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International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Aruba

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The first meter inscribed ARUBA appears in 1986 after it separated from the Dutch Federation of Netherlands Antilles. See NETHERLANDS ANTILLES for issues prior to 1986.

The stamps are grouped according to function:

A - Private business use
PO - Post office machine stamps

GROUP A: Stamps used by businesses and private enterprise

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A1. 1986, Pitney Bowes-GB “5300” series (MV), 1986.      [$10]

Horizontal frank with frame lines at top and bottom and short horizontal
dashes along right side. Value figures contained in a complete box.
Large Aruba star above three stacked horizontal lines between TM and
value box. M# with “P.B.” prefix below star and lines.
V/F:      ≋0.00

A2. Pitney Bowes-GB “6300” series (MV).      [$5]

Similar to Type A1, but value box is open at top and left.
The Aruba star has two lines above and below.
M# with “P.B.” prefix.
V/F:      ≋0.00

A3. Pitney Bowes-GB “A900” series (MV).

As Type A2, but frank is wider and value figures are larger.
The Aruba star has four lines above and below.
M# with “P.B.” prefix.
V/F:      ≋00.00

A4. Francotyp “Cc” (MV).      [$20]

Upright frank with single-line frame. M# with “FT” prefix
breaks bottom frame line. Between value figures and M#
are the Aruba star and five stacked horizontal lines.
TM: SL with ornamental pattern at sides.
V/F:      ♦000

A5. Neopost “Electronic” (MV).

Square frank with single-line frame.
M# with “RA” prefix breaks bottom frame line.
Above the M# are three stacked horizontal lines.
The Aruba star is at bottom left.
V/F:      ≋0.00

A6. Postalia "D3” (MV).

Frank without exterior frame lines.
Country name at top, star and four parallel lines at bottom.
Without meter number.
V/F:      000

A7. Pitney Bowes (digital).

Frank with straight frame lines at top and bottom and hash marks at right side.
"POSTAGE PAID" at top, meter number with "PB" prefix at bottom
Square town mark with town at top and "ARUBA" at bottom.
Two columns of stacked numbers/letters at left of town mark
V/F:      000.00

GROUP PO: Stamps from post office franking machines

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PO1. Massad (digital).

Preprinted design is predominantly blue with some red.
The arms of the country at left with “Postal Services” above and “ARUBA” below.
The value figures appear in a white rectangle at right.
Below the frank is a large field to contain a registration number with large red “R” at left.
The value figures and other data are added in purple at point of sale.
V/F:      (000)0.00

PO2. Massad (digital).

Similar in design to Type PO1, but the design is predominantly gray.
The arms of the country stand alone at left. “ARUBA” and “POSTAGE PAID” are below the value figures in the box at right.
“POSTAL SERVICES/ ARUBA” is above the value box.
Below the frank is a large field to contain a registration number with large red “R” at left.
The value figures and other data are added in purple at point of sale.
V/F:      (000)0.00

PO3 Unknown (digital).

Plain, self-adhesive label with rounded corners.
"POST ARUBA N.V." at top, above a slogan in English or the local language, Papiamento.
Below the slogan:
  • date, time, identification number
  • town at left, mail clerk's(?) name above the weight
  • mail classification
  • "Total Sum :" and value figures
V/F:      AWG0.00