D” prefix.
A. Line above M#
B. Without line above M#
TM: SC, BIC, nil
Values:           5c, 10c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c, 50c, 65c, 70c, 75c, 90c, 1F00, 1F20, 1F35, 1F50, 1F75, 2F00, 2F50, 3F75, 3F50, 4F00, 5F00, 6F00, 10Fr

BA2. Neopost (LV-6).

As Type BA1 but inscribed “BELGIE-BELGIQUE”.
A. Line above M#
B. Without line above M#
Values:      10c, 35c, 50c, 75c, 90c, 1F00 , 1F20, 1F35, 1F50, 1F75, 3F50

BA3. Neopost “105” (LV).    [$10]

Similar to Type BA1, but without M#.
Value seen:      2.00

NOTE: The Belgian postal service uprated the postage value of some postal cards with red stamps closely resembling Sub-group BA meter stamps. The postal card stamps are press-printed and were not applied by a postage meter. The 30 centime stamp shown at left is an example.

Sub-group BB: Country name straight at top

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BB1. Satas “Federal I” (MV), 1943.

Upright frank with single, simulated-perforation line border inscribed “BELGIQUE/ BELGIE“.
Sitting lion at bottom above M#. Lion 14 mm wide.
Meter number with “H” prefix from H-101 up and in H-1000 series
V/F:      0.oo

BB1.1. Satas “Federal I” (MV), 1943.

As Type BB1 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE“.
Sitting lion at bottom above M#. Lion 14 mm wide. M# with “H” prefix.
V/F:      0.oo      00.oo (meter H-179 only)
NOTE: The image shown is a specimen with unengraved meter number.

BB2. Satas “Federal I” and "Federal II" (MV).

As Type BB1 but TM SC with tall date figures.
Meter numbers for Federal I: H-101 to H-1999.
Meter numbers for Federal II: H-2001 up.
A. Lion 14 mm wide
B. Small lion, 11 mm wide
V/F:      00.oo      00.oo
a. With small “F” in left frame line:      V/F:      00.oo      000.oo

BB3. Satas “Federal I” and "Federal II" (MV).

As Type BB2 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
Meter numbers for Federal I: H-101 to H-1999.
Meter numbers for Federal II: H-2001 up.
A. Lion 14 mm wide
B. Small lion, 11 mm wide    [$10]
TM: SC or nil with tall date figures
V/F:      0 0 .oo      .oo      00.oo
a. With small “F” in left frame line      V/F:      0 0 .oo      0 0 0.oo      [$10]
NOTE: Impressions showing time of day are Post Office stamps

BB4. Satas “Federal II” (MV), 1964.

As Types BB2 and BB3 but inscribed “BELGIQUE/ BELGIEN“.
Small lion at bottom, 11 mm wide.
Meter numbers H-2001 up.
V/F:      0 0 .oo

BB5. Satas “Rotary” (MV), 1964.

Nearly identical to Type BB2 but the date figures are short.
A. Lion 14 mm wide (not shown)
B. Small lion, 11 mm wide
Meter numbers H-3001 up.
V/F:      00.oo      0.oo (H-3022 only)      00.oo      00.oo (H-3019 only)
a. With large “F” in left frame line

BB6. Satas "Rotary" (MV). 1964.

As Type BB5 but inscribed "BELGIE/ BELGIQUE".
A. Lion 14 mm wide
B. Small lion, 11 mm wide
Meter numbers H-3001 up.
V/F:      00.oo
a. Post Office stamp, meter number with "P" prefix and with hour figure in the date

BB7. Satas "Baby X" (MV).

Nearly identical to Type BB2 but with meter number with "H 4" prefix.
The meter number prefix "H" is at far left with the meter number slightly right of centre.
Meter numbers 4001 and 4002 only seen.
V/F:      0 0 0 .oo

BB8. Neopost Alcatel "2200" (MV).

This stamp is from the same machine that produced type BB7 but modified after Satas was incorporated into Alcatel.
The stamp looks the same except for the addition of a small "F" in the centre of the left frame line and a new meter number prefix.
M# in N5000 series centred at bottom.
V/F:      0 0 0 .oo

BB9. Neopost Alcatel "2200" (MV).

As Type BB8 but inscribed "BELGIE/BELGIQUE".
M# in N5000 series centred at bottom.
V/F:      0 0 0 .oo

GROUP C: Upright or square frank with large crown at top and standing lions in lower corners

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Frank has simulated perforation outer border with multiple straight-line inner borders.

C1. Francotyp “C” (MV), 1947.

Large frank 35 mm tall. “BELGIQUE/ BELGIE” between value figures and M# at bottom.
M# boxed with “F” or "Fr" prefix.
Wide spacing between TM (if present) and frank with or without S# between.
Value figures preceded by “Fr”.
TM: SC, DC or nil
V/F:      000 (A,G)      0.00 (G)      oo (O)      0.00 (G)      00oo (O)      00.00 (A,G)      ◆0.00 (G)

C2. Francotyp “C” (MV).

As Type C1 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
V/F:      0.00 (G)      00.00 (A,G)      ◆0.00 (G,O)      0000 (G)

C3. Francotyp “Cc” (MV), 1951.

As Type C1, but narrow spacing between TM and frank.
V/F:      ◆0.00 (G)      ◆0,00 (G,O)      ◆00.00 (G)
a. With “F” instead of “Fr” at left of value figures

C4. Francotyp “Cc” (MV), 1939.    [$10]

As Type C3, but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
V/F:      ◆0.00 (G)      ◆00.00 (G)

C5. Francotyp “C” (MV).    [$10]

As Type C1 but frank is smaller, 28 mm tall.
Date without stops.
V/F:      ◆000 (G,O)      ◆0.00 (G,O)

C6. Francotyp “C” (MV).    [$10]

As Type C5 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
V/F:      ◆000 (G)      ◆0.00 (G)      ◆0,00 (O)

C7. Francotyp “Cc” (MV).

As Type C3 but frank is shorter but wider, 25-27 x 28 mm.
Value figures preceded by “Fr”. M# normally unboxed.
Date with stops.
V/F:      ◆0.00 (G,O)      00,00 (O)      ◆00.00 (O)
a. M# boxed
b. With “F” instead of “Fr” left of value figures

C8. Francotyp “Cc” (MV).

As Type C7 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
Value figures with "Fr" or "F" prefix (except Type C8C without prefix).
A. Frank 28 x 28mm
B. Frank 26 x 30mm
C. Frank 25-27 x 28mm
V/F:      ◆0.00 (G,O)      ◆00.00 (O)      000.00 (O)

C8.1. Francotyp “Cc” (MV).

As Types C7 and C8 but inscribed “BELGIEN/ BELGIQUE”.
V/F:      ◆0.00      ◆00.00

C8.2. Francotyp “Cc” (MV).    [$20]

As Types C7, C8 and C8.1 but inscribed “BELGIQUE” alone.
This appears to be a provisional issue or a local modification.
V/F:      ◆00.00

C9. Francotyp “A9000” (MV).

Similar to Type C7 but the date has wide spacing between the month and year.
Inscribed “BELGIQUE/ BELGIE”. Value figures preceded by “F”.
V/F:      ◆0,00      000.00      ◆00.00      ◆00,00

C10. Francotyp “A9000” (MV).

As Type C9 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
V/F:      000.00      ◆00.00

C11. Francotyp “Cc” (MV).

Large frank, slightly wider than tall, 30 x 28 mm.
V/F:      ◆0.00      ◆00.00

C12. Francotyp “Cc” (MV).

As Type C11 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
V/F:      ◆00.00

C13. Francotyp-Postalia “MS5/WK4” (MV).

Nearly square frank, 26-27 mm.
Value figures small and narrow compared to previous Group C types.
A. M# with “F” prefix
B. M# with “C” prefix
V/F:      F000.00      F00000

C14. Francotyp-Postalia “MS5/WK4” (MV).

As Type C13 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
M# with “C” prefix.
A. M# with "F" prefix
B. M# with "C" prefix
V/F:      F000.00      F00000
a. Post Office stamp, M# with “P” prefix

C15. Francotyp-Postalia “T1000” (digital).

Similar to Type C14B but printed printed digitally through a thermal-mylar ribbon leaving a cherry-red impression.
The spacing is narrower than with C13 and C14.
M# with “C” prefix.
V/F:      F0000.00

C16. Francotyp-Postalia “T1000” (digital).

As Type C15 but inscribed “BELGIQUE/ BELGIE”.
V/F:      F0000.00

GROUP D: Upright frank with curtains at sides and crown at top.

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Country names in scrolls at top and bottom

D1. Hasler “F88/F99” (MV), 1937.

Inscribed “BELGIQUE” at top and “BELGIE” at bottom.
M# with “B” prefix below bottom frame line.
M#s B101 up.
A. Frank 25 x 29-30 mm
B. Frank 27-29 x 32-33 mm
C. As A but wide spacing between TM and frank with 5-digit impression counter in between
D. As B but TM lowered with 5-digit impression counter above
TM: SC, DC, BIC (scarce), or nil
V/F:      0oo      oo      ◇oo      0oo      ◇0oo      00oo      0ooo      ◇00,oo
a. Post Office stamp, M# B001 up
b. Post Office stamp for Postage Due. M# B001 up with large “T” left of TM
c. With pictorial slogan in place of a town mark. Examples seen:
i. Canadian Pacific Railroad (1962).
ii. Nestlé.

D2. Hasler “F88/F99” (MV).

As Type D1 but inscribed “BELGIE” at top and “BELGIQUE” at bottom.
A. Frank 25 x 28-30 mm
B. Frank 27-29 x 32-33 mm (not shown)
V/F:      oo      0o      0oo      ◇0,oo      00oo      ◇00,oo      0000,oo
a. Post Office stamp, M# B001 up
b. Post Office stamp for Postage Due. M# B001 up with large “T” left of TM.

D3. Hasler “F88/F99” (MV).

As Type D2 but inscribed “BELGIEN” at top.
Meters B2372 and B2651 seen.
V/F:      0oo

D4. Hasler “F22” (MV).

Inscribed “BELGIQUE” at top and “BELGIE” at bottom.
A. Frank 25 x 29-30 mm, date in line with value figures
B. Frank 27-29 x 32-33 mm, TM lowered with 5-digit impression counter above
V/F:      0oo      00oo
a. TM nil with date figures only

GROUP E: Country names in wavy panel at top

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Frank with simulated perforation outer border and two straight-line inner borders.

Sub-group EA: Frank taller than wide

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EA1. Universal Postal Frankers “Multi-Value” (MV), 1948 or earlier.

“Fr | Cts” below value figures.
M# boxed at bottom with “U” prefix.
A. Frank ~ 26 x 28-30 mm
B. Frank ~ 29-30 x 32 mm
V/F:      0oo (A)      00oo (O)      000oo (O)

EA2. Universal Postal Frankers “Multi-Value” (MV).

As Type EA1 but inscribed “BELGIE - BELGIQUE”.
ME with “U” prefix.
A. Frank ~ 26 x 28-30 mm
B. Frank ~ 29-30 x 32 mm
V/F:      0oo (A)      00oo (O)      000oo (O)

EA3. Pitney Bowes-GB “Simplex” (LV-25).    [$25]

With three vertical straight lines at each side.
“FR.” centred below value figures.
Inscribed “BELGIE-BELGIQUE”. M# with “S” prefix.
Value seen:      2.50

EA4. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV).

As Types EA1A and 2A but with “F” centred below value figures.
Inscribed “BELGIQUE-BELGIE”. M# with “P.B.U” prefix.
V/F:      =00.oo

EA5. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV).

As Type EA4 but inscribed “BELGIE-BELGIQUE”.
M# with “P.B.U” prefix.
V/F:      =00.oo

Sub-group EB: Frank wider than tall

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EB1. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” (MV), 1983.

Frank 29 mm wide. M# unboxed at bottom with “PBU“ prefix.
A. “F” below value figures
B. “F” at left of value figures
V/F:      ≋00.oo      ≋00.o0
a. With extra-large "0" at right

EB2. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” (MV).

As Type EB1 but inscribed “BELGIE - BELGIQUE”.
M# with “PBU” or "E.B.U." prefix.
A. “F” below value figures
B. “F” at left of value figures
V/F:      ≋00.oo      ≋00.o0

EB3. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” (MV).

As Types EB1 and 2 but inscribed “BELGIEN - BELGIQUE”.
M# with “PBU” prefix.
V/F:      ≋00.oo

EB4. Pitney Bowes-GB “6500” (MV).

As Earlier EB types but frank 32-33 x 23 mm.
Inscribed “BELGIQUE - BELGIE”.
“F” at left of value figures. M# with "PBE" prefix.
V/F:      ≋00.00      ≋00.oo

EB5. Pitney Bowes-GB “6500” (MV).

As Type EB4 but inscribed “BELGIE - BELGIQUE”.
M# with “PBE” prefix.
V/F:      ≋00.00

EB6. Pitney Bowes-GB “6600” (MV).

As Earlier EB types but frank wider at 33 mm.
“F” breaks interior frame lines at left of value figures.
M# with “PBU“ prefix. Inscribed “BELGIQUE-BELGIE”.
V/F:      ≋00.0o

EB6.1. Pitney Bowes-GB “6600” (MV).

As type EB6 but inscribed “BELGIE-BELGIQUE”.
V/F:      ≋00.0o

EB7. Pitney Bowes “Paragon” (MV).

Frank same size as Type EB6 but fixed zero breaks interior frame lines at right.
“F” breaks inner frame lines at left.
M# with “PBD“ prefix.
V/F:      ≋000.00

EB8. Pitney Bowes “Paragon” (MV).

As Type EB7 but inscribed “BELGIE - BELGIQUE”.
M# with “PBD” prefix.
V/F:      ≋000.00

EB9. Pitney Bowes-GB “6900” (MV).

Very similar to Type EB4 but the frank is taller, 32 x 27 mm and the value figures are spread slightly wider apart.
Neither the “F” nor the fixed zero break the inside frame lines. Inscribed “BELGIQUE-BELGIE”.
M# with “PBE” prefix.
V/F:      ≋00.00

EB9.1. Pitney Bowes-GB “6900” (MV).

As Type EB9 but inscribed “BELGIE-BELGIQUE”.
M# with “PBE” prefix.
V/F:      ≋00.00

EB10. Pitney Bowes-GB “6900” (MV).

As Type EB9 but inscribed “BELGIE-BELGIQUE”.
M# with “PBE” prefix.
A. Frank 32 x 27 mm
B. Large frank 36 x 30 mm
V/F:      ≋00.00

GROUP F: Horizontal frank without outer frame. Large lion rampant between town mark and value box

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F1. Pitney Bowes “R” (MV).

Ornate ribbon surrounds town mark.
Value box has frame lines at top and left only, with column of short dashes at right and M# below.
“Fr.” Or “F.” left of value figures.
M# with “P.B.No” prefix.
A. Column of dashes at right unbroken
B. Column of dashes broken in centre by value figures
V/F:      ≋0.00      ≋00.00

F2. Pitney Bowes “R” (MV).

As Type F1 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
M# with “P.B.No” prefix.
A. Column of dashes at right unbroken.      V/F: ≋0.00
B. Column of dashes broken in centre by value figures.      V/F: ≋00.00

F3. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).

Similar to Type F1 but wider.
TM without ribbon.
Value box with lines on all four sides, broken at centre left by “Fr.” or “F.” and bottom by M#.
M# with “P.B.” prefix.
V/F:      ≋0.00      ≋00.oo      ≋00.00      ≋00.o0

F4. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).

As Type F3 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
M# with “P.B.” prefix.
V/F:      ≋0.00      ≋00.oo      ≋00.00      ≋00.o0

F5. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).    [$20]

As Types F3 and F4 but inscribed “BELGIEN/ BELGIQUE”.
M# with “P.B.” prefix.
V/F:      ≋00.oo

F5.1. Pitney Bowes-GB “5000” (MV).    [$20]

As Types F3, F4 and F5 but inscribed “BELGIQUE/ BELGIEN”.
M# with “P.B.” prefix.
V/F:      ≋00.oo

F6. Pitney Bowes-GB “A900” (MV).

Value box higher than on previous Group F types.
Date and value figures are on same level.
“BELGIQUE BELGIE” in single line.
Value box complete at top and bottom.
“F” precedes value figures.
M# with “PBG” prefix with horizontal lines at sides and below.
V/F:      ≋000.00      ≋000.0o

F7. Pitney Bowes-GB “A900” (MV).

As Type F6 but inscribed “BELGIE BELGIQUE”.
M# with “PBG” prefix.
V/F:      ≋000.00      ≋000.0o

GROUP G: Simple rectangle with inner rectangle around value figures

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Country names at top and post horn at bottom above M#

G1. Frama (MV), 1963.

Upright frank inscribed “BELGIQUE/ BELGIE”.
Large post horn below value figures. Thick value figures.
M# with “A” prefix outside and below frank.
TM: DC or SC
V/F:      00,00      00,00      00,00 F
a. Post Office stamp, M# with “P” prefix
b. Post Office stamp for Postage Due. M# with “P” prefix and with large “T” left of TM      [$5]

G2. Frama (MV).

As Type G1 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
M# with “A” prefix.
TM: DC or SC
V/F:      00,00

G3. Frama (MV).

Similar to Type G1 but smaller, with small post horn.
M# is inside frank above bottom frame line.
M# with “A” prefix.
V/F:      00,00      00,00

G4. Frama (MV).

As Type G3 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
M# with “A” prefix.
TM: DC or SC
V/F:      00,00

G5. Frama (MV).

Similar to Type G3 types but larger and wider.
Value figures with large “F” at right.
M# with “A” prefix.
V/F:      00,00      00,00
a. Post Office stamp, M# with “P” prefix
b. Post Office stamp for Postage Due. M# with “P” prefix and with large “T” left of TM

G6. Frama (MV).

As type G5 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
M# with “A” prefix.
TM: DC or SC
V/F:      00,00      00,00
a. Post Office stamp, M# with “P” prefix
b. Post Office stamp for Postage Due. M# with “P” prefix and with large “T” left of TM      [$5]

G7. Neopost “205/2205” (MV).

Similar to previous “G” types but smaller frank, 21/22 x 25mm.
Inner frame line around value figures broken at left by “F”.
M# with “N” prefix breaks bottom frame line.
V/F:      00.00

G8. Neopost “205/2205” (MV).

As Type G7 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
Inner frame line broken at both sides.
M# with “N” prefix.
TM: DC or SC
V/F:      00.00

G8.1. Neopost “405/505” (MV).

Frank much wider than tall, 31 x 24 mm.
M# with “N” prefix.
TM: SC, date with or without stops
V/F:      00000      000,00

NOTE: Types G8.1 and G8.2 were previously cataloged as Types G13 and G14.

G8.2 Neopost “405/505” (MV).

As Type G13 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
M# with “N” prefix.
TM: DC or SC, date with or without stops
V/F:      00000      000,00

G9. Neopost “Electronic” (MV).

Similar to Type G7 but wider, 26 x 24 mm.
Inscribed “BEGIQUE/ BELGIE”.
M# with “NC” prefix.
Date figures with stops centred.
V/F:      ≋00.00
a. Post Office stamp, M# with “P” prefix

G10. Neopost “Electronic” (MV).

As Type G9 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
M# with “NC” prefix.
TM: DC or SC
V/F:      ≋00.00

G11. Neopost “7000 (Electronic)” (MV).

As Type G9 but larger, 29 x 25-26 mm.
M# with “N” or “NC” prefix.
Date figures as "00. 00.      00" with wide space between month and year.
V/F:      ≋00.00      ≋0000

G12. Neopost “7000 (Electronic)” (MV).

As Type G11 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
M# with "N" or “NC” prefix.
TM: DC or SC
V/F:      ≋00.00      ≋0000

G13. Neopost "SM22/26" (digital).

As Type G11 but with very narrow spacing between the TM and frank.
The value figures are thicker and spaced more closely together than with G11.
Date figures as "00.00.00" without empty space between month and year.
M# with "NAC" prefix.
TM: DC or SC
V/F:      F≋00.00

G14. Neopost "SM22/26" (digital).

As Type G13 but inscribed "BELGIE / BELGIQUE".
M# with "NAC" prefix.
TM: DC or SC
V/F:      F≋00.00

GROUP H: Rectangle with wide crown in field of horizontal lines at top. Country names in arc below crown

[edit | edit source]

H1. Postalia "D3" (MV), 1962.      [Quite rare, value unknown]

Frank taller than wide.
With “Fr” at left of value figures.
M# with “C” prefix centred at bottom.
Meters C101 and C102 only known.
V/F:      ≋0.00

H2. Postalia "D3" (MV).

Nearly square frank, slightly wider than tall.
With "Fr" or "F" at left of value figures.
M# with “C” prefix in lower right corner with field of horizontal lines at left.
V/F:      ≋,00      ≋0.00      ≋00.00
a. With no currency indicator at left of value figures

H3. Postalia "D3" (MV).

As Type H2 but inscribed “BELGIE-BELGIQUE”.
M# with “C” prefix.
V/F:      ≋,00      ≋0,00      ≋00,00
a. With no currency indicator at left of value figures

H4. Postalia "D3" (MV).

As Types H2 and H3 but inscribed “BELGIEN-BELGIQUE”.
M# with “C” prefix in lower right corner.
V/F:      ≋,00      ≋0,00      ≋00,00
a. With no currency indicator at left of value figures

H5. Postalia "MS5/WK4" (MV).

Similar to Types H2-4 but spacing is wider between the TM and frank, and the date and value figures are slightly larger.
With “F” at left of value figures.
M# with “C” prefix.
V/F:      000.00

H6. Postalia "MS5/WK4" (MV).

As Type H5 but inscribed “BELGIE-BELGIQUE”.
M# with “C” prefix.
V/F:      000.00

H7. Postalia "MS5/WK4" (MV).

As Types H5 and H6 but inscribed “BELGIEN-BELGIQUE”.
M# with “C” prefix.
V/F:      000.00

GROUP I: Rectangle with abstracted post horns defining top frame line

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Frank without crown

I1. Hasler "F88/F99" (MV).

Inscribed "BELGIQUE" at top, "BELGIE" at bottom.
M# with "B" prefix in box at bottom centre.
V/F:      ✳00oo      ◇00,oo

I2. Hasler “F88/F99” (MV).

As Type I1 but inscribed “BELGIE” at top, “BELGIQUE” at bottom.
M# with “B” prefix.
A. “F” imbedded in left margin
B. Without "F" (shown)
V/F:      ✳00oo      ◇00,oo

I3. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

As Type I1 but narrower spacing between TM and frank.
Value figures preceded by “F”.
Inscribed “BELGIQUE” at top, “BELGIE” at bottom.
M# with “B”, “BH”, "BS", "BHT", "BST" OR "BT" prefix in box at bottom centre.
V/F:      000,00      00000
a. Post Office stamp, M# with “P” prefix
b. Post Office stamp for Postage Due. M# with “P” prefix and with large “T” left of TM

I4. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).

As Type I3 but inscribed “BELGIE” at top, “BELGIQUE” at bottom.
M# with “B”, “BH”, "BS", "BHT", "BST" OR "BT" prefix in box at bottom centre.
V/F:      000,00      00000
a. Post Office stamp, M# with “P” prefix
b. Post Office stamp for Postage Due. M# with “P” prefix and with large “T” left of TM

I5. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).    [$10]

As Types I3 and 4 but inscribed “BELGIEN” at top, “BELGIQUE” at bottom.
M# with “B” prefix only seen.
V/F:      000,00      00000

I6. Hasler “Smile” (MV).

Frank wider than tall.
M# with "BH" or “BHT” prefix.
V/F:      0000,00

I7. Hasler “Smile” (MV).

As Type I6 but inscribed "BELGIE/ BELGIQUE".
M# with "BH" or “BHT” prefix.
V/F:      0000,00

GROUP J: Frank with simulated perforation border with lions rampant indented at top left and right

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J1. Secap "Alpha" (MV), 1991.

Value box broken at left by “F” and at right by fixed zero.
Meter number with “M” prefix, 1000 to 1999.
V/F:      000.00      00000

J2. Secap "Minipost" (MV), 1993.

As Type J1 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
Meter number with “M” prefix, 2000 to 2999.
V/F:      000.00      00000

GROUP K: Plain rectangle with country name both vertical and horizontal at upper left

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NOTE: Stamps that look like Group K stamps but have a "P" prefix identification number are from non-metered Post Office franking machines. They commonly have "SERVIPOST" as a slogan, in the townmark, and/or in place of the value figures. They are not covered in the catalogue.

  • Postal system logo at upper right. Euro sign either precedes or follows the value figures.
  • The meter number at bottom has a 4-character prefix, as follows:
1st letter = B (for Belgium),    2nd = manufacturer,    3rd = meter model,    4th = payment method
  • First used on 1 October 1999

Manufacturers and models as of 11/2019:
2nd letter (manufacturer):
BA = Ascom Hasler BB = Frama BC = Francotyp-Postalia       
BD = Neopost, Alcatel, Neopost Alcatel        BE = Pitney Bowes BF = Secap
BG = Neopost BH = Intimus International       
3rd letter (meter model):
Ascom Hasler:      BAA thru BAJ = Mailmaster              BAK = Smile
BBA = M/E3/4        BBC = EPS
BBD & BBF = Sensonic        BBG and BBH = Matrix
BCC = PS4 BCD thru BCG = T1000
BCH & BCJ = Optimail BCK = Mymail
BCM = Ultimail BCN = Centormail
BCP = Postbase 30/45/65        BCR = Postbase Mini
BDA1, BDB1 & BDC1 = Electronic BDA1, BDS & BDV = IS-280
BDB1, BDM & BDW = IS-350 BDC1, BDN & BDZ = IS-420
BDD = SM94/95 & IS-350 BDE = SM26
BDF, BDK & BDU = IJ25 BDG = IJ60/65/70/75/80/85/90/110
BDH, BDJ, BDL & BDT = IJ35/40/45/50 BDN = IS-420
BDP = IS-440 BDR = IS-480
BDY = IS-6000 BGA = iX-3
BGB = iX-5 BGC = iX-7
1. Prefixes BDB, BDC and BDD were used with more than one model.
Pitney Bowes:
BEA = 6900 BEB = A900
BEC = Paragon BED = B762
BEE = B962 BEF = DM400/500/550
BEG = DM800/900 BEH = DM1000
BEJ = DM100i BEK = DM50
BEL = DM210i/390i       
Secap:      BFA = Alpha              BFB = Minipost
Intimus International:
BHA = MS-20 BHB = MS-200
BHC = MS-300        BHD = MS-400
BHE = MS-500 BHF = MS-800
4th letter (method of payment):
B = advance payment (pre-payment) (became obsolete at end of 2000)
C = "Value Card" (specialised debit card, became obsolete at end of 2004)
D = "Credipac" (Neopost proprietary credit system, became obsolete at end of 2009)
E = "Framalink" (Frama proprietary credit system, became obsolete at end of 2009)
F = FOLLS (Franking On Line Loading, payment via internet)
M = FOLLS with Digital Postage Mark (DPM). DPM stamps are printed in blue and have frameless straight line town mark above a 2-dimensional barcode.
Stamps from machines using B through F payment systems are printed in red and have circular or rectangular town mark and no barcode.

K1.1. Ascom Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV). M# with “BAA-" through BAJ-" prefix.

V/F:      = 00,00 €      = 000,00 €
a. Post Office stamp, M# prefix "BAAP" or "BAFP"

K1.2. Ascom Hasler “Smile” (MV).

Similar to Type K1 but distance between date figures and value figures is slightly wider.
M# with “BAKB" or "BAKF" prefix.
V/F:      = 00.00 €      = 0000 €

K2.1. Frama “M/E3/4” (MV).

M# with “BBAC" prefix.
V/F:      = 0.00 €
a. Post Office stamp, M# prefix "BBAP"

K2.2. Frama “EPS” (MV).

M# with “BBCE" prefix.
V/F:      = 00,00 €
a. Relief (loaner) machine, TM contains "DE POST - LA POSTE - DIE POST"
b. Relief (loaner) machine, TM contains "POST OFFICES ACCOUNTING"

K2.3. Frama “Sensonic” (digital).

M# with "BBD-" or "BBF-" prefix.
A. Printed in red with TM DC (BBDE/F, BBFE/F)
B. Printed in blue with frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode (BBDM)
V/F:      € 00,00
a. Relief (loaner) machine, TM contains "DE POST - LA POSTE - DIE POST"
b. Relief (loaner) machine, TM contains "POST OFFICES ACCOUNTING"

K2.4. Frama "Matrix” (digital).

M# prefix “BBGM” or "BBHM".
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode
V/F:      € 00,00

K3.1. Francotyp-Postalia “MS5/WK” (MV).

M# with “BCAC" prefix.
V/F:      = 00,00 €

K3.2. Francotyp-Postalia “EFS3000” ("NEF") (MV).

M# with “BCBB" or "BCBF" prefix.
V/F:      = 00,00 €

K3.3. Francotyp-Postalia “PS4” (MV).

M# prefix “BCCB".
V/F:      = 00,00 €

K3.4. Francotyp-Postalia “T1000” (digital).

M# with “BCD-" through “BCG-" prefix.
Known prefixes: BCDB/F, BCEB/F, BCFB/F, BCGF
V/F:      = 00,00 €

K3.5. Francotyp-Postalia “Optimail” (digital).

M# prefix “BCHF” or "BCJF".
V/F:      =00,00 €

K3.6. Francotyp-Postalia “MyMail” (digital).

M# prefix “BCK-”.
A. Printed in red with TM DC (BCKF)
B. Printed in blue with frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode (BCKM)
V/F:      € 00,00

K3.7. Francotyp-Postalia “Ultimail” (digital).

M# prefix “BCM-”.
A. Printed in red with TM DC (BCMF)
B. Printed in blue with frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode (BCMM)
V/F:      € 00,00

K3.8. Francotyp-Postalia "Centormail" (digital), 25 March 2010.

M# prefix “BCNM”.
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode
V/F:      €00,00

K3.9. Francotyp-Postalia “Postbase 30, 45, or 65” (digital), early March 2014.

M# prefix “BCPM".
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode
V/F:      €00,00

K3.10. Francotyp-Postalia “Postbase Mini” (digital), March 2016.

M# prefix “BCRM".
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode
V/F:      €00,00

K4.1. Neopost “Electronic” (MV).

M# with “BDA-" through “BDC-" prefix.
Known prefixes: BDAB/D/F, BDBD/F, BDCD/F
V/F:      = 00,00 €

K4.2. Neopost “SM94/SM95” (digital).

M# with "BDDD" or "BDDF" prefix.
V/F:      =≋0.00 €

K4.3. Neopost “SM26” (digital).

M# with “BDED" or "BDEF" prefix.
V/F:      = 00,00 €

K4.4. Neopost “IJ25” (digital).

M# prefix “BDF-”, “BDK-” and "BDUM".
Value figures narrow.
A. Printed in red with TM DC (BDFF, BDKF)
V/F:      =00,00 €
B. Printed in blue with frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode (BDFM, BDKM, BDUM)
V/F:      € 00,00

K4.5. Neopost “IJ60/65/70/75/80/85/90/110” (digital).

M# prefix “BDG-”
A. Printed in red with TM DC (BDGF)
B. Printed in blue with frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode (BDGM)
V/F:      € 00,00

K4.6. Neopost “IJ35/40/45/50” (digital).

M# prefix “BDH-”, "BDJ-", “BDLM” and "BDTM".
A. Printed in red with TM DC (BDHF, BDJF)
B. Printed in blue with frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode (BDHM, BDJM, BDLM, BDTM)
V/F:      € 00,00

K4.7. Neopost "IS-350" (digital).

M# prefix "BDBM", “BDMM” and "BDWM".
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode.
V/F:      € 00,00

K4.8. Neopost "IS-420" (digital).

M# prefix “BDCM”, “BDNM” and “BDZM”..
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode.
V/F:      € 00,00

K4.9. Neopost "IS-440" (digital).

M# prefix “BDPM”.
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode.
V/F:      € 00,00

K4.10. Neopost "IS-480" (digital).

M# prefix “BDRM”.
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode.
V/F:      € 00,00

K4.11. Neopost "IS-280" (digital).

M# prefix "BDAM", "BDSM" and "BDVM".
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode.
V/F:      € 00,00

K4.12. Neopost "IS-6000" (digital).

M# prefix "BDYM".
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode.
V/F:      € 000,00

K4.13. Neopost "iX-3" (digital).

M# prefix "BGAM".
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode.
V/F:      € 000,00

K4.14. Neopost "iX-5" (digital).

M# prefix "BGBM".
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode.
V/F:      € 000,00

K4.15. Neopost "iX-7" (digital).

M# prefix "BGCM".
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode.
V/F:      € 000,00

K5.1. Pitney Bowes “6900” (MV).

M# with “BEAB" prefix.
V/F:      = ≋0,00 €

K5.2. Pitney Bowes “A900” (MV).

M# with “BEBB" prefix.
V/F:      ≋00,00 €

K5.3. Pitney Bowes “Paragon” (MV).

M# with “BECF" prefix.
V/F:      ≋00,00 €
a. Relief (loaner) machine, TM contains "POST OFFICES ACCOUNTING"

K5.4. Pitney Bowes “B762” ("EasyMail" ) (digital).

Columns of numbers left of TM. M# with “BEDB" or "BEDF" prefix.
TM: rectangle
V/F:      ≋00,00 €
a. Relief (loaner) machine, TM contains "DE POST - LA POSTE - DIE POST"
b. Relief (loaner) machine, TM contains "POST OFFICES ACCOUNTING"

K5.5. Pitney Bowes “B962” (MV).

M# with “BEEB" or "BEEF" prefix.
Appearance is identical to Type K13 except for M# prefix.
V/F:      ≋00,00 €
a. Relief (loaner) machine, TM contains "DE POST - LA POSTE - DIE POST"
b. Relief (loaner) machine, TM contains "POST OFFICES ACCOUNTING"

K5.6. Pitney Bowes “DM400/500/550” (digital).

M# prefix “BEF-”.
A. Printed in red with TM DC (BEFF)
B. Printed in blue with frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode (BEFM)
V/F:      € 000,00

K5.7. Pitney Bowes “DM800/900” (digital).

M# prefix “BEG-”.
A. Printed in red with TM DC (BEGF)
B. Printed in blue with frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode (BEGM)
V/F:      € 000,00

K5.8. Pitney Bowes “DM1000” (digital).

M# prefix “BEH-”.
A. Printed in red with TM DC (BEHF)
B. Printed in blue with frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode (BEHM)
V/F:      € 000,00

K5.9. Pitney Bowes “DM100i” (digital).

M# prefix “BEJ-”.
A. Printed in red with TM DC (BEJF)
B. Printed in blue with frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode (BEJM)
V/F:      € 000,00
a. As B, but printed in red

K5.10. Pitney Bowes "DM50” (digital).

M# prefix “BEKM”.
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode
V/F:      € 000,00

K5.11. Pitney Bowes "DM210i/390i” (digital).

M# prefix “BELM”.
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode
V/F:      € 000,00

K6.1. Secap “Alpha” (MV).

M# with “BFAB" prefix.
V/F:      =00,00 €

K6.2. Secap “MiniPost” (MV).

M# with “BFBB" prefix.
V/F:      =00,00 €

K7.1. Intimus "MS-20" (digital).

M# prefix "BHAM".
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode.
V/F:      € 000,00

K7.2. Intimus "MS-200" (digital).

M# prefix "BHBM".
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode.
V/F:      € 000,00

K7.3. Intimus "MS-300" (digital).

M# prefix "BHCM".
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode.
V/F:      € 000,00

K7.4. Intimus "MS-400" (digital).

M# prefix "BHDM".
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode.
V/F:      € 000,00

K7.5. Intimus "MS-500" (digital).

M# prefix "BHEM".
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode.
V/F:      € 000,00

K7.6. Intimus "MS-800" (digital).

M# prefix "BHFM".
TM: frameless straight-line data above 2D barcode.
V/F:      € 000,00

GROUP PO: Franks generated only by Post Office meters

[edit | edit source]
See also Types K1a and K3a for Post Office stamps.
See also the NOTE under the heading for Group A.

PO1. Satas “P” (MV), 1959.

Small, simple frank with simulated perforation border open at sides.
Hour figure between TM and frank.
Inscribed “BELGIQUE” at top and “BELGIE” at bottom.
M# with “P” prefix outside and below frank.
V/F:      00.oo
a. For Postage Due, with “T” replacing hour figure between TM and frank

PO2. Satas “P” (MV).

AS Type PO1 but inscribed “BELGIE” at top and “BELGIQUE” at bottom.
V/F:      00.oo
a. For Postage Due, with “T” replacing hour figure between TM and frank

PO3. Camp (MV).

Similar to Type PO1 but “BELGIQUE/ BELGIE” at top.
M# with “P” prefix inside frame at bottom.
Narrow spacing between TM and frank.
Hour figure inside TM at right of date.
Seven machines, M#s P 2166 through P 2172.
V/F:      00oo

PO4. Maduner (digital).

Frank as Type PO3 but with post horn at bottom.
Meter number "MOG 1" below date in TM.
Other numbers may exist.
Hour figure between TM and frank.
TM: rectangle
V/F:      000,00

PO5. Frama (MV).    [$25]

As Type PO3 but with straight line town mark and hour figure between TM and frank.
M# P3000
V/F:      0000

PO6. Frama (MV).

Wide rectangular design incorporating straight-line TM in left half and frank in right half.
Large hour figure at right of date in centre of left half.
Inner box around value figures has double lines at top and bottom.
Tiny pot horn between bottom lines of inner box.
Small M# with “P” prefix above bottom frame line at right.
V/F:      000.00F
a. For Postage Due, with large “T” replacing hour figure.

PO7. Frama (MV).

As Type PO6 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”.
M# with “P” prefix.
V/F:      000.00F
a. For Postage Due, with small “T” at right of zone number at bottom of left side. (shown)

PO8. Frama (MV).

Similar to Type PO6 but inner box around value figures has single line at top and bottom.
Large M# flanked by post horns in bottom panel.
M# with “P” prefix
V/F:      000.00F
a. For Postage Due, with large “T” replacing hour figure.

PO9. Frama (MV).

As Type PO8 but inscribed “BELGIE/ BELGIQUE”
M# with “P” prefix
V/F:      000.00F
a. For Postage Due, with large “T” replacing hour figure.

PO9.1. Frama (MV).

Frank as in Group K but with attached rectangular town mark.
M# with “BBEP” prefix
V/F:      000.00 €

PO10. Cognitive Solution "Barcode Blaster" (digital), 22 May 2002.

Printed in black on horizontal white adhesive labels.
Value figures boxed at right with date at left.
Date with hour, as DD.MM.YY-HH
A. Plain label with square corners      [Scarce]
B. Plain label with rounded corners
C. As B but with die cut slit pattern including 4 diagonal rays (slit pattern "A")      [Scarce]
D. As C but the slit pattern has 8 rays (slit pattern "B")
Town name in two languages, Dutch and French, below the value box
V/F:      =0,00€      [Scarce, in use from May to November 2002 only]
V/F:      €0,00
a. With "PRIOR" negative in black box at upper left

PO11. Cognitive Solution "Barcode Blaster" (digital), 6 June 2006.

Similar to Type PO10 but the value box is larger with “BELGIQUE/ BELGIE” inside the box.
The town name is at the lower left rather than below the value box.
When present, the class of mail appears inside the box below the value figures.
A. Label with slit pattern "B"
B. Label with slit pattern as semi-circle inside a "U", alternating, one with 3 rays and the other with 4 rays (slit pattern "C")
V/F:      €0,00
a. Shiny, coated paper (UV reactive)
b. Date with 4-digit year instead of the normal 2-digit year
c. "Prior" instead of "PRIOR"
d. With number added in lower right corner indicating the mailpiece's sequence in a multi-part transaction.

PO12. Cognitive Solution "Barcode Blaster" (digital), 17 June 2019.     [Appears to be very rare]

Similar to Type PO11B but the frame line is thicker and it runs off the end of the label at right.
With barcode across the bottom.
This stamp was created to more speedily process PRIOR (priority) mail at sorting centres. Due to technical problems the use of the design was suspended after three days (on 20 June) and, as of the end of 2019, has not resumed.
V/F:      €0,00

PO13. Cognitive Solution "Barcode Blaster" (digital), 17 June 2019.     [Appears to be very rare]

Similar to Type PO11 but the fonts are different, the value box is more central and the PRIOR box is smaller.
V/F:      €0,00

NOTE: More detailed information about the "Barcode Blaster" stamps (PO10, PO11 and PO12) is also available at this website:  https://sites.google.com/view/werkgroep-mecanotelie/1-8-1-historiek-blaster-stroken?authuser=0 ).

GROUP PD: Franks used only to collect Postage Due

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PD1. Hasler “F22” (MV).

Wide, horizontal box with large “T” in centre, town mark at left and value at right.
With “BELGIQUE” above value and “BELGIE” below.
Value figures preceded by “Fr.”.
Date with stop centred after year. Hour figure right of date.
M# with “P” prefix at bottom centre.
V/F:      ✳00oo

PD2. Hasler “F22” (MV).    [$10]

As Type PD1 but with “BELGIE” at top, “BELGIQUE at bottom.
V/F:      ✳00oo

PD3. Hasler “F22” (MV).    [$15]

As Type PD1 but with “BELGIQUE” at top, blank at bottom .
V/F:      ✳00oo

PD4. Hasler “F22” (MV).    [$15]

As Type PD1 but with “BELGIE” at top, blank at bottom.
V/F:      ✳00oo

GROUP PP: Franks used only for Railway Parcel Post

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Those with letter prefixes to their meter numbers were used by private companies and those without prefixes are from railway station offices.

PP1. Hasler (FV), 1928.

Upright rectangle with rounded corners.
Double oval in centre inscribed “BELGIQUE/ BELGIE” with M# in centre.
Value figures repeated above and below central oval.
M#s A2, A3, A4, A6, and A8 seen.
TM: nil
Values:      0Fr40 , 0Fr50 , 1Fr00 , 2Fr00 , 5Fr00 , 10Fr00 , 20Fr00 , 30Fr00 , 40Fr00
Values:      0Fr10 , 0Fr20 , 3Fr00 , 4Fr00 , 15Fr00    [$10]
Values:      0Fr30      0Fr60    [$20]

PP2. Hasler “F22” (MV), 1929.
Upright rectangle with diagonal corners.
Frame line doubled along bottom and in corners.
“Fr” at left and “Ct” at right of value figures.
Inscribed “CHEMINS DE FER/ BELGES” at top and “BELGISCHE/ SPOORWEGEN” below value figures.
With or without 5-digit Impression Counter number at top left of frank.
M# “A5” up.
TM: nil
A. Value figures in box (meters A10/ 11/ 12/ 14/ 15)    [$10]
B. Value figures unboxed
V/F:      0oo      ✳0oo      00oo      ✳00oo

PP3. Hasler “F22” (MV).    [$10]

As Type PP2 but inscribed “BELGISCHE/ SPOORWEGEN” at top and “CHEMINS DE FER/ BELGES” at bottom.
With 5-digit Impression Counter number outside frank at top left.
Meter A25 seen.
V/F:      ✳00oo

PP4. Make undetermined, 1928.    [$20]

Upright rectangle with straight corners.
Double oval in centre inscribed “BELGIQUE/ BELGIE”.
Value figures above oval, date/ company name/ town below oval.
Meters B1 and B2 seen
V/F:      00.00      000.00

PP5. Make undetermined.    [$25]

Similar to Type PP4 but blank above oval and with value figures above firm name at bottom.
With 4-digit Impression Counter number at right outside frame.
Meter B3 reported
V/F:      Fr0.00

PP6. Anker (MV), 1929.    [$20]

Horizontal rectangle with double oval in centre.
Oval sideways in relation to rest of frank, with “BELGIQUE” at left and “BELGIE” at right.
M# without prefix sideways in centre. Meters 1 and 2 seen.
Town name repeated at both sides.
“Fr” left of value figures. 4-digit Impression Counter number at lower right.
V/F:      00.00      000.00

PP7. Anker (MV), 1938.

Small square containing post office identification at top and M# in panel at bottom.
Value figures at left outside the square, 4-digit Impression Counter number at right.
M# without prefix.
A. V/F preceded by “Fr”:      00.00 (M# 1 up)
B. V/F preceded by “F”:      ☆00.00 (M# 5)      [$20]

PP8. Anker (MV). As Type PP7 but with company name above town name, and M# with “B” prefix.

A. Without Impression Counter number at right. Meter B2 seen    [$10]
B. With Impression Counter number at right. Meter B4 reported    [$20]
V/F:      00.00

PP9. Anker (MV).    [$25]

Similar to Type PP7 but value figures at right, Impression Counter number at left.
M# 8 reported.
V/F:      00.00

PP10. Anker (MV).    [$10]

Value figures at right, blank at left (no Impression Counter number).
Company name above town name, and M# with “B” prefix.
M#s B1 and B5 seen.
V/F:      00.00      000.00

PP11. National Cash Register (MV), 1947.    [$10]

Frank is small segmented horizontal rectangle with town at top,
M# 50 at bottom with lines at sides.
Value figures and 4-digit Impression Counter number above rectangle, and date below left.
Printed through a ribbon.
V/F:      ⎯000.00

PP12. National Cash Register (MV), 1949.      [Probably quite rare, value unknown]

Frameless design with station name at top.
A. M# between long dashes below station names with "T.T." at right. Across bottom: “H”+ number, Impression Counter number, and V/F
B. M# between short dashes at right of station names. Across bottom: date with Roman month vertical and day (no year), Impression Counter number and V/F
V/F:      —00000.00

PP13. National Cash Register (MV), 1949.    [$10]

Frameless design like Type PP12 but value figures and Impression Counter number at top, and date at bottom.
M# 52 up.
V/F:      —000.00

PP14. Hasler “F88” (MV), 1949.    [$20]

Wide, frameless design with town at left and value figures at right.
5-digit Impression Counter number above town, and M# without prefix below town.
M# 100 seen
V/F:      ◇000.00

PP15. Francotyp (MV), 1947.    [$20]

Frank is square with truncated corners.
Inscribed “CHEMINS DE FER BELGES” at top and “BELGISCHE SPOORWEGEN” between value figures and M# at bottom.
“Fr” at left and “C” at right of value figures.
With 4-digit Impression Counter number above slogan/town.
M# with “C” prefix (C1 reported).
V/F:      ◆00oo (G)

PP16. Francotyp (MV).    [$20]

As Type PP15 but “BELGISCHE SPOORWEGEN” at top and “CHEMINS DE FER BELGES” at bottom.
M# C2 seen
V/F:      ◆00oo (G)

PP17. Hasler “F88” (MV), 1951.

Wide, rectangular ornamental frame with separate TM at left.
“B” in oval at top centre, winged wheel at top right above value figures.
5-digit Impression Counter number at top left above town/ M#.
With or without large stop at left of “Fr.”.
M#s 100-131 seen, without prefix.
TM: DC with four “B”s in ovals between the circles, nil
V/F:      ◇000,oo
a. V/F:    ✳000oo    (Meter 100 dated 1968 or earlier have this value figure format. Later dates show the normal value figures (◇000,oo).    [$20]

PP18. Hasler “F88” (MV), 1951.

Similar to type PP17 but much taller.
Date at top left and 5-digit serial # at bottom left.
M# 121, 132, 133, 134, 135 and 136 seen, without prefix.
V/F:      ◇0000

PP19. Hasler “F88” (MV), 1951.

Wide, rectangle with ornamental frame containing “B”s in ovals along top and bottom.
Large “B” in oval at top centre, town at top left, and winged wheel at top right.
Date line from left contains date, 5-digit Impression Counter number, M# (vertical), “Fr” and value figures.
M# 215 seen.
V/F:      ◇000,oo

PP20. Hasler “F88” (MV).

Fancy, horizontal frank with wavy frame line across top and “B”s in ovals imbedded in bottom frame line.
Bottom corners are concave. Date in panel at top left.
At right of date are a 5-digit Impression Counter number, M (vertical), “Fr.” and value figures.
Large “B” in oval at bottom left followed by town and winged wheel.
V/F:      ◇000,oo

PP21. Anker (MV), 1966 or earlier.

Small rectangle, 20 x 22 mm) with M# at top centre flanked by the ‘B’ in oval logo.
Flying wheel at centre. Town mark at bottom.
Value figures outside at left and 4-digit Impression Counter number outside at right.
V/F:      Fr00.00

PP22. Anker (MV), 1966 or earlier.

Very similar to Type PP21 but with Impression Counter number at left and value figures at left.
V/F:      Fr0000.00

GROUP PV: Franks produced by public vending machines

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PV1. Manufacture Belge de Lampes Electriques (FV), 1957.
One coin-operated machine was installed in the public lobby of the Brussels 1 post office for a trial of one month commencing on 1st August 1957. Examples are also known dated in July and October.
Small, simple frank with simulated perforation border open at sides.
Inscribed “BELGIQUE” at top and “BELGIE” at bottom.
M# P.1001 only
TM: SC with gaps at each side. A solid block or a numeral (batch number) is printed to the right of the date.
Values:      2F

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