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Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular modernized/Time generally

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Lesson 11 - Time generally

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Section I

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Pêng'im TL Characters English
bai3(2)ig4 pài-ik Monday.
bai3(2)ri7 pài-zī Tuesday.
bai3(2)san1 pài-sann Wednesday.
bai3(2)si3 pài-sì Thursday.
bai3(2)ngou6 pài-ngŏu Friday.
bai3(2)lag8 pài-lâk Saturday.
loi2(6)bai3 lói-pài Sunday.
zian1ghuêh8 tsiann-gûeh First moon or New Year's days.
ri7ghuêh8 zī-gûeh Second moon.
san1ghuêh8 sann-gûeh Third moon.
Pêng'im TL Characters English
gian2(6)rig8 bai3(2)gui3? kíann-zîk pài-kùi? What day of the week is to-day?
gian2(6)rig8 bai3(2)ig4 kìann-zîk pài-ik To-day is Monday.
le2 ê6(7)gai5(7) bai3(2)ig4 lai5 lúr ĕ-kâi pài-ik lâi You come on Monday next.
ua2 zi2(6)gai5(7) loi2(6)bai3 m7oin5 zai6 úa tsí-kâi lói-pài m̆-ôin tsăi I am very busy this week.
ua2 man3(2)ki2 gai5(7) se7 zoi7zai6 úa mànn-khí kâi sūr tsōi-tsăi I shall have a great deal of work to-morrow.
sing1sêng1 le2 man3(2)ki2 za2(6)zê7lai5 sing-seng lúr mànn-khí tsá-tsē lâi Teacher, you come a little earlier tomorrow.
ua2 ain3(2)tag8 lang5(7)lo2, liou2 le2 ho2(6)dng2-ke3 úa àinn-thâk lâng-ló, líou lúr hó-tńg-khùr I will read a little, and then you can go.
bai3(2)san1 sing1sên1 le2 ming2(6)êng7 lai5 pài-sann sing-senn lúr míng-ēng lâi On Wednesday, teacher, you needn't come.
bai3(2)si3 ua2 m7do6 pài-sì úa m̆-tŏ I shan't be at home on Thursday.
bai3(2)ngou6 ua2 ba1lag4 dng2lai5 pài-ngŏu úa pa-lak tńg-lâi Probably, I shall be back on Friday.
bho5(7) dian7diêh8, bai3(2)lag8 ia7 m7zai1 bô tīann-tîeh, pài-lâk īa m̆-tsai I am not sure, I might come back on Saturday.
le2 bai3(2)lag8 ê6(7)gua3 lai5 lúr pài-lâk ĕ-kùa lâi You come on Saturday afternoon.
loi2(6)bai3(2)rig8 ua2 ain3(2)ke3(2) oi2(6)bai3 lói-pài-zîk úa àinn-khùr ói-pài On Sunday I go to worship.
gê1 m7gu2 ziu6(7) zian1ghuêh8 ke m̆-kú tsĭu tsiann-gûeh Before long it will be the New Year.
ri7ghuêh8 huang5(7)liou2(6) si6(7) cing3 zī-gûeh hûang-líou sĭ tshìng The second moon is still cold.
san1ghuêh8 iou2(6)ruah8 sann-gûeh íou zûah The third moon is a little less (cold.)

Section II

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Pêng'im TL Characters English
ciu1ig4 tshiu-ik First day of the moon.
ciu1ri7 tshiu-zī Second day of the moon.
ciu1san1 tshiu-sann Third day of the moon.
zab8(4)ig4 tsâp-ik Eleventh day of the moon.
zab8(4)ri7 tsâp-zī Twelfth day of the moon.
ghuêh8(4)dua7 gûeh-tūa A long moon.
ghuêh8(4)siê3 gûeh-sìe A short moon.
rung7ghuêh8 zūng-gûeh An intercalary moon.
rig8(4)sih8 zîk-sîh An eclipse of the sun.
ghuêh8(4)sih8 gûeh-sîh An eclipse of the moon.
ang1gên1 ang-kenn First watch from 7 to 9 p.m.
ri7gên1 zī-kenn Second watch „ 9 „ 11 „
san1gên1 sann-kenn Third watch „ 11 „ 1 a.m.
si3(2)gên1 sì-kenn Fourth watch „ 1 „ 9 „
ngou6(7)gên1 ngŏu-kenn Fifth watch „ 3 „ 5 „
Pêng'im TL Characters English
gian2(6)rig8 diang1si5? kíann-zîk tiang-sî? What is to day?
gian2(6)rig8 cig4(8)ghuêh8 ciu1ig4 kíann-zîk tshik-gûeh tshiu-ik To-day is the first of the seventh moon.
zab8(4)ig4 loi2(6)bai3 tsâp-ik lói-pài The eleventh (Chinese month) will be Sunday.
si6 a1 m7si6? sĭ a m̆-sĭ? Is it or is it not?
ua2 toin2 lah8(4)rig8 ziu6(7) zai1 úa thóinn lâh-zîk tsĭu tsai Let me see the calendar, and I will know it.
lah8(4)rig8 do6-ziê3, zab8(4)ri7 zian3(2)si6(7) loi2(6)bai3 lâh-zîk tŏ-tsìe, tsâp-zīa tsìann-sĭ lói-pài Here's the calendar, the twelfth will be Sunday.
m7si6(7) zab8(4)ig4 m̆-sĭ tsâp-ik It's not the eleventh.
zi2(6)gai5(7) ghuêh8 dua7 a1si6(7) siê3? tsí-kâi gûeh tūa a-sĭ sìe? Is this moon long or short?
m7zai1 m̆-tsai I don't know.
ghuêh8 dua7 ziu6(7) san1zab8, ghuêh8 siê3 ziu6(7) rih8(4)gao2 gûeh tūa tsĭu sann-tsâp, gûeh sìe tsĭu zîh-káu In a great moon there will be thirty days, and in a small moon twenty nine.
gê1nin5 u6(7) rung7ghuêh8 mê7? ke-nî ŭ zūng-gûeh mē? Is there an intercalary moon this year?
u6, rung7ngou6 ŭ, zūng-ngŏu Yes, the fifth intercalary moon.
za1mên5(7) ghuêh8 sih8(4) le2 u6(7) toin2 a1bho5? tsa-mênn gûeh sîh lúr ŭ thóinn a-bô? Last night there was an eclipse of the moon, did you see it?
m7zêng5, ua2 do6(7) ug8 m̆-tsêng, úa tŏ-ûk No, I was in bed.
za1mên5 san1gên1 sih8 tsa-mênn sann-kenn sîh The eclipse took place at the third watch last night.
ua2 nan7si6(7) zai1, ua2 zao2(6)ki2 lai5(7)toin2 úa nā-sĭ tsai, úa tsáu-khí lâi-thóinn If I had known, I would have got up to see it.
le2 za1rig8 bho5(7) gah4 ua2 dan3 lúr tsa-zîk bô kah úa tànn You didn't tell me yesterday.
ua2 za1rig8 m7gi3(2)dig4 gah4 le2 dan3 úa tsa-zîk m̆-kì-tik kah lúr tànn I forgot to tell you yesterday.
le2 zai1 rig8 diang1si5(7) zian3(2)sih8? lúr tsai zîk tiang-sî tsìann-sîh? Do you know when there will be an eclipse of the sun?
m7zai1, ua2 bho5(7) lah8(4)rig8? m̆-tsai, úa bô lâh-zîk I don't know, I haven't got a calendar.
ua2 za1mên5 tang3(2)mên5 bhoi6(7)ug8 úa tsa-mênn thàng-mênn bŏi-ûk I couldn't sleep the whole of last night.
ziên2(6)gên1-gai5(7) nang5 za1mên5 bho5(7) ziên2 tsíenn-kenn-kâi nâng tsa-mênn bô tsíen The watchman didn't watch last night.