How to Ace FYLSE/Criminal Law Format

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Criminal Law
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All the questions in criminal law asks you to (1) identify the crimes, (2) raise possible defenses against it. The call of question is always followed by "Discuss" or "Explain fully", Discuss fully.

Type of Questions-Simple-What?

  • What crimes, if any, did D commit?
  • What crimes, if any, have been committed by D, and what defenses should each assert?
  • What crimes, if any, has D committed, and what defenses might she assert?
  • What crimes, if any, can D reasonably be charged with, and what defenses might each assert?
  • What crimes, if any, might D reasonably be charged with, and what defenses, if any, might each assert?
  • With what crimes, if any, can D reasonably be charged, and what defenses, if any, can she reasonably raise?
  • With what crimes, if any, can D reasonably be charged, and what defenses, if any, can he reasonably raise?
  • With what crimes, if any, might D be charged and what defenses, if any, could each assert?
  • With what crimes, if any, can D reasonably be charged and what defense(s), if any, can each of them reasonably assert?
  • With what crime or crimes should D be charged? What defense or defenses might D assert?
  • With what crime or crimes, if any, should D be charged and what, if any, defenses should each assert?
  • With what crime or crimes can D be reasonably charged and what defenses, if any, does D have available to him?
  • With what crime or crimes, if any, can D reasonably be charged and what defenses, if any, can he reasonably assert?
  • With what crimes may D be charged and what defenses could she raise?
  • With what crime might D be charged, and is it likely he would be convicted?
  • What offense or offenses has D committed and what defenses, if any, would she assert?
  • What criminal charges, if any, should be brought against D? What defenses, if any, do D have to the criminal charges?
  • Of what crimes, if any, can D be convicted?

Type of Questions-Simple-Do the Facts?

  • Do the facts support each of the charges against D, and what, if any, defenses might they each assert?
  • Do the facts support each of the charges against D, and what defenses, if any, might they each reasonably assert?
  • What legal justification, if any, did D have for (a) pursuing V, and (b) threatening V with deadly force?

Type of Questions-Complex

1. Did D commit any crime relating to the death of V? 2. Could D be found guilty of any crime relating to the death of V? 3. Did either D1 or D2, or both, commit:

a. Conspiracy to murder V?
b. Murder of V?
c. Theft of V’s watch?

4. For an instruction to the jury that Deft's assault was justified on the basis of defense of another?

  1. If D were charged with attempted kidnapping against H, could he properly be convicted?
  2. On what theory or theories might Art be prosecuted for the murder of Vic?
  3. If Carl is charged with the murder of Vic, what defenses should he offer and of what degree of murder or lesser included offense, if any, should he be convicted if those defenses are accepted by the trier of fact?

1. What factual and legal defenses are available to Doug and, if they are accepted by the jury, of what crime, if any, should Doug be convicted? Discuss.

4. Did Jane act lawfully when she shot Al? Discuss.

1. Can the jury properly find Dan guilty of first degree murder? Discuss.2. Can the jury properly find Dan guilty of second degree murder? Discuss.3. Can the jury properly find Dan guilty of voluntary manslaughter? Discuss.4. Can the jury properly find Dan not guilty by reason of insanity? Discuss