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Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Interogative[edit | edit source]

מִי -- who mee Hebrew/Aleph-Bet5
מָה -- what Hebrew/Aleph-Bet3, Hebrew/Aleph-Bet4

אֵיפֹה — where (interogative) ey-fo
מָתֵי — when (interogative) ma-tay
מַדוּעַ — why (interogative) ma-du-ah
אֵיךְ — how (interogative) eykh
לָמָה — what for (interogative) la-ma
כַּמָּה — how much or how (interogative) ka-ma

Pronoun[edit | edit source]

זֶה — this (pronoun) ze

zot (f.s.) Elay (m. or s. plural)

Verb[edit | edit source]

עָלָה — cost (verb) a-la

Adverb[edit | edit source]

כֵּן — yes (adverb) kayn
לֹא — no (adverb) lo

Sentences[edit | edit source]

To ask how much an item costs, say:

?כַּמָּה זֶה עָלָה — How much does this cost? (question) 'Kamah (KAH-mah) zeh oleh (OH-leh)?

A common shorthand is:

?כּמה זה

Kamah zeh? = How much is this?

If you are pointing at a specific item, say a radio, you might say:

?כּמה הרדיוֹ

Kamah haradio (ha-RAH-dee-yo)? = How much is the radio?

?מִי הִיא -- Who is she?