25% developed


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עברית ישראלית


Introduction to Hebrew

Studying Hebrew
Why Study Hebrew? · How to Study 0% developed

The Hebrew World
History of Hebrew · The Jewish State 0% developed

Consonants · Gereshes · Vowels · Dipthongs · Semi-consonants · Final Letters · Cursive · Punctuation · Numerals 50% developed

Pronunciation & Spelling
Sounds & Syllables · Dagesh · Vowel Reduction · Shva · Spelling 0% developed

Introductions · Hello · Goodbye · How are you? 0% developed

Cardinal Numbers · Ordinal Numbers · Mathematics · How much? 0% developed

Days · Months · Years · Seasons · Jewish Calendar · Holidays · Birthdays 0% developed

Telling Time
Clocks · Time of Day 0% developed

Elementary Hebrew

Semester 1

Lesson 1
75% developed

Lesson 2
0% developed

Lesson 3
0% developed

Lesson 4
0% developed

Lesson 5
0% developed

Lesson 6
0% developed

Lesson 7
0% developed

Lesson 8
0% developed

Lesson 9
0% developed

Lesson 10
0% developed

Semester 2

Lesson 11
0% developed

Lesson 12
0% developed

Lesson 13
0% developed

Lesson 14
0% developed

Lesson 15
0% developed

Lesson 16
0% developed

Lesson 17
0% developed

Lesson 18
0% developed

Lesson 19
0% developed

Lesson 20
0% developed

Intermediate Hebrew

Semester 3

Lesson 1
0% developed

Lesson 2
0% developed

Lesson 3
0% developed

Lesson 4
0% developed

Lesson 5
0% developed

Lesson 6
0% developed

Lesson 7
0% developed

Lesson 8
0% developed

Lesson 9
0% developed

Lesson 10
0% developed

Semester 4

Lesson 11
0% developed

Lesson 12
0% developed

Lesson 13
0% developed

Lesson 14
0% developed

Lesson 15
0% developed

Lesson 16
0% developed

Lesson 17
0% developed

Lesson 18
0% developed

Lesson 19
0% developed

Lesson 20
0% developed

Advanced Hebrew

Semester 5

Lesson 1
0% developed

Lesson 2
0% developed

Lesson 3
0% developed

Lesson 4
0% developed

Lesson 5
0% developed

Lesson 6
0% developed

Lesson 7
0% developed

Lesson 8
0% developed

Lesson 9
0% developed

Lesson 10
0% developed

Semester 6

Lesson 11
0% developed

Lesson 12
0% developed

Lesson 13
0% developed

Lesson 14
0% developed

Lesson 15
0% developed

Lesson 16
0% developed

Lesson 17
0% developed

Lesson 18
0% developed

Lesson 19
0% developed

Lesson 20
0% developed



The Project

Authors and Contributors
Major authors · Contributors 100% developed

Project History
Announcing the Project · Latest News & Updates 100% developed

Current Development
Setting Up · Tasks · Help needed! 100% developed

Aims and Objectives
Goals · Purpose · Vision 25% developed

Basic Resources · Structural Syllabus · Target Lexicon · Lesson Design · Choosing Model Sentences · Explaining Grammar · Composing Mini-exercises · Vocabulary Control · Review Exercises · Layout Procedures 0% developed

Integration with Hebrew course at Wikiversity 0% developed

Authors' Workbench

Proposed Syllabus
Planned Structural Content 0% developed

Planned Lexicon
Provisional Word List 25% developed

Unit & Lesson Structure
How to Write a Lesson · Overall Structure · Themes and Functions · Communicative Goals · Structures · Culture · Composition · Vocabulary · Commentary · Review 0% developed

Layout Guide
Model Component · Themes and Functions · Communicative Goals · Structures · Culture · Composition · Vocabulary · Commentary · Review 0% developed

Using the Templates
Template Basics · Template Index 0% developed

How to...
Start a New Page · Develop a Lesson 0% developed

Page Log
Newly Created Pages are Logged Here 50% developed

Project Notebook
Bits, Pieces, and Snippets 0% developed

Archived Pages · Deletion · Trash 100% developed


English - Hebrew Vocabulary · Hebrew - English Vocabulary 0% developed

Subject Index
Subjects · Topics 0% developed

Common Errors · Hints · Tricks 0% developed

Keyboard · Practicing 0% developed

Verb Tables
Conjugations · English-Hebrew Index · Hebrew-English Index 0% developed

Reading Book · Work Book 0% developed


Simple Texts

Advanced Texts

Declaration of Independence

Information & Resources