ICT4 Elderly/Alternatives for privacy

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Contents of the module

  • End-to-end encryption applications;
  • Advantages and disadvantages of these applications;
  • Search engines;
  • Browser settings;
  • Messenger;
  • Secure passwords, organize accounts / pw.

Learning objectives

To introduce to participants the viable alternatives to the mainstream ways of communication.

Learning outcomes

  • To be able to identify participant’s own level of comfort when it comes to private information sharing;
  • To be able to select a proper tool/app as an alternative to the mainstream way of communication;
  • To be able to identify the users with similar interests in protecting privacy and offer them alternatives for communication with the participant;
  • To be able to use alternative tools/apps for everyday communication.

Learning scenario

  • Participant are led to discussion regarding the term digital footprint;
  • Participant are encouraged to discuss their views on disclosure/sharing of their personal data;
  • Participant are encouraged to share their knowledge on specific safety setting they are familiarized with or how to use them;
  • Participants are introduced to personal data sharing concept (disclosure of personal data, benefits of personal data disclosure);
  • Tech talk - safety aspects of web browsers (settings, alternative browsers), cookies, cache, search engines (mainstream and alternative), messengers (mainstream and alternative), ISP (public, private),VPN, security (safe passwords, key cards, Remember a Sentence).


  • Assignments;
  • Feedback exercises;
  • Role play.

Following this module learners will:

Introduction of the training

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Learning subject/ field

The purpose of the session will be:

  • to provide an introduction to viable alternatives to the mainstream ways of communication are, to provide awareness to participants of what data they disclose through their conduct on the Internet, awareness of important and useful settings, an overview of security and privacy, presentation of alternatives
  • to facilitate the identification of the participant’s own level of comfort when it comes to private information sharing and the selection of a proper tool/app as an alternative to the mainstream way of communication, the making of a conscious decision regarding the quantity and quality of the data that will be used for the surfing behaviour / use of online services are transmitted, weighing functionality, comfort, privacy and security
  • to discover users with similar interests in protecting privacy and offer them alternatives for communication with the participant
  • to motivate the usage of alternative tools/apps for everyday communication and the introduction of these topics to other people


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Group discussion

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The trainer starts the session by asking some questions to participants regarding the term “digital footprint”, encouraging the participants to discuss their views on disclosure/sharing of their personal data and sharing their knowledge on specific safety setting they are familiarized with or how to use them. The discussion is led by the following questions • How big is your digital footprint? • How do you feel about it? • Do you make conscious decisions about the disclosure of your data? • Do you know any special settings and do you use them? (Which) • Who knows how much of me? This is important to establish a learning field where both trainer and participants come together to discuss a specific topic, safety on the Internet.

Introduction to the session

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The trainer makes an introduction to the personal data sharing concept (disclosure of personal data, benefits of personal data disclosure). The input given by the trainer is led by the following questions:

  • How does the data exchange work?
  • Which data will be transmitted?
  • How they are used?
  • Who benefits from the disclosure of my data?
  • How do I benefit from disclosing my data?
  • What is "Dark Net"?

Then continues with “Tech talk”, which includes safety aspects of web browsers (settings, alternative browsers), cookies, cache, search engines (mainstream and alternative), messengers (mainstream and alternative), ISP (public, private), VPN, security (safe passwords, key cards, Remember a Sentence). This segment of the training session is supported by a slide presentation prepared in advance and shared with participants.

The tech talk is structured as follows:

Browser: Chrome, Safari, Bing, Firefox...

  • Alternatives: Brave Browser, Firefox Clear (Mobile Devices), Tor Browser (often used to enter the “Dark Net”)

Browser Settings: Auto Fill, Do-not-track

Cookies: Necessary, Session, Third Party Cookies

Cache: website data

Search Engines: Google, Bing ...

  • Alternatives: DuckDuckGo, Ecosia

Messenger: Whats App: Pros and Cons (Facebook)

  • Alternatives: Signal, Treema, Telegram, Encryption end-to-end

ISPs: Public PC / Wifi hotspots ; Private PC / Devices

  • Alternatives: Virtual Private Networks

Security: Safe Passwords, key manager

  • Method: Remember a Sentence
  • Key Manager example: Keepass2

Role Play

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Participants from 4 groups. Each group represents a specific point of view in the discussion and considers arguments together: "I have nothing to hide" "The more the service providers know about me, the more the services will meet my needs." "In order to prevent possible misuse, you should divulge as little data as possible." "It's impossible to be anonymous on the Net."

Final discussion

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The trainer and the participants will discuss the following questions to round up the session: - What do you think about the pros and cons of anonymity in the digital world? - Would you like to be less transparent? - Should the Internet be more controlled and monitored?


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To wrap up the session, the trainer will facilitate a debriefing moment where participants are encouraged to express their questions, doubts, ideas and feelings toward the topics discussed.


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Participants will answer a small questionnaire to evaluate the session.

Overall duration of the session

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1 hour


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