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High School Life Science/Male Reproductive System

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Male reproductive system Only a mature male can produce sperm cells. The sperm cells are produced in the testes and store in the epididymis, from the epididymis it travels through the vas deferens(sperm duct) until it reaches the seminal vesicles where it will be supplied with nutrients to keep the sperm alive. The seminal vesicles secretions are alkaline(non-acidic). From the seminal vesicles it reaches the prostate gland where by fluid is added to the sperm mixture. Down the sperm goes until it reaches the Cowper's gland where another fluid is added to the semen, and down the sperm goes through the urethra until the last opening.

Parts of the male reproductive system and their functions

Scrotum- is a thin skin sac like that covers the sperm and keeps it away from the body in order to avoid high temperatures, say less the temperature of about 2°C less than the normal body temperature.
Testis-produce sperm and male sex hormone 'testosterone'.
Epididymis-sperms are stored here.
Vas diferens-a pipe used by the sperm cells while traveling to the urethra.
Seminal vesiclesecretes extra fluids that supply the sperm with nutrients (alkaline secretions).
Prostate gland-adds fluid to the sperm mixture.
Cowper's gland-adds more fluid to the semen.
Urethra-a tube that carries out the mixture of the sperm cells and the semen, also export urine.
Penis-becomes hard and erect when the spongy tissue cells of the penis become filled with blood; penis is inserted into the vagina during sexual intercourse; at ejaculation, the sperm in the semen have a good chance of reaching the fallopian tubes of the female
Foreskin-loose skin over tip of penis; circumcision is the removal of the foreskin