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3D RGB profile of the rainbow diagram. Color is read from the 4-th column of the input using : lc rgb variable

Color specification

  • explicit rgb (red, green, blue) values
    • hex-string (like "#0000ff")
    • rgbvalue (like "256")
  • named colors
  • color values that refer to the current PM3D palette
    • palette cb -45 # whatever color corresponds to -45 in the current cbrange of the palette
    • palette frac 0.3 # fractional value along the palette
rgbcolor "colorname" # e.g. "blue"
rgbcolor "0xRRGGBB" # string containing hexadecimal constant
rgbcolor "0xAARRGGBB" # string containing hexadecimal constant
rgbcolor "#RRGGBB" # string containing hexadecimal in x11 format
rgbcolor "#AARRGGBB" # string containing hexadecimal in x11 format
rgbcolor <integer val> # integer value representing AARRGGBB
rgbcolor variable # integer value is read from input file
palette frac <val> # <val> runs from 0 to 1
palette cb <value> # <val> lies within cbrange
palette z
variable # color index is read from input file
bgnd # background color