Healthy eating habits/Healthy Eating with the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating 2013

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Adapted from the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, 2013

The Australian Dietary Guidelines Simplified

The new Australian Guide to Healthy Eating was released this year (2013) and there are five major recommendations:

  • Achieve and maintain a healthy weight, be physically active, and choose nutritious foods to meet your energy needs;
  • Enjoy a wide range of nutritious foods from the five food groups;
  • Limit foods high in saturated fat, salt, sugar and alcohol;
  • Encourage and support breastfeeding;
  • Follow food safety recommendations.

This simplified tool focuses on the first two recommendations and is aimed to help you meet the new Healthy Eating Guidelines for Australian adults.

How many serves should I be having?

Vegetables 0006
Recommended Number of Serves for Australian Adults

Food Group Male (19-50yo) Female (19-50yo)
Vegetables 6 5
Fruit 2 2
Meat and Other Protein Sources 3 2.5
Cereals and Grains 6 6
Dairy 2.5 2.5

Information sourced from [1]

Healthy Eating and the 5 Food Groups

Table to help adults calculate how many serves of each food groups is recommended
Healthy Eating and the 5 food groups

Use the table below to fill in your recommended number of serves based on your age and gender and use the serving size references to help you with portion control. You can also use the Daily Tally column to monitor your own intake and achieve your optimum intake from the 5 food groups.

Food Group What is a Serve? My recommended Number of Serves My Daily Tally of Serves
Vegetables ½ cup cooked green or orange vegetables,

½ cup cooked beans lentils or peas, 1 cup of salad, ½ medium potato, 1 medium tomato.

Fruit 1 medium banana, apple, orange or pear

2 small kiwis, apricots or plums, 1 cup canned fruit (no added sugar).

Meat and Protein Sources 65g cooked lean meat (beef, lamb, pork, kangaroo),

80g cooked lean poultry, 100g cooked fish fillet, 2 large eggs, 1 cup cooked legumes, lentils or peas, 170g tofu.

Breads and Cereals 1 slice of bread,

½ cup cooked pasta, noodles, rice or quinoa, 2/3 cup cereal (e.g. flaked cereal), ½ cup cooked porridge, ¼ cup muesli.

Dairy 1 cup milk or milk substitute with 100mg calcium per 100ml,

2 slices of firm/hard cheese (e.g. Colby, Cheddar), ½ cup soft cheese (eg. ricotta), ¾ cup yoghurt.

Sourced from [2]

Where Can I Get More Information?

Tasty Food Abundance in Healthy Europe

You can find more information about healthy eating at the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating website.


  1. National Health and Medical Research Council. (2013). Australian Dietary Guidelines Summary. Retrieved 30 October, 2013, from
  2. National Health and Medical Research Council. (2013). Healthy Eating for Adults. Retrieved 30 October, 2013, from
  1. Food Standards Australia and New Zealand. (2010). NUTTAB 2010 Online Searchable Database. Retrieved from
  2. [National Health and Medical Research Council. (2013). Australian Dietary Guidelines Summary. Retrieved 30 October, 2013, from]