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History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1949 12

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P.01 - Front Cover

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The Australasian Radio World

Registered in Australia for transmission by post as a periodical.


Vol. 14 - No. 7; December 15, 1949

P.01 - Rola Ad

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P.02 - Mullard-Australia Ad

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P.03 - Contents Banner

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Devoted entirely to Technical Radio

and incorporating


VOL. 14 - DECEMBER, 1949 - No. 7

P.03 - Publication Notes

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Published by the Proprietor — A. G. HULL, Balcombe St., Mornington, Vic. Phone: M'ton 344.

Short-wave Editor — L. J. KEAST, 7 Fitzgerald Rd., Ermington, N.S.W. Phone: WL1101

Advertising Representative —

Stephen H. Farrell, 74 Pitt St., Sydney. 'Phone: BL2260

Representatives —

In Queensland: John Bristoe, Box 82, Maryborough, Q.

In New Zealand: H. Barnes & Co., 4 Boulcott Terrace, Wellington & S.O.S. Radio Ltd., 283 Queen St., Auckland

In England: Anglo Overseas Press Ltd., 168 Regent St., London, W.1.

Distributed throughout the World by Gordon & Gotch (A/asia) Ltd.

Subscription Rates: 12 issues - 16/-; 24 issues - 30/-; To N.Z. and Overseas - 12 issues, 18/-; Post free

Address for all correspondence - Australasian Radio World, Box 13, Mornington, Vic.

Printed by "Post" Newspapers Pty. Ltd., Mornington, for the Proprietor of the Australasian Radio World, A. G. Hull, Balcombe Street, Mornington, Victoria (Footnote P.52)

P.03 - Contents

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"Super-Six" Amplifier . . . . 5

Sets of Yesterday and To-day . . . . 11

Make Your Own Records . . . . 15

Double-Coupled Versatile . . . . 21

The Astor Models G.R. & G.R.P. . . . . 22

Our Technical Directory . . . . 26

The "Clapp" Oscillator . . . . 28

How to Get Started . . . . 30

Commercials on the Ham Bands . . . . 32

Official Goodman's Baffle . . . . 36

Radio Theory (Transmission and Reception) . . . . 37

Shortwave Review . . . . 45

Distortion Percentages . . . . 48

Speedy Queries . . . . 50

P.03 - Editorial

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THE passing year has not been a happy one in the technical radio trade. Some of the biggest manufacturing firms have gone into liquidation; others are anything but bright, cutting down on the advertising and other expenses. Some seem determined that there shall be a depression, and they are making quite sure they will get the worst of it by withdrawing their support from the technical magazines which do so much to foster interest in the game. A big factor in the present position of the trade has been the amount of money which has gone direct from radio enthusiasts to the Wireless Institute for the purchase of surplus, ex-army, disposals gear. The Institute has handled many thousands of pounds of money, thereby diverting it from the existing component factories. If this amount of money had been spent in the ordinary way, a large percentage of it would have been expended in the development laboratories, in the making up of new tooling for new lines. Instead, we find the component factories short of buyers, without funds with which to develop new lines or produce them. Fortunately the cream of the disposals business has now been skimmed, and it is expected that trading conditions will be greatly improved during the coming year. A lot of money has been wasted by amateur set-builders who blindly followed the enthusiasm of those who recommended the building of F.M. receivers. That phase has now passed, so the future is brighter. — A. G. HULL.

P.05 - "Super-Six" Amplifier

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P.11 - Sets of Yesterday and To-day

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P.15 - Make Your Own Records

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P.21 - Double-Coupled Versatile

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P.22 - The Astor Models G.R. & G.R.P.

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P.26 - Our Technical Directory

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P.28 - The "Clapp" Oscillator

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P.30 - How to Get Started

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P.32 - Commercials on the Ham Bands

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P.36 - Official Goodman's Baffle

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P.37 - Radio Theory (Transmission and Reception)

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P.45 - Shortwave Review

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P.48 - Distortion Percentages

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P.50 - Speedy Queries

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