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Fire Simulation for Engineers/FDS/Building

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An university building

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A more complex example is included within BlenderFDS distribution.

A three-floors university building is modeled. A 1500 kW fast fire is positioned at ground floor near the main entrance. The calculation domain is divided into three MESHs for parallel calculation. Round geometries are exported to FDS notation.

Blender screenshot of university building
University building model

The following text is the first part of the generated FDS input file:

 ! Generated by BlenderFDS (Version: 0.44 2010/05/05)
 ! Fri, 28 May 2010 09:22:16
 ! Voxel Size: 0.125, 0.124, 0.120
 &HEAD CHID='uni-build-s1',
     TITLE='University building, scenario 1' /! Start of header file
 !!! General configuration
 &TIME T_END=900.0 /
 &REAC ID='polyurethane', SOOT_YIELD=0.1875,
     CO_YIELD=0.02775, C=1.0, H=1.75, O=0.25, N=0.065,
 &MATL ID='Gypsum plaster', CONDUCTIVITY=0.48,
     SPECIFIC_HEAT=0.84, DENSITY=1440. /
 &PROP ID='acme smoke detector', QUANTITY='CHAMBER OBSCURATION',
 ! End of header file
 !!! Boundary conditions defs
 &SURF ID='Burner', RGB=204,0,3, HRRPUA=300.00,
     TAU_Q=-230.63, FYI='1500 kW on 5 m2, fast fire' /
 &SURF ID='Gypsum wall', RGB=184,187,137,
     MATL_ID='Gypsum plaster', THICKNESS=0.03 /
 &SURF ID='Glass pane', RGB=0,204,201, TRANSPARENCY=0.200 /
 !!! Computational domain
 ! IJK=84,125,54 (567000 cells, actual size 0.250, 0.248, 0.240)
 &MESH ID='Domain +1', XB=10.500,31.500,-14.817,16.183,0.000,12.968,
     IJK=84,125,54 /
 ! IJK=84,125,54 (567000 cells, actual size 0.250, 0.248, 0.240)
 &MESH ID='Domain 0', XB=-10.500,10.500,-14.817,16.183,0.000,12.968,
     IJK=84,125,54 /
 ! IJK=84,125,54 (567000 cells, actual size 0.250, 0.248, 0.240)
 &MESH ID='Domain -1', XB=-31.500,-10.500,-14.817,16.183,0.000,12.968,
     IJK=84,125,54 /
 !!! Geometry
 ! Start object 
 &VENT ID='External BC', PBX=-31.500, SURF_ID='OPEN' /
 &VENT ID='External BC_1', PBX=31.500, SURF_ID='OPEN' /
 &VENT ID='External BC_2', PBY=-14.817, SURF_ID='OPEN' /
 &VENT ID='External BC_3', PBY=16.183, SURF_ID='OPEN' /
 &TAIL  / ! Generated in 144.747 sec