HyperText Markup Language/Tag List/blockquote
[edit | edit source]This is used to indent a block of text on the Webpage. Good for long quotes. It also cites the quote via a URL.
[edit | edit source]<p>This is a paragraph the is on the webpage that will not be indented. It will
only be an ordinary block of text.</p>
<blockquote cite="http://www.qoutesofourtime.com/freud/works.html">
<p>This paragraph will be indented. This is where the qoute will be added or a block of text
the user wants to use without worrying about margins.</p>
<p>We are now back to the ordinary text. The margins are back to <i>default</i>. The text
continues to go like this until the attributes change.</p>
Required attributes
[edit | edit source]cite
[edit | edit source]This declares the URL of the citation. Type it as a webpage or a page on the server.
Standard attributes
[edit | edit source]More info
[edit | edit source]A link to a page with more info, then the name of the site the info came from (i.e. W3Schools).