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Feng Shui/Aquarium Feng Shui/Location Of Aquariums In Period 8

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Feng Shui | Flying Star | Geomantic Chart | Facing Palace | Facing Stars | Mountain Stars | Earth Base | 24 Mountains | Aquarium | Substitute Star | Xuan Kong Da Gua | Bazi & YiChing | Compass Location | 64 Hexagrams | River Map | 10-Combo | 1-Gua

The preferred (best, second best, and third best) locations of aquariums in Period 8 houses are given in the following table:

Period 8
(Best Location)
Period 8
(2nd Best)
Period 8
(3rd Best)
South 1 South West North East
South 2 or South 3 South West ~ ~
South West 1 South West North ~
South West 2
or South West 3
North ~ ~
West 1 South East East North
West 2
or West 3
nil ~ ~
North West 1 South East South West ~
North West 2
or North West 3
South East ~ ~
North 1 North East ~
North 2 or North 3 North South West ~
North East 1 North ~ ~
North East 2
or North East 3
East South East South West
East 1 East South West North
East 2 or East 3 nil ~ ~
South East 1 South West 3 ~ ~
South East 2
or South East 3
South East South West East

Where the "Best Location" is indicated as "nil" in the above table, it means that the use of aquariums in the house is not advised. In these cases, other features, such as external Water, including ponds and lakes, may be used instead.

Ref: Yap, Joey. "Your Aquarium Here". JY Books Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia.