French For Football/Manual Of Style

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This page gives the overall aim and style of the book for the guidance of contributing authors, and is intended to remain fairly stable while the book is being written. The detailed contents of the book and progress of the writing are shown on the Planning page. Current activity is concentrated on gathering suitable source material in a phrase book and glossary. The book introduction presented to the student is shown here: Introduction

Intended Users of "French For Football"

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Students from beginners onwards, who are looking for a different kind of course to motivate their learning of French.

The students must have a strong interest in football.

Most students are most likely to studying the book at home with each module designed to take about 45 minutes. Two successive modules would be suitable for an evening class of 1.5 to 2 hours.

Substantial use is made of external media including DVDs, web pages and internet radio stations so the student needs a DVD player and internet access (preferably broadband).

Learning Objectives

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  • To understand the greater part of match commentaries broadcast over TV or radio in French.
  • To understand a large part of TV and radio interviews and discussions about football.
  • To understand the essential information from sports reports and features in newspapers, magazines or on the internet.
  • To be able and willing to hold extended conversations in French, about football.

A major purpose of this book is to give a more rewarding appreciation of French society to students who might otherwise only engage with the French people on a superficial level.

What this book is not

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  • A school text book or supplementary information pack
  • A football instruction manual or history
  • A comprehensive description of French football
  • A book that covers any other individual sports or sport in general

General Organisation of Material

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The course is broken down into modules/lessons suitable for about 45 minutes of study. When printed in book form, it is planned that there would be two pages of about 50% study material and 50% exercise material making up the module. In addition to proper names, it is estimated that each module can introduce about 40 - 60 new words. All spoken material is to be placed in a separate appendix for scripts, which will include scripts which form part of the lesson and also extra spoken material associated with the lesson.

The guideline quantities of text in each module are:

Type of Text French English
Words in lesson (unspoken) 400 - 500 350 - 450
Words in lesson (spoken) 100 - 125 0
Extra scripted speech 200 - 225 0
Speech in instructions 75 - 100 75 - 100
Total Words 775 - 950 425 - 550

Material in appendices for grammar, verb tables, vocabulary and answers to exercises are considered additional to the estimates shown above.

Stages or Levels

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These modules or lessons are grouped under 4 main stages or chapters appropriate to the student's progress and linked with particular types of supplementary material. i.e. DVDs, radio & TV broadcasts, web sites and printed sports news.


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Essential material is presented to enable comprehension of match commentaries of recent World Cup and European Championships on DVDs or videotapes. French versions of these can be imported at reasonable cost, and the students are encouraged to believe they have embarked on an enjoyable course. There will be easy exercises in writing and speaking to describe the main events in the matches.

Stage 1

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Further material and information about the French football leagues is provided. Match reports broadcast by French radio stations and brief reports on the internet is studied. There is some use of video material, but less than in the previous stage.

Stage 2

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Students develop their conversational skills by describing the team they support and their own involvement as a player or supporter. Material for skills training is introduced. Sports reports in newspapers and longer articles on the French Wikipedia is studied.

Stage 3

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Vocabulary to describe different styles of play and team tactics is introduced. The business aspects of the game including transfers, sponsorship and the effects of the media are discussed.


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An overall grammar reference, verb tables and glossary are provided. Also answers to exercises and scripts for spoken mini-dramas used with the modules.

Style of Presentation

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Colourful and striking language is preferred including colloquial usages, but no little or no slang.

The style should be equally acceptable to teenagers and adults; i.e. not too stuffy or too jazzy.

Translations included are the ones used in the context of football, other alternative meanings are generally omitted. (Unless this creates particular problems.)

Module topics are relevant to the grammatical content where possible, e.g. by using well known sequences of past or planned events to explore the use of different verb forms.

Use is made of students' existing knowledge of football, e.g. by discussing well known events and current issues on which student are likely to have their own views.

Additional vocabulary may be provided by the tutor, or researched by the students.

To avoid confusion a focussed and graduated approach to different elements of grammar and linguistics underpins the material. This applies particularly to exercises whose results can be assessed.

Grammar and essential vocabulary can be revised in say, every 3rd or 4th module, which could otherwise be skipped if no revision is thought to be needed.

The material is suitable either for private study, or classroom use by selection of optional exercises and activities.

Possible Pitfalls

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Any biographical information that is included should be kept to a minimum and avoid gossip or controversy.

Other “facts” about football should be verifiable from reliable sources to avoid too many embarrassing goofs.

In a classroom situation, students may want to resort to English in order to say things for which they do not yet have the words. The tutor should be ready to handle this.

Students working on their own may find it difficult to practice their speaking and conversation skills.