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Feng Shui/Substitute Star/Substitute Stars Of Period 3

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The Substitute Stars of Period 3 (also known as Age 3) are given on this page.

Grid Directions

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The directions of the grids in each Flying Star Chart are as follows:

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For example, for Direction W1-E1 of the Original Flying Star Chart in Period 3, the stars in the West direction are 753. This means that a room in the West of the house/property has the stars 753. Similarly, a room in the South of the same property has the stars 975. For Direction W1-E1 of the Substitute Flying Star Chart in the same Period/Age, the stars in the West direction are 754, and the stars in the East direction are 319.

In every Flying Star Chart on this page (and in this book), the South is always on top, and the North is always at the bottom of a grid. In Chinese, a magnetic compass is known as a "South Pointing Needle" (指南针). As a matter of perspective, this may help explain why a Nine-Palace Chart is always drawn with the South direction on top. A typical way to use a Nine-Palace Chart (aka Flying Star Chart) is to align the South direction and superimpose it onto the architectural plan of a house or property.

Original Flying Star Chart [W1-E1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

429 975 297
318 531 753
864 186 642

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W1-E1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=W1, and Facing Direction=E1

421 976 298
319 532 754
865 187 643

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Original Flying Star Chart [W2-E2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

622 176 894
713 531 358
267 985 449

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W2-E2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=W2, and Facing Direction=E2

622 176 894
713 531 358
267 985 449

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Original Flying Star Chart [W3-E3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

622 176 894
713 531 358
267 985 449

Substitute Flying Star Chart [W3-E3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=W3, and Facing Direction=E3

622 176 894
713 531 358
267 985 449

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Original Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing Direction=SE1

523 977 795
614 432 259
168 886 341

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW1-SE1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NW1, and Facing Direction=SE1

723 277 995
814 632 459
368 186 541

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Original Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing Direction=SE2

321 876 198
219 432 654
765 987 543

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW2-SE2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NW2, and Facing Direction=SE2

521 176 398
419 632 854
965 287 743

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Original Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing Direction=SE3

321 876 198
219 432 654
765 987 543

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NW3-SE3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NW3, and Facing Direction=SE3

529 175 397
418 631 853
964 286 742

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Original Flying Star Chart [N1-S1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

926 472 294
115 837 659
561 383 748

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N1-S1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=N1, and Facing Direction=S1

828 374 196
917 739 552
463 285 641

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Original Flying Star Chart [N2-S2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

728 373 591
619 837 155
264 482 946

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N2-S2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=N2, and Facing Direction=S2

628 273 491
519 737 955
164 382 846

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Original Flying Star Chart [N3-S3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

728 373 591
619 837 155
264 482 946

Substitute Flying Star Chart [N3-S3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=N3, and Facing Direction=S3

828 473 691
719 937 255
364 582 146

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Original Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing Direction=SW1

728 274 996
817 639 452
363 185 541

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE1-SW1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NE1, and Facing Direction=SW1

726 272 994
815 637 459
361 183 548

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Original Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing Direction=SW2

521 175 393
412 639 857
966 284 748

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE2-SW2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NE2, and Facing Direction=SW2

521 175 393
412 639 857
966 284 748

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Original Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing Direction=SW3

521 175 393
412 639 857
966 284 748

Substitute Flying Star Chart [NE3-SW3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=NE3, and Facing Direction=SW3

521 175 393
412 639 857
966 284 748

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Original Flying Star Chart [E1-W1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

924 579 792
813 135 357
468 681 246

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E1-W1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=E1, and Facing Direction=W1

124 679 892
913 235 457
568 781 346

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Original Flying Star Chart [E2-W2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

226 671 498
317 135 853
762 589 944

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E2-W2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=E2, and Facing Direction=W2

226 671 498
317 135 853
762 589 944

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Original Flying Star Chart [E3-W3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

226 671 498
317 135 853
762 589 944

Substitute Flying Star Chart [E3-W3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=E3, and Facing Direction=W3

226 671 498
317 135 853
762 589 944

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Original Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing Direction=NW1

325 779 597
416 234 952
861 688 143

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE1-NW1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SE1, and Facing Direction=NW1

327 772 599
418 236 954
863 681 145

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Original Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing Direction=NW2

123 678 891
912 234 456
567 789 345

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE2-NW2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SE2, and Facing Direction=NW2

125 671 893
914 236 458
569 782 347

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Original Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing Direction=NW3

123 678 891
912 234 456
567 789 345

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SE3-NW3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SE3, and Facing Direction=NW3

925 571 793
814 136 358
469 682 247

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Original Flying Star Chart [S1-N1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

629 274 492
511 738 956
165 383 847

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S1-N1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=S1, and Facing Direction=N1

828 473 691
719 937 255
364 582 146

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Original Flying Star Chart [S2-N2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

827 373 195
916 738 551
462 284 649

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S2-N2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=S2, and Facing Direction=N2

826 372 194
915 737 559
461 283 648

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Original Flying Star Chart [S3-N3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

827 373 195
916 738 551
462 284 649

Substitute Flying Star Chart [S3-N3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=S3, and Facing Direction=N3

828 374 196
917 739 552
463 285 641

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Original Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing Direction=NE1

827 472 699
718 936 254
363 581 145

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW1-NE1]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SW1, and Facing Direction=NE1

627 272 499
518 736 954
163 381 845

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Original Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing Direction=NE2

125 571 393
214 936 758
669 482 847

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW2-NE2]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SW2, and Facing Direction=NE2

125 571 393
214 936 758
669 482 847

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Original Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3]

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The Original Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing Direction=NE3

125 571 393
214 936 758
669 482 847

Substitute Flying Star Chart [SW3-NE3]

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The Substitute Flying Star Chart for Period=3, Mountain Direction=SW3, and Facing Direction=NE3

125 571 393
214 936 758
669 482 847

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