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THREADSTATUS[edit | edit source]

Function[edit | edit source]

(+) Appearance (+) Standard (+) Console

Syntax[edit | edit source]

abortBoolean = THREADSTATUS[(ticks&)]

Revised[edit | edit source]

August, 2002 (Release 7)

Description[edit | edit source]

In a threaded function, it is necessary to tell the Thread Manager when you wish to yield to other running processes. A thread which yields very little time will run faster, but will cause all other operations on the computer to run at a slower rate. The THREADSTATUS function returns a Boolean result to indicate whether or not the thread should continue operation. One reason that a thread might be asked to cease operation would be if the computer was about to shut down. When you receive a non-zero result from the THREADSTATUS statement, you should exit the threaded function immediately.

See Also[edit | edit source]