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Handbook of Management Scales/Emotional support

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Emotional support (alpha = 0.90)

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Drawing on social support theory and using data from two samples of lower wage workers, the authors develop and validate a measure of family supportive supervisor behaviors (FSSB). FSSB is conceptualized as a multidimensional superordinate construct with four subordinate dimensions: emotional support, instrumental support, role modeling behaviors, and creative work-family management. Results from multilevel confirmatory factor analyses and multilevel regression analyses provide evidence of construct, criterion-related, and incremental validity.


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Family supportive supervisor behaviors are defined as behaviors exhibited by supervisors that are supportive of families.

Emotional support is focused on perceptions that one is being cared for, that one’s feelings are being considered, and that individuals feel comfortable communicating with the source of support when needed.


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  • My supervisor is willing to listen to my problems in juggling work and nonwork life.
  • My supervisor takes the time to learn about my personal needs.
  • My supervisor makes me feel comfortable talking to him or her about my conflicts between work and nonwork.
  • My supervisor and I can talk effectively to solve conflicts between work and nonwork issues.


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