Inclusive Data Research Skills for Arts and Humanities/How to add a chapter

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Each page linked to this Wikibook is called a chapter. Here you will learn how to add a new chapter to the book, starting with adding it to the list of content and then adding text. If you title you want to write is already present, you can skip step.

The information is also available as a video.

  1. On the title page of the Wikibook, scroll down to the 'Contents' section.
  2. Click 'edit source' next to the section you want to add your chapter to.
  3. Copy this text complete with the asterisk: *[[/Your title here/]]
  4. Paste the text into the section, scroll down and click the blue 'Publish changes' button
  5. The title of your chapter will appear in the table of contents. Click on it to go to the new page.
  6. You will be taken to a new page; to enter the visual editing mode you can either click 'Create' at the top of the page or look for the pencil icon on the right and select the 'Visual editor' option.
  7. This will take you to the visual editor, which is a 'what you see is what you get' interface like writing an email or a word document.
  8. You can start writing straightaway. Save your changes by clicking the blue 'Publish page' or 'Publish changes' button in the top right.
    Top tip: Use the 'Publish changes' button often! It is the equivalent of your save button, and you don't want to risk losing what you are writing if your computer crashes, you accidentally close the window, or a cat helpfully turns off the wifi.