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Final Fantasy VII/Status Effects

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During battles in Final Fantasy VII, many status effects can be induced on your party or enemies.

Below is list of status effects, their appearance, their effects when used, and their remedies.

List of Status Effects

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Name Appearance Effect Remedies
Beserk Target glows red Attack damage is rased, however character becomes uncontrollable. Commands cannot be entered until the battle ends, the status is removed, or the character dies Remedy (Item), Esuna (Magic), Angel Whisper (Enemy Skill), White Wind (Enemy Skill)
Confusion Target rotates on the spot Commands cannot be entered and the target randomly attacks both enemies and allies (including itself) Any physical attack, Remedy (Item), Esuna (Magic), Angel Whisper (Enemy Skill), White Wind (Enemy Skill)
Darkness Target glows dark grey Hit rate dramatically reduced Eye Drops (Item), Remedy (Item), Esuna (Magic), Angel Whisper (Enemy Skill), White Wind (Enemy Skill)
Death Sentence Timer appears over target head Target will be instantly killed when the timer reaches zero Death Force (Enemy Skill) prevents instant death once the timer reaches zero
Frog Target appears as a frog Target's attack damage significantly reduced, unable to cast magic Maidens Kiss (Item), Remedy (Item), Esuna (Magic), Angel Whisper (Enemy Skill), White Wind (Enemy Skill)
Fury Characters limit gauge is coloured red Character receives more damage from enemies, however limit gauge fills faster Tranquilizer (Item)
Paralysis Target stops moving Target cannot act in battle for a short amount of time Remedy (Item), Esuna (Magic), Angel Whisper (Enemy Skill), White Wind (Enemy Skill)
Petrification Target stops moving and turns to stone Target cannot act in battle. If all allies are turned petrified, the battle is lost Soft (Item), Remedy (Item), Esuna (Magic), Angel Whisper (Enemy Skill), White Wind (Enemy Skill)
Poison Target glows green Target takes small damage periodically during battle Antidote (Item), Remedy (Item), Poisona (Magic), Esuna (Magic), Angel Whisper (Enemy Skill), White Wind (Enemy Skill)
Sadness Characters limit gauge is coloured blue Character receives less damage from enemies, however limit gauge fills slower Hyper (Item)
Silence Small muted speech bubble appears over targets head Target unable to cast magic Echo Screen (Item), Remedy (Item), Esuna (Magic), Angel Whisper (Enemy Skill), White Wind (Enemy Skill)
Small Target appears small Attack power reduced (all physical attacks deal 1 point of damage) Cornucopia(Item), Remedy (Item), Esuna (Magic), Angel Whisper (Enemy Skill), White Wind (Enemy Skill)

Other Status Effects

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Name Appearance Effect Remedies
Barrier Barrier gauge fills Target receives reduced damage from physical attacks Debarrier (Magic), Despell (Magic)
Haste Targets moves faster Target's ATB gauge fills faster Slow (Magic), Stop (Magic)
MBarrier MBarrier gauge fills Target receives reduced damage from magical attacks Debarrier (Magic), Despell (Magic)
Regen Target glows orange Target's HP rapidly replenishes Despell (Magic)
Slow Target moves slower Target's ATB gauge fills slower Haste (Magic)
Stop Target stops moving Target cannot act for a short period of time None