Handbook of Genetic Counseling/Polydactyly and Syndactyly
Polydactyly and Syndactyly
Medical and Family History
[edit | edit source]- Medical history
- How/when did they diagnose the polydactyly/syndactyly?
- Is it bilateral?
- Has she had X-rays or other imaging? Is this scheduled?
- Pregnancy history - teratogen exposures, illness, womb anomalies
- Birth history - any complications?
- Hearing screen? Responses to sound?
- Family history
- Polydactyly/syndactyly? Other limb anomalies?
- Cleft lip or palate?
- Learning difficulties? Mental retardation?
- Heart defects? Kidney abnormalities?
- Skeletal abnormalities? Short stature? Other birth defects?
Overview of Hand/Foot Abnormalities
[edit | edit source]- Presence of more than normal number of fingers or toes
- Can vary from rudimentary finger or toe to fully developed extra digits
- Syndactyly
- Webbing or fusing of two or more fingers or toes
- Varies from incomplete webbing of skin of two digits to complete function of digits or fusion of bones and nails
- Fusion can be connected by shared skin, bones, nerves, vessels, or nails
- Polysyndactyly is presence of extra digits that are fused
- Fetal development of digits
- Limbs arise from small limb buds
- Upper limb bud appears 26-27 days after fertilization, lower limb bud 28-30 days
- Consists of mesenchymal core covered by epithelial tissue
- Apical ectodermal ridge (AER) forms along anteroposterior surface
- Longitudinal growth of limb with pattern forming proximodistally and anteroposteriorly
- Homeobox genes and morphogen (possibly retinoic acid) provide information for cell growth and division
- Separation of digits occurs due to programmed cell death in interdigital zones
- Limbs arise from small limb buds
- Anything that disrupts patterning or programmed cell death can result in limb defect
[edit | edit source]- Most are malformations except when associated with amniotic bands
- Can be classified based on anatomic criteria
- Syndactyly type I
- Cutaneous syndactyly of fingers 3 and 4 or toes 2 and 3
- Can be bilateral in hands (50%) and feet (66%)
- Syndactyly of toes is four times more common than fingers
- Can be inherited as autosomal dominant trait
- About twice as common in males than in females
- Syndactyly type II (synpolydactyly)
- Syndactyly of fingers 3 and 4 or toes 4 and 5 with partial or complete duplication of digit
- Can be variable, hand anomalies can be severe including clinodactyly
- Extra digit may have fused, forked, or broad metacarpals and metatarsals, complete or partial duplications or digit
- Incidence is uncertain, some autosomal dominant forms have been reported
- Syndactyly type III
- Variable cutaneous or osseous syndactyly of fingers 3 to 5
- Syndactyly might be complete or partial, nails may be fused
- Condition is rare
- Syndactyly type IV (Haas type polysyndactyly)
- Complete cutaneous syndactyly of fingers and/or thumbs with a degree of polydactyly on radiography and a hypoplastic or triphalangeal thumb
- Hands often resemble "mitten" deformity
- Rarely seen as isolated defect, very rare with few families reported
- Syndactyly type V
- Metacarpal and metatarsal fusion associated with variable degrees of syndactyly
- Usually involves digits 4 and 5 but can be variable
- Can be variable involvement within families
- Autosomal dominant and X-linked recessive families have been described
- Rare - only 10 families reported
- Complete syndactyly
- Includes digits 2-5 and may include thumb also
- Usually seen with Apert syndrome (craniosynostosis)
- Cenani-Lenz syndrome
- Syndactyly involving all elements of all digits, often with fusion of radius and ulna or tibia and fibula
- Hands and feet often appear as mass of digits
- Autosomal recessive inheritance
- Preaxial syndactyly
- Failure of separation of preaxial digits of hands and feet
- Postaxial digits are relatively normal
- Lack of separation of thumb from finger 2 in hands, similar in feet
- Only reported in one family
- Symbrachydactyly
- Shortening of phalanges and other elements of digits in association with cutaneous syndactyly
- Usually seen unilaterally, middle phalanges tend to be more severely affected
- Incidence estimated to be 1/32,000
- Syndactyly type I
[edit | edit source]- Usually manifest as extra digits or incomplete digits resulting in broad or bifid digit
- Postaxial polydactyly (80% of cases)
- Extra digit on ulnar or fibular side of limb
- Type A postaxial polydactyly
- Digit usually consists of three phalanges and nail
- Extra digit is relatively well formed but some or all of elements may be reduced
- Type B postaxial polydactyly
- Extra digit is represented by small conical projection or tag containing distal phalanx and nail on fifth digit
- 10 times more common in African-Americans than Caucasians
- Unilateral in 2/3 of cases, affects left side twice as commonly as right
- Autosomal dominant inheritance with reduced penetrance
- Preaxial polydactyly
- Preaxial polydactyly type I
- Complete or partial duplication of a normal biphalangeal thumb
- Varies from extra phalanx to complete hypoplastic thumb
- May cause broadening of distal phalanx to triphalangeal thumb
- More common in males, most often unilateral, usually not familial
- Part of many malformation syndromes
- Preaxial polydactyly type II (triphalangeal thumb)
- Opposable thumb with three phalanges
- Estimated incidence is 1/25,000
- Usually sporadic, associated with prenatal hydantoin and thalidomide exposure, can be autosomal dominant
- Preaxial polydactyly type III (polydactyly of an index finger)
- Duplication of the index finger with or without an additional biphalangeal or triphalangeal thumb
- Can be autosomal dominant or associated with genetic syndromes
- Preaxial polydactyly type IV (polysyndactyly)
- Duplication of preaxial digits associated with syndactyly of the extra rays
- May see broadening of thumbs or six or seven toes
- Autosomal dominant with complete penetrance
- Sporadic cases occur in 1/10,000 births
- Mirror hands and feet
- Polydactyly of hand or foot with appearance of mirror duplication around midline axis of arm or leg in absence of recognizable thumb or great toe
- Very rare with a few autosomal dominant cases but usually sporadic
- Preaxial polydactyly type I
Treatment/Management Options
[edit | edit source]- Diagnosed by external observation, X-ray, or ultrasound
- Polydactyly
- Can be corrected surgically to improve appearance and functioning
- Usually done at 1 year of age so skeletal development is complete and accurate anatomic assessment can be done
- May require reconstruction of any associated abnormalities in remaining digit
- Cast and soft dressing may be used until healed
- Syndactyly
- Treatment aimed at maintaining and improving function with cosmetic benefits
- Involves surgery and may require skin graft from groin area
- Surgery usually done after 1 year and may be delayed as late as 18-24 months
[edit | edit source]- MUMS parent to parent matching
- Phone: 1-877-336-5333
- Email: mums@netnet.net
- Web:www.netnet.net/mums/
- Penn State Health and Disease Information
- Web: www.hmc.psu.edu/healthinfo/pq/poly.htm
- Specific resources and support groups available for genetic conditions
[edit | edit source]- "Hands and Feet." Human Malformations and Related Anomalies (1993). Oxford University Press, NY.
- Novick, Car***"Polydactyly of the Foot." eMedicin***www.emedicing.com
- "Polydactyly." Health Library. www.mercksource.com
- "Polydactyly and Syndactyly." Penn State Health and Disease Information. www.hmc.psu.edu/healthinfo/
[edit | edit source]The information in this outline was last updated in 2001.