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Foundations and Assessment of Education/Edition 1/Foundations Table of Contents/Chapter 12/Chapter Review

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By: Rebecca Burton

Chapter Summary

The main components of this chapter deal with equity, its definition, and ways to implement it into the classroom. The chapter discusses the various ways in which teachers can implement equity in the classroom through activities such as picking group members for group formation. The chapter also discusses the role that the law takes regarding equity, and court cases that have dealt with these issues in the past such as students' rights. The chapter looks at the critical elements that face students, when trying to detect child abuse and neglect among classmates as well. Equity is an important value that students and teachers alike need to be familiar and aware of, and this chapter extensively looks into all of the aspects of this issue.

Learning Targets

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1. The reader will understand the concept of equity and its role in the classroom.

2. The reader will be able to understand the influence of teachers' roles in the classroom.

3. The reader will be able to assess an inequitable situation and determine the best course of action.

4. Students should be able to recognize some signs of child abuse and child neglect in a classroom.

5. Students will know the proper procedure of reporting suspicions of child abuse or neglect.

6. Students will be able to identify the three types of child abuse and some of the corresponding statistics of each.

7. Students will be able to identify and understand the basic philosophy of the courts when determining the extent of students' rights.

8. Students will be able to recognize the similarities and differences between constitutional rights in school and also those outside of school.

9. Students will be able to identify the major court case which set the groundwork for all future Supreme Court cases involving students' rights.

10. Students will be able to make informed decisions in real-life situations based on the knowledge presented in the chapter.

11. Students will be able to inform colleagues and students of the information contained in this article.

12. Students will be able to define ethics and character education.

13. Students will be able to identify the various ways ethics are integrated into schools and classrooms, and various ways of teaching ethics in the classroom.

14. Students will be able to identify how parents can participate in their children'€™s learning of ethics in school.

15. The reader will be able to list at least two current issues in the media dealing with the ethics and law of educational institutions.

16. The reader will be able to describe the main student rights being infringed upon according to recent issues in the media.

Multiple Choice Questions

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1) Which of the following is not a good way to create equity in a classroom?

A) Learning students names

B) Knowing your audience

C) Separating students based upon gender

D) Group discussions and projects

2) When separating students, which is a good technique to use to help with the issue of equity?

A) dividing students based on race and gender in addition to having equal members in each group

B) picking names out of a hat

C) alphabetical order

D) separating the boys from the girls

3) Who is the main group responsible for creating equity in the classroom?

A) Parents

B) Teachers

C) Students

D) Guidance Counselors

4) Ms. Hardee is trying to integrate students by engaging them in activities in which they can interact with their classmates. Which of the following will work best?

A) Having the students write their own papers

B) Making students give oral presentations themselves

C) Having one person in the group speak for the entire group

D) Having the students get to know each other and tell the class one thing about each person in their group

5) What percentage of abuse/neglect victims are white?

A. 49.5

B. 48.8

C. 30.3

D. 29.8

6) What percentage of victims of abuse are victims of sexual abuse?

A. 2.3

B. 45.5

C. 19.2

D. 8.8

7) Mrs. Smith has a student that comes into class with dirty clothes and seems to always be hungry. The teacher suspects child neglect. What should the teacher do?

A. The teacher is just overacting and should forget about it

B. The teacher should punish the child for coming into her classroom looking dirty

C. The teacher should go talk to the principle

D. The teacher should give the child a cracker and tell him/her to stop complaining

8) Henry is 5 and tells his teacher that his bottom hurts. In addition,Henry has been coming into school with bruises all over his arm. What should the teacher do?

A. Just forget it, Henry must be telling a story.

B. Record the conversation and go to the principal.

C. Go have a talk with Henry'€™s parents.

D. Go tell the principal.

9) Which of these was a landmark case which set the precedent for all Supreme Court decisions regarding student's rights?

a) Balboa v. Creed

b) Tinker v. Des Moines

c) Mothra v. Godzilla

d) Good v. Evil

10) What is the Latin term referring to teachers status as the 'temporary parents' of their students?

a) vene vidi vici

b) in vino veritas

c) in loco parentis

d) cogito ergo sum

11) Which of these situations is least likely to be protected under the Constitution by the Supreme Court?

a) A student wears a t-shirt depicting the principal of the school with the words "This is not a cool person" written underneath

b) Two students put duct tape over their mouth to protest the unfair treatment of homosexuals

c) A group of FFA members release two dozen cows into the hallway during class

d) An athlete turns his back to the flag during the singing of the national anthem

12) Which of these government employees may search a student based on a 'reasonable suspicion' of criminal activity?

a) a teacher

b) a police officer

c) an FBI agent

d) all of the above

13) What is ethical knowledge?

A. Intrinsic features of awareness between moral and ethical principles.

B. Knowing what is good or evil

C. Practicing ethics

D. The practice of common sense

14)What should teacher assessment practice include?

A. Bias factors

B. Fair standards

C. Instructional objectives

D. Opinions of the teacher

15) Many teachers do not intervene whey they see their colleague mistreating a student due to what factor?

A. Confidentiality

B. Embarrassment

C. Fear

D. Respect

16) What is the difference between the terms ethics education€ and character education?

a)€œ character education is a term used only to refer to moral responsibilities

b) ethics education€ is a term used to describe only what is taught in schools

c) ethics education is used only when talking about colleges

d) nothing; the 2 terms are used interchangeably

17) What type of ethics education program would include a definitive, age-appropriate curriculum?

a) formal

b) informal

c) modeling

d) role playing

18) Which is an example of an informal approach to teaching ethics?

a) Mrs. Apple'€™s kindergarten class reviews a list of written rules about the school's honor code.

b) Fox Grove Middle School'€™s ethics education committee chooses the theme of good citizenship for the month of March.

c) Mr. Smith points out to Joey how nice it was of him to hold the door for George.

d) Miss Talbot's 6 grade class attends a weekly seminar about good citizenship.

19) Which is not one of the "six pillars of character"?

a) anger

b) citizenship

c) respect

d) trustworthiness

20) Which of the following would be considered modeling?

a) Mrs. Albert asks her students to draw a picture of someone doing something helpful.

b) Mr. Jones teaches his class a song about being nice.

c) Tom makes a clay statue of a police officer.

d) When Zach picks up the pencil Miss Wells drops, she smiles and thanks him in front of the class.

21) Which of the following is not a students’ right that is being being infringed upon according to the media?

A. Freedom of Assembly

B. Freedom of Expression

C. Freedom of Religion

D.Freedom of Speech

22) If a student is told that he cannot talk or write about his religious views at school, which of his freedoms are not being infringed upon?

A. Freedom of Assembly

B. Freedom of Expression

C. Freedom of Religion

D. Freedom of Speech

23) Jose is a student at a public in the state of New York. After she graduates, she sees a counselor and it comes out that her librarian had sexually abused her. How long does Jose have to report the matter under the current statute of limitations?

A. 4 years after turning 18

B. 5 years after turning 18

C. 90 days after turning 18

D. 100 days after turning 18

24) What do teachers use as a guide or reference, when they need to make an ethical decision?

A. Code of ethics for educators

B. Law books

C. School policies

D. Teacher's code of ethics


1)C. 2)A. 3)B. 4)D. 5)B 6)D. 7)C. 8)B. 9)B. 10)C. 11)C. 12)A. 13)A. 14)B. 15)C. 16)D. 17)A. 18)C. 19)A. 20)D. 21)A. 22)A. 23)C. 24)A.