International Postage Meter Stamp Catalog/Angola

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The earliest meter seen is dated 1958. All franks are inscribed CORREIO (or CORREIOS) DE ANGOLA.

GROUP A: Stamps from machines used by private businesses

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A1. Universal Postal Frankers “Multi-Value” (MV), 1958.      [$5]

Circular frank inscribed “CORREIO DE ANGOLA” at top.
Large M# at bottom center.
TM: DC with horizontal bars
V/F:      0$oo      00$oo      000$oo

A2. Pitney Bowes-GB “Automax” (MV), 1962.      [$5]

Circular frank inscribed “REPUBLICA PORTUGUESA” at top and “CORREIO DE ANGOLA” at bottom.
A. “No.” below left of frank, and M# below right
B. Unengraved block below left, a letter below right
C. Letter below left, blank below right
D. Letter below left, unengraved block below right
E. Unengraved blocks below left and right
V/F:      =00.oo      =00oo

A3. Francotyp “Cc” (MV).

Frank is squared circle inscribed “CORREIO DE ANGOLA” at top.
TM: DC with horizontal bars
A. M# with “No.” prefix below frank, centered or at right.      [$10]
B. M# inside frank at bottom center.      [$20]
V/F:      00$00      00$00

A3.1 Francotyp “Cc” (MV).

Similar to Type A3 but without square around frank.
TM: DC with horizontal bars
V/F:      0$00

A4. Hasler “Mailmaster” (MV).      [$10]

Rectangular frank with “CORREIOS DE” at top and “ANGOLA” at bottom.
M# with “H” prefix at top left and the number at bottom left.
“KZ” at left of value figures.
V/F:      0000.0

A5. Pitney Bowes “5300” (MV).      [$20]

Frank is semi-circle inscribed “CORREIOS DE” / “ANGOLA” at top.
Value in inner rectangle open at right. Column of 5 dashes at top between TM and frank.
With “KZ” and “LW” vertical at sides of inner rectangle.
V/F:      ≋00.oo

A6. Pitney Bowes “5300” (MV).      [$20]

Similar to Type A5 but with arms of the country at top between TM and frank.
Blank at sides of inner rectangle.
V/F:      ≋00.oo

GROUP PO: Stamps from machines used in post offices

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PO1. Unidentified (Portugal, group PO-B machine C) (digital).

Printed without frank frame on self-adhesive label with pale red underprint of multiple post riders above "CTT CORREIOS".
This stamp is identical to Portugal Type PO-B8 except for the value figures which are denominated in Kwanzas ("Kz" at far upper right).
The presumption is that stamps without barcode for use on regular mail were available.
V/F:      (00)0.00 Kz

PO2. Unidentified (Portugal, group PO-B machine D) (digital), 2010.

Printed without frank frame on self-adhesive label with pale red underprint showing a "CA" logo followed by "CORREIOS" / "DE ANGOLA".
A. Stamp for regular mail, post office name at upper left, value figures at upper right with small weight figure below, date at lower right
B. Stamp for registered mail, REGISTADO" at upper left, date and post office ID at top center, barcode across bottom
V/F:      (000)00 Kz